Alarms and Reminders cdalrm21.exe 12/20/96 CD Alarm is the easiest-to-use alarm program | for your computer. Wake up by playing tracks | from a CD, MIDI files, sound files, or any | combinmation of these. CD Alarm sits in the | system tray (next to the clock on the | taskbar) so it's out of your way. Other great | features include support for multiple CD-ROM | drives, a fully configurable Snooze button, | Speed Set (with user-customizable presets and | timer), gradual wake-up, the ability to | display messages with the alarm, Auto | Startup, and much more. Award-winning | interface. For more info, check out the CD | Alarm Home Page. 12/14/96 This Windows 95 looks and feels like an LED | alarm clock. It can play a CD tracklist, | .WAV, .MID, .AVI files or use the the PC | speaker when the alarms go off. It can | startup and sit in the 95 tray area when not | in use. It has all the features of an alarm | clock and more! For more info, check the | ClockTick Home Page. 12/11/96 Holiday, Birthday, Event reminder with alarms | & calendar for Windows 95/NT. Supports | one-time, monthly and yearly events as well | as custom events such as last Sunday in May | or every Friday at 5pm. Calculates age on | birthdays. AUTOMATICALLY calculates and | reminds you of almost 40 holidays like Easter | and Mother's Day. For more info, check out | the WinDates Home Page. Birthday Reminder 2.52 11/25/96 242 K Birthday Reminder 2.52 is a versatile tool that is used to check for upcoming birthdays of friends or family which you have entered. It can generate email messages to people with birthdays, and send them using a standard SMTP gateway. Full functionality in the shareware version. If you don't have VB40032.DLL, visit the Birthday Reminder Home Page to download the full file. Shareware $5.00 10/31/96 Alarm! is a Windows95 program that behaves | like your house alarm clock, and more.The | alarm list box in the main window is now | sortable. For more info, check the Alarm! | Home Page. AC32_358.ZIP 10/20/96 32-bit MultiMedia alarm/scheduler. 3-user | definable alarms/programs. 3-user definable | (wave-)sound events. VB4-runtime | required. For more info, check the Alarm | Clock 95 Home Page. 9/21/96 Reminder is a little program that does just | what the name implies. It leaves reminders | for you or for someone else who also uses | your PC. This reminder will appear the next | time the computer is turned on. You can send | yourself or someone else a note, a | "things to do" list, or whatever | tickles your fancy. For more info, go to the | Reminder Home Page 9/21/96 Easy to use Reminder with calendar and | notepad options. For more info, go to the | Reminder for Win95 Home Page 9/19/96 NAlarm32 is a 32 bit ocx that lets VB | programmers set alarms to go off at various | times of the day (similar to an alarm | clock). It's easy to use - just set the alarm | times needed. It then fires events when the | correct times have been reached. It supports | absolute times such as 9:15 AM as well as | wildcard times such as every hour, etc. This | control is great for PIM's, schedulers, | running background apps, kicking off batch | files, etc. For more info, go to the NAlarm32 | Home Page eh131.EXE 9/17/96 EH is a reminder utility. So, if you | sometimes forget your wedding anniversary, of | your children's birthday or to pay your | taxes, EH might help you to be a good | husband, wife, father, mother or citizen. EH | is designed to be run, every time you start a | Windows session, from the StartUp folder in | order to remind you to do something. So, you | will be reminded each time Windows starts | and, optionally, at the latter time you | select. For more info, go to the EH Home Page instclok.exe 9/4/96 This handy little clock can display the date, | time and/or system resources. Double-click | on it to customize your alarms, chimes, and | other settings. DigiDay Clock also provides | an easy way to get a middle-of-the-day look | at any DigiDay program you own. You can also | position the clock anywhere on the screen, | and choose a setting that will keep it | "Always on Top." For more info, go | to the Freebies Page 7/15/96 A small yet very useful utility to help you | organize yourtime. New version!!! Full sound | support (including PC speaker), program | launch, Install/Uninstall Shield, minimizing | at startup, and more. 7/3/96 Remind-It plants itself in your system tray | and reminds you to do things which you | configure into the program at a set | interval. You can configure how often the | reminder appears, what the reminder message | is, what picture to show with the reminder | and what sound or music to play when the | reminder is activated. For more info, check | the Remind-It! Home Page. 6/24/96 This is a program that pops up every once in | a while to remind you to take break from your | computer. It's a smart program for those who | spend a lot of time at their computers every | day. Settings are very configurable. For more | info, check the Reminder Home Page. 4/14/96 Another Alarm utility that sits on the | Windows 95 toolbar. 2/20/96 Feel like you're on the farm with the world's | most expensive alarm clock (your PC). For | more info, check the Cock-a-doodle-do! | Home Page. 1/30/96 Simple, configurable shareware | calendar/reminder program.