Misc. Graphic Tools lcm16w32.zip 12/17/96 Labels, Cards & More (32-bit) is the | easiest to use label program available. But | don't think that means you have to miss out | on features, just because it's easy to | use. This program can print on anything from | labels to cards to tags and even full page | displays on any Windows compatible | printer. It's so easy to use, you'll be | creating labels in minutes! bcd46w32.zip 12/17/96 Business Card Designer Plus (32-bit) allows | you to create stunning business cards on any | Windows compatible printer. With this program | you'll be creating your own business cards in | minutes. quant.zip 12/17/96 Excellent graphics manipulation program that | can find the best palette from an unlimited | number of images - and apply it to them. All | common file formats are supported. Great for | creating smooth looking internet pages. For | more info, check out the Quant Home | Page.  ic2_100.zip 11/24/96 A windows95/NT ANSI maker. Use your TrueType | fonts, and import Bitmap, Icon, and Metafiles | to create ANSI art! For more info, please | check out the iC2-32 ANSI Maker Extreme Home | Page. gifsetup.exe 11/23/96 Make your Web sites come alive with motion! | Microsoft® GIF Animator is the fast and | easy way to create and customize animations | for your Web sites. No code is required to | make your Web sites more eye-catching. For | more info, please check out the Microsoft GIF | Animator Home Page. ISpy112d.exe 11/18/96 ISpy automatically grabs an image from any | Video for Windows compatible framegrabber | (digitizer) and sends the JPEG image to your | homepage on the InterNet! It can use either | dial-up networking or a LAN connection for an | FTP upload, or it can just save the image on | your local disk. The free demo version of | ISpy is fully functional, but will add the | words 'demo version' to every uploaded | image. For more info, please check out the | ISpy Home Page. PixelTrl.zip 12/1/96 Pixel 3D for Windows is both the novice and | professional's choice for creating, | converting and rendering 3D objects and | logos. Pixel 3D is ideal for creating | beautiful 3D images of text, logos and | objects for use in web site construction, or | for adding that 3D look to work done in | programs such as Photoshop. For more info, | check out the Pixel 3D Home Page.  ani_all3.zip 10/25/96 Cool! Animated letters (with morph effect) of | the alphabet for your home page. All 26 | letters in AVI and GIF format. For more info, | check out the AVIGIF Collection Home | Page.  ornsw(1).zip 10/22/96 Ornamatica is a border design tool that | allows the user to easily create ornate | borders for use in any Word Processor or | Desktop Publishing application. The borders | may be designed using one of the hundreds of | images included in the image library, or any | clipart image may be imported into the | program as well. This a another quality | design tool from the makers of Paint Shop | Pro! For more info, check out the JASC | Ornamatica Home Page.  clik128b.exe 9/28/96 Adds 3D clickable buttons to web | page. Linkable to multiple pages. For more | info, please check out the Clikette Home | Page. HySnap.exe 9/22/96 HyperSnap brings professional quality, | convenient Windows 95 and NT screen captures | to your fingertips. It was designed for ease | of use, with powerful and useful features to | aid the professional as well as support the | needs of the occasional user. For more info, | please check out the HyperSnap Home Page. bmr134e.zip 9/5/96 Modifies image files. Tiled image of a | modified image looks as if the original image | is tiled slantingly. You can make COOL Web | Pages using this. For more info, check out | the Bit Map Rotater Home Page.  shotdm10.zip 9/3/96 Screen Shotgun 1.0 is a screen shot print | utility with built in e-mail, clipboard and | bitmap save capability. Prints in full color | and e-mails bitmaps using MAPI and the | Windows Exchange client or compatible | software. Also copies and pastes to the Win | 95 clipboard and saves .BMP and .WMF | files.  FracFun.zip 8/22/96 Visual Basic 4.0 32-bit program for | generating and zooming into the Mandelbrot | set. Images can saved as a bitmap or copied | to the clipboard for further editing with | your favorite graphics editor. Choice of | several pre-defined color schemes and also | the ability to change any one particular | color in the generated images. For more info, | check out the Fractal Fun Home Page.  Gradient.zip 8/14/96 This is a collection of 78 gradient elements | designed to be used for web page design. For | more info, check out the 78 Gradient Elements | for the Web Home Page.  morph32e.zip 7/29/96 Morpher makes digital movies using a 2-D | morph between two still images. For more | info, check out the Morpher for Windows Home | Page. prtscr95.zip 7/8/96 Capture and print up to six screenshots per | page, including DOS screens. For more info, | check the PrintScreen Home Page. rgb2hex2.zip 7/4/96 RGB To HEX is a program that converts RGB | Values (0 to 255 for Red, Green, and Blue | Each) into HEX Values compatible with HTML | Code (000000 to FFFFFF). This is useful when | trying to match a particular color from an | image with the background. For more info, | check out the RGB To HEX Home Page. st95-101.zip 6/31/96 Screen capture system for Windows | 95. Features include: unlimited number of | user defined capture configurations each with | hot-key invocation; Capture from desktop, | active window, active application, defined | area, menu and clipboard; Send image to disk, | printer clipboard or MDI window. For more | info, check out the Screen Thief 95 Home | Page. snag32312.zip 6/13/96 agIt/32 is an advanced screen capture | utility. It is able to capture and print or | save elements of the Windows 95 and NT | display. It can also capture the contents of | scrolling windows, including web pages, as | single images. For more info, check the | SnagIt Home Page. hjmorph.exe 5/27/96 A great morphing program from Quarterdeck | Corporation! For more info, please check out | the Hijaak Morph Home Page. B2Gdmo13.zip 5/10/96 The BMP to GIF converter is aimed at CGI | (on-the-fly HTML publishing) applications and | batch conversion applications. For more info, | please check out the BMP to GIF Converter DLL | Home Page. fndrgb20.zip 5/3/96 A Powerful RGB Matching Colors Utility. Match | colors and find their RGB color. Choose from | a color palate or create your own colors | using the scroll bars. Choose a color from | another application. Save colors to include | file as RGB or as COLORREF. For more info, | please check out the FindRGB Home Page. SS32EVAL.ZIP 3/16/96 Demo screen capture program using a camera | metaphor. For more info, please check out the | SnapShot3 Home Page. mtw95-12.exe 2/2/96 Allows you to easily create personalized | multimedia greeting cards for any | occasion. For more info, check out the Krepec | Multimedia Home Page.