:Base .\Doom95.hlp :Title Ultimate DOOM Help :Index Doom Help=./doom95.hlp 1 Ultimate Doom: Thy Flesh Consumed 2 Welcome=DoomContents 2 The Story=TheStory 2 The Environment=Environment 2 The Bad Guys=TheEnemy 2 Your Weapons=FirePower 2 Things To Find 3 Alien Artifacts=Artifacts 3 Health And Armor=Health 3 Power-Ups=PowerUps 1 Setting Up Doom 2 Installing=Setup 2 Uninstalling=Uninstall 2 Reinstalling=Reinstall 2 Configuring Doom=Config 1 How To Play Doom 2 The Controls=Controls 2 On-Screen Information=OnScreen 2 The DOOM Menus=DoomMenu 2 Command Key Summary=CommandKeys 2 The Launcher=Launch 2 Multi-Player Games=Multiplayer