NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: Possible Data Destruction during v2.0a to v2.2 Upgrade DOCUMENT ID#: TB.P.295 DATE: 4 October 1991 PRODUCT: NetWare PRODUCT REVISION: v2.0a, v2.2 CROSS-REFERENCE: N/A SYMPTOM: "Drive not set up for Hot Fix" error ISSUE/PROBLEM When upgrading using any -U option of the NetWare v2.2 INSTALL utility, a situation can arise where data may be lost. In v2.2 INSTALL, the partition tables of the NetWare hard disks being upgraded are modified before Hot Fix is synchronized. The latter operation is performed when the user is in the File Server Definition window and presses F10 to continue installation upon finishing changes to this window. However, when the file server is being upgraded from Advanced NetWare v2.0a, a problem arises because Advanced 2.0a does not incorporate Hot Fix. The error "Drive not set up for Hot Fix" occurs when the user presses F10 to exit the File Server Definition screen of v2.2 Install and the upgrade then fails. At this point it is impossible to reboot the Advanced v2.0a server, since the partition table has been changed, and the only remaining choice for the user is to run the PREPARE utility to set up his or her file server hard disks for Hot Fix. Normally, PREPARE should run successfully, after which upgrade can be successfully run. But if PREPARE does not run successfully, the user is suspended permanently between the two versions and cannot recover his or her data without reinitializing the file server drives. A situation in which PREPARE does not run successfully occurs when at least 2% of the drive is not available for Hot Fix because the drive in question is full. ELS Level I NetWare v2.0a and SFT NetWare v2.0a do not have this problem, as they both are previously set up for Hot Fix. SOLUTION The first priority in planning an upgrade is to have at least one full system backup. This backup ensures a rapid and effective recovery from unforseen situations such as that described above. The solution to the above situation is to take the following two preventative steps beyond the necessary system backup. These two steps will be effective ONLY if they are implemented BEFORE running v2.2 INSTALL and trying to upgrade. The first step is to verify that at least 2% of a disk's space is available on each of the Advanced v2.0a file server's drives. If it is not, a backup should be made or obsolete files should be deleted until 2% of disk's space is available. The second step is to obtain the PREPARE utility PREP.ZIP (available on NetWire in downloadable Library 6) and run it on the Advanced v2.0a file server's drives. PREPARE sets up the file server drives for SFT Level I, or Hot Fix redirection. With Hot Fix redirection in place on the file server drives, v2.2 INSTALL completes the upgrade procedure successfully. Do NOT proceed with the upgrade until PREPARE has run successfully. In the near future, a new version of the v2.2 INSTALL utility will be made available which will prevent the user from upgrading if he or she does not have Hot Fix capabilities. Until that time, the above procedure must be followed to avoid data loss.