U-Net Phone Book 2.04 RELEASE NOTES December 8, 1996 ======================================================================== To Receive A Registration Number: -------------------------------------------------------------- Send a Check for $9.95 and your Email address OR Fax Number to: Thomas A. Farnow 586 Millfront Avenue Yuba City, CA 95991 ---------------------or--------------------- By credit card $19.95 online at: http://www.xmission.com/~wintrnx/regnet/383p.htm --------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to check out the "U-Net Phone Book" Web Site at: http://www.syix.com/tfarnow **************************** *Welcome to U-Net Phone Book!* **************************** Thank you for trying U-Net Phone Book, the simple address/phone number and dialer interface for Microsoft Windows 95. U-Net Phone Book has been created for quick and easy access to Names, Addresses, and Phone Numbers without the lengthy sorting process. The program is designed to interface with programs already on your computer. I’m not attempt- ing to reinvent the wheel, just make it roll better!! The Phone Book displays one page of data at a time. To find an exist- ing name or keyword, press the "Find Word" button and enter a search key. U-Net Phone Book will search every record in the current phone book for the keyword and display the first page matching your criteria. Press "Next Match" to see the subsequent record with the keyword. When the desired page is displayed, press the "Dial" button by the number you wish to dial and U-Net will open the "Window’s Dialer" and insert the number for you! It’s that easy to use! Okay, so you don’t want to call the person, you want their address for a letter you’re writing. Copy it down on paper and type it into your word processor? NO! Press the button, jump to your word processor, and paste the address into your letter! You want to send them an Email, reminding them about the party on next Saturday? Then press the "E-mail" Button and send them a quick mail message. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer/ver.3.0 with Internet Mail, U-Net Phone Book will start Internet Mail and insert the e-mail address for you. Need to send your client a quick Fax reminding them about the Friday meeting? Press the "Fax" button and send a quick Fax!! I think you’re really going to like U-Net Phone Book. See below for registration details and further information. About U-Net Phone Book: ----------------------- I hope you like U-Net Phone Book and find it useful. Please be aware, however, that U-Net Phone Book is not free or public domain software. You are granted a license giving limited rights to use the software. The conditions of use are as described below: You may use the unregistered copy of U-Net Phone Book for 30 days from the date of your (or anyone else’s) FIRST installation of the U-Net software. You may copy and distribute THIS unregistered copy of U-Net Phone Book to others, provided such distribution includes ALL U-Net Phone Book files YOU received. This unregistered copy of U-Net Phone Book is fully functional; however, while it remains unregistered, the software will display a startup screen for 15 seconds with a reminder that the software is still unregistered and a closing message thanking you for trying U-Net Phone Book. Neither message displays on regis- tered copies of U-Net Phone Book. Once registered, you may have as many copies of U-Net Phone Book on as many computers as you wish if "YOU" are the "ONLY" user of the soft- ware and "YOU" are not a Business, Company, or group. "YOU" must be ONE person. I am not a large company. I needed a program like U-Net Phone Book, so I wrote the code for it. I have been programming in a multitude of languages since 1973 for business and personal use. Enjoy!!! Installation: ------------- If you haven’t already done so, run Setup.EXE to copy the program files to the desired directory and create an entry on the Windows 95 Start Menu for U-Net Phone Book. Removing U-Net Phone Book from your System: ------------------------------------------- U-Net Phone Book places files in only its OWN directory, thus facilitating its easy removal from your system. To remove U-Net from your computer, simply delete all files in the U-Net Phone Book directory and then delete the directory. Technical Support: ------------------------- Technical support is available by Internet Email only to registered users; however, I will attempt to answer any questions you may have during your evaluation of U-Net Phone Book. Also, I’m interested in any comments or suggestions you may have for changing or enhancing U-Net Phone Book as well as any problems you may encounter during its use. Support is provided via Internet Email at: tfarnow@syix.com. Visit the U-Net Phone Book web site at: htt://www.syix.com/tfarnow 32-Bit-Platform: ---------------- This version of U-Net Phone Book (2.02) uses .exe files that were created as 32-bit executable files, and should only be used with Windows 95.