TECHNICAL BULLETIN Bulletin #1-261 Date: February 27, 1990 NetWare Version 2.15c UPDATE Utility Users have experienced the following difficulties when updating NetWare v2.15 from revision A to revision C. o The UPDATE utility does not copy the files as expected if the workstation performing the update does not have its environment set up correctly. The environment must contain a COMSPEC statement that points to an available directory. However, the COMSPEC statement cannot point to a directory on drive A or B. It must point to a valid, available directory, as in the following example: COMSPEC = C:\COMMAND.COM If the workstation is logged in to a network, you can use a COMSPEC statement similar to the following: COMSPEC = S3:COMMAND.COM o After using the UPDATE utility and NETGEN, some users have noticed that the operating system still has a revision A header instead of a revision C header. To fix this discrepancy, replace the old public utility and OS diskettes with the new diskettes that come with the update kit. After replacing the old diskettes, run NETGEN. After you have installed the newly configured operating system, the correct revision will be displayed.