Application Add-ins 12/18/96 The Insert Procedure Add-In for VB allows you | to create a new procedure template without a | lot of repetitive typing. Standard code such | as error handlers and exit code is generated | for you, based on your choices from a | dialog. Since the Add-In saves these choices | for you, you don't have to retype them every | time. For more info, check out the Insert | Procedure Add-In for VB Home Page. 12/16/96 String Studio brings the power of C-like | String Tables to Visual Basic, and the ease | of use of visual String, MsgBox, and InputBox | editors, with absolutely no manual coding | required. Visually create, edit, browse, and | organize every String, MsgBox, and InputBox | in your project from one location, or from | your source code with the click of a | button. Requires VB4.0 32-bit. 11/19/96 ExLife 1.0 is Microsoft Exchange Client | Extension, which add to ME new features like | Filters and Signatures. You can filter | incoming and outcoming messages, | automatically or on demand. Support for | multiple exchange profiles. For more info, | check out the Microsoft Exchange Client | Extension - ExLife32 Home Page. 11/12/96 DoublePage is a Microsoft Word 7.0 for | Windows 95 macro that prints a document in a | 2-column landscape format, about 1 page per | column, on your default printer. New features | and a redesigned user-friendly interface. | For more info, check the Double Page Home | Page. 11/4/96 VB4 Helper v1.0 is a Visual Basic 4.x Add-In | for creating Message Boxes and Input | Boxes. It has a Preview feature, Adds a | Select Case statement to MsgBox's with more | than one button, ability to format the | message in multiple lines and the ability to | position the Input Box at defined | coordinates. The created MsgBox or Input Box | code is placed on the clipboard to be easily | pasted into your program. For more info, | check out the VB4 Helper Home Page. 10/29/96 A collection of 60 macros/programs & | templates for Word 7.0. Has been updated with | a minor internal release which helps with | Setup. For more info, check out the AMF Home | Page. 10/21/96 TIMEPIECES is a collection of utilities for | managing dates and times in Ecco | Professional. Includes TIMELINE - set up to | 10 related dates for up to 1000 items; | STOPWATCH - keep accumulated time for any | item; ADDEVENT - schedule an Ecco event | anywhere in Windows; ADDITEM - schedule an | Ecco to-do item anywhere in Windows; DONEITEM | - add an Ecco completed item from anywhere in | Windows; DIARY - set follow-up dates for an | item. For more info, check out the TimePieces | for Ecco Professional Home Page. 10/19/96 Print Fax scans the Exchange Inbox folder for | new incoming faxes and either prints them or | forwards them to another e-mail user (or | both). This freeware program was provided by | Access B.v.b.a. in Tervuren, Belgium. For | more info, check out the PrintFax for MS | Exchange Home Page. 9/30/96 WaVGeT is an add-on to the popular IRC client | mIRC. It allows you to play and request WAV | and MIDI files on mIRC at the click of a | button. In addition, the user can group the | WAVs in catalogs and assign a message to each | sound file. WaVGeT will also check newly | downloaded files to see if they are | complete. WaVGeT will automatically configure | mIRC for you. WaVGeT will work with mIRC | versions 3.92, 4.0, 4.1, 4.5, 4.52, and 4.6. | Check out the WaVGeT Home Page. 9/23/96 The Planet Pack Update will add new messages | and solar system layouts to Star Trek for | Windows 95. It also transforms the flat solid | color planets into true color. Thousands of | new planet pictures, each one distinctive and | constant. You'll be able to tell the planets | apart by their orbital view! Check out the | Star Trek for Windows 95 Planet Update Pack | Home Page. http://www.pascal/ 9/18/96 DataWizard 1.0 is a MS Visual Basic add-in | that lets you read, add, modify and delete | records from a database. For more info, check | the Joke Notifier 1.1 for Netmeeting Home | Page. http://www.pascal/ 9/15/96 Add-on for Microsoft Netmeeting. It replaces | your laugh or your smile when you are chating | and you have typed a joke to some or all the | members of the conference. This is a freeware | so just test it !!! For more info, check the | Joke Notifier 1.1 for Netmeeting Home Page. uss11at.exe 8/20/96 PhotoImpact GIF/JPEG SmartSaver combines | full-featured GIF/JPEG optimization with | real-time previews and batch tests in an | intuitive "WYSIWYG" interface. The | program functions as an add-on for Ulead | PhotoImpact, as 32-bit Export plug-ins for | Adobe Photoshop 3.0x and compatible image | editors, andstand-alone from Windows 95 and | NT Explorers or the Windows Start menu. For | more info, check the GIF/JPEG Smart Saver | Home Page. trial.exe 8/19/96 Need Lotus Notes to use. More InfoLotus | Components HomepageDescriptionA set of | ActiveX controls for Lotus Notes. The Lotus | Components Starter Pack includes six core | components - Chart, Comment, Draw/Diagram, | File Viewer, Project Scheduler, and | Spreadsheet - and the Lotus Component | Template Builder to customize the Lotus | Components into business objects. Lotus | Components let Notes end users complete more | of their daily tasks without leaving the | Notes environment. Requires Lotus Notes. For | more info, check the Lotus Home Page. 8/16/96 A collection of macros that enable | Microsoft's Word 6.0 or Word '95 to assist in | the creation of screenplays and | teleplays. Author is, himself, a | screenwriter. VERY easy to use, simple | interface, 5 function keys, and very small! | For more info, check the ScreenRiter Home | Page. 7/27/96 With ActiveMovie Player, you can play | ActiveMovie stream format files, files that | stream sound, pictures, and uniform resource | locators (URLs) over the Internet in real | time. For more info, check the Microsoft | ActiveMovie Player Home Page. 7/1/96 CD Player for Word: Now you can enjoy audio | CDs while you do your work. Has a Title | database which actually remembers the CD's | title and author,a Random (Shuffle) Play, | Fast Forward, Fast Rewind, Skip Tracks, | Pause, and Eject. Even plays CDs in the | background. Looks and works like a real CD | Player-- INSIDE WORD 7! For more info, check | the Wordware CD Player for Word Home Page. 6/29/96 Allows the creation of business cards catered | to the user's tastes. Create business cards | in minutes. Beautiful results with little or | no effort.Has macros to copy one card to the | rest of the cards. Designed for ten card | stock. Making professional looking cards has | never been so easy! For more info, check the | Business Card Creator for Word Home Page. 6/29/96 Supports labels right out of the box or from | 3 x 5; 15-label sheets. Easy to use; have | beautiful and professional labels in just | minutes! For more info, check the 3.5" | Disk Label Creator for Word Home Page. 6/10/96 Finally, a PIM comes to Word. Easy to use and | very efficient. Dial the phone, print a | colorful address book, add an address to a | document or business letter, create an | envelope, and much more! Now supports up to | 21,000 entries, the fastest BACKGROUND | Faxing, and looks and feels like a real | rolodex. For more info, check out the AMF | Home Page. 6/01/96 The most incredible combination of macros and | add-ins ever seen for microsoft word 95. It | can do everything, including making booklets, | doing envelopes and just about everything you | can imagine. For more info, check the Wopr 95 | Home Page. 4/18/96 Another Visual Basic 4 (32-bit only) Add-In | that opens a database, displays the | tables/fields and gives the option of adding | a selected field or all fields in a table to | a form. For more info, check the dbAid Home | Page. 4/18/96 Visual Basic 4 (32-bit only) Add-In to | provide a launch menu to the Visual Basic | environment. For more info, check the | VBLaunch Home Page. 4/9/96 A VB 4 Add-In. Automates building class | modules for 3-Tiered client/server | apps. DB2Class Wizard Reads a database table | (Jet, xBase, or ODBC) and creates a VB Class | Module based on the table structure. For more | info, check the Home Page. pp2032b2.exe 4/2/96 Adds four components to your Netscape | Browser: CyberSpell for mail, Smart Marks for | bookmarking, Netscape Chat and Symentac's | Norton AntiVirus scanner. For more info, | check the Netscape Home Page. International Extensions for MS Internet Explorer 2.0 2.0 3/25/96 530 K International Extensions for MS Internet Explorer 2.0 enables you to view Web pages written in different languages while using any language version of MS Windows 95. Requires Windows 95 MultiLanguage Support. For more info, check the MS Home Page. Freeware Japanese Support for Int. Extensions for MS Internet Explorer 2.0 2.0 3/25/96 2251 K The Japanese Language Extension for MS Internet Explorer 2.0 enables you to view Web pages written in Japanese while using any language version of MS Windows 95. Requires previous installation of International Extensions for MS Internet Explorer 2.0 For more info, check the MS Home Page. Freeware Korean Support for Int. Extensions for MS Internet Explorer 2.0 2.0 3/25/96 2048 K The Korean Language Extension for MSt Internet Explorer 2.0 enables you to view Web pages written in Korean while using any language version of MS Windows 95. Requires previous installation of International Extensions for MSt Internet Explorer 2.0 For more info, check the MS Home Page. Freeware 3/17/96 Allows the user to print non-contiguous | ranges to single sheets of paper. For more | info, check the Print Selection for Microsoft | Excel Home Page. html101.ZIP 3/14/96 A add-in for Dana Text Editor that helps you | create and maintain your home pages. For more | info, check the Dana Home Page. mich101.ZIP 3/14/96 A add-in for Dana Text Editor that allows you | to send, receive, and collect all your | E-mail. For more info, check the Dana Home | Page. 2/23/96 A file and folder manager for Word 7.0 under | Windows 95. This handy utility gives you | complete control over your files right within | Word! For more info, check ZD Net. 1/30/96 Total Window Management for Word 6 & | 7. View2 Plus (Release 1.2) lets you take | control! Three modes of operation offer | thumbnail previews of documents; side-by-side | document editing, including macros and | protected docs; individual quarter- and | half-size windows; and side-by-side placement | of Word with any other application. 1/20/96 Adds long filename support to Excel 5 in | Windows 95. 1/20/96 Adds long filename support to Word 6 in | Windows 95. xlpowr2a.exe 11/2/95 A series of add-ins that work in conjunction | with Microsoft Excel for Windows. For more | info, check out the Power Utility Pak Home | Page. 10/30/95 Seamlessly updates Ami Pro 3.x to use Windows | 95 long file names.