Programming Files 12/20/96 C++ Formatter is a 32-bit utility that | produces an RTF document for a set of C++ | source files. You can produce formatted | outputs for different groups of C++ tokens, | add line / page numbers, header / footer, | specify the page layout, margins etc. For | more info, check out the C++ Formatter Home | Page. 12/19/96 Generate and print various types of graphs | from manual input or from tables and queries | with minimal programming. Samples, help & | keyword files and zoom/pan print previewer | included. For more info, check out the | GraphIt for Delphi Home Page. 12/19/96 Suite of Delphi components incorporating | GraphIt, PrintIt, ReportIt and SortIt from | Calitz Brothers in one component partition on | Delphi's component bar. Easy generation and | printing of graphs, reports and forms with | minimal programming. Samples, help & | keyword files and zoom/pan print previewer | included. For more info, check out the CB | Suite for Delphi Home Page. 12/19/96 iTrack is a help desk database and user | interface for tracking, reporting, and | analyzing computer support incidents. With | iTrack you can record internal or client | calls, categorize and prioritize them, sort | or filter by any criteria, identify trends | and tendencies, manage client licenses, and | more. Any information can then be exported | to Excel XLS or a formatted text file. For | more info, check out the iTrack Home Page. 12/19/96 This 32-bit Application allows You the | programmer to no longer worry about trapping | errors. Just code your program as you | normally would, debug without having to | disable error handeling routines, then when | you are ready to roll it out, ERROR TRAP it! | All error messages report procedure and exact | line of error to make debugging EASY! For | more info, check the VB4 Error Trap Home | Page. 12/19/96 Html Doc generator from C++ files. For more | info, check the MkHelp Home Page. 12/19/96 Smalltalk/Win95 is a 32-bit implementation of | the Smalltalk language based on the Microsoft | Foundation Class library. Requires MFC.ZIP | for installation. For more info, check out | the Smalltalk/Win95 Home Page. 12/16/96 Harness the power of Windows and its 32bit | API. With this, the first of 10 common dlls, | VB programmers can access the API as if it is | just another object in the object | browser. Simple add a reference and the API | is virtually an object. This dll provides | Window Control and information functions.Was | designed and written in visual basic. No more | long declarations or errors in passing | variables to the API. For more info, check | the API32-1 Inline dll For Windows Control | & Information Home Page. 12/10/96 MetaKit is a small portable C++ class library | for data storage and easy manipulation of | structured objects and collections. Data | files can be loaded on-demand or streamed | across platforms. Includes many C++ MFC | examples. Static libs and source code to | create royalty-free self contained apps is | available. For more info, check the MetaKit | Home Page. 12/9/96 Automatic documentation for C/C++ | programs. Generates documentation directly | from the source code. Metrics, HTML and RTF | output. No source code changes. Windows 95 | and NT 3.51, NT 4.0, Any 32 bit windows | compiler. For more information, check out | the Object Outline Home Page. 12/7/96 Simplified Version Control System / | Backup. Designed for all writers and | programmers. Supports multiple | configurations, archivers, incremental | backups and more. For more information, check | out the Revision Home Page. 12/6/96 ScopeEdit is a new advanced programmer's text | editor which addresses the special problems | of creating and organizing complex documents | such as HTML or programming source files. For | more information, check out the ScopeEdit | Home Page. v.exe 11/27/96 V is a file viewer with a modern, easy to use | interface - there is no "File Open | Dialog Box" in sight. V is FAST, can | handle large files with ease, and excels at | viewing files in HEX mode. V is a perfect | windows replacement for LIST - the old DOS | work horse. For more info, check the V Home | Page. 11/26/96 It offers 3 levels (types) of encryption | protection. Write the information to a file | or the system registry, in any location and | any name you choose. It lets you cripple | and/or date limit your shareware program. It | stores all the important information about | all your shareware programs and can be | retrieved with a click. It even pastes all | the information you will send to your | customers to the clipboard for easy insertion | into your email response. For more info, | check the Enigma Home Page. 11/26/96 An OLE wrapper for the Win32 registry | functions written in Visual Basic 4.0. 12/22/96 HelpScribble 1.1.0 is a tool for creating | help files for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. It | has an easy to use user interface with | built-in editors for Win95-style contents | files, SHG files (hotspot bitmaps), browse | sequences, WinHelp macros, etc. While | HelpScribble is suited to create any kind of | help files, it has some extra options for | Delphi programmers. HelpScribble reads the | source code of your VCL component to create | an outline help file and performs syntax | highlighting on your sample code. Documenting | Delphi applications is made easy by the | HelpContext property editor that integrates | into the Delphi IDE. For more info, check out | the HelpScribble Home Page. 11/17/96 Filezap95 is a file-oriented disk examination | and modification program that allows you to | display the internals of any file in both hex | and ascii format; search, decode, chop, | paste, fill, global cut, global copy, and | print in ascii and hex. REQUIRES VBRUN400.DLL | For more info, check out the Filezap Home | Page. 11/16/96 A collection of Date and Time classes for MFC | 4.x. For more info, check the DTime Home | Page. 11/8/96 Visual MaxFrame provides the actual framework | on which to build Visual FoxPro applications, | implementing basic features commonly used in | all apps, which can, of course, be subclassed | to your needs. With the exception of the | global application-level classes, all | included class definitions are abstract | classes intended for further subclassing | before being put to work in an | application. This allows plenty of latitude | for the developer who has created classes | that he/she wants to integrate into the | framework. For more info, check the Visual | MaxFrame Home Page. mc.exe 11/2/96 MOAL C is an improved C, designed by a | computer scientist who wanted a more modern | and capable C for his programming needs. The | MOAL C compiler outputs ANSI C code, so a | separate 32-bit C compiler is needed to use | it. For more info, check the MOAL C Home | Page. 10/25/96 PiXCL Tools is an interpreted | graphics/imaging/multimedia and system | utility language that anyone can learn to | use. PiXCL can be used to create simple to | moderately complex programs such as image | display, system utilities, training courses, | presentations or marketting diskettes with | dialog boxes, image display, interactive | graphics, WAV file play and sound card | control. For more info, check out the PiXCL | Tools Home Page. 10/24/96 B64dCode (Base 64 Encode/Decode Utility) will | decode MIME/Base 64 files back into their | original configuration or encode any other | file type into MIME/Base 64. For more info, | check out the B64dCode Base64 Conversion | Utility Home Page. SetupWinBlt.exe 10/21/96 Windows developers: Give this application a | shot if you are having trouble figuring out | the ROP code needed for your masking | operations using BitBlt & Co. For more | info, check the WinBlt Home Page. tooltip.exe 10/19/96 The cToolTip class allows you easily add | ToolTips to your Visual Basic | applications. Add ToolTips with only one line | of init code, and one line per tip. It's | fast, easy, tiny, and does not degrade the | performance of your application like some | other ToolTip packages. Full source code is | available to registered users. For more info, | check out the ToolTip server class for Visual | Basic 4.0 Home Page. 10/16/96 The System-Security-API provides an | Application Programmable Interface which | allows an application developer to protect | resources and files access on a machine which | runs Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. 3 | levels of protection, based on file | access. One programmatically can Hide | specific files or folders (Hide), prevent all | access to the files (No Access), allow only | Read Only access. Includes a sample | application with source. A MUST HAVE tool for | anyone who want to keep his/hers product's | files safe. For more info, check the Home | Page. 10/15/96 BpnOCX is an implementation of | Backpropagation neural net in OCX ole custom | comtrol. It can be used with VB4(not tested), | Visual C++ 4.x, Optima++, Borland C++ 5.0, | Delphi 2.0(not tested) and any development | environment that support 32bit OCX | control. This update includes an Example | program NeuroXOR. For more information, check | out the BpnOcx control Home Page. 10/15/96 You can use DBIB.exe to get information about | your tables in a SQL database. DBIB.exe is a | Visual FoxPro 3.0 client to connect for | example to the BORLAND InterBase Workgroup | server 4.1 You get infos about your existing | tables, incl. browsing and you can type in | your own SQL statements. For more | information, check out the DBIB.exe Home | Page. 10/15/96 The DDL Wizard is an applet that allows the | user to generate the SQL Data Definition | Language (DDL) statements from a Microsoft | Access database. It will also allow the user | to create or update an Access database from a | DDL file. The primary purpose of this tool is | to allow you to programatically reconstruct | your database. For more information, check | out the DDL Wizard Home Page. 10/6/96 OLE Server OUT OF PROCESS, compatible with | Visual Basic 4.0, Visual Basic 3.0, Access | and other Ole automation clients. It runs | only with Windows '95. You can link to | another computer by modem, copy files and | hangup. For more information, check out the | Ntg Ole Automation RAS Server Home Page. 9/29/96 Conversion between different MS Jet Database | formats (Ver. 1.0 - 3.0 incuding encrypted | databases). Defragmenting of MS Jet | Databases.. For more info, check the | DbConvert Home Page. 9/26/96 CB SortGrid 5.27 Grid components for Delphi 1 | & 2 that can be printed with Print-It and | Report-It. Ascending, descending sorting of | queries and tables with the click of a | button; Displays DBMemos as text and DBImages | as images; Row resizing. For more info, check | the CB Sortgrid for Delphi Home Page. 9/23/96 This application is useful for all | programmers that use the access MDB | archives. It shows you the structure of a | database listing for each table: field name, | field type, field size, indexes - index name, | index field. It also provides a tree | structure. It's possible to edit it with | Microsoft word or save it as a txt file. For | more info, check the SmartView Home Page. Sinfo200.EXE 9/17/96 Sinfo is designed to help Windows | programmers and advanced users by providing | information on many aspects of Windows. It | can display full information on current | classes, windows, processes and | threads. There are some advanced (though | highly risky) commands to terminate processes | and changing their priority. For more info, | check the Sinfo Home Page. 9/11/96 Windows 95 gave us a snazzy, new and improved | three-dimensional user interface. VB 4.0 adds | the 3D look to our forms | automatically. That’s a great feature--as | far as it goes. Unfortunately, some 3D | effects are still difficult to achieve | without using a third-party control. Have no | fear--VBMax is here. VBMax3D.dll is an | in-process OLE server that lets you add the | 3D effects that Microsoft forgot to your VB 4 | applications--without the overhead of | third-party controls. For more info, check | the VBMax 3D Effects for VB 4 Home Page. 9/11/96 A VB4 add-in to simplify creating message | boxes. When you reach a point in your code | where you want to display a message box, | select the VBMax Message Box Wizard from the | VB Add-Ins menu and type in your | message. Click a control or two and you’re | done--the generated code is written into your | source file. For more info, check the VBMax | Message Box Wizard Home Page. 9/11/96 Have you seen those electronic billboards | that display messages using moving lights? | Wouldn’t it be cool to add one to your | killer VB app? You can’t do that in VB | though. Right? Wrong! VBMaxEM.dll handles the | task with aplomb. VBMaxEM.dll is an | in-process OLE server for adding electronic | message style controls to your VB 4.0 | applications. For more info, check the VBMax | Electronic Message Display for VB 4 Home | Page. 9/11/96 Want to add LCD/LED style controls to your | applications? Now you can with | VBMaxLCD.dll. VBMaxLCD.dll is an in-process | OLE server for adding LCD/LED style controls | to your VB 4.0 applications. There are tons | of uses for these babies: clocks, timers, | meters, calculators, dialers--the list goes | on. For more info, check the VBMax Liquid | Crystal Display for VB 4 Home Page. 9/11/96 MG-WinSNMP by MG-SOFT Corp. is a shareware | version of 32-bit winsnmp.dll library for the | Microsoft Windows 95/NT based SNMP-software | developers. For more info, check the | MG-WinSNMP Home Page. 9/6/96 IconTray25.dll is a OLE control for Visual | Basic 4.0 - 32-bit. It will add, remove, | modify, and detect the mouse events of | (clicking, moving the mouse over) an icon in | the Win95 icon tray. This update fixes a | major bug that caused IconTray to not run on | certain computers. For more info, check the | IconTray Home Page. 9/4/94 CRiSP is a modern file editor suitable for | programmers and other professionals who need | to edit files on multiple Unix and Windows | platforms. It incorporates most of the | advanced concepts of vi, Emacs, BRIEF and | various Windows products while presenting the | most intuitive user interface possible. For | more info, check out the CRiSP Home Page. 9/1/96 Hexadecimal editor for binary files. For more | info, check out the HEdit32 Home Page. 8/30/96 Hex Workshop is a file and disk editor which | allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, | copy, and paste hex. Additional features | include: goto, find, replace, file compare, | and checksum calculation. For more info, | check out the Hex Workshop Home Page. lc3swf32.exe 8/30/95 The List Collection provides the Visual | Programmer with a powerful set of list and | tree controls to manipulate, query, and | display user data. Features of these 10 OCX's | include mem-only Lists, seperate Images, | Styles, and Borders for each Item, formatted | text display, share resources between Lists, | load/save Lists to disk, and much more! (10%+ | discounts available!) For more info, check | out the List Collection Home Page. 8/23/96 ImpLib32 is a command line utility which | creates an import library for an existing | 32-bit DLL. For Microsoft Visual C++ 2.x/4.x | users only! 8/23/95 Installs files, creates program group, | inserts icons. Multi-disk (no file | splitting), file compression and screen | bitmaps. Now uses ZIP compatible | compression. Easy to use! No programming of | scripts to write! For more info, check out | the SVInstal Home Page. 8/21/95 MSGBOX is a small program that you can call | from within MS-DOS batch files to display | Windows message boxes under Windows 95. You | can specify the title text, message text, | icon and buttons to appear, and you can test | which button was pressed using errorlevel. 8/15/95 Code Storage for VB gives you quick and easy | access to your commonly used procedure Subs | and Functions as well as the Win32 (or Win31) | API Declares, Constants and Types. It also | holds the new Visual Basic constants so now | you only have one place to look for any code | related items or snippets. For more info, | check out the Code Storage For VB Home Page. 8/15/95 All the files needed to run 32 bit Visual | Basic and C++ programs in Windows 95. For | more info, check out the 32 bit Runtime | Modules for Visual Basic and Visual C++Home | Page. 8/3/96 ID4CD is an OCX and sample application (EOW) | that allows you to create cool applications | that demonstrate to the President that the | aliens aren't cute and cuddly E.T., but | really scum sucking locusts from outer | space. For more info, check out the ID4CD | Home Page. VDS232.exe 8/1/96 Visual DialogScript 2.01, a complete | development tool for batch files, automation | scripts and simple dialog based programs to | run under Windows 95. Can also generate | 16-bit executables. For more info, check the | Visual DialogScript Home Page. 7/31/96 Q'Nial for Windows is an Integrated | Development Environment (IDE) for developing | Q'Nial programs. Q'Nial is an interactive | language based on Nested Array Data | structures. For more info, check the Q'Nail | Home Page. 7/25/96 TIME TO WIN (32-Bit) contains more over 665 | functions or subroutines for for Visual Basic | 4.0 (32-Bit). 7/20/96 This 32-bit OCX Custom Control provides the | Visual Basic and VC++ software developer with | 70 properties. These properties provide the | user with system and memory and hardware | information; file status and information; | disk and drive information. For more info, | check out the Advanced Disk Home Page. 7/3/96 NParse32.ocx V1.3 is a 32 bit ocx that | enables Visual Basic Programmers to easily | add text file and string parsing capabilities | to their Windows 95 and NT applications. For | more info, check out the NParse32 Home Page. origami4.exe 6/10/96 Folding editor for programmers. Supports any | external compiler (DOS/Windows/Win32) and | MAKE utility and can be used as a development | environment. Contains build-in make. A | 'folding editor' extends the principle of | tree structured directories into a text | file. For more info, check out the Origami | Home Page. 6/28/96 SpriteLib is a free, high quality sprite | graphics library for all Windows game, | educational and multimedia developers. It | contains over 700 animated sprites images | ready for immediate "plug-in-play" use. Its | well suited for almost any application but is | especially good for Director/Shockwave and | Formula Graphics development. For more info | and registration, check out the SpriteLib | Home Page. 6/27/96 Free 32-bit replacement for VBSQL.VBX. No | code updates, no data types changes. Harmless | VB3 to VB4 32 porting. No need to buy SQL | Server 6.5 Programmers Toolkit to have it. | For more info and registration, check out the | DB32/OCX Home Page. esetup.exe 6/27/96 Eschalon Setup 2 for Windows 95 is a power | new installer from Eschalon Development | Inc. Our Setup Wizard builds complex | installations in minutes. Impress customers | with our professional wizard interface. For | more info, check the Eschalon Home Page. win41.exe 5/30/96 The Tcl language is a powerful scripting | language with C-like syntax. The Tk Windowing | Toolkit enables creation of sophisticated | windows programs with a few lines of Tcl | code. For more info, check the Tcl/Tk for | Windows Home Page. 5/20/96 WinShow is a programmers tool which displays | the structure of the Windows 95 or Windows NT | window underneath the cursor. Included in | the information is caption name, style, | position and size. For more info, check the | WinShow Home Page. 5/15/96 DiamondWare's Sound ToolKit for Windows v1.1! | Add music and sound quickly and easily to | your 32-bit (and 16-bit) Windows | programs. Supports C/C++, Visual BASIC, | Delphi, and Pascal. For more info, check the | DiamondWare's Sound ToolKit Home Page. 5/14/96 softSafe is a 32bit OLE2 server that manages | licenses for multiple applications. Now | application programmers can provide a | painless way of demonstrating full | functionality of a program and cause the | program to stop operating after a defined | period of time. For more info, check the | softSafe Home Page. 5/5/96 Align EASY is simple control alignment add-in | for 32-bit Visual Basic 4.0. You can use it | for aligning and distributing different | controls on form to each other at design | time. It is designed as toolbar with 14 | buttons and has 30 functions + undo. For more | info, check the Align EASY Home Page. MSICPB.exe 4/25/96 This is Microsoft's new set of controls meant | to work with ActiveX. It gives future | applications the ability to integrate | internet protocol seamlessly. For more info, | check the Internet Control Pack Home Page. 4/25/95 YAP. Yet Another Process lister, Console | App. Yap displays currently running Win95 | processes and a host of information about | them. Like the UNIX ps command. For more | info, check the Yap Home Page. 4/19/96 Microsoft and Intel's SDK contains all of the | components necessary for software developers | to create data communications applications | including specifications, sample applications | code, and the DLL components. For more info, | check out the WinSock 2 SDK Home Page. 4/18/96 MsgBox EASY is advanced Visual Basic Msgbox( | ) function code generator. For more info, | check the MsgBox EASY Home Page. 4/8/96 Allows quick and easy creation of an AutoPlay | teaser application for your Windows 95 | application. This toolkit handles all the | tough graphics and sound problems for | you. For more info, check the AutoPlay | Development Kit Home Page. 4/2/96 This counter allows your customers to try | your application before they buy. Much better | way than crippling some of the features in | your application. Operates using one basic | module and a single sub-routine for any | Visual Basic project. Source code | available. For more info, check the RegWare | Home Page. 3/30/96 Computes differences between versions of text | files and merges separate changes back | together. Displays differences using | graphical techniques, making use of color to | reduce required screen space. For more info, | check the Visual Diff and Merge Home Page. MPEGOCX.EXE 3/29/96 The MpegOCX digital video OLE control is a | 32-bit OLE custom control. Its purpose is to | insulate the application developer from the | tedious and sometimes difficult task of | incorporating digital video into his/her | application. For more info, check out the | MpegOCX digital video OLE control Home Page. 3/28/96 Winsize is a useful tool which allows | programmers to size forms that are creating | (in VB or some other windows programming | language with a graphical | interface). Requires VB Runtime Files. For | more info, check out the WinSize Home Page. 3/27/96 TrayIcon OCX is a 32 bit ocx allowing Visual | Basic, VC++, Delphi, Access etc. programmers | to place their custom icon in the tray area | of the taskbar and then recieve mouse | messages from it. For more info, check out | the TrayIcon OCX Home Page. 3/27/96 Complete source code to a freeware NTP client | written as a tutorial of Visual C++, MFC, | WinSock and Windows (Win95 & NT 3.51) | programming. For more info, check out the | SetTime Home Page. 3/18/96 NParse32.ocx is a shareware custom control | that is used to parse through either text | files or immediate strings. For more info, | check out the NParse32 Home Page. 3/7/95 Rhgen is a programming tool for easily | working with HEX and RGB color values, 3 | slide bars are used to change the amount of | red, green, or blue. In addition there are 2 | other buttons to make the current color | brighter or darker. 3/5/95 For Visual Basic 4.0 / Access 2.0 | Programmers. Reads an Access database and | generates a VB Class file for each table in | the database. For more info, check the B | 4.0/Access 2.0 Code Generator Home Page. vl323b.exe 3/4/95 3D-Visulan is a true 3D visual programming | language for Windows 95/NT which allows you | to build 3D programs. For more info, check | out the 3D-Visulan Home Page. 2/11/96 Easy to use Windows 95 Installation | program. Simply follow the easy steps to | create a standard Windows 95 interface-style | setup wizard. For more information, check out | the HS-Install Home Page. 2/2/96 Adds some useful tools for Visual Basic 4.0 | 32bit. 1/14/96 Why add a boring Send Mail menu item when you | can duplicate Explorer's Send To Menu? For | more info, check out the EarthWare Home Page. 12/14/95 This program allows you to hold the process | for a few seconds in a batch file. For more | info, check the Pass Home Page. 11/10/95 32-bit file editor for programmers. 9/17/95 A great native Win95 installer. Supports DLL | counter, registry, long filenames, uninstall | integration with Control Panel and much | more.. For more info, check out the Freeman | Home Page.