TECHNICAL BULLETIN Bulletin 1-251 Date: September 26, 1989 Updated NetBIOS for NetWare Version 2.1x NETBIOS.EXE has been updated. The new NetBIOS utility has a file size of 21,219 bytes and is dated 7-20-89. The utility is available on NetWire. The following list describes the changes and enhancements to this utility. o The number of NetBIOS sessions specified in the SHELL.CFG file become active immediately without an adapter reset. Previously, the default number of NetBIOS sessions available was ten without a SHELL.CFG file. The number of active sessions was six. If more sessions were needed, the adapter had to be reset. If the adapter was reset but the SHELL.CFG file was not present, ten sessions became available. If a SHELL.CFG file was present and it contained the statement NETBIOS SESSIONS=xx (where xx is the number of NetBIOS sessions), that number of sessions would be opened when the adapter was reset. o The number of local names per workstation has increased from 16 to 26. o The maximum number of NetBIOS sessions per workstation available has increased from 100 to 250. o The default number of sessions per workstation (no SHELL.CFG statement) has increased from 10 to 32. o The minimum number of sessions and commands available is four per workstation. o A packet is now sent to the corresponding workstation when a session is aborted, that is, the partner in a session is now notified of the ABORT status. o The time out on the HANG UP command is now 20 seconds. This includes the time used to complete pending session sends. This places an upper boundary on the time to close a session. o Add Name now returns the appropriate IBM error when duplicate names are detected. o The session status command no longer affects the status of hung up or aborted sessions. o Broadcast datagrams and datagrams to group names now get sent to every known cached network where members of datagram groups are located. To avoid confusion, broadcast datagrams are not globally broadcast. Previously, the broadcast datagram went to the first workstation found. The datagram would not be received by any other member of the group. o The NetBIOS "ABEND Free IPX Block Failed" message previously occurred in situations where it should not have. Only three code paths can now cause this ABEND; all three point to legitimate causes for the error. o NetBIOS will now look for two new parameters in the SHELL.CFG file. These new options are NETBIOS INTERNET=ON/OFF (ON is default) NETBIOS COMMANDS=n (n can be from 4 to 250; default is 12) Setting the internetwork flag to OFF can be advantageous if NetBIOS is not expected to cross any bridges. Wait times can be significantly reduced. The number of commands needed may vary between applications. In most cases, the default is sufficient. However, if a NetBIOS error 22h should occur, the user should consider increasing this parameter. Most applications will trap this error and simply retry if a NetBIOS command is unavailable. In this case, increasing the number of commands would improve application performance. Anyone needing to know specifics on this should contact the software application developer to find out how many commands they might require.