ÿWPC0 ûÿ2ÿÿBVP¦Courier 10cpiÿÿ–2xxx ¹+Xx Œ ‘@ɇÏX@ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿCourier 10 Pitchs IIHPLASEII.PRSÛx Œ @ɇÏ,ðt0’„X@#|xûÿ2üÿÿWCÿÿšÿÿI· Z¢Standard PrinterUndefined packet). STANDARD.PRSÛx Œ @ɇÏÌb_#|xStandard PrinterUndefined packet). STANDARD.PRSÛx Œ @ɇÏ3`@ûÿ2.ÁàìÁNOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETINƒ TITLE:Â` ÂNovell Service Diskette (NSD#1) for the NetWare Requester for OS/2 v1.3Æ(#Æ DOCUMENT ID#:Â` ÂTB.P.288Æ(#Æ DATE:Â` Â05/06/91Æ(#Æ PRODUCT:Â` ÂNetWare OS/2 RequesterÆ(#Æ PRODUCT REVISION:Â` Âv1.3Æ(#Æ SUPERSEDES:Â` ÂNAÆ(#Æ SYMPTOM:Â` ÂNAÆ(#Æ ÂXÂISSUE/PROBLEMÂÂÆ(#Æ ÂXÂThe first Novell Service Diskette (NSD#1) for the NetWare Requester for OS/2 v1.3 is now available on NetWire, the file name is NSD001.ZIP located in the NDD area(go ndd), and will be available shortly to subscribers of NovellÀÀs UpDate program. The NDD area on Netwire is NovellÀÀs vehicle to distribute to customers updates to the NetWare Requester for OS/2. NSD001.ZIP solves minor issues found in the Requester software and includes an installation program to install the necessary files on the usersÀÀ system. If other Novell Service Diskettes are needed, they will be available through the same channels.Æ(#Æ ÂXÂResolutions on NSD001.ZIP to the NetWare Requester for OS/2 V1.3.Æ(#Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂApplications that use NetWare routines from the NWCALLS.DLL file when the Requester is not loaded will no longer be terminated. Instead, they will receive the following error message: 88ff (REQUESTER NOT LOADED).Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂA sending and receiving error code is now properly displayed as 8805 instead of 8905.Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂPreviously, if the ring broke on a Token-Ring network when the Requester was trying to send, the Requester would hang the workstation. Now the send process will simply time out and the Requester will return an error message.Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂOccasionally, OS/2's File Manager does not properly copy a network directory and its accompanying subdirectories. Previously, this error caused the system to hang. Now, because of changes to the Requester, users simply receive an error message.Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂPreviously, if you used the OS/2 E.EXE editor to create a new file, the file would not save properly to your file server. An error of 899C was returned. This problem no longer occurs.Æ(#` ÆÔh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒ™ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂChild processes now close correctly when using Named Pipes.Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂThe installation program, INSTALL.EXE, will now install on OS/2 Extended Edition when IBM NetBIOS is running. This was only a problem on OS/2 Extended Edition.Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂPreviously, if a Named Pipes server was a slower system than a Named Pipes client connected to it, performance was very poor. Performance has been improved in this situation.Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂA new configuration option, called "DisplayHardErrors," has been added to the NET.CFG file. This option allows programs to keep running without interaction when a hard error is displayed. This is specifically for sites with unattended workstations. The option has the following syntax:Æ(#` Æ displayharderrors no ÂXÂTo display error messages, simply leave this line out of the NET.CFG file.Æ(#Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂIn certain circumstances, a NetWare server specified with lower-case letters in a UNC path would not be recognized. This problem has been solved.Æ(#` Æ ÂXÂoÂX` ` ÂThe CMGRLAN.SYS driver replaces the TOKENEE.SYS driver. CMGRLAN.SYS works with IBM Ethernet, IBM PC, and Token-Ring networks using Extended Edition Communications Manager. If you are running OS/2 Extended Edition, you should use this new driver. Instructions on using CMGRLAN.SYS are found in the READCMGR.TXT file on the NSD#1 disk.Æ(#` Æ ÂX SOLUTION:Â` hh#ÂNAÆ(#hÆ