NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: NetWare 3.11 and 2.2 PCN2 LAN drivers DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.292 DATE: 03/04/91 PRODUCT: NetWare 386 PRODUCT REVISION: v3.11 SUPERSEDES: NA SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM The following LAN and Workstation drivers are going to ship with the new NetWare versions: 2.2 PCN2 LAN Drivers File Size File Date APCN2.OBJ 5,160 1-11-91 APCN2L.OBJ 5,159 1-11-91 3.11 PCN2 LAN Driver PCN2L.LAN 9,898 2-07-91 WSGEN PCN2 Drivers SPCN2.OBJ 5,861 9-05-91 SLANSUP.OBJ 4,327 10-31-90 DOSODI PCN2 Driver PCN2L.COM 13,576 1-17-91 ROUTEGEN PCN2 Driver APCN2.OBJ 5160 1-11-91 APCN2L.OBJ 5159 1-11-91 The L designation in the driver name signifies that the driver is using the IBM_PCN2_802.2 frame type. The drivers without the L designation use its own original Novell frame type. The 3.11 operating system will only support the IBM_PCN_802.2 frame type. The 2.2 operating systems will support both frame types. The 2.15 operating systems would only support the PCN Novell frame type; however, a 2.15 system can be upgraded using the APCN2L.OBJ driver to operate using both frame types. The SLANSUP WS driver will support the IBM_PCN2_802.2 frame type when the workstation is booted using the IBM LAN Support program. The two PCN2 frame types are not compatible. If the SPCN2.OBJ workstation driver is used in conjunction with the 3.11 PCN2L.LAN driver, the workstation will not be able to attach to the file server. If the 3.11 PCN2L file server is connected to an existing NetWare 2.x PCN2 internet, the 3.11 PCN2L file server will not be recognized by the other file servers on the internet. SOLUTION There are two workstation options: First to use the DOSODI PCN2L.COM driver. Second to use the SLANSUP driver, in conjunction with the IBM LAN Support Program. Both of these options will allow the workstations to attach correctly to the 3.11 PCN2L server. The 3.11 PCN2L servers can be used on the same internet with 2.1x and 2.2 servers by using a PCN2 - PCN2L router. Configured with both the APCN2.OBJ and APCN2L.OBJ LAN drivers, the router will handle both frame types.