Apocalypse Cow (v. 1.0) by and copyright 1996 Pinata Fatala 0.0 Registration 1.0 QUICK SETUP AND PLAY 2.0 Starting The Game 3.0 Options Screens 3.1 Main Options 3.2 Other Options 4.0 Playing The Game 4.1 How To Win 4.11 How To Win Catapult Dueling 4.12 How To Win Cow Boxing 4.2 Controls for Catapult Dueling 4.3 Controls for Cow Boxing 4.4 Types of Cows 4.5 Different Arenas 4.6 Enemy List 4.7 Time Limit 4.8 Hitting Bullseyes 5.0 General Setup 5.1 Setting up memory configuration 5.2 Setting up sound card 5.3 Requirements 6.0 Legal Notices 0.0 Registration Apocalypse Cow is shareware. This means you (and you, and you) can distribute the unregistered version as freely and to as many people as you wish. Duplicate it as much as you like, and pass it around freely. If you wish to continue playing Apocalypse Cow you must register. If you enjoy playing Apocalypse Cow, send: - a $15 check or money order - your name and address to: Pinata Fatala P.O. BOX 3670 Columbus, OH, 43210-0670 In return, you will recieve the registered version of Apocalypse Cow, which has all the shareware "nag" screens removed. 1.0 QUICK SETUP AND PLAY Type SNDSETUP.EXE at a DOS prompt to set up your sound card (if you have one). Then type COW.BAT if you want to run Apocalypse Cow with sound. If you do not want sound, type QUIETCOW.BAT if you want to run Apocalypse Cow without sound. The game should then load and start. See section 5.0 of this manual for more details on setting up if you have any problems. 2.0 Starting the Game Apocalypse Cow may be started (with sound) by running COW.BAT. For a no-sound game, run QUIETCOW.BAT. 3.0 Options Screens Options may be selected by moving the up and down arrow keys to the appropriate option and hitting ENTER. To change the sound volume in the options screen move the hand down to the volume dial and use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to adjust the volume. 3.1 Main Screen About - Shows a file describing the creators of Apocalypse Cow and Pinata Fatala. Options - Leads to choices described in section 3.2. Arena - Chooses from four different arenas to battle in, all of which are described in section 4.2. Help - Shows several help screens explaining the game. Quit - Exits the game. 3.2 Other Options Player One Start Cow - You may modify the type of cow Player One starts the game with to give Player One an advantage. Types of cows are described in section 4.3. Player Two Start Cow - You may modify the type of cow Player Two starts the game with to give Player Two an advantage. Types of cows are described in section 4.3. Volume - Volume of the sounds can be changed by moving the arrow keys left ( to decrease the volume ) or right (to increase the volume.) Return To Main Menu - Goes back to menu described in section 3.1. 4.0 Playing The Game Apocalypse Cow is a game of two parts: catapult dueling and cow boxing. 4.1 How To Win To win Apocalypse Cow, you must destroy all of the other player's catapult movers - or have other enemies do the work for you. First person to destroy all six of his/her opponent's catapult movers wins the game. 4.11 How to Win Catapult Dueling To win Catapult Dueling (and win Apocalypse Cow), the opposing player's catapult must be completely destroyed. To do this, you must kill off all of the player's catapult movers. Catapult movers can be killed by: - being hit with cows of various types. - driving the catapult into fire, cactus, or rabid dogs. - being eaten by the Hungry Hungry Weasel Head. - being burned alive by Mr. Sun. Handy tip: If you can't avoid being hit with a cow, launch a cow of your own to intercept it - if you win the Cow Boxing melee, your cow will survive and the other cow will disappear. 4.12 How to Win Cow Boxing To win Cow Boxing, you have to beat the opposing player's cow senseless. To do this, punch, kick, and otherwise abuse it until it's out of life. Careful: Each punch and kick sets you a few feet back, and if you fall off the cloud, you lose automatically. Cow Boxing is automatically activated if two cows collide in midair. The winner of Cow Boxing survives, the loser is killed. * Warning: Some cows are volatile. 4.2 Controls for Catapult Dueling Catapults are driven with controls of rotate left, rotate right, move forward, and fire cow. Rotate Left Rotate Right Move Forward Fire Cow Player One's keys: C B F Z Player Two's keys: Arrow Left Arrow Right Arrow Up Enter Note that the power at which a cow is shot depends completely on how many "rope twists" are wrapped around the catapult's central bar. The twists progress from one to five, then back to one. One twist - barely launch the cow. Two twists - useful for hitting dogs in the Junkyard. Three twists - medium range. Four twists - the cow gets launched one full arena length. Five twists - Full arena length and then some. Useful for those "rebounding off wall" shots. 4.3 Controls for Cow Boxing Boxing Cows are moved with controls of block, walk, upper punch, lower punch, and kick. Block Walk Left Walk Right High Punch Low punch Kick Player One's keys: C C B F V Z Player Two's keys: Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Up Arrow Down Enter Right Left Right 4.4 Types Of Cows Launching cows come in three varieties: Normal, Glass, and Metal. A Normal cow kills off one catapult mover if it hits the opposing catapult. A Stained Glass cow kills off two catapult movers if it hits the opposing catapult. A Metal cow kills off three catapult movers if it hits the opposing catapult. Unless the options (section 3.2) are set, both players start out with Normal cows at the beginning of the game. Players can upgrade their cow type by hitting 3 red bullseyes on the opposite side of the screen. 4.5 Different Arenas There are four arenas in which opposing catapults can settle their grudges: Volcano: Set in a newly formed lava flow of a young volcano, this area has frequent lava fissures which burst into flame seemingly at random. Junkyard: Set at Ted's Scrap Metal and Croissants, this area has hordes of rabid dogs which love to gnaw chunks out of foolish catapult movers. City: Set in Agra, India in the year 2069, where all free land has been covered by either ruined buildings or freeways, this area features frequent fires among the rubble. Chasm: Set at the Great Pit O' Mystery, this windswept desert area features the world's fastest growing cacti. 4.6 Enemy List * Note that all enemies featured here appear only in the Catapult Fighting arena. The only enemy in the Cow Boxing arena is the other cow who's trying to punch your lights out. Mr. Sun: Mr. Sun will burn away three of your catapult movers if he passes over your catapult. Note that Mr. Sun will only damage a catapult once per appearance - after that, he's as harmless as a pussycat. Moon: The Moon will eat your cows if a cow flies into him, no matter what the type. So much for jumping over. Hungry Hungry Weasel Head: Weasel Head pops out from the side of the screen and happily eats all six of your catapult movers, making both a quick meal and a quick game. Pinata Fatala Blimp: If a cow should strike the PF Blimp, the Blimp will rebound the cow in another direction. Fire, Cactus, Rabid Dogs: Any of these horrors will kill off a single catapult mover. Evil Green Bullseyes: See note in section 4.7. 4.7 Time Limit There's no real time limit per se in Apocalypse Cow, but you've got three minutes before all the enemies mentioned in section 4.6 decide to pay you a visit. Those with a suicidal bent should hit the green bullseyes - each hit shortens the timer by 15 seconds. 4.8 Hitting Bullseyes You can only hit bullseyes that are on your opponent's side of the screen, so it requires at least a minimum of skill with shooting your cows to hit them. Hitting three red bullseyes will increase your cow type until you've got the best- the metal cow. Hitting green bullseyes, as mentioned in section 4.7, shortens the timer by 15 seconds. 5.0 General Setup To run Apocalypse Cow, the user must set up a memory configuration as well as set up the sound card. 5.1 Setting up memory configuration To play Apocalypse Cow, you will need to have: 536 K conventional memory and 2,700 K (2.7 megabytes) extended memory free. You must have at least this amount of memory free before running Apocalypse Cow. Type MEM at a DOS prompt to check your current amount of memory. If you do not have enough memory to meet Apocalypse Cow's requirements, an error indicating how much more memory is needed will be displayed when Apocalypse Cow is run. Suggestions to increase amount of availiable memory: - If you have a CD-ROM, remove CD-ROM drivers from AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS (make backup of these files first, of course.) - Run Apocalypse Cow under DOS instead of a Windows DOS shell. 5.2 Setting up sound card Your sound card must be set up before starting Apocalypse Cow by running SNDSETUP.EXE. 5.3 Requirements Apocalypse Cow requires at least a 486/33. A Sound Blaster or compatible card is recommended, although not necessary (see section 2.0 about running without sound.) 6.0 Legal Notes THIS GAME IS OTHERWISE PROVIDED "AS-IS", AND NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. OUR ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IS SUCH REPLACEMENT, AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL WE PROVIDE ANY OTHER REMEDY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. The enclosed software, including its documentation, is copyright 1996 Pinata Fatala. You must not [a] distribute any version of Apocalypse Cow with unauthorized changes, such as additional or different levels, or changed characters, changed artwork, changed sound effects or music; or [b] characterize such versions as an "add-on" or "extension" of Apocalypse Cow; or [c] distribute any unauthorized third party utility designed to alter any part of Apocalypse Cow; or [d] Remove any copyright or trademark information. The following files must always be included to constitute a legal version for shareware distribution: Directory of C:\COW APOCCOW EXE 153,883 04-25-96 11:29a VMEM EXE 20,421 04-25-96 11:24a CMEM EXE 20,827 04-25-96 11:05a SOUNDCHK EXE 7,877 04-17-96 6:54p PIX 04-25-96 11:14a SOUND 04-25-96 11:14a COW BAT 167 04-17-96 6:55p QUIETCOW BAT 130 04-16-96 9:09p MANUAL TXT 13,032 04-25-96 11:12a REGISTER TXT 883 04-24-96 11:18p SNDSETUP EXE 46,532 03-30-96 4:56p SNDSETUP RAW 6,130 03-21-96 1:59p SNDSETUP PCX 12,309 03-30-96 5:13p SNDSET2 PCX 9,631 03-30-96 5:10p 17 file(s) 291,822 bytes Directory of C:\COW\PIX FATAL2 PCX 6,896 04-17-96 9:03a SCR1 PCX 38,231 04-23-96 1:45p COWFRMC PCX 17,924 04-17-96 7:51a NFBEGIN PCX 31,204 04-24-96 11:08p FATALA PCX 26,729 04-17-96 9:28a TNKCOW2 PCX 21,447 04-17-96 8:37p SHROOMX2 PCX 56,668 04-18-96 4:26a OPTIONS2 PCX 47,381 04-17-96 8:18a LOADING PCX 11,442 04-07-96 9:16a NFEND PCX 32,033 04-24-96 11:08p CATAPULT PCX 21,658 04-17-96 6:39a COWFRMB PCX 20,535 04-17-96 7:50a GCOWA PCX 21,650 04-17-96 5:32a KNOB PCX 10,507 04-24-96 8:20a SCR4 PCX 32,076 04-23-96 1:45p SPRISE PCX 19,258 04-17-96 1:32a GCOWB PCX 15,186 04-17-96 5:32a BOX256 PCX 22,259 04-17-96 9:10a MCOWA PCX 14,312 04-17-96 5:28a MCOWB PCX 13,733 04-17-96 5:27a MCOWC PCX 11,301 04-17-96 5:27a OPTIONS PCX 47,951 04-17-96 8:18a SCR3 PCX 49,165 04-23-96 1:45p SCR2 PCX 48,148 04-23-96 1:45p FALLING2 PCX 20,079 04-17-96 9:24a WEASELG2 PCX 13,244 04-17-96 6:38a HELP PCX 17,617 04-13-96 5:05a ABOUT2 PCX 21,113 04-17-96 8:45a HELP2 PCX 30,629 04-14-96 1:25a LOSER PCX 10,201 04-17-96 4:47a HELP3 PCX 20,842 04-13-96 5:06a HELP4 PCX 10,724 04-13-96 5:06a COWFRMA PCX 24,348 04-17-96 7:49a WEASELG PCX 15,904 04-17-96 6:38a PCXSHOW EXE 28,612 07-25-94 10:44a GCOWC PCX 16,006 04-17-96 5:31a ABOUT PCX 21,116 04-17-96 8:45a SKELETON PCX 39,554 04-18-96 1:00a PINFAT PCX 20,007 04-17-96 7:46p BOXBACK PCX 19,147 04-17-96 1:36p Directory of C:\COW\SOUND FIRE4 RAW 31,616 03-30-96 10:50p SPLAT1 RAW 3,648 04-23-96 6:48p RICO RAW 608 03-31-96 2:40p CHOMP RAW 24,928 04-23-96 6:30p RICO2 RAW 608 03-31-96 2:43p SUN RAW 32,224 04-23-96 6:55p SPLAT2 RAW 5,472 04-23-96 6:53p GLASS1 RAW 18,240 04-23-96 6:41p BULLSEYE RAW 7,904 04-23-96 6:26p CRASH3 RAW 14,592 04-23-96 6:31p FALL1 RAW 3,009 04-13-96 8:59p CATI1 RAW 6,688 04-23-96 6:28p CRASH4 RAW 14,592 04-23-96 6:32p CATG1 RAW 12,160 04-23-96 6:27p K1 RAW 3,608 03-20-96 9:34p FWING1 RAW 10,336 04-23-96 6:39p FWING2 RAW 7,296 04-23-96 6:40p METI1 RAW 18,848 04-23-96 6:47p K2 RAW 3,078 03-18-96 6:56p K3 RAW 3,842 03-30-96 11:06p DINGDING RAW 18,848 04-23-96 6:33p VIOLIN RAW 16,416 04-23-96 6:57p FALL2 RAW 2,140 04-13-96 8:44p FALL4 RAW 11,708 04-13-96 8:47p MOO1 RAW 15,385 04-14-96 3:00p MOO2 RAW 13,721 04-14-96 3:00p MOO3 RAW 17,108 04-14-96 3:00p MOO4 RAW 13,040 04-14-96 2:58p MOO6 RAW 11,628 04-14-96 2:58p MOO5 RAW 13,860 04-14-96 2:58p GMOO RAW 6,130 03-21-96 1:59p BOING RAW 8,512 04-23-96 6:26p FART RAW 6,688 04-23-96 6:38p WAHWAH RAW 31,490 04-17-96 12:51a AAH RAW 17,771 04-17-96 1:59p DOG2 RAW 12,160 04-23-96 6:34p DOGOW2 RAW 9,120 04-23-96 6:35p DOGSPLAT RAW 5,472 04-23-96 6:36p NUKE RAW 30,956 04-17-96 1:19p HMMHMM1 RAW 13,376 04-17-96 2:49p SPIN4 RAW 15,436 04-17-96 2:34p SPIN3 RAW 24,778 04-17-96 1:56p HEAD RAW 3,813 04-17-96 3:13p THUNDER2 RAW 30,400 04-14-96 12:04a LITENING RAW 24,928 04-24-96 8:42a