Graphic Catalog Tools 12/17/96 HTML Pix is yet another app that creates HTML | thumbnail indexes of a folder of | graphics. Utilizes tables, offers decent | configurability. For more info, please check | out the Bill Reid's HTML Pix Home Page. 12/14/96 Shows all installed fonts - you can then make | a print-book with all your fonts, some of | them or just some text with a specific | font. Very fast and user-friendly. For more | info, please check out the FontLister Home | Page. 12/14/96 HTML Imager produces web pages showing all | GIF and/or JPG pictures from the directory | you select. This program makes it easy to | catalog large collections of web design | pictures or to produce on-line photo albums. | It can also be used to display pictures | stored in the cache produced by browsers such | as Netscape or MS Internet Explorer. For more | info, check out the HTML Imager Home Page. 12/11/96 Builds your image libraries into photo | albums. Processes/Enhances images using | powerful image processing tools. Recognizes | over 40 image file formats including JPEG, | PNG, TIFF, BMP, Kodak Photo CD, WPG, PCX, | IMG, MacPaint, etc. Prints hard copy of | images to any Windows-supported | printer. Performs slide show from your | favorite photo albums or from a selected | image directory. Over 28 transitional | effects. Audio CD or WAV files auto-start | once the slide show starts. Includes free | Slides Show Screen Saver. Optional TWAIN | module to import images from scanner, digital | cameras, frame grabber, etc. 11/20/96 TILER is a Windows NT and Windows 95 | shareware application that views and manages | GIF, JPEG and Windows BMP image files. Image | files that are added to TILER are stored in a | document as thumbnail images. For more info, | please check out the Tiler Home Page. SetupExIcon.exe 11/16/96 This application scans specified files for | icons and collects them into a listbox. You | can then view the icons and save them as | bitmaps to be loaded into your favorite | graphics editor. For more info, please check | out the ExIcon Home Page. setup32.exe 11/7/96 It will display all your fonts (screen and | printer fonts) and allow you to : Print / | Preview a font sample, Print / Preview a | sample of all your fonts, Install additional | fonts. For more info, please check out the | FONT-IT Home Page. 11/7/96 ListFonts is to list your fonts. With | ListFonts you can view on screen only fonts | you want and then print them. Now also | capable to view and print fonts that are not | installed in your system - Yes you can view | and print your fonts before install them! For | more info, please check out the ListFonts | Home Page. thmpls32.exe 11/1/96 ThumbsPlus is a graphic file viewer, locator | and organizer which simplifies the process of | finding and maintaining graphics, clip-art | files, fonts and animations. It displays a | small image (thumbnail) of each file. You can | use ThumbsPlus to browse, view, edit, crop, | launch external editors, and copy images to | the clipboard. For more info, check out the | Cerious Home Page. 10/24/96 32 bit font management software for TrueType, | Type 1 and printer fonts: View and preview | TrueType and Type 1 fonts, Display all font | properties (classification, kerning pairs, | copyright, ...), character set, keyboard | layout, Manage fonts in database and font | groups, View and compare similar fonts, Print | fonts, Top Online help. For more info, please | check out the Typograf Home Page. 9/27/96 Cool ClipBoard lets you paste multiple things | to your clipboard in an easy to use | manner. Read the included with | zip! For more info, please check out the Cool | ClipBoard Home Page. 7/6/96 PixFolio is a full-featured graphic image | cataloging system that supports a wide range | of graphic image formats. PixFolio allows you | to create multiple catalogs of graphics | images. Catalogs can be displayed as an array | of thumbnails, and searches can be made on | catalogs based on image attributes and user | supplied keywords. For more info, check out | the PixFolio Home Page.