Windows 95 Online User's Guide Use this utility to have the Windows 95 User's Guide integrated with online help. PLEASE READ ------------------------------------------------- By using the following Utility (the "Software"), you are hereby agreeing to the included license agreement. Please review the file LICENSE.TXT. HOW TO INSTALL -------------- 1) Double-click the file UGUIDE.EXE. This will cause it to de-compress itself. ******************************************************* * * * CAUTION! Make sure that you are running this * * .EXE file in an empty folder or on a blank * * formatted diskette! * * * * DO NOT run this .EXE file in your \WINDOWS * * or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder! * * * ******************************************************* 2) Right-click the "ONLINEUG.INF" Setup Information File, and choose "Install" from the pop-up menu. This will add the following topics under INTRODUCING WINDOWS in Help: GETTING YOUR WORK DONE WELCOME TO THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY PERSONALIZING WINDOWS KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS 3) Once you have installed this utility, you can delete the files from the folder that UGUIDE.EXE was run. 4) If you need to uninstall this utility, open the Control Panel, and double-click "Add/Remove Software."