Personal Info Managers 12/23/96 PSA Cards for Windows is a shareware personal | information manager that is simple and easy | to use. The user interface is an on-screen | card file with tabs for dividers and | cards. To access a divider or a card, just | click on it. Double click a card to edit | it. As you add information to a card, it | expands to accommodate the new | information. The program has a large number | of features for printing rotary file cards, | envelopes, mailing labels, and customized | address books; for dialing phone numbers; for | exporting names and addresses for mail merge; | and for object linking and embedding (OLE | 2.0). Despite the large number of features, | the user interface remains simple, | uncluttered, and intuitive. For more info, | check the PSA Cards Home Page. aiozip.exe 12/19/96 Affairs In Order is a Personal Information | Management System designed to help keep track | of important personal information pertaining | to individuals of a group or family. Affairs | In Order can be downloaded for a brief | evaluational period before a password is | required. For more info, check out the | Affairs In Order Home Page. 12/18/96 Diary / Journal program with a calendar for | quick access. Designed for simple navigation | of past entries with options for passwording | the program, autosaving, and context | sensitive help. The program is free as is the | e-mail tech support. Now includes a database | with an enhanced editor and many great new | features such as toolbar toggling, | auto-compacting of database, autosorting, | notepad, and more! For more info, check out | the Loki Diary Home Page. 12/17/96 This is the diary program you've been looking | for! My Personal Diary (32-bit) lets anyone | and everyone keep a private diary on a | computer. Multiple user feature allows many | users to share the program on a single | computer to keep independent diaries. All | entries are stored in encrypted files and | password protected to ensure privacy. An | excellent tool for keeping track of day to | day activities and recording the important | events in your life. 12/15/96 "A Wallpaper A Day Keeps Trouble | Away!" Calendar is always visible | without running the program. Also features | Recurring Events, unique Alarm with multiple | Musical Tunes, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color Printing, | MultiView, MultiColor, MultiFont and | MultiDocument capability. Extremely easy to | use. Network capable for sharing data among | workgroups. For more info, check the Visual | Day Planner Home Page. it32.exe 12/13/96 InfoTree32 is a great program to help get | your information organized, whether it is | meeting notes, project planning, home | inventories, or even your recipies. Take | those scraps of paper and piles of sticky | notes and organize them for fast searching, | retrieval, display, and printing. Build links | to Web Sites or attach files. Includes | full-featured text editor and MAPI email | support. For more info, check out the | InfoTree32 Home Page. clockz.exe 12/11/96 Clockz displays the current time in 4 | different time zones. Using an Appbar to | minimize the amount of workspace used, Clockz | can be docked to the top or bottom of a | screen, or float on its own. Time zones are | set using a point and click method on a world | map. For more info, check the Clockz Home | Page. ec4demo.exe 12/10/96 ECCO Pro 4.0 is an integrated environment | combining time management, contact management | and project management into one | application. ECCO Pro 4.0 also allows users | to get organized anywhere with integrated | data exchange for the Pilot from US Robotics | and Timex Data Link Watch. ECCO is designed | to help 32-bit users with fundamental | computing activities such as organizing | information on the desktop, working seamless | with NetManage IntraNet applications, and | sharing information with others. adbook41.exe 12/7/96 Adr_Book v4.1 is an address book database | program and phone dialer for Windows 95. This | program prints a 1/4 size address booklet, | labels, envelopes, and several | reports. Labels can be printed with Postal | bar-code in zipcode order to assist in bulk | mailing. Database query capabilities are | supported. (ie list everyone who have a | birthday in June). For more info, check the | Adr_Book Home Page. 12/5/96 SmartTracker Books 95 v3.0j Track, Organize | and Catalog your library. Enter a multitude | of information about your books. Narrow data | down to a search, Sort data on any field 4 | levels deep, Search and Replace, Import, | Export, User Defineable Reports, Select | Colors, Select Fonts, Maintain Multiple | Databases and More! Track values, locations, | categorize and catalog. Even contains a | library checkout status. For more info, check | out the SmartTracker Books 95 Home Page. 12/4/96 Simona Planner is a personal information | manager for college students. The program | features a Calendar for entering appointments | and events, a phone book, and provides | students with a way to organize the courses | they have taken and the tests or papers they | have written into a concise visual form. For | more info, check out the Simona Planner Home | Page. 12/4/96 PCM 95 is the fastest and easiest way to keep | track of your personal and business contacts, | and the meetings you have with them! PCM 95 | is designed to store all the important | information you need to keep track of your | contacts, as well as keeping details for each | meeting you have with them. A Meeting | Calendar is also used to visually assist you | in the creation and maintenence of these | meetings. For more info, check out the | Personal Contact Manager 95 Home Page. chaos32x.exe 12/3/96 The award-winning Windows PIM now goes 32 | bit. Designed to take full advantage of | Win95/NT, you can place voice calls, send | email or faxes, or store WWW addresses for | all your contacts. Also available are | packages of data in a special format for | Internet transport, through WWW servers or | Email, that users can drop into their Time | & Chaos data directory and assimilate | into their existing databases. Click here for | further instructions. For more info, check | the Time & Chaos32 Home Page. 12/1/96 FORGOT-IT is a compact Windows 95 desktop | utility that acts as a virtual note keeper | and miniature alarm. It's useful for keeping | notes and reminders on your desktop--rather | than on little pieces of paper stuck to the | edges of your monitor. The program's icon is | placed conveniently in the system tray, and | options are available via the right mouse | button. You can set alarms to ensure that | you'll remember those really important tasks, | and up to four notes can be open at once. For | more info, check out the Home Page. setup.exe 11/29/96 Digita Organiser is a FREE Personal | Information Manager (PIM) for use with | Windows 95 only. All we ask is that you | register your copy, which again is FREE. For | more info, check the Digita Organiser Home | Page. 11/29/96 Schedule Wizard allows you to schedule | programs to run, schedule messages to pop-up, | keep a list of dated reminders or | appointments, and keep a to do | list. Scheduling can be done with many | variations including advanced warnings and | alarms, and most importantly, it can be done | with flexibility and ease! For more info, | check the Schedule Wizard Home Page. Tbase32.exe 11/27/96 TrainingBase is designed to help you keep | track of and analyze your sports | workouts. Graphs, Reports, Totals, Query by | Example, Splits, and much more. For more | info, check the TrainingBase Home Page. 11/27/96 Project Lineup is the program you need if you | want to manage and keep track of what to do | when you have multiple projects. Time | management enables users to keep track of the | time spent on each project. Built in | scheduler to keep you reminded of important | events. Network support allows an unlimited | number of users to share the same project | data files. Low memory consumption and | resides in the System Tray when | minimized. For more info, check the Project | Lineup Home Page. 11/26/96 Desktop Cardfile for Windows95 is used to | store your personal and business names and | telephone numbers. This program has the | capability to create as many different | databases as needed. For more info, check the | Desktop Cardfile Home Page. Qbb97Setup.EXE 11/26/96 The small and fast 32bit address and phone | book you've been waiting for... ! FREE ! All | in one English and French version in one | small executable. Superb design and GU | interface, small black book printout , Try | it! For more info, check the Quattra Black | Book 97 Home Page. 11/19/96 Windows Phonebook 95 is an handy phonebook, | especially designed for those people who have | weird e-mail/fax systems. If you have to type | strange or complicated e-mail addresses or | fax numbers over and over to get your | correspondence going, then Windows Phonebook | 95 can definetely help. For more info, check | the Windows Phonebook 95 Home Page. PBsetup.exe 11/17/96 Phonebook95 by Lonewolf Software An | easy-to-use but powerful Phone/Address Book | Management Application for | Windows95. Organizes all your phone numbers, | addresses, and other pertinent | information. Includes a search function for | any keyword and also a phone dialer to make | the call for you. For more info, check out | the PhoneBook95 Home Page. tp2setup.exe 11/15/96 Work naturally - the way you want to work and | let TASKey PERSONAL match your approach. Just | like any good toolkit, TASKey PERSONAL has a | wide range of tools (to-do list, scheduler, | planner, calendar, resource manager, contact | manager, costing, project manager) to handle | any situation. TASKey PERSONAL 2.0 is the | quickest and easiest software to plan and | manage a vision, actions, people and | resources for projects and tasks for any | person no matter how busy. For more info, | check out the TASKey PERSONAL Home Page. U32pb200.exe 11/8/96 An easy to use "Address Phone Book" for | Windows 95. Find a person, company, or any | key word. Click a button, and DIAL THE PHONE | NUMBER, SEND A FAX, or SEND EMAIL. Keep track | of calls made with the PBLog. Sort the Log by | Caller, Date, Company Name or any key word | you choose. 11/6/96 To Do Manager, lets you manage your list of | things to do for the day. Random selection | will let the computer decide your next | task. Also includes Alarms, Random Number | Generator, Lottery Number Generator, Timers, | Yes/No Decision Maker, PunchClock and | more. Requires Vb 4.0 Runtimes. 11/3/96 SchoolNotes is an application/database | designed for college (though not only) | students to keep track and provide | information about your educational progress | and status, FA data etc. Schedules, course | data, project and exam info and much | more. All necessary run-time libraries can be | obtained separately from our web site. For | more info, check out the SchoolNotes Home | Page. 11/3/96 Electronic personal phone and information | database with reporting capabilities. Runs | from the tray in Windows 95 so that it is | always open and requires little system | resources. For more info, check out the | Phonadex Home Page. it32.exe 10/30/96 InfoTree32 is a great program to help you get | your information organized. As a program for | freeform information storage, you can | organize any kind of information you need, | whether it is meeting notes, project | planning, home inventories, or even your | recipies. Take those scraps of paper and | piles of sticky notes and organize them for | fast searching, retrieval, display, and | printing. For more info, check out the Home | Page. 10/24/96 A telephone directory data base that supports | caller ID, audio announcements, directory | lists, mailing labeler, etc. STDsetup.exe 10/22/96 A simple but useful ToDo planner that tries | to make life alittle easier in the hectic | world in which we live. For more info, check | the Seize the Day ToDo Home Page. 10/20/96 A powerful and flexible program that will | help you organize your software. It has all | the features that you have been asking for: | Unlimited Number of Records; Graphical Data | Field for scanned-in images; Flexible Sorting | and Searching; Powerful Reports, and | more. For more info, check out PrimaSoft's | Home Page. 10/20/96 A powerful and flexible program that will | help you organize your computer hardware. It | has all the features that you have been | asking for: Unlimited Number of Records; | Graphical Data Field for scanned-in images; | Flexible Sorting and Searching; Powerful | Reports, and more. For more info, check out | PrimaSoft's Home Page. 10/20/96 An easy to use personal information manager | with phone, address, internet and personal | information, unlimited notes, e-mail and Web | connectivity, searching and printing using | different fields as search keys, a complete | set of password protections, configurability, | etc. virsect.exe 10/20/96 Fully featured Windows 95 Phone Book / | Personal Organizer. Includes fields for just | about everything, unlimited entry of notes, | multi-index finding, free form text | searching, and customizable color | schemes. For more info, check the Virtual | Secretary Home Page. STDsetup.exe 10/15/96 A powerful To-Do List Management Application | for Windows 95 Includes an install wizard for | easy installation. Shareware with a 10 day | free trial. An application that tries to make | life alittle easier in the everyday hectic | world in which we live. For more info, check | the Seize the Day To-Do Home Page. 10/14/96 Organize your tasks in your office. For more | info, check the LittleOrganizer Home Page. krnlstnt.exe 10/12/96 CHRONILIST is among the most complete | schedulers available. It will handle not | only your busy itinerary, but that of up to | 50 people. It will prepare calendars and | other reports that display one person's | upcoming events or those for several people | simultaneously. Data can be filtered when a | report is generated, so that only events for | a particular project, or only those events | containing a particular word, will be | displayed. For more info, check the | Chronilist NT Home Page. 10/10/96 W95Kalendar is an application that allows you | to check dates from 100 to 4000 AJC and | calculates number of days between two | selected dates. VB Runtime Files required. | For more info, check out the W95Kalendar Home | Page. 10/8/96 A business relation manager for | windows95/windows NT. Including a large files | and archive section. For more info, check the Major Business Home Page. 10/7/96 Maintain lists of telephone numbers and | addresses easely. Works like the win 3.x | program CardFile, but supports an unlimited | amount of users reading and editing shared | card databases. Great for sharing | "notepads". Uses the system tray. For more | info, check the Card Organizer Home Page. 10/1/96 Chrono-Logic is a scheduling and reminder | program. Chrono-Logic allows you to plan and | track your schedule. The reminder feature | gives you advance notice about important | upcoming events. The search feature allows | you to perform convenient, precise event | searches. The print feature prints your | schedule graphically or textually. For more | info, check the Chrono-Logic Home Page. 9/30/96 A scheduling and automation program for the | point and click crowd. Keep track of | appointments or online time with the built in | and configurable audio and visual reminders. | Start any program or file you like at any | time you like with the Auto Start option. | Mini Scheduler runs in the background so your | other programs don't have to. The list goes | on, so check it out for yourself. For more | info, check the Mini Scheduler Home Page. 9/28/96 Track, Organize and Catalog your Video | Collection. Enter a multitude of information | about your videos. Narrow Data down to a | search, Sort data on any Field 4 Levels Deep, | Search and Replace, Import, Export, User | Definable Reports, Spine & Face VHS Labels, | Select Colors, Select Fonts, Maintain | Multiple Databases. Track Stars, Oscars, | Categorize, Rate. Library checkout | Status. For more info, check the SmartTracker | Videos 95 Home Page. 9/28/96 SmartTracker Inventory 95 - Track, Organize | and Catalog your home/office | possessions. Enter a multitude of info for | each item. Narrow Data down to a search, Sort | Data on any Field 4 Levels Deep, Search and | Replace, Import, Export, User Definable | Reports, Select Colors, Select Fonts, | Maintain Multiple Databases, More. Include | insurance info on reports. Know what you had | if you lose it! For more info, check the | SmartTracker Inventory 95 Home Page. 9/27/96 This is a personal address book loaded with | features. It had windows95 interface and | comes with built in email client, finger | utility and phone dialer. You can also | download the zipcode database that will let | you verify addresses. You can also keep | categorized notes. Visit the home page for | more information. For more info, check the | Carnet Home Page. 9/23/96 Toolkit for Ecco Professional is a collection | of shareware utilities to extend the | functionality of Ecco Pro, the powerful PIM. | Includes CLIPFORM - extract data from Ecco | following a user-defined template. For more | info, check the Toolkit for Ecco Professional | Home Page. calqk32.exe 9/19/96 Calendar Quick is an Internet-friendly | professional calendar and scheduling program | well-suited for individuals, managers, and | business people. It enables scheduling of | five types of tasks and provides virtually | unlimited schedule viewing options. The | Calendar Quick construction module displays | calendars and charts as you edit with a full | Wysiwyg interface. For more info, check the | Calendar Quick Home Page. instrem.exe 9/16/96 This compact, easy-to-use PIM combines basic | functionality with uncanny flexibility to | help you manage your day-to-day | activities. When combined with the DigiDay | Clock, you get a package that is both | convenient and powerful. For more info, go to | the DigiDay Freebies Page. lock1.exee 9/13/96 Classified! is a 32 bit diary application | that provides the following feature set for | only $10!!!: Up to 10-encrypted | password-protected individual diaries; full | WYSIWYG editing of entries; Internet | connectivity built-in to ease upgrades, tech | support; Quote of the Day and more. For more | info, check the Classified! Home Page. 9/11/96 The 32-bit, fully network compliant, internet | enabled PIM is finally here! This PIM is the | easiest one you will ever use. A full drag | and drop interface is included with a | perpetual calendar and planner. Beautiful | 3-D, Professional look. Store more than | 30,000 entries in the Rolodex Style | phonebook. For more info, check the AMF Daily | Planner & PIM Home Page. 9/10/96 This Win95/NT version is supplied with 12 | text-files (one per month) which can be | edited freely, so that you can add whatever | event you like or concerns yourself (you'll | never forget your partners birthday ever...). | For more info, check the Today Home Page. 9/7/96 Notebook is an electronic metaphor for the | scientific notebook. It's pages are | "numbered" by date and each day's entry is | converted into ink overnight. You can | immediately scroll backwards from the present | day, search for keywords or use a calendar to | browse days ramdomly. For more info, check | the Notebook Home Page. fb.exe 9/1/96 Fast DB interfaces through Exchange to | provide EMail broadcast and Fax | broadcast. Comes with up to date internet | email addresses for US congress and | Senate. Also dials phone and prints | labels. Allows configuration of all | fields. Sorts on any field. For more info, | check the FoneBook Home Page. 8/23/96 Schedule for Windows95 - Simple calendar | /scheduler / alarm. Provides you with a | simple easy to read calendar that holdsyour | schedule. The built in alarm will alert you | when you have an appoinment. For more info, | check the Schedule for Windows95 Home Page. 8/9/96 Minuet Fetch is an easy to use address | information system with complete searching | and retrieving capability. Fetch is a simple | address book with powerful search and | relational capabilities. Quick searching on | a variety of fields let you find your records | quickly. Tracks referrals and see where your | business is coming from. Fetch also prints | mailing labels, envelopes and all kinds of | reports. Network sharing built-in! Windows | 95/NT. For more info, check the Minuet Fetch | 4.0 Home Page. JCP0801E.exe 8/2/96 Integrated Contact and Document Management | for Windows 95. For more info, check the | Janna Contact Personal Home Page. krnlstnt.exe 8/1/96 CLIENT TRACKS integrates client tracking with | one of the most complete schedulers | available. Thousands of clients, scheduled | events, income and expenses may all be | handled with this program. In addition to the | expected name, address, phone, and contact | information, each client record has eight | miscellaneous fields that you may title as | you wish and a note field that may be up to | 32K in length. For more info, check the | Client Tracks NT Home Page. famrnrnt.exe 8/1/96 Family Runner is among the most complete | family scheduler/diaries available. It will | handle everything your family does and | prepare a wide variety of calendars and other | reports. Data can be filtered when a report | is generated, so that only events for a | particular person, or only those events | containing a particular word, will be | displayed. For more info, check the Family | Runner NT Home Page. 7/31/96 Linkpad is the first office information | manager that integrates contact management | with Internet link management. It is a great | tool for managing workgroup information. For | more info, check the Linkpad Home Page. 7/31/96 EDiary 96, an easy to use Diary program from | the makers of Complete Address Book. | Features entry encryption, password | protection, fast data access, and much more. | Also available without vb4 runtime 3MB. For | more info, check the EDiary 95 Home Page. sep10ins.exe 7/24/96 A PIM, an explorer replacement, a HTML | document converter, a Compression agent, and | more all rolled into on package! For more | info, check the Softscape Explorer Plus Home | Page. RunAt32f.ZIP 7/14/96 Pure 32-bit program scheduler for Windows95 | and NT 3.51. 3-in-1 program launch | automation. Password protected | configuration. VB40032.DLL required. For | more info, check the Run At 32 Home Page. 6/25/96 A comprehensive address book program. | Features quick database access, easy-to-use | interface, fast report generating and many | other features. Tab style interface allows | lots of information to be collected, without | crowding the screen. Recommend 12MB of RAM, | but will run with 8. For more info, check out | the GreggNet Software Home Page. 6/13/96 This quick and easy to use program resides in | your taskbar. Double clicking it brings up a | mini notepad to put reminders and notes into, | which can easily be recalled by double | clicking the icon at any time. 5/27/96 Award Winning Universal Database/Organizer | Software for Windows'95 or | Windows/NT. BusinessCards/32 is EXTRIMELY | INTUITIVE and EASY TO USE program. Sports | elegant folio-like user interface with | alphabetic tabs and flipping pages. It is a | perfect Windows Cardfile | replacement. COMPACT, FAST and FLEXIBLE. For | more information, check out the | BusinessCards/32 Home Page. 5/18/96 Flexible address book enables you to group | your entries into categories. Many | ease-of-use features, plus e-mail directly | from the application. Includes special | import facility. For more info, check the | Address Book Home Page. 5/15/96 Monet Clock is a freebie analogue clock with | a pretty picture in the background. For more | info, check the Monet Clock Home | Page. Freeware 4/23/96 Designed to be very easy to use yet powerful | enough to handle large amounts data with | lighting speed. Not just a Phone Book | Manager. My Little Phone Book includes a | Calander, Appointment Scheduler, and | Graphical Picture Identification. For more | info, check the My Little Phone Book 96 Home | Page. vsched32.exe 4/22/96 Visual Scheduler is an easy to use, yet | powerful, graphical scheduling program to | help with (and automate) employee scheduling. | For more info, check the Visual Scheduler | Home Page. 4/20/96 Helps maintain an index of pastors' sermons | for ease of access. For more info, check the | Micro Designs Home Page. pagan95.exe 4/17/96 A dayplanner that gives you pagan information | for each day of the week. For more info, | check the Pagan Daybook Home Page. 4/8/96 VisionDar is a calendar that combines the art | and beauty of wall calendars, with the | limitless possibilities of a computer | software. 4/5/96 WinDress Network Address Book For Windows 95 | contains a database of names, addresses, | phone numbers, free text comments (up to 5000 | chars per record) and up to 10 user definable | fields per database. 4/2/96 A powerful but easy way to schedule messages | and programs. Includes 16 different ways to | schedule events, alarms, missed event | warnings, and more! For more info, check out | SchedulePro Home Page. 4/2/96 Simple to use Activity Log for use in | projects where you need to keep a log of | activitys and their times. For more info, | check out the Activity Log Home Page. 2/1/96 A powerfuly Personal Information Manager and | Calendar. Seperate windows for your | calendar, phone-list, to-do list, and | phonebook will make your organization a snap. 1/4/96 Organizes all your notes into a convenient | hierarchy. For more info, check out Vault | Home Page.