Welcome to Add-Ins 2.0 Add-Ins is a powerful utility that adds custom menu items to your Windows 95 and Windows 3.X applications by enhancing the main Help menu that appears on most programs. The enhanced menu can be configured to launch your favorite programs or files. When Add-Ins is loaded, its icon (Windows 3.X) or Taskbar button (Windows 95) is briefly displayed, providing a visual cue that Add-Ins has enhanced your menus with additional choices. Details on program operation are set forth in ADDINS.HLP. See the file Register.Hlp for information on registration of Add-Ins. Use ID 14096 when registering on-line via Compuserve (GO SWREG). The registration fee is $25. INSTALLATION Add-Ins Files(13) ADDINS.EXE - The main executable for Add-Ins ADDINS.HLP - Add-Ins help file ADDINS.MNU - Required menu configuration file ADDINS.VAL - Required registration validation file ADDINS.ADJ - Adjustments file for compability corrections ADDINS.TXT - This text file containing installation information ADDINSED.EXE - Add-Ins Editor for menu and adjustments files CMDIALOG.VBX - A required support file used by dialogs SBC.VBX - A required support file used by menus SBCHOOK.VBX - A required support file used by menus VBCTL3D.VBX - A required support file used for 3-D dialogs DWSPYDLL.DLL - A required library used by SBC.VBX and SBCHOOK.VBX REGISTER.HLP - Windows help file with information on registration Installing Download Version First unzip the compressed archive. All files ending in VBX and DLL should be placed in your Windows system subdirectory. All other files should be copied to a single directory or subdirectory reserved for Add-Ins, e.g., C:\ADDINS. You must have the Visual Basic 3.0 run-time module, VBRUN300.DLL, in your Windows system subdirectory. VBRUN300.DLL is available from CompuServe and most BBSs. Add-Ins is launched by running ADDINS.EXE or its shortcut. Add-Ins (or its shortcut in Windows 95) should be placed in your Startup group or folder to ensure that it runs whenever you start Windows. Installing From CD-ROM Because CD-ROM disks are read-only and Add-Ins writes information to its home directory, you cannot run Add-Ins directly from a CD-ROM. Instead, you should copy the Add-Ins files to your hard drive and remove the read-only attributes of all the uncompressed files. Use Windows File Manager to remove the read-only attribute of a particular file by clicking on File, Properties while the desired file is selected. Add-Ins is shareware, Copyright (c) 1994-97 Spaeder Technologies Inc. Registration details are provided in Add-Ins help file and Register.Hlp. END OF FILE