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 Product Information 
Small Business Server 2000 Features Overview*

Get quick, easy-to-skim information on Small Business Server 2000 features in the tabled overviews below�including the latest features available with the new release. To read more on Small Business Server 2000, visit the Product Overview page. Please see the System Requirements page for information about hardware requirements.

Suite Components
Multipurpose Operating System New
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. A best-of-breed network operating system that provides file/print, Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 Web server, Routing and Remote Access Service (RAS), and shared application and additional communications services, along with overall improvements in server performance and reliability.


bulletDisk Quotas. Enable a technology consultant to set up disk partitions to limit the amount of disk space used on the server for a particular user.

For networks with Windows 2000 Professional�based clients, additional features are introduced:


bulletMicrosoft IntelliMirror. Supports synchronization of data on server-based folders to a local storage cache of Windows 2000 Professional�based client computers. Users can configure a folder located on the server to be made available offline. Changes to either the server copy or the local copy of data will be automatically synchronized during the next connection to the network.
bulletGroup Policy Objects (GPOs). Provides an easier way to deploy software to Windows 2000 Professional�based client computers. GPOs also offer the ability to support roaming profiles where users can log on to any Windows 2000 Professional�based client computer on the network and get all of their user settings and server-based data folders, as well as the ability to lock down desktop and Start menu settings for a given group of users.
bulletApplication Assign and Publish. Allows a technology consultant to set up applications to be published in the Add/Remove Programs library for all Windows 2000�based client computers on the network.

Messaging and Collaboration New
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and Microsoft Outlook 2000. A reliable Internet and intranet messaging and collaboration server providing a rich set of features for users on the network, as well as mobile or remote users. Features include e-mail, calendaring, chat, news, forums, event scripting for collaboration, and broad Internet standards support. Others features include:


bulletImproved Outlook Web Access Web Client. Enables users to view their Inbox, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, as well as Exchange public folders, through the new Exchange Web Client. Users can connect from any computer on the network or over an Internet-based virtual private network (VPN) with a Web browser to retrieve their Exchange-based information without any special user configuration on the computer.
bulletInstant Messaging Service. Allows users to instantly set up a chat session with local or Internet users (without having to pay any local or long-distance phone fees) by using the shared connection to the Internet.
bulletMicrosoft Web Storage System. Allows businesses to publish Exchange public folders to appear as native file folders on the network. Documents stored in Exchange public folders can be visible on the network using the native file browsing tools.
Database New Version 
Microsoft SQL Server� 2000. A highly-scalable relational database management system for building distributed and transacted line-of-business applications, including order processing, online analytical processing (OLAP), data warehousing, and e-commerce on the Internet. The new version offers an easier way to publish database information such as your own inventory catalog on the Internet, as well as providing increased performance, reliability, and availability.


Shared Internet Access (Proxy) and Firewall New Version 
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 (replaces Proxy Server). An Internet firewall and Web cache server that provides Internet security while improving network efficiency and increasing the speed of retrieval for frequently used Internet Web pages.


bulletVPN Wizard. Enables a business to easily configure a secure VPN to allow mobile workers to connect to the Small Business Server network over the Internet without having to dial directly into the server. VPNs can save companies from additional telephony costs by providing a way for workers outside the telephone area code to dial in to their local Internet connection and use the Internet to perform the long-distance connection at virtually no cost to the remote user.
Shared Fax Service Updated 
Shared Fax Service. The Small Business Server Fax Server has been completely redesigned into the new, reliable Shared Fax Service. This feature allows users to send faxes from their desktop through a shared fax modem or interface, administered through Small Business Server. Administrators can configure calling times and priorities, and manage the fax queue.


bulletSupport for Brooktrout fax boards and additional ISDN cards. Offers support for all Windows 2000�based Class 1 fax modems and introduces support for Brooktrout fax boards and AVT ISDN cards.
bulletIntegrated Fax over IP services. Enables you to configure outbound faxes to be sent and received through either the local modem or fax board hardware or a list of third-party, Internet-based fax-over-IP services.
bulletBroadcast Fax support. Allows documents to be spooled from the client computer to the server one time and the image to be delivered to the list fax numbers in the fax queue without tying up the client computing or causing network traffic during the broadcast fax job.
Shared Modem Service Updated 
Shared Modem Service. This feature enables client computers to use modems shared on Small Business Server to connect to external information services. This enables businesses that regularly connect to information services to save money on hardware and telephony costs by not requiring a modem and dedicated phone line for each client computer. Use of the shared modems can be restricted to individual users or groups of users so you can determine who connects to external networks.
Server Monitoring and Alerting New 
Health Monitor 2.1. Administrators and power users can view system performance metrics, set and modify thresholds to report server health, and configure alerts. The alerts then can be configured to run actions such as logging the issue, running a command line, or sending an e-mail message to a local or remote user. Technology consultants can configure the alerts to send e-mail messages to their own e-mail accounts.

Simplifying Deployment
Integrated Setup Updated 
Small Business Server 2000 installs and configures the operating system, application components, and service packs through a single, integrated setup that includes disk-space, system compatibility, and dependency checking. Small Business Server setup significantly reduces the complexity of server setup by automatically defaulting many common parameters and consolidating the number of setup screens a person needs to walk through. With Windows 2000�based Plug-and-Play support, more hardware devices (including many USB devices) will be detected, installed, and configured by default. Small Business Server no longer requires a modem during setup, which provides for a more reliable setup experience.

Client Setup (Setup Computer Wizard) Updated 
Small Business Server 2000 helps automate the job of connecting client computers to a Small Business Server network by setting up and configuring networking components and deploying software applications to client workstations. The updated Setup Computer Wizard includes an Extensibility Wizard tool that enables a consultant to add applications that appear in the Setup Computer Wizard software list, making it easier to deploy virtually any application to Small Business Server�based client computers.

Internet Connection Wizard Updated 
The Internet Connection Wizard guides you through configuring Small Business Server as the gateway server connecting your network to the Internet. The wizard will help guide you through Windows 2000, IP, e-mail, and firewall configurations. The wizard now integrates the Exchange Connector for POP3 Mailboxes, which allows you to continue to use existing POP3 e-mail accounts as part of your new Exchange 2000 Server. Plus, the Internet Connection Wizard will help configure the POP3 connector.

Suite-Level Management Features
Customizable Management Consoles Updated 
Managing the server is simplified by two customizable management consoles, which help a user proactively monitor server health and manage network users, computers, and devices.


bulletUser Console. This simplified console is designed for the more technical user on the network to help monitor the status of the server, manage basic user permissions, add users, and manage printer and fax queues.
bulletAdministrator Console. This advanced console is designed to help technology consultants perform all tasks of the User Console and fully configure settings for Exchange, SQL Server, Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 (replaces Proxy Server), and Windows 2000.

Because the new consoles are based entirely on the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) shipped in Windows 2000, technology consultants will have the ability to easily customize existing consoles or add new consoles based on customer need.

Windows Terminal Services�Based Administration New 
You can use either an Internet connection via a Web client such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or dedicated client software to manage remote sites with the Small Business Server Management Consoles and have the same software functionality as you would if you were on the local area network (LAN) or sitting in front of the server console.

Add User Wizard Updated 
Adding users is even easier with the updated three-screen wizard that creates a user account, an e-mail mailbox and a home directory, and sets security permissions based on customizable template user accounts. A local "power user" can be defined to add and disable user accounts on the network. This user enters the user information and password information, and selects a user template to model user permissions. Administrators can easily add user templates based on the needs of the business.

Server Status Reports and Server Status View Updated 
Now you can get regular snapshots of your server's status automatically, including hardware condition, application healt, and system performance. These reports can be e-mailed to administrators, and kept on file for building historical views of server usage, which you can use to plan for future upgrades or required maintenance.

Online Tours and Help With "Bayesian" Trouble-shooters New 
Keeping your systems up and running 24x7 is now even easier with comprehensive HTML online help for all application and suite components, including seven guided tours on deploying, managing, and using various application and suite services. New Bayesian Troubleshooters for Small Business Server 2000 will help guide you through administration rough spots by asking questions that analyze your system's condition, then providing possible steps to remedy the situation.

Small Business Server Optimizations and Limits
Server Optimizations The Small Business Server 2000 component server applications are not limited in any way compared with the stand-alone versions other than the fact that the applications can be installed only on a Small Business Server 2000�based computer. Limits or optimizations imposed on Small Business Server are based on the following Windows 2000 Server optimizations:


bulletSmall Business Server must be set up as the root domain controller of a Microsoft Active Directory� forest. This prevents Small Business Server from serving as the branch office or divisional server of a larger organization with an existing Active Directory or Microsoft Windows NT 4.x� based domain infrastructure.
bulletSimilar to Small Business Server 4.5, there is a maximum of 50 workstations that can be connected to a Small Business Server 2000�based network. This also limits the number of workstations that can access any of the component server applications.
bulletTrusts with other Active Directory forests are not allowed. Similar to Small Business Server 4.5, a user will not be able to set up an explicit (e.g., Windows NT 4.x style) trust with another domain. This optimization does not allow the Small Business Server Exchange Server to connect to Exchange-based servers outside the Small Business Server 2000 domain.
bulletClient Access Licenses (CALs) are enforced through bump-pack disks that must be purchased separately. The License Manager Control Panel applet is not included in Small Business Server 2000.

Summary of What's New in Small Business Server 2000
Suite Features Small Business Server 4.5 Small Business Server 2000
Operating System Windows NT Server 4.0 Windows 2000 Server
Messaging/Collaboration Exchange Server 5.5 Exchange 2000 Server
Shared Internet Proxy Server 2.0 Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000
Database Platform SQL Server 7.0 SQL Server 2000
Share Fax Fax Server 4.5 Shared Fax Service 2000
Modem Sharing Modem Sharing Server 4.5 Shared Modem Service 2000
Integrated Setup Windows NT 4.x Windows 2000 Setup baseline
Flexible App Setup Graduated deployment and true maintenance mode
Set-Up Computer Wizard Extensible and single network disk for all clients
Integrated Management Small Business Server console tools dominate Microsoft Management Console 1.2 with native tools coexistence
Single administrator view Customizable consoles for user access lockdown
Monitoring Server Status Tool Health Monitor 2.1 data and alerts-based notifications
Remote Microsoft NetMeeting Remote Administration Terminal Services