Alive Software Presents ... S N O W W H I T E ' S V O Y A G E (TM) 1.................. INTRODUCTION 2.................. WARRANTY 3.................. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND OPTIONS 4.................. GAME OPERATION 5.................. SPECIAL NOTES FOR SHAREWARE VERSION 1. INTRODUCTION Welcome, you are about to experience SnowWhite's thrilling voyages. Your goal is to stay alive, collect flowers, fruit, gems, hearts and then try to find the exit to the next level. Catch valuable items such as balloons, butterflies, ducks, rabbits, stars etc. Avoid your enemies and collect magic rings to throw at them for extra points. SnowWhite's Voyage is a fun action arcade Game with many levels. It features VGA horizontal, vertical and diagonal scrolling action. Each episode looks and feels completely different and is full of surprises. The episodes of this game have plenty of action and conflict but little or no violence. The SnowWhite's Voyage program, graphics, sounds and manuals on paper or on disk, are (C) copyright 1996 by Alive Software. All Rights Reserved. Game Design, Programming, Graphics and Sound by Bill Dedes. Music by Romeo Music International, all Rights Reserved. SnowWhite's Voyage is distributed as Shareware: if you like the program and wish to receive the latest version, including the additional episodes, please use ORDER.TXT to order it. Feel free to pass this program around to friends and relatives, as long as all of the files are included in the distributed disk and are not altered in any way. If you are a vendor and plan to distribute this program, please read files LICENSE.TXT and VENDINFO.DIZ 2. WARRANTY THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS-IS", NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND OPTIONS REQUIRES: PC 386 compatible and a VGA card. OPTIONAL: * Joystick * SoundBlaster compatible sound card * EMS memory support Page 1 of 4 4. GAME OPERATION Type SNOW to start. Select an episode by using the arrow keys, or you may press ESC to exit the game. Select "Start Game" from the main menu. The Shareware version includes only episode 1. The rest are available only from Alive Software, for more info see file ORDER.TXT. 4.1 CONTROL Jump: Press the CTRL key or Joystick button 1 to jump. By holding the CTRL key down longer, you can jump even higher. Throw Ring: press the ALT key or Joystick button 2 to throw magic rings. Move: Use the Up, Down, Left, Right arrow keys or the Joystick to move around. Quit: Press the ESC key to quit the game and return to main menu. Help: Press the F1 key for a brief help screen. 4.2 MAIN MENU -------------- Start New Game Once you have selected an episode select this entry to -------------- get the game started. -------------- Introduction Game hints and short description of each episode. -------------- -------------- Top Scores Displays current and past top scores. -------------- -------------- Game Setup Select Joystick or Keyboard. Set Difficulty Level. -------------- Music or No music option. Sound effects or no sound. The options are then saved in file SNOW.CFG. -------------- New Player Change the current player's name. This name will be -------------- used when saving the player's high scores. -------------- Demo For a quick introduction to playing the game or a non- -------------- stop demonstration select this option. To stop the demo simply press any key. -------------- Ordering Info Important information on how to order all Nine of the -------------- episodes and cheat codes from Alive Software. -------------- Exit To DOS Select this entry to quit the program and return to DOS. -------------- Before you exit, our catalog will be displayed. Press the up or down key to browse or press Esc to Exit. Page 2 of 4 4.3 GAME OBJECTIVES You are SnowWhite, the king's daughter, growing up happy, in spite of a jealous stepmother. SnowWhite is very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Though the stepmother, is a wicked woman, she is very beautiful also, and the magic mirror of the castle told her this every day, whenever she asked it. "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the loveliest of them all?". The reply was always the same: "You are, your Majesty", until the dreadful day when the Evil Queen heard it say: "SnowWhite is the loveliest in the land". The stepmother was furious and, wild with jealousy, began her plot to get rid of SnowWhite. * In the Palace Garden: the evil Queen asked SnowWhite to go to the garden and pickup flowers and wild fruit and catch butterflies. The queen also asked the ravens and her loyal trolls to harm SnowWhite. Avoid the egg-throwing ravens, fire-throwing trolls and worms. You can squash worms by jumping on them. * Attic Cleanup: the jealous Queen asked SnowWhite to dust-off the attic and cleanup the spider webs. She also asked the bats, spiders and bees to harm SnowWhite. In the attic try to pickup stars, candy canes, ice-cream and pears. Avoid bats, spiders, bees, the walking pumpkin and poison- dripping lipstick. * In the Forest: The evil Queen was furious with SnowWhite, she asked her loyal hunters to get rid of SnowWhite who was in the forest picking up flowers and fruit and playing with rabbits. Avoid the hunters, worms and egg- throwing owls. You can squash worms by jumping on them. * In the Lake: After escaping the forest hunters, SnowWhite came upon a lake. She built a raft and tried to cross the water, which was full of dangerous frogs, mosquitoes and giant crocodiles. Catch the yellow ducks and collect fruit and happy faces. * Little House: SnowWhite, after crossing the lake, walked until she came to a strange house with a tiny door and tiny windows. Things to get inside the house: red balloons, fruit, dessert and cheese slice. Avoid the mice, spiders, dog and the plate-throwing scarecrow. * In the Mine: When night time came, seven tiny men marched in the house. SnowWhite told them her sad story. Then, they said to her: "Stay here with us and help us around the house and the mine". Collect gems and rubies. Avoid bats, spiders, mice, the moving train and the moving gem bags. Page 3 of 4 * In the Castle: One day, Joe the squirrel came running to the house and said to SnowWhite: "The evil Queen has captured the seven dwarfs". SnowWhite decided to go to the dark castle and rescue her friends. Avoid ghosts, dragons, bouncing mines and the dancing broom-stick. * Prince Charming: After eating the poisoned apple SnowWhite fainted and fell into a strange sleep. When Prince Charming learned about it, he set out to bring her to his palace, for the doctors to examine her. He hopped on his white pony and tried to find SnowWhite who was sleeping in a glass coffin that the dwarfs built for her. Avoid the witch, the dark rider, crows and the deadly rain-fire. * Evil Queen: Prince Charming kissed SnowWhite. As though by magic the kiss broke the spell and she woke up. SnowWhite thanked the Prince and decided to go after the jealous Queen who had transformed herself into a flying witch. Avoid the hunters, dragon, mines and the witch. SCORE : You get points every time you pickup a valuable item or you throw a ring and hit an enemy. You loose points when you get hit. To achieve very high scores you must start with episode 1 and work your way up, collecting points in each episode. HEALTH: Every time you get hit, you loose one health point. If you run out of health points the game ends. Get Hearts for extra health points. 4. SPECIAL NOTES FOR SHAREWARE VERSION Here is a list of benefits you get by ordering the complete SnowWhite game for ONLY $ 20 ( US Dollars ) plus shipping. * YOU GET THE LATEST ENHANCED version of SnowWhite's Voyages and all nine episodes including: 1. Palace Garden 2. Attic Cleanup 3. In the Forest 4. In the Lake 5. Little House 6. In the Mine 7. In the Castle 8. Prince Charming 8. Evil Queen * Cheat codes for unlimited number of magic rings and unlimited health points. Use the cheat codes to get even higher scores. * When you order from Alive Software you will also get more FREE Shareware, our catalog, newsletter, new product announcements and low cost updates. Registered users Get TECHNICAL support by phone, mail, fax or Email. For more information run program ALIVECAT.EXE, our catalog containing detailed descriptions of our programs. For Information on how to contact us or on how to Order, print or list and fill ORDER.TXT form and then mail, fax, E-mail or phone your order today. Page 4 of 4