:Base morph.hlp :Title HiJaak Morph Help :Index HiJaak Morph Help =morph.hlp 1 Basics 2 Basics =basics 1 Creating morphing with HiJaak Morph 2 Creating morphologic sequences (morphing) =creating 2 The file format and save options =saveoptions 2 The rules of point motion and color changes =curves 1 Menu commands 2 File menu-Open Source =loadsource 2 File menu-Open Target =loadtarged 2 File menu-Load Curve =loadcurve 2 File menu-Load Lines =loadlines 2 File menu-Preferences =prefer 2 Help menu-About =menuhelpabout 1 Buttons 2 Buttons=buttons 1 Glossary 2 Glossary =glossary