HHELPINDX More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX O.FILES Catalog File The catalog file is used to store basic information on the items in your collection. It is stored on your disk as CATALOG.DAT. Index files, which help MCS get at your data more quickly, are called CATALOG.Knn, where "nn" is a number. Any review notes which you enter are stored in the file CATALOG.MEM. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Other Data Files Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Configuration: Before you do much work with MCS, you should spend some time configuring it for your preferences. The most important configurations are printer setup, and selection list customization. Spend a few minutes in these areas before you make a large number of entries, and you will find it much easier to do the input. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS .CATFILE .INVFILE .SETFILE .TRKFILE HELPINDX MCS Data Files Catalog File MCS uses data files to save all of the Inventory File information you enter. You should make Setup File regular backups of these files. Just Track File think of how much time it would take to Main Help Menu enter all of your collection into MCS You wouldn't want to do it twice, would you? If you're using MCS for insurance inventory purposes, you should give consideration to making regular off-site backups. This means that you back up your files, then take the copies to another location like your office, or a friend's place. If something happens and you lose your collection, what are the chances that your computer will be lost too? A detailed insurance list won't do you much good if your computer gets stolen along with your collection thieves aren't going to get in touch with your insurance company to help you file a claim, right? It's worth the effort to do a good backup regularly! For more information on any of the MCS files, highlight a file selection and press ENTER. Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.SCREENS E.KEYS Form Windows: Form windows let you edit the data in a MCS data record. You can move between fields using the ENTER and ESCAPE keys. Press ENTER to move to the next field on the form, or ESCAPE to move back one field. You can also press CTRL-ESCAPE to exit the form and abandon changes, or CTRL- ENTER to accept the form without moving to each field. See Editing and Function Keys for additional information. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Types of Display Screen Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS MHELPINDX Configuring MCS Help If you run MCS from a directory other than where you installed it, MCS may not be able to locate the help file. If this happens, when you press F1, you will just get a red window saying that no help is available. MCS provides a configuration option to let you tell it where the help files are stored. Select "Configuration" from the main menu, then "Help File Path" from the configuration menu to do this. Help is also available on: Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX O.FILES Inventory File The inventory file is used to store valuation and ordering data on the items in your collection. It is stored on disk as INVNTRY.DAT. Index files, which help MCS get at the data more quickly, are called INVNTRY.Knn, where "nn" is a number. Since there is no free-form text related to invnetory data, there is no INVNTRY.MEM file. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Other Data Files Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HELPINDX MCS Function and Editing Keys means pressed with Shift key ^ means pressed with Ctrl key Moves cursor up Go to previous tab stop Moves cursor down Left one word Moves cursor left Right one word Moves cursor right ^PgUp First line (lists/tables) Home Move to first character ^PgDn Last line (lists/tables) End Move to last character ^End Delete to end of line PgUp Page up (lists/tables) ^Enter Accept (save changes) PgDn Page down (lists/tables) ^Esc Abandon (no changes) Ins Insert/overwrite toggle Enter help system Del Delete character right F10 Quick exit menu Backspace - delete left Also available on some screens Tab Go to next tab stop Other features menu Enter Accept field entry Pop-up selection list Press ENTER for help menu or ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX TSLTBL The "media" selection list The "media" of an item is the type of material used to make a recording. Examples are Optical Disc, Magnetic Tape, and Vinyl. Each media can have several formats. For example, Optical Discs can be CD's, CD singles, CD- ROMs, or Videodiscs. It's possible to set up all of the possible media/format combinations into one big list, but the list would be so long that it would be hard to make a quick selection. So, MCS has the "media" selection list, then, another selection list for the formats available in each media. Since you can add a new entry to the media list, you can also add a new list for the formats that the media is available in. If you added a new media, like "Optical Tape", you would also add a selection list with the title "Optical Tape" to list the formats. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Table of Selection Lists Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.SCREENS Menu Windows: Menu windows let you make a choice from a list of possible selections. To make a selection, use the arrow keys to move the highlight to the item you want to pick, then press the ENTER key. If you want to leave the window, press ESCAPE. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Types of Display Screen Press ESCAPE to return to MCS M.MENUS T.TABLES S.SELLIST F.FORMS RHELPINDX MCS uses four basic screen types: Menu Windows Table Windows Selection Lists Form Windows MCS has an automatic screen-blanking feature which will make your screen go blank if you do nothing for 5 min. Select a screen type and press ENTER Return to help menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.SCREENS Selection List Windows: Selection lists are a special type of pop-up menu. They are special because they're context sensitive, just like the help system, the contents of the selection list change depending on where you are in MCS. And they can be customized -- most of the lists can be custom configured to your own preferences. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Types of Display Screen Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX O.FILES Setup File The setup file is important. It is used to hold your printer setup, display preferences, and selection lists (used for pop-up menus). All of the custom configuration information is stored in SETUP.DAT, and the index file SETUP.K01 is used to speed up access to the file. When you receive MCS, SETUP.DAT should be included. The originial file contains information required to run MCS! More information is available on: Help Main Menu Other Data Files Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.SCREENS E.KEYS Table Windows: Table windows present a view of your data: catalog items, tracks, or what have you. From a table window, you can add, delete, and edit the data. To add, press the INSert key and a form window will appear to let you add new data. To edit, press the ENTER key. To delete, press the DELete key. You can move around in the view by using the cursor and page control keys (see Editing and Function Keys). More information is available on: Help Main Menu Types of Display Screen Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX O.FILES Track File The track file is used to store information on any tracks which you have entered. It is stored on your disk as TRACK.DAT. Index files, which help MCS get at your data more quickly, are called TRACK.Knn, where "nn" is a number. Any track notes which you enter are stored in the file TRACK.MEM. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Other Data Files Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX About MCS This is really just a good place to hide my address, and a quick summary of what MCS is. If MCS becomes popular, I hope to put a list of support BBS numbers here More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX E.KEYS Switch To The "Switch To" menu lets you select another MCS area. The "Review" area lets you enter free-form text about the current item. "Tracks" lets you enter infomation on the individual tracks on the recording, and "Inventory" lets you enter ordering and valuation data. All of these areas are optional. If you don't want to keep these details, just ignore the feature. Use the F2 key to call up this menu. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD ACARTSORT MHELPINDX Enter the name of the person(s), group, band, conductor, orchestra, pricipal performer, or composer who created the catalog item. Enter the normal name here, you can specify the name for sorting under "Sort name" (below). More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Artist Sort Name Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX CCATUPD This is the artist sort field. This should contain the string you want MCS to use when sorting your catalog by artist. For example: if the artist name is "The Coders" this field should be "Coders, The". If the name begins with "The", MCS will automatically convert the name, but but other cases will need your help! More information is available on: Help Main Menu Catalog Update Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Duplicate Catalog Items The "Artist Sort" and "Title" fields of the item you are entering are the same as an item which you already have in your database. MCS is just warning you in case this is a mistake. Note that you can enter duplicate records, since it is possible to own more than one copy of a recording. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX This screen lets you enter the basic data about an item in your collection. It contains the infomation of common interest to most people with a music collection. Most of the information here is optional. If you don't want to enter a field, just press ENTER to skip over it. Data is only required when MCS needs it to run properly. You can use the F2 key to get to other screens which are for specific interests, such as detailed lists of the individual tracks (or cuts) on the item, free-form text notes (review), or inventory information. If you don't need these features, just ignore them. This message near the bottom of the window tells you what MCS will do with this item when you finish editing Other information is available on: Help Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD MHELPINDX Category lets you classify this item by musical category. If you press F3, a quick selection list of categories will pop up. You can define any category you like in the MCS configuration selection, then enter it with just a few keystrokes. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX The Configuration Menu This menu lets you customize MCS to your personal preferences. A selection list is You can configure the contents of one MCS for the printer of the many pop-up and page size of boxes in MCS. This your choice. feature lets you customize all of the selection lists If you want to keep to show the choices your data files in you want to see. a directory which is different from your program, use this feature to MCS can display tell MCS where the dates in 3 formats. help files are. Other information: Help Menu Other Options Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Configuration - Prompt for "Side" if not Optical Disc Several types of recording media, such as LPs, have two sides with the tracks numbered from one on each side. This option tells MCS whether or not you want to enter the side on items which are not "Optical Discs". More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Configuration - Compute Inventory Totals The inventory display screen can automatically compute the total value of inventoried catalog items. When you have a smaller database, this does not take much time. However, if you have more than 100 items, it can take a while to scan the file. This option controls automatic totals. However, you can still press F3 to ask for a totalization. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Configuration - Allow Subtrack Entry MCS allows you to enter both the tracks and sub-tracks on an item. Sub-tracks are relatively obscure, as is the equipment that can display them. Since they are rather specialized, this option lets you configure the track edit form to automatically skip the subtrack field. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD RCMEDIA MHELPINDX Format is the specific type of media. For example, if the recording media is Magnetic Tape, the format could be 7 reel to reel, casette, DAT, or Digital VHS, just to name a few. Once you have picked the media, you can press the F3 key here and get a pop-up list of formats. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Recording Media Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD E.KEYS MHELPINDX S. Enter the record label which produced the catalog item. You can also press the F3 key to pop up a selection list of preconfigured record labels. You do not have to use one of the listed labels, any string is acceptable here. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Editing and Function keys Main Help Index Selection Lists Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX CCATUPD This field is for tracking the physical location where the item is normally stored, for example: you could record which of your tape cases it is (supposed to be) in. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Catalog Update Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD RCFORMAT MHELPINDX Media is the recording technology used for this item. You can press F3 to get a pop-up list of pre-defined media types. Examples of media are: Magnetic Tape, Optical Disc and Vinyl Disc. Also see the help screen for Format, which defines the specific form of the media. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Recording Format Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD MHELPINDX Recording Modes Recordings can use two technologies: Analog or Digital. Different technologies can be used at each stage of the )production process, )or, there may have )been a mixture of )technologies used )during production. These fields let you keep track of the technologies which were used during the recording, mastering, and for making the recording itself. Many CD's now have a three-letter designation which gives you this information. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD E.KEYS HHELPINDX This field allows you to record your opinion of the overall quality of sound on this recording. You can press F3 for a pop-up list of selections, or enter any text you want. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Editing and Function Keys Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD MHELPINDX This field allows you to enter your own personal rating of the current item, on a scale of 0 to 10. Usually, a zero value is reserved for "don't know yet", but you can use any method that suits your preference. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX C.CATFILE Catalog Item Review You can enter any text you want here under the "catalog item review", this can be notes about the item, or add- ional information about the production, or anything else. You can print the contents of the review when you do a listing. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Catalog File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD MHELPINDX Status helps you manage the items in your collection. You can set this value to "Own" for things which you already have, "Want" for those you would like to buy, or you can put anything else you desire in this spot. If you press the F3 key, a selection list will pop-up for quick entry. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD MHELPINDX This field is for the total playing time of the item, in minutes and seconds. Note that for most recordings, the total playing time is more than the sum of the individual tracks, because of the inter-track silence periods. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS CCATUPD E.KEYS MHELPINDX Enter the title of the catalog item (Tape, CD, etc.). You can ask MCS to print a listing of your collection which is sorted by this title. More information is available on: Catalog Update Form Editing and Function Keys Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX CCATUPD Use this field to record the number of volumes (disks, tapes, reels, etc.) that there are for the item. This is a required field, because the track entry form will auto- matically skip the volume number if there is only one. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Catalog Update Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Date format MCS supports the date formats listed in this menu. The current selection will be highlighted when you first enter this window. Move the highlight and press ENTER to change the selection, or ESC to leave it as is. The The date format you choose will be used by all MCS forms and reports. You can change formats at any time. More information is available: Help Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS .SCREENS .KEYS .FILES .CONFIG .HELP MCS Help System Main Menu Types of Display Screen Editing and Function Keys MCS Data Files Configuring MCS Configuring Help Press ESCAPE to return to MCS MHELPINDX Welcome to the MCS help system MCS features a context-sensitive help system which tells you how to use MCS, what kind of data to put in a field, and what function keys are available. It's a manual at your finger tips! If you register MCS, the introductory screen (now in the background) will no longer display More information is available on: Main Help Index Press ESCAPE to return to MCS MHELPINDX Help Path If you run MCS from a directory other than where you installed it, MCS may not be able to locate the help file. If this happens, when you press F1, you will just get a red window saying that no help is available not too helpful. To avoid this, enter the path where MCS is installed here. Help is also available on: Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This field is used to record the original value or purchase price of the item. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE The label ID number is an alphanumeric ordering code which uniquely identifies this item. In the event that your collection is lost, stolen, or destroyed, this number will make replacement easier. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX No Inventory Available You have not defined any catalog items yet, so MCS is not able to display them here. Inventory data is "attached" to a particular catalog item; Once you have catalog items in your database, you will be able to update inventory information from this screen. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This field is for items which you have ordered (or want to order) from a catalog. Putting the catalog number here saves you the trouble of looking it up again later. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This is the date that the item was added to your collection. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This field is used to record how or where you got the item. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE The owner field allows you to keep track of items in a shared collection. Perhaps the best use for this so far has been to identify items which belong to different members of the family. This has been known to settle a few feuds between siblings! More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This is the date that the catalog item was released by the record company. It is optional. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This field is used to record the current value or replacement price of the item. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This field is used to record the name of the person, group or method used for evaluating the value of the item. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX I.INVFILE This field is used to record the date that the item was last appraised or evaluated. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Inventory File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS M.MENUS HHELPINDX The screen displays The print listings selection lets you selection displays the view your music report control screen. catalog and make changes to it. If MCS is not registered this selection tells you The configuration how to register. If MCS selection lets you set is registered, this is up MCS for your computer an "About MCS" selection and for your personal (which does not blink). preferences. More help information is available: Menu Windows Help Menu This field tells MCS how many lines to put on a page. If you set your printer up for a smaller line pitch, use this to tell MCS to print more lines per page. This field tells MCS where you want it to print a listing. It can be any device, like LPT1 or COM1, or a file name and path like \MCS.LST. These are the configuration strings MCS should send to your printer at the beginning and the end of a report. You can put control characters into the string by holding down the ALT key while typing in the decimal equivalent to the character on the numeric keypad. e.g. ESC = 0 2 7 = HHELPINDX E.KEYS Quick Exit This is the "quick exit" menu, which you get by pressing the F10 key. Pressing ESCAPE or "Don't Exit" will return you to MCS. If you select "Exit MCS" or "Main Menu", any changes to the current form will be lost, but all other changes are automatically saved. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: User Address Please give me the address you would like me to send your MCS registration certificate to. Take the time to make sure everything is right, and that you have your postal/ zip code correct. If it's wrong, it could be a long, long time before your registration is completed! More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Are you in Canada I need to know this so that I can add the G*dd*mn St*p*d T*x (GST) to Canadian invoices. For those who don't know, this is charged so that we can pay for the debt incurred by a bunch of feds who messed things up before I was old enough to vote against them, and for the current twerps who don't have the guts (or smarts) to fix the problem More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Your comments OK, here's your chance to tell me what's on your mind. Let me know what you like, what you hate, anything. If you found a bug, PLEASE let me know, use extra paper if required. MCS can't improve without your help! More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Disk Format Since MCS is shareware, there's a pretty good chance that this copy may be out of date. And since you are down here in the registration screen, there's also a good chance that you're going to pay for it (I hope!). Well, if you do and it is, I'll be sending you a current copy. This will tell me what kind of disk to send out. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX WR:GHOW Registration: Number of BBS where you found MCS If your BBS has an out of date copy of MCS, giving me the telephone number will let me hunt it down and kill it with an updated version. Now I don't guarantee that I'm going to call every board out there (especially not those on the other side of the world), but it can't hurt to tell me the number anyway. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Where did you get MCS Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: How did you get it? Most of this is curiosity I'd just like to know how shareware REALLY works out at your end of the line. If I find a BBS or organization that seems to be doing a real good job of "sharing" MCS, I'll probably set them up to get updates first, plus any tech. support notes, etc. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX WR:GHOW Registration: Where did you get it from This will help me identify specific boards or shareware distributors who are doing a good job of getting the word out about MCS. See the help note under the "where did you get MCS" for more information. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Where did you get MCS Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Type of Monitor MCS was designed to work best with a color monitor. If you have a mono monitor, try running after typing the "MODE BW80" command (your system may have a slightly different syntax). Knowing the type of monitor you have will tell me if I should rethink my anti-monochrome bias. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Are you in Ontario I need to know this so that I can add Provincial Sales Tax (PST) to Ontario invoices. Most of the comments about GST are applicable here too -- you won't be getting your money's worth in return! More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Type of Computer I'd like to know what kind of computer you have so that I can find out how many of my registered users will be able to use 286, 386, and 486 specific programs. Also, if you have a specific bug or operational problem, it might be related to the type of system you're using. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Type of Printer I'd like it if some future release of MCS had a built-in library of printer definitions, so you could just select from a list of known printers, instead of making you set control strings by hand. If you tell me what type of printer you have, I'll be able to add it to the library More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: Registered other shareware I'd just like to know if this was the first program that managed to coax some money from you, or if you're a die- hard shareware consumer. I'd really like to know what most influenced your decision to register, but there's only so many questions I can ask on one form!! More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration: User Name I need your name in this field, it's required as part of the registration process. If you try to leave this blank, you'll get beeped at and won't be able to go any further. I also need it to be able to mail your registration cartificate. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Registration Form When you register MCS, I'll send you a registration certificate which will contain the information needed by this form. Once you enter it, MCS will lose the shareware-version limits and become your personal copy. ALL of the data has to be entered correctly, or the registration will not succeed. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX RRPT Report status area This section provides information on where your report will be sent (this could be either a device or file), and how many lines will be put on a page. When your report is being generated, the page and line counters will start to change, mostly to give you a nice warm feeling that something is happening -- also to tell you if your report selections are causing unexpected results (maybe you weren't expecting a 200 page report?), so you can abort the report before it completes. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Report Control Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX RRPT This lets you select the format of report. Summary reports list one line per item, with just the basic data such as title and artist listed. Detailed reports list all of the available data on the item. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Report Control Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX RRPT Report Options These menus present report options. Selecting "Yes" will cause the corresponding information to be printed. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Report Control Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX RRPT Sort Order This menu selects the list order of the items in the report. Reports which are sorted by Artist will be ordered using the "artist sort" field to ensure correct sequencing. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Report Control Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX RRPT This menu lets you select the style of report you want. Catalog Reports produce reference lists of all the items in your database, so you can keep the list near your collection. Inventory Reports are for documenting the value of the items in your collection, with appropriate subtotals and ordering information. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Report Control Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX RRPT Report wait This prompt gives you time to review your report options, set up your printer, etc. before report generation starts. Press ESC to go back to option selection, or ENTER to start the report. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Report Control Form Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Selection list definition This form is is used to edit the name and title of a selection list. MCS uses the name to look up the selection list entries when it creates a pop-up window. The title is just there to make it easier to remem- ber what the list is for. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX TTBLWIN Entries in a selection list This table shows you the entries in a selection list. You can add, delete, and edit entries, with the exception of entries which are "protected". If you try to edit a protected entry, MCS will beep at you. When you are entering data in a form, many fields will let you press the F3 key to call up the entries you see in this list. The list name, above, tells you which field this list belongs to. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Table Windows Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Selection list entry edit This is the edit form for a selection list. If you are adding or modifying the list entry, you will be able to edit it in this form. If you are deleting an entry, then the message across the bottom will ask you to press enter to confirm the delete. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX Protected Selection List Entries There are some selection list items which MCS requires to function properly. The configuration facility will protect these items from deletion or modification. The operation which you just attempted was stopped by this protection mechanism. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX M.MEDIA TTBLWIN Table of selection lists This table shows you all of the selection lists in MCS. You can add, delete, and edit lists from this table, with the exception of lists which are "protected". If you try to edit a protected list, MCS will beep at you. To edit the contents of a list, highlight it with the cursor, then press F2 to display all the selections. The "media" list has some special features. You can find out about these by selecting "Media List" from the menu below. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Media List Table Windows Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX E.KEYS Selection Lists You are now in a pop-up selection list. There are two ways to get here: press the F3 key to pop the box up, or press ENTER on a required field with invalid data. The list name is displayed across the top of the window, and you make a selection by moving the cursor and pressing ENTER. If there are arrows on the top or bottom rows, this means that there are more selections available; You can move up or down to scroll these items into view. More information is available on: Help Menu Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX E.KEYS Table Windows Table windows respond to the following keystrokes: ENTER Lets you edit the highlighted record INSert Adds a record to the table DELete Deletes the record, the record will be displayed for confirmation first. cursor keys Let you move up and down through the table one row at a time PgUp Moves up or down one page at a time PgDn ESCape Exits the table Control PgUp Moves to the first record in the table Control PgDn Moves to the last record in the table Help is also available on: Help Main Menu Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE This field is for catalog items which are on sequential access media such as magnetic tape, where a counter or position indicator of some sort is required to find the start of the track. The counter number may be entered here. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE Track Review You can enter any text you want here under the "track review", such as feature artists and production notes. You can print the contents of the review when you do a listing. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX No Tracks Available You have not defined any tracks yet, so MCS is not able to display them here. Tracks are "attached" to a particular catalog item, so new tracks can only be added by pressing F2 when you are in the catalog table or editing a catalog item. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS T.TABLES HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE E.KEYS This is a table window which allows you to view the tracks for the current catalog item. When you are in this table, your cursor is on a "lookup field". As you type in a name, the table will scroll to the closest match to the name you enter. More information is available on: Table Windows Help Menu Track File Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE This entry is for catalog items which have more than one side, such as cassette tapes. Any single letter or digit can be entered. There is a configuration option which will make MCS automatically skip this field if you prefer. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE The CD medium has a provision for sub-track numbers, used to identify distinct passages within a track. Although most CD players ignore this information, some people may be interested in recording the subtrack information in MCS. You can configure MCS to skip this field if you wish. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS T.TABLES HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE E.KEYS This is a table window which allows you to all of the tracks in your database, sorted by track name. When you are in this table, your cursor is on a "lookup field". As you type in a name, the table will scroll to the closest match to the name you enter. More information is available on: Table Windows Help Menu Track File Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE Enter the duration of this track in minutes and seconds. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE Enter the name of the track here. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE ITINDEX Enter the track or selection item number here. If you want to record an index number, such as a counter reading from a tape deck, you can do this in the "Index" field. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Index Number Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX T.TRKFILE If the catalog item for this track has the "number of volumes" field set to more than one, then you can set the volume number here. Single-volume items will default this value to 1. More information is available on: Help Main Menu Track File Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX The View Selection Menu This menu lets you select which part of your MCS database to look at. This selection lets you look at your catalog file. A sub-menu will This selection appear to let you select will list all of the order you would like the tracks you to see the items in. have defined, sorted by track title. This selection will show all of the items in your catalog, giving a list of the inventory details you have entered. Other information is available on: Help Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS HHELPINDX The View By Menu The view menu lets you pick the order in which catalog items will be displayed. If you pick Artist, they will be sorted alphabetically by the "Artist Sort" field. If you pick Title, they will be sorted by the name of the item. If you pick Category, the items will be sorted by the type of music, and then by the title. Other information is available on: Help Menu Press ESCAPE to return to MCS T.TABLES HHELPINDX C.CATFILE E.KEYS This is a table window which allows you to view your cataloged items sorted by artist. You can also edit the data in catalog file. Select "Table Windows" for information on using and editing from this window. When you are in this table, your cursor is on a "lookup field". As you type in a name, the table will scroll to the closest match to the name you enter. More information is available on: Table Windows Help Menu Catalog File Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS T.TABLES HHELPINDX C.CATFILE E.KEYS This is a table window which allows you to view your cataloged items sorted by music category. You can also edit the data in catalog file. Select "Table Windows" for information on using and editing from this window. When you are in this table, your cursor is on a "lookup field". As you type in a name, the table will scroll to the closest match to the name you enter. More information is available on: Table Windows Help Menu Catalog File Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS T.TABLES HHELPINDX C.CATFILE E.KEYS This is a table window which allows you to view your cataloged items sorted by item title. You can also edit the data in catalog file. Select "Table Windows" for information on using and editing from this window. When you are in this table, your cursor is on a "lookup field". As you type in a name, the table will scroll to the closest match to the name you enter. More information is available on: Table Windows Help Menu Catalog File Editing and Function Keys Press ESCAPE to return to MCS !$FRAME1 $FRAME2 .CATFILE .CONFIG 2 .FILES d .FORMS .HELP .INVFILEK .KEYS .MEDIA + .MENUS .SCREENS .SELLIST .SETFILEK% .TABLES .TRKFILE ABOUT 9- ALT_FNS CARTIST CARTSORT CATDUP 76 CATUPD P8 CCATEGORT< CFGMENU n> CFGSAB ZC CFGSITOTHE CFGSSUB CFORMAT CLABEL (L CLOCN CMEDIA QP CMODES CQUAL CRATING CREVIEW CSTATUS CTIME ^ CTITLE ` CVOLS DATEFORM HELPINDX HELPMAINkh HELPPATH ICOST m ILABEL sn INVNONE Rp IOCODE Mr IODATE IOFROM eu IOWNER IRDATE IVALUE Sz IVBY IVDATE H} MAINMENU PCONFIG B QEXIT R:ADDR R:CAN R:COMNT V R:DSKF - R:GBBS# v R:GHOW R:GNAME R:MON R:ONT / R:PC R:PRINT R:ROTHER R:UNAME ; REGFORM # RPT L RPT:FMT RPT:OPT RPT:SORT RPT:TYP RPT:WAITF SLDEF < SLDETAIL SLDMOD SLPROT SLTBL SL_HLP > TBLWIN : TINDEX TREVIEW TRKNONE TRKTBL j TSIDE TSUBTRAC TTBL_ALL! TTIME TTITLE TTRACK 4 TVOL VIEWMENU VIEW_BY WCARTIST@ WCCATGY : WCTITLE 8