Electronic Mail 2001 Presented by: Alarmsoft 2415 Lafayette Blvd. Norfolk, VA 23509 (804) 855-4686 DOS AND NETWORK COMPATIBLE FOR ALL IBM COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS NOTE: THERE ARE NO GUARANTEE'S OR WARRANTIES ISSUED WITH THIS PRODUCT. ADDITIONALLY, THERE IS NO ASSURANCE THAT THIS PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN TAMPERED WITH ONCE IT WAS RELEASED ON PUBLIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS. This program is available without any warranty whatsoever! AlarmSoft, its associates, owners, or assigns, makes no express warranties as to any matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of the program, its merchantability, or its fitness for any particular purpose. Company does not represent or warrant that the software may not be compromised or circumvented; or that the software is suitable for use; or that the system will in all cases provide the functions for which it is installed. AlarmSoft shall not be liable for consequential damages. User acknowledges that any affirmation of fact or promise made by Company shall not be deemed to create an express warranty; that Subscriber is not relying on Company's skill or judgment in selecting or using this software and that there are no express warranties which extend beyond that contained hereof. 2. THIRD PARTY INDEMNIFICATION: In the event any person not a party to this agreement shall make any claim or file any lawsuit against AlarmSoft for any reason relating to duties and obligations pursuant to this agreement including, but not limited to, the design, installation, maintenance, operation or non-operation of this software. User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Alarmsoft harmless from any and all such claims, injuries, damages and lawsuits including payment of all damages, expenses, costs and attorneys' fees. This provision shall apply to all claims, lawsuits, injuries or damages resulting therefrom, including those based upon the active or passive negligence of AlarmSoft, its associates, owners, agents, servants and employees; any alleged breach of warranty or contract on the part of AlarmSoft; or any allegation of strict or product liability relating to the system or its components parts. This paragraph shall not apply to claims for loss, injuries, or damages which loss, injury or damage occurs while an employee of Company is present on Customer's premises and which damage or loss is caused solely and directly by the employee of AlarmSoft at that time. IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE ABOVE, THEN YOU MAY NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE.. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY ERASE THIS PROGRAM. YOU MUST ADDITIONALLY AGREE TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Recent improvements above EM2001: Instantly loads into memory and can be "Popped-Up" on your screen for immediate use from within any DOS based program. (NOT AVAILABLE ON THIS COPY) Vastly enlarged message space can handle short notes to several page letters. Variable length record feature prevents wasted space on smaller messages. Improved memory resident feature uses less than 7 kilobytes of memory. Automatic detection of EMS and full EMS support. Pop-up calendar added. Message header enlarged for more complete descriptions Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 by Alarmsoft Electronic Mail 2001 is a memory resident program, fully network compatible, which functions as a "Pop-Up" utility for storing any type of messages, mail, notes, or text based files. EM2001 can be used for a variety of purposes. While it is primarily designed to be a NOVELL and other Network compatible multi-user mail system, It also works equally well on any IBM compatible PC as a POP up message system. EVERYONE THAT USES A PC WILL BENEFIT FROM EM2001 It's excellent for instantly storing: Phone Messages Telephone Numbers Notes taken while on the phone Informal Quotes given to your customers Wordstar Keystroke Compatible mini-word processing Best of all, if you are on a NOVELL network, your entire office is integrated into a multi-user office mail system with automatic notification on your terminal when mail is placed in your mailbox. Read what our users say: Robert Teegle: "I use EM2001 in my line of work. I am constantly on my PC and on the Phone. I use EM2001 for all my messages. I also created a mailbox where I store quotations I have given to my customers. Our sales department uses a mailbox with many scripts that phone canvassers use when calling on our clients". Cindy Basham: "Before EM2001, our office was flooded with hundreds of post-it notes and written phone messages. Now, our office is integrated with EM2001. Each user has their own note box on the system which has eliminated post-it notes sticking everywhere. Best of all, when I enter a message into the system for one of our office people, they are immediately notified on their terminal screen that new mail was entered for them." Laura Beason: "EM2001 saved our office over $10,000.00 on building repairs! Our office uses EM2001 for all aspects of electronic mail and messages. I am especially pleased with the UNIVERSAL FIND feature which recently saved our company a lot of money. You see, years ago, we were given a special price on some work we needed done to our building. The quotation given to us was stored in a mailbox and forgotten about until three days ago when our entire cooling system quit working. Because this building is so large, the repair quotations received were high. But years ago we received a quotation from a company that nobody remembered. But Using your UNIVERSAL FIND, we were able to locate that vendor because someone happened to remember his first name. Finding this quote was pure luck as it was buried beneath years of daily messages that may have been impossible to find manually. Good job!" Genny Oser: "I wanted to tell you that even though this system wasn't intended to be a word processor, I have found it very valuable for creating many smaller letters. The wordstar compatible keystrokes make it easy for me to get around the system." Jeffery Bauer: "We have several larger mail management systems on our network, But we use the EM2001 system because it's so easy and takes only a few keystrokes to get the job accomplished. By the way, how can you sell it for much less than half the price of the other systems?" EM2001 - An advanced solution EM2001 is an advanced pop-up program that can be activated at any time... without ever having to quit what you are doing. It is compatible with DOS and Multi-user systems such as Novell. Once loaded, EM2001 can be called upon virtually anytime using a "hot key" The system is unusual in that it only requires 6K of memory to load as a memory resident system. Minimum Requirements: MS-DOS/PC-DOS VER 3.3 OR HIGHER, IBM or compatible system. 256k RAM 1 Hard Disk Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA Network Supported NOVELL Reported by clients as used on: Lantastic, 3Com, Vines, PCMOS, & others. Suggested Requirements: MS-DOS/PC-DOS VER 3.3 OR HIGHER, IBM or compatible system. 640 RAM 1 Meg EMS memory 1 Hard Disk Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA NOVELL To install your Electronic Mail 2001 package: o At your DOS prompt on your hard disk, make a new directory by typing MD\EM2001 o Change to that directory by typing CD\EM2001 o Copy the contents from drive A: by typing COPY A:*.* o Network Users: Run EMSETUP and select network type. o To start the program, type EM2001. Registered users: It is recommended to modify your autoexec.bat file to load EM2001 every time your computer is turned on. EM2001 must be started within the directory it resides! If you elect to start the program from your autoexec.bat file, the following lines should be added: C: Drive where EM2001 is kept CD\EM2001 Directory where EM2001 files are kept. EM2001 Start the program This will enable EM2001 to be loaded and ready to "Pop-Up" whenever needed NOTE: 10 minutes of technical support is included with your initial purchase. IF YOU DON'T LIKE TO READ INSTRUCTIONS...... 1. Put all the files in a directory called \EM2001 2. Configure EM2001 3. Run it..... 4. Look over the sample mailboxes. They will give you an idea of some ways to use the system. Then, Delete these mail boxes and create your own.. 4. Create Mailboxes for people or ... as a place to put things... like MAIL, REMINDERS, PHONE NUMBERS, ETC.. ---->>> HINT: Be sure to set up a system password from the main menu in order to prevent deleting mailboxes with data in them! ---->>> NETWORK HINT: The automatic mail notification feature relies on the user login name being the same as the MAIL BOX name. Example.... User Bill must have a mailbox called BILL. User Tom Smith must have a mailbox called TOM SMITH. If you don't use identical mailbox names to the logged in user, then the automatic mail delivery notice system will not work, but the program will function otherwise. 5. Only registered users will receive the "Popup" version. All others will have to load the system from dos each time access to EM2000 is wanted. 6. Only NOVELL users can use the automatic mail delivery notice on the 24th line of your screen. If this feature works on other networks, it's purely by accident. ----------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU HAVE MULTIPLE OFFICES? How much does it cost your company to communicate to your branch offices? Whatever it costs, you can reduce it by more than 75% You can custom link your Novell offices all across the country using EM2000. It's possible to link up to 100 offices to this system using our special program "MAIL-CALL". Mail-Call is an advanced network of 1 mother system and up to 99 remote mail systems that are linked together via modem. Mail call includes features for scheduled delivery of mail between offices at scheduled intervals starting from constant updating to once daily. Urgent Mail feature will enable immediate transmission of vital messages between offices as an override to scheduled updating. Mail call is available at $1800.00 per 10 remote sites, which includes 10 registered copies of EM2000. Did you know........... Mail call will cut your telephone usage between offices. Mail call can cut your fax cost in excess of 75% between offices. In the time it takes to send 1 fax page, Mail call can transmit over 10 one page letters or 20 half page letters. Sending mail can be done easily after hours when rates are low. Theory of operation: Electronic Mail 2001 is a memory resident program. Simply put, once EM2001 is loaded, you can call it up virtually during any operation of your computer. Once the program is loaded, less than 7k of memory is used to invoke EM2001. When the program is initially started by typing "EM2001", the screen will display information about the program such as version number, and alert you to which key combination will re-call the program. Since EM2001 is a "swappable" memory resident program, a file spec name will also appear indicating which drive/directory/filename the swappable contents will be dumped into. If a problem was encountered, or if the program could not be made memory resident, this information will be displayed. EM2001 must be loaded initially from the drive/directory that it is located. It will not load correctly by simply mapping to that drive/directory. where the configuration file EM2001.CFG resides. Any attempt to load the program from a different directory will result in an error to locate the configuration file. EM2001 must find the configuration file each time the program is loaded. Once loaded, EM2001 maintains the exact drive/directory location of the configuration file. Within the same drive/directory as the configuration file, EM2001 places all necessary data files. Upon loading of the program, occasionally you may see a message "configuration file stored". This message indicates that EM2001 was internally updating the EM2001.EXE file with information gathered from the configuration file that has been changed, i.e. using a new or different drive/directory for operation of the program. Should your program have difficulty loading, run EMSETUP and check the drive/directory settings. EM2001 is a swappable TSR (Terminate, Stay Resident) program. While the program is loaded and the correct "hot-key" is pressed, EM2001 goes to work "swapping" memory. Memory swapping is a fairly simple task. EM2001 takes a snapshot picture of any application currently in memory. The contents of this memory are assembled and put in a file on the configured drive/directory. After you are finished with EM2001, it unloads and restores the previous application back into memory. While memory swapping is a new programming technique, there comes some disadvantages to using it. The major advantage is the ultra small amount of ram used for EM2001. The disadvantage is the swapping time which can be up to 20 seconds on a slow PC/XT. The image captured prior to swap-in of EM2001 must be written to disk. The system can not be any faster than the time it takes to write to disk. On the brighter side, the system automatically uses EMS or optionally RAM disk for memory swaps. In a 286 machine with EMS, the memory swap is nearly immediate. However, the time taken for memory swap is not too much to pay for the ultra small 6K module that resides in memory. Through the design of EM2001, messages can be entered, viewed, searched, stored, printed, and discarded. After establishing users (mailboxes), EM2001 allows entry of messages or notes for the selected mailbox user. It is commonplace to have a mailbox for each employee of a business in addition to special mail boxes for items such as "Quick notes, Phone quotes or other items that you might write on a post-it note". Once this initial message is entered for the respective user, this piece of mail becomes "active". This allows the user to view or print this piece of mail. After reviewing this mail, the user can discard this message, or transfer it to "old" mail. This example shows unlimited flexibility in using EM2001 for possible business quotes, small databases, telephone order taking, etc.... Even if a user does not know where to find a certain message, EM2001 provides a powerful scan feature that allows inputting of a selected character sequence that will be searched for an exact match in every relative mailbox. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS FOR STARTING EM2001 When starting EM2001, typing "EM2001" form the \EM2001 directory will suffice for most conditions. Certain situations may call for added flexibility, so EM2001 allows parameters from the command line to control other functions of the program. NOTE: ONLY REGISTERED VERSIONS FEATURE MEMORY RESIDENT OPERATION /U Unload EM2001 from memory /E Don't use EMS. (By default, EM2001 will attempt to load the swappable portion into EMS {if available}) /M Prohibit display of the "swapping" message on the bottom of the screen /I Use Instant TSR, no swapping (uses approximately 200k RAM) /S Run EM2001 as stand-alone program, no TSR /1 Use single swap file (for RAM disks) /A Use normal file attribute for swap file (instead of hidden file attribute) /P pathname Newly specified drive/directory to use for swapping /? Display this help screen After following the instructions to load your EM2001, your program can be invoked at any time by pressing Alt + LeftShift + "M". That's pressing and holding the alternate key and left shift key then pressing the "M" key at the same time. If selected, the bottom of the screen will indicate that the program is "Swapping In". EM2001 uses "mailbox" names to store messages. The program will not function if there are no mailbox users existing. Therefore, if no users exist, the system will first prompt you to enter a new mailbox name. The mailbox name will be a sorted list that is constantly displayed allowing you to select which mailbox you will be transacting with. Since the mailboxes are sorted alphabetically, those mailbox users with first and last names should be entered by the correct sorted type. Example: BILL JONES could be entered as JONES, BILL. By using this method, your entries will appear alphabetically correct. Once you enter your mailbox user, EM2001 will prompt whether a password will be used for this user. By electing to use a password, anyone can enter messages for this user, but to read or print messages, this mailbox user will first need to enter the correct password. When mailbox users exists, the right-hand window will contain those respective users. If a check is displayed beside their name, active mail exists. The left-hand window displays all possible functions of EM2001. Functions keys F1 - F5 allow manipulation of the highlighted mailbox user. Those keys described as follows: F1 - Enter Message Allows any user to enter mail for the highlighted mailbox user. F2 - View Current Mail Review current or active messages for the highlighted user. F3 - Print Current Mail Print all current messages for the highlighted user. F4 - View Old Mail Review old messages for the highlighted user. F5 - Find Data String Search mail mail for exact data match. F6 - Statistical Info Show internal statistics of your EM2001 system. F7 - Edit Password Edit master EM2001 password. F8 - Purge Mail Files Re-build data files when files have been damaged or corrupted. Insert - Add Mail User Add new mailbox user (name). Delete - Remove User Remove mailbox user (name). Escape Exit EM2001 Operation. Setting/Changing EM2001: NOTE: If you purchased your EM2001 as a single-user package and wish to upgrade to multi-user, contact AlarmSoft for proper software. If your needs require EM2001 to reside on a different drive/directory, the EMSETUP program (included with your original diskette) can be used to modify EM2001 for your requirements. Start the program by typing EMSETUP. If your package is multi-user equipped, you will be able to select the appropriate network type. Use your arrow keys to scan the various choices. The next prompt allows you to change where EM2001 will reside. The current drive/directory will be displayed. If you wish EM2001 to be placed on a different drive/directory, simply type in the new drive/directory at the prompt. It is recommended to specify the drive designator. This eliminates problems on computers using more than one disk drive. After finishing this prompt, the setup program will verify the newly entered drive/directory. If one does not exist, you should exit back to DOS and verify that the drive/directory just entered actually exists on your computer. After editing the drive/directory prompt, you are prompted if the displayed information is correct. Press es if the data is accurate, or ESCAPE to abort. If the setup program determines that important parameters have been changed, the setup program will update all necessary EM2001 files. If you elected to change the drive/directory location, the setup program will transfer all needed files to this new area. When files are transferred on a network, EMSETUP does not flag any files as shareable. It is the responsibility of the system administrator to ensure files transferred to the new drive/directory are flagged as shareable. EM2001 comes shipped fully functional as a single user package. If your needs require network, or multi-user operation, you will need to run the EMSETUP utility. This utility will modify your EM2001 to function within many popular networks. From DOS, type EMSETUP. Displayed on your screen will be the current network systems supported. Use your arrow keys to scan through the choices and press ESCAPE or RETURN to exit. If your EM2001 is currently loaded (in-memory), your will have to unload by typing EM2001 /U, then reload to initialize the new system type. Many networks require that files be flagged as "shareable". Be sure to flag all files within your EM2001 directory accordingly. For EM2001 to function within a network, each terminal must have a unique workstation number. Some networks such as Novell automatically generate a unique workstation number based on the network card. Some networks do not have a unique station identifier. If you find your network does not supply a station number for software configurations, you will need to modify the DOS environment. An AUTOEXEC.BAT file will need to be generated for each user/terminal that logs into the network. Within the AUTOEXEC.BAT file include the following line: SET WORKSTATION=???. Where "???" equals the unique station number that you assign. It must be a number between 001 - 999. EM2001 will use this DOS feature provided you have included it for the particular user/terminal logging into the network. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the network system administrator to maintain different workstation numbers. Important Information for current Central Works 2001 users: Future versions of your Central Works 2001 automation packages will not contain the CS-MAIL program. To use the new EM2001 program, you will need to follow the installation directions previously noted. The following steps will aid you in transferring all related files to the new \EM2001 directory: o Install the program as described previously. o Change to the EM2001 directory by typing CD \EM2001 o Run the EM2001 setup program by typing EMSETUP o Edit the EM2001 directory prompt to use directory \CENTRAL for EM2001 files. o Save your changes and the setup program will transfer all necessary files to \CENTRAL. Electronic Mail 2001 License Agreement This agreement is between AlarmSoft, Norfolk, Va. hereinafter called "Company", and the party whose name appears on this agreement below, hereinafter called "Customer". This agreement registers the Customer as a licensed user of the Electronic Mail 2001, hereinafter called "Program", and entitles the Customer to free daytime technical assistance up to a period of 30 minutes for a period within 90 days from date of delivery of the software program provided that the terms of this agreement are followed by the Customer. Customer shall not transfer this agreement to another party, nor shall the Customer supply any portion of the source or running code to any third or subsequent parties, and that the documentation and program code are the proprietary property of the Company, and ownership of such shall remain the property of the Company at all times, and that the Customer is not permitted to make any change to the Program or documentation. This Program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as the the quality and performance of the program is with the Customer. Customer understands that an operational or procedural error could occur, and such error could result in failure of the software program to perform it's intended function. It is also agreed that the Program is subject to failure due to unintentional software "bugs" (malfunctions) that may be contained within the program or may appear in any future version or revision of the program, and that Customer is willing to take all risks associated with such malfunctions. In no event will the Company be liable to the Customer for any damages, Including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use, or inability to use the Program. The Program shall not be used as a primary operation but shall be used secondary to a fully manual system of receiving and processing data. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Virginia. The Customer does not intend this contract to provide for the liability of the Company and the Company shall not be liable for loss or damage due directly or indirectly to any occurrence or consequences therefrom, which the program is designed to provide, detect or avert; that from the nature of the functions to be performed, it is impractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages, if any, which may proximately result from the failure on the part of the Company to perform any of its obligations hereunder or the failure of the Program to properly operate with a resulting loss to the Customer. The Company does not represent that its program, system or equipment will in all cases provide the service or protection for which it is installed. Accordingly, if the Company should be found liable for loss or damage due to failure of the Company, its, system, equipment or service in any respect, its liability shall be limited to the sum equal in amount to the purchase price or annual support fee in either case not to exceed $200.00, whichever is lesser, which sum shall be paid and received as liquidated damages and not as a penalty and this liability shall be exclusive. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply in the event of loss or damage, irrespective of cause or origin, which results directly or indirectly to person or property from the performance or non performance of the obligations set forth by the terms of this agreement or from negligence, active or otherwise, of the Company, its agents, or employees. The Customer does hereby release, discharge and hold harmless and indemnify the Company from any and all claims and liabilities, damage, loss, expense, or injury arising from or caused by any hazard covered by insurance in or on the premises whether said claim is made by the Subscriber, his agents, his insurance Company, or any other parties claiming under or through the Subscriber. Subscriber will indemnify the Company against any action for subrogation which may be brought against the Company by any party, insurer, or insurance company. The Customer assumes all risks associated with the use of this product. There is no assurance that the program will be improved any further than the version available at time of delivery, and that there could be non correctable errors within the program that may currently exist, or may be discovered, or may be created in future versions. Customer understands that unauthorized copies of the program and/or unauthorized transfer of any copy of this program or documentation can be a serious crime subjecting the Customer to attorney fees and damages. The Company has the right to terminate the license and trace HIDDEN serial numbers, which are visual coded, and to take legal action for unauthorized duplication or use of the program or documentation. The Customer accepts any industry standard practices used by the Company to prevent unauthorized duplication and use of the program. Activation of the internal security system, from tampering, will result in suspension of this license. This agreement becomes binding once you open the sealed package containing the diskette. Failure to return your license agreement will result in denial of support and updates. A judicial determination nullifying any clause or condition herein shall not be deemed to nullify the balance of this agreement, which will remain in full force and effect. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, RETURN THE UNOPENED SEALED PACKAGE FOR A FULL AND IMMEDIATE REFUND. Serial Number &SERIAL& Firm &company& Address &address& &citystzip& Accepted By: ________________________________________ Title__________ Date _____________ Note: If you have received this program from any source other than AlarmSoft, you do no have to sign and return this agreement, but do agree to be bound by it's terms.