3 Return without GoSub 5 Invalid procedure call or argument 6 Overflow 7 Out of memory 9 Subscript out of range 10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked 11 Division by zero 13 Type mismatch 14 Out of string space 16 Expression too complex 17 Can't perform requested operation 18 User interrupt occurred 20 Resume without error 28 Out of stack space 35 Sub or Function not defined 47 Too many DLL application clients 48 Error in loading DLL 49 Bad DLL calling convention 51 Internal error 52 Bad file name or number 53 File not found 54 Bad file mode 55 File already open 57 Device I/O error 58 File already exists 59 Bad record length 61 Disk full 62 Input past end of file 63 Bad record number 67 Too many files 68 Device unavailable 70 Permission denied 71 Disk not ready 74 Can't rename with different drive 75 Path/File access error 76 Path not found 91 Object variable or With block variable not set 92 For loop not initialized 93 Invalid pattern string 94 Invalid use of Null 95 Application-defined or object-defined error 96 Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports 97 Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class 321 Invalid file format 322 Can't create necessary temporary file 325 Invalid format in resource file 380 Invalid property value 381 Invalid property array index 382 Set not supported at runtime 383 Set not supported (read-only property) 385 Need property array index 387 Set not permitted 393 Get not supported at runtime 394 Get not supported (write-only property) 422 Property not found 423 Property or method not found 424 Object required 429 ActiveX component can't create object 430 Class doesn't support Automation 432 File name or class name not found during Automation operation 438 Object doesn't support this property or method 440 Automation error 442 Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference. 443 Automation object does not have a default value 445 Object doesn't support this action 446 Object doesn't support named arguments 447 Object doesn't support current locale setting 448 Named argument not found 449 Argument not optional 450 Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment 451 Object not a collection 452 Invalid ordinal 453 Specified DLL function not found 454 Code resource not found 455 Code resource lock error 457 This key is already associated with an element of this collection 458 Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic 459 Object or class does not support the set of events 460 Invalid clipboard format 481 Invalid picture 482 Printer error 735 Can't save file to TEMP 744 Search text not found 746 Replacements too long 999 Stop statement encountered 1260 No timer available 1282 No foreign application responded to a DDE initiate 1285 Foreign application won't perform DDE method or operation 1286 Timeout while waiting for DDE response 1287 User pressed Escape key during DDE operation 1288 Destination is busy 1290 Data in wrong format 1293 DDE Method invoked with no channel open 1294 Invalid DDE Link format 1295 Message queue filled; DDE message lost 1296 PasteLink already performed on this control 1297 Can't set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic 1298 System DLL '|1' could not be loaded 1320 Can't use character device names in file names: '|1' 1321 Invalid file format 1325 '|1' is not a valid resource file 1326 Resource with identifier '|1' not found 1327 Data value named '|1' not found 1328 Illegal parameter. Can't write arrays 1335 Could not access system registry 1336 Object server not correctly registered 1337 Object server not found 1338 Object server did not correctly run 1339 Object server '|1' not correctly registered or not found 1340 Control array element '|1' doesn't exist 1341 Invalid control array index 1342 Not enough room to allocate control array '|1' 1343 Object not an array 1344 Must specify index for object array 1345 Reached limit: cannot create any more controls for this form 1360 Object already loaded 1361 Can't load or unload this object 1362 Can't unload controls created at design time 1363 ActiveX control '|1' not referenced in this project. Use Project/Components... to add a reference. 1364 Object was unloaded 1365 Unable to unload within this context 1366 No MDI Form available to load 1367 Can't load (or register) ActiveX control: '|1' 1368 The file '|1' is out of date. This program requires a newer version. 1369 Operation not valid in an ActiveX DLL 1370 The ActiveX Designer's Type Information does not match what was saved. Unable to Load 1371 The specified object can't be used as an owner form for Show() 1378 '|1' cannot be set while loading 1379 You can't put a Default of Cancel button on a Property Page 1380 Invalid property value 1381 Invalid property array index 1382 '|1' property cannot be set at run time 1383 '|1' property is read-only 1384 A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized 1385 Must specify index when using property array 1387 '|1' property can't be set on this control 1388 Can't set Visible property from a parent menu 1389 Invalid key 1393 '|1' property cannot be read at run time 1394 '|1' property is write-only 1395 Cannot use separator bar as menu name for this control 1396 '|1' property cannot be set within a page 1397 Can't load, unload, or set Visible property for top level menus while they are merged 1398 Client Site not available 1399 You can't put a Default or Cancel button on a UserControl unless its DefaultCancel property is set 1400 Form already displayed; can't show modally 1401 Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed 1402 Must close or hide topmost modal form first 1403 MDI forms cannot be shown modally 1404 MDI child forms cannot be shown modally 1405 Unable to show modal form within this context 1406 Non-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL 1419 Permission to use object denied 1423 Control '|1' not found 1424 Form not found 1425 Invalid object use 1426 Only one MDI Form allowed 1427 Invalid object type; Menu control required 1428 Popup menu must have at least one submenu 1429 License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment. 1444 Method not applicable in this context 1460 Invalid Clipboard format 1461 Specified format doesn't match format of data 1480 Can't create AutoRedraw image 1481 Invalid picture 1482 Printer error 1483 Printer driver does not support specified property 1484 Problem getting printer information from the system. Make sure the printer is set up correctly. 1485 Invalid picture type 1486 Can't print form image to this type of printer 1490 Top-level or invalid menu specified as PopupMenu default 1520 Can't empty Clipboard 1521 Can't open Clipboard 1523 The data binding DLL, '|1', could not be loaded. 1524 |1 1525 Data Access Error 1527 The given bookmark was invalid 1536 Could not lock the database 1537 Could not access the desired Column 1541 Could not lock the database 1542 The row has been deleted since the update was started 1545 Unable to bind to field: '|1' 1672 DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event 1673 Expected at least one argument. 1674 Recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop not allowed. 1675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData. 1676 Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event. 1688 Failure in AsyncRead 1689 PropertyName parameter conflicts with the PropertyName of an AsyncRead in progress 1690 Can't find or load the required file urlmon.dll 1691 Unable to complete navigation 1693 An unknown protocol was specified in Target parameter 1694 Class of object cannot be determined.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1695 Invalid class string.\nLooking for object with ProgID: |1 1696 Object is not registered.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1697 Class not registered.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1698 Interface not registered.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1699 Application not found.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1700 DLL for class not found.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1701 Error in the DLL.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1702 Wrong OS or OS version for application.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 1703 Application was launched but it didn't register a class factory.\nLooking for object with CLSID: |1 2000 Visual Basic 2001 409 2002 MS Sans Serif 2003 Tahoma 2004 400 2006 1 2007 8 2008 1 2009 B7 2010 Tahoma 2021 User Controls 2022 Property Pages 2023 User Documents 2024 Related Documents 2025 Forms 2026 Modules 2027 Class Modules 2029 Designers 2036 Editor 2037 Environment 2038 Editor Format 2039 Advanced 2040 General 2042 Protection 2043 Compile 2044 Make 2045 Options 2046 Component 2048 Visual Basic 2049 Docking 2060 BackgroundProjectLoad 2061 NotifySharedItemsChange 2062 MdiMaximized 2067 UpgradeVBX 2068 ShowToolTips 2069 GridWidth 2070 GridHeight 2071 ShowGrid 2072 AlignToGrid 2073 SaveBeforeRun 2074 DefSaveFormat 2075 CustomColors 2082 MainWindow 2083 PropertiesWindow 2085 RecentFiles 2089 DataAccess 2091 CollapseWindows 2092 DBCSJapan 2093 Add-Ins32 2094 ToolboxBitmaps32 2095 NeverAutoReferenceDAO 2096 NoWalkingClones 2097 DontShowDAO 2098 IntlRuntimeDLL 2099 ReadOnlyMode 2102 CtlsShowSelected 2103 InsShowSelected 2104 DsnShowSelected 2113 IntlRuntimeLCID 2114 BooksExePath 2115 CloneSingleUseClass 2116 ReportDesign 2117 Reference to 2118 SDI 2119 MainWindowSDI 2120 PromptForProjectOnStartup 2121 ShowFormTemplates 2122 ShowMDIFormTemplates 2123 ShowModuleTemplates 2124 ShowClassModuleTemplates 2125 ShowUserControlTemplates 2126 ShowPropertyPageTemplates 2127 ShowUserDocumentTemplates 2128 Components 2129 Controls 2130 Designers 2131 Insertable Objects 2132 References 2133 TemplatesDirectory 2134 FolderView 2135 ResolutionGuides 2140 PbrsStatus 2141 PbrsStatusHeight 2142 PFrameWindow 9000 Microsoft Visual Basic 9001 Delete Current Embedded Object? 9002 Delete Current Link? 9003 Linked %s 9006 Activate Object 9008 Cu&t 9009 &Copy 9010 &Paste 9011 &Delete 9012 Align to &Grid 9013 P&roperties 9014 &View Code 9015 Create Embedded Object 9016 Create Link 9017 Delete Embedded Object 9018 Delete Link 9019 Insert Object... 9020 Paste Special... 9021 &Bring To Front 9022 Se&nd To Back 9023 Menu Editor... 13000 True 13001 False 13002 TrueFalse 13003 &Start 13004 &Continue 13005 Run Sub/UserForm 13006 Brea&k 13008 &Undo 13009 &Redo 13010 &Undo Delete 13011 &Undo Align 13012 &Undo Center 13013 &Undo Size 13014 &Undo Horizontal 13015 &Undo Vertical 13016 Can't Undo 13017 Can't Redo 13018 Ctrl+Z 13019 Ctrl+Q 13020 &Close and Return to %s 13021 Compi&le %s 13022 %s Prop&erties... 13023 &Save %s 13024 Save 13025 Save %s &As... 13026 Save As... 13027 Sa&ve Project 13028 Sav&e Project As... 13029 Sa&ve Project Group 13030 Sav&e Project Group As... 13031 Ma&ke %s... 13032 Make... 13033 - Project Properties 13034 (None) 13035 (Icon) 13036 (Bitmap) 13037 (Metafile) 13040 -- 13041 Continue Loading Project? 13042 Continue Loading Project Group? 13043 Project 13044 Group1 13045 Project Group 13046 Standard EXE 13047 ActiveX DLL 13048 ActiveX EXE 13049 ActiveX Control 13050 Standard EXE 13051 ActiveX DLL 13052 ActiveX EXE 13053 ActiveX Control 13054 Form 13055 MDI Form 13056 Module 13057 Class Module 13058 User Control 13059 Property Page 13060 User Document 13061 Modules 13062 Forms 13063 MDIForms 13064 Classes 13065 UserCtls 13066 PropPage 13067 ActXDocs 13068 General 13069 Projects 13070 Template 13071 Add Module 13072 Add Form 13073 Add MDI Form 13074 Add Class Module 13075 Add User Control 13076 Add PropertyPage 13077 Add User Document 13078 New Tab Name: 13079 New 13080 Existing 13081 Don't show this dialog in the f&uture 13082 Open Project 13083 Add Project 13084 New Project 13085 Add File 13086 Add ActiveX Control 13087 (Code) 13088 Add Reference 13089 Help File 13090 Compatible ActiveX Component 13091 Insert File 13092 Save Text 13093 Text Files (*.txt)*.txtBasic Files (*.bas)*.basClass Files (*.cls)*.clsAll Files (*.*)*.* 13094 VB Files (*.frm;*.ctl;*.dob;*.pag;*.dsr;*.bas;*.cls;*.res)*.frm;*.ctl;*.dob;*.pag;*.dsr;*.bas;*.cls;*.resForm Files (*.frm)*.frmBasic Files (*.bas)*.basClass Files (*.cls)*.clsResource Files (*.res)*.resUser Defined Control Files (*.ctl)*.ctlUser Document Files (*.dob)*.dobProperty Page Files (*.pag)*.pagDesigner Files (*.dsr)*.dsrAll Files (*.*)*.* 13095 Basic Files (*.bas)*.basClass Files (*.cls)*.clsResource Files (*.res)*.resAll Files (*.*)*.* 13096 Form Layout 13097 Save File As 13098 Save Project As 13099 Save Project Group As 13100 Project Files (*.vbp;*.mak;*.vbg)*.vbp;*.mak;*.vbgAll Files (*.*)*.* 13101 Project Files (*.vbp;*.mak)*.vbp;*.makAll Files (*.*)*.* 13102 Project Files (*.vbp)*.vbpAll Files (*.*)*.* 13103 Project Group Files (*.vbg)*.vbgAll Files (*.*)*.* 13104 Form Files (*.frm)*.frmAll Files (*.*)*.* 13105 User Defined Control Files (*.ctl)*.ctlAll Files (*.*)*.* 13106 Property Page Files (*.pag)*.pagAll Files (*.*)*.* 13107 User Document Files (*.dob)*.dobAll Files (*.*)*.* 13108 Basic Files (*.bas)*.basAll Files (*.*)*.* 13109 Class Files (*.cls)*.clsAll Files (*.*)*.* 13110 ActiveX Controls (*.ocx)*.ocxAll Files (*.*)*.* 13112 Type Libraries (*.olb;*.tlb;*.dll)*.olb;*.tlb;*.dllExecutable Files (*.exe;*.dll)*.dll;*.exeActiveX Controls (*.ocx)*.ocxAll Files (*.*)*.* 13113 Help Files (*.hlp)*.hlp 13114 Make Project 13115 ActiveX DLL Options 13116 EXE Files (*.exe)*.exeDLL Files (*.dll)*.dllActiveX Controls (*.ocx)*.ocxAll Files (*.*)*.* 13117 Load Picture 13118 All Picture Files*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.curBitmaps (*.bmp;*.dib)*.bmp;*.dibGIF Images (*.gif)*.gifJPEG Images (*.jpg)*.jpgMetafiles (*.wmf;*.emf)*.wmf;*.emfIcons (*.ico;*.cur)*.ico;*.curAll Files (*.*)*.* 13119 DatabaseName 13120 Databases (*.%s)*.%sAll Files (*.*)*.*Databases (%s)%sAll Files (*.*)*.* 13121 mdbdbfdbfdbfxlsxlsxlsxlsdbfdbfdbfdbf*.wk1;*.wksWk3wk4DBDBDB*.txt;*.csv;*.tab;*.asc 13122 Load Icon 13123 Icons (*.ico;*.cur)*.ico;*.curAll Files (*.*)*.* 13124 View Object 13125 View Code 13126 Project 13127 No Open Projects 13128 Module%d 13129 Class%d 13130 Properties 13131 Property Pages 13132 Module 13133 ClassModule 13134 (Read Only) 13135 Global Object 13136 Microsoft Visual Basic 13137 design 13138 run 13139 break 13140 running 13141 Ctrl+ 13142 (List) 13143 (Text) 13144 (1 Page) 13145 (%lu Pages) 13146 %s (Missing) 13147 Compiling... 13148 Loading... 13149 Writing EXE... 13150 Writing DLL... 13151 Sub Main 13152 (About) 13153 (Custom) 13154 (Name) 13155 Password 13156 The passwords you typed do not match. Type the new password in both text boxes. 13157 Change Password 13158 Invalid password 13159 Project Locked 13160 Project is unviewable 13161 A virus has been detected. Visual Basic will now terminate. 13162 Auto 13163 Unexpected critical error: can't start program 13164 Out of Memory 13165 Debug Window 13166 ... 13167 13168 Aa 13169 Default 13170 Custom Colors >> 13171 Define Colors... 13172 Form 13173 UserControl 13174 PropertyPage 13175 UserDocument 13176 MDIForm 13177 Check 13178 Combo 13179 Command 13180 Data 13181 Dir 13182 Drive 13183 File 13184 Frame 13185 HScroll 13186 Image 13187 Label 13188 Line 13189 List 13190 Option 13191 Picture 13192 Text 13193 Timer 13194 VScroll 13195 Shape 13196 Menu 13197 OLE 13198 0 - Manual1 - Automatic 13199 0 - Manual1 - Automatic 13200 0 - None1 - Manual 13201 0 - None1 - Horizontal2 - Vertical3 - Both 13202 0 - None1 - Fixed Single 13203 0 - Left Justify1 - Right Justify2 - Center 13204 0 - None1 - Automatic2 - Manual3 - Notify 13205 0 - None1 - Fixed Single2 - Sizable3 - Fixed Dialog4 - Fixed ToolWindow5 - Sizable ToolWindow 13206 0 - Normal1 - Minimized2 - Maximized 13207 0 - Unchecked1 - Checked2 - Grayed 13208 0 - None1 - Source 13209 0 - Solid1 - Transparent2 - Horizontal Line3 - Vertical Line4 - Upward Diagonal5 - Downward Diagonal6 - Cross7 - Diagonal Cross 13210 0 - Solid1 - Dash2 - Dot3 - Dash-Dot4 - Dash-Dot-Dot5 - Transparent6 - Inside Solid 13211 0 - Transparent1 - Solid2 - Dash3 - Dot4 - Dash-Dot5 - Dash-Dot-Dot6 - Inside Solid 13212 1 - Blackness2 - Not Merge Pen3 - Mask Not Pen4 - Not Copy Pen5 - Mask Pen Not6 - Invert7 - Xor Pen8 - Not Mask Pen9 - Mask Pen10 - Not Xor Pen11 - Nop^^ 13213 12 - Merge Not Pen13 - Copy Pen14 - Merge Pen Not15 - Merge Pen16 - Whiteness 13214 0 - User1 - Twip2 - Point3 - Pixel4 - Character5 - Inch6 - Millimeter7 - Centimeter 13215 0 - Default1 - Arrow2 - Cross3 - I-Beam4 - Icon5 - Size6 - Size NE SW7 - Size N S8 - Size NW SE9 - Size W E10 - Up Arrow11 - Hourglass12 - No Drop^^ 13216 13 - Arrow and Hourglass14 - Arrow and Question15 - Size All99 - Custom 13217 0 - Dropdown Combo1 - Simple Combo2 - Dropdown List 13218 0 - None1 - Simple2 - Extended 13219 0 - Rectangle1 - Square2 - Oval3 - Circle4 - Rounded Rectangle5 - Rounded Square 13220 0 - None1 - Align Top2 - Align Bottom3 - Align Left4 - Align Right 13221 0 - Flat1 - 3D 13222 (None)Ctrl+ACtrl+BCtrl+CCtrl+DCtrl+ECtrl+FCtrl+GCtrl+HCtrl+ICtrl+JCtrl+KCtrl+LCtrl+MCtrl+NCtrl+OCtrl+PCtrl+QCtrl+RCtrl+SCtrl+T^^ 13223 Ctrl+UCtrl+VCtrl+WCtrl+XCtrl+YCtrl+ZF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F11F12Ctrl+F1Ctrl+F2Ctrl+F3Ctrl+F4Ctrl+F5Ctrl+F6Ctrl+F7Ctrl+F8^^ 13224 Ctrl+F9Ctrl+F11Ctrl+F12Shift+F1Shift+F2Shift+F3Shift+F4Shift+F5Shift+F6Shift+F7Shift+F8Shift+F9Shift+F11Shift+F12Shift+Ctrl+F1^^ 13225 Shift+Ctrl+F2Shift+Ctrl+F3Shift+Ctrl+F4Shift+Ctrl+F5Shift+Ctrl+F6Shift+Ctrl+F7Shift+Ctrl+F8^^ 13226 Shift+Ctrl+F9Shift+Ctrl+F11Shift+Ctrl+F12Ctrl+InsShift+InsDelShift+DelAlt+Bksp 13227 0 - Left Justify1 - Right Justify 13228 0 - Transparent1 - Opaque 13229 0 - Linked1 - Embedded2 - Either 13230 0 - Automatic1 - Frozen2 - Manual 13231 0 - Clip1 - Stretch2 - AutoSize3 - Zoom 13232 0 - Manual1 - GetFocus2 - DoubleClick3 - Automatic 13233 0 - Content1 - Icon 13234 0 - None1 - Left2 - Middle3 - Right 13235 0 - Standard1 - Graphical 13236 0 - Custom1 - Small2 - Large 13237 0 - Halftone1 - UseZOrder2 - Custom 13238 0 - Halftone2 - Custom5 - Object 13239 0 - Halftone1 - UseZOrder2 - Custom3 - Container4 - None 13240 0 - Halftone1 - UseZOrder2 - Custom 13241 0 - Halftone1 - UseZOrder2 - Custom 13242 0 - Standard1 - Checkbox 13243 All Files*.* 13244 Print To File 13245 Comments 13246 Company Name 13247 File Description 13248 Legal Copyright 13249 Legal Trademarks 13250 Product Name 13251 Pointer 13252 * 13253 409 13254 ~ 13255 ~ 13256 0 - No Operation1 - ON2 - OFF3 - DISABLE4 - DBCS HIRAGANA5 - DBCS KATAKANA6 - SBCS KATAKANA7 - DBCS ALPHABET8 - SBCS ALPHABET9 - DBCS HANGUL10 - SBCS HANGUL 13257 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. 13258 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, 13259 may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. 13260 This product 13261 is licensed to: 13262 Copyright© 1987 - 1996 13263 Microsoft Corporation 13264 This program is protected by US and international copyright laws as described in Help About. 13265 For 32-bit Windows Development 13266 0 - Move First1 - BOF 13267 0 - Move Last1 - EOF2 - Add New 13268 0 - Table1 - Dynaset2 - Snapshot 13269 AccessdBASE III;dBASE IV;dBASE 5.0;Excel 3.0;Excel 4.0;Excel 5.0;Excel 8.0;FoxPro 2.0;FoxPro 2.5;FoxPro 2.6;FoxPro 3.0;Lotus WK1;Lotus WK3;Lotus WK4;Paradox 3.x;Paradox 4.x;Paradox 5.x;Text; 13270 Key save area for Visual Basic Design Environment 13271 The project name and the .EXE filename for both applications are the same. Change the Project Name setting in the Project Options dialog box and use a unique name for the current .EXE file. 13272 The project name is the same for both applications. Change the Project Name setting in the Project Options dialog box. 13273 The .EXE filenames for the two applications are the same. Specify a different filename for the current .EXE file. 13274 Your application is incompatible with |1.\n\n 13275 No conflicts will occur, however, because the project name and .EXE filename are different. 13276 \n\nYou can see the specific incompatibilities by returning to design mode and running the project. 13277 The |1 member was found in the |2 class module of the version-compatible component, but not in the current project. 13278 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support client applications compiled against the version-compatible component. 13279 To avoid this incompatibility, add the declaration back into the class module, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13280 The |1 class module was found in the version-compatible component, but not in the current project. 13281 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the project will no longer support client applications which access the |1 class and were compiled against the version-compatible component. 13282 To avoid this incompatiblity, add the |1 class back into the project, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13283 |1 in the |2 class module has arguments and/or a return type that is incompatible with a similar declaration in the version-compatible component. 13284 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support client applications compiled against the version-compatible component. 13285 To avoid this incompatibility, edit the declaration to be compatible, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13286 The Name property of the current project |1 is different from the name of the version-compatible component |2. 13287 \n\nTo avoid this incompatiblity, change the Project Name, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13288 All 13289 Down 13290 Up 13291 Code Window Text 13292 Selection Text 13293 Syntax Error Text 13294 Breakpoint Text 13295 Next Statement Text 13296 Comment Text 13297 Keyword Text 13298 Identifier Text 13299 Bookmark Text 13300 Call Return Text 13301 Recording Point Text 13302 Missing: 13303 High 13304 Medium 13305 Low 13306 Draft 13307 OK 13308 You are not able to Make Project in the Visual Basic Working Model. Make Project is enabled in all other versions of Visual Basic 5.0 13309 The Data Manager, a Visual Basic tool that allows you to build databases using the JET database engine, is not available in the^^ 13310 Working Model. The Data Manager is enabled in all other versions of Visual Basic 5.0. To test the Data Access^^ 13311 functionality in Visual Basic, please use the database (BIBLIO.MDB) included with the Working Model. 13312 You may only load or create projects with two modules (Forms, MDI Forms, Modules, Classes) in the Visual Basic Working^^ 13313 Model. Projects may contain an unlimited (system dependant) number of modules in other versions of Visual Basic 5.0. 13314 Working Model for 13315 32-bit Windows Development 13316 %s support file 13317 Form Classes 13318 More Forms... 13319 Form Types 13320 0 - Manual1 - CenterOwner2 - CenterScreen3 - Windows Default 13321 Misc 13322 Font 13323 Position 13324 Appearance 13325 Behavior 13326 Data 13327 List 13328 Text 13329 Scale 13330 DDE 13331 Scroll Bars 13332 Desktop 13333 Active Title Bar 13334 Inactive Title Bar 13335 Menu Bar 13336 Window Background 13337 Window Frame 13338 Menu Text 13339 Window Text 13340 Active Title Bar Text 13341 Active Border 13342 Inactive Border 13343 Application Workspace 13344 Highlight 13345 Highlight Text 13346 Button Face 13347 Button Shadow 13348 Disabled Text 13349 Button Text 13350 Inactive Title Bar Text 13351 Button Highlight 13352 Button Dark Shadow 13353 Button Light Shadow 13354 ToolTip Text 13355 ToolTip 13356 Alphabetic 13357 Categorized 13358 Properties 13359 Not Available 13360 13361 LeftTopWidthHeight 13362 ItemIndex 13363 Arrangement 13364 StepXYRadiusColorStartEndAspect 13365 PropertyName 13366 PropertyName 13367 Action 13368 Format 13369 Format 13370 Format 13371 FlagsX1Y1X2Y2Color 13372 Command 13373 Position 13375 PictureX1Y1Width1Height1X2Y2Width2Height2Opcode 13376 XY 13377 MenuFlagsXYDefaultMenu 13378 StepXYColor 13379 Index 13380 FlagsX1Y1X2Y2 13381 WidthFromScaleToScale 13382 HeightFromScaleToScale 13383 PictureFormat 13384 StrFormat 13385 LeftTop 13386 WidthHeight 13387 Str 13388 Str 13389 SourceDocClass 13390 SourceDocSourceItem 13391 Verb 13392 FileNum 13393 FileNum 13394 FileNum 13395 ModalOwnerForm 13396 0 - None1 - Manual2 - Automatic 13397 Edit 13398 %s (%s) is shared by other project(s). Would you like to save it? 13399 Would you like to update %s in project(s) which share it with %s? 13400 LogBufferEventType 13401 LogTargetLogModes 13402 &Remove %s 13403 References 13404 UNSAVED: 13405 Recent 13406 File 13407 Folder 13408 TargetAsyncTypePropertyName 13409 Property 13410 1 - UseODBC2 - UseJet 13411 0 - DefaultCursor1 - ODBCCursor2 - ServerSideCursor 13412 Designer Files (*.Dsr);*.DsrAll Files (*.*)*.* 13413 Print 13414 Help 13415 &Help 13420 Module 13421 Debug 13422 Object Browser 13423 Call Tree 13424 Watches 13425 Locals 13426 Immediate 13427 View error messages? 13428 Writing OCX... 13429 Load Bitmap 13430 Bitmaps (*.bmp;*.dib)*.bmp;*.dibAll Files (*.*)*.* 13431 The |1 class implemented an interface in the version-compatible component, but not in the current project. 13432 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support client applications compiled against the version-compatible component. 13433 To avoid this incompatibility, add the interface declaration back into the class module, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13434 Enum |1 exists in the version-compatible component, but not in the current project. 13435 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the project will no longer support client applications which access the |1 enum and were compiled against the version-compatible component. 13436 To avoid this incompatibility, add the enum declaration back into the project, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13437 The |1 event exists in the version-compatible component, but not in the current project. 13438 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the project will no longer support client applications which access the |1 event and were compiled against the version-compatible component. 13439 To avoid this incompatibility, add the event declaration back into the project, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13440 The |1 class module was marked as GlobalMultiUse in the version-compatible component, but not in the current project. 13441 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support client applications compiled against the version-compatible component. 13442 To avoid this incompatibility, mark the class module as GlobalMultiUse, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13443 The |1 enum in class |2 is incompatible with a similar declaration in the version-compatible component. 13444 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the project will no longer support client applications which access the |1 enum and were compiled against the version-compatible component. 13445 To avoid this incompatibility, edit the enum to be compatible, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13446 |1 in the |2 class module has a procedure ID that differs from a similar declaration in the version-compatible component. 13447 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support client applications compiled against the version-compatible component. 13448 To avoid this incompatibility, edit the procedure ID to be compatible, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13449 Event |1 in the |2 class module has arguments that are incompatible with a similar declaration in the version-compatible component. 13450 \n\nIf you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support client applications compiled against the version-compatible component. 13451 To avoid this incompatibility, edit the event declaration to be compatible, or clear the version compatibility setting in Project Options. 13452 VB Files (*.frm;*.ctl;*.pag;*.dsr;*.bas;*.cls;*.res)*.frm;*.ctl;*.pag;*.dsr;*.bas;*.cls;*.resForm Files (*.frm)*.frmBasic Files (*.bas)*.basClass Files (*.cls)*.clsResource Files (*.res)*.resUser Defined Control Files (*.ctl)*.ctlProperty Page Files (*.pag)*.pagDesigner Files (*.dsr)*.dsrAll Files (*.*)*.* 13453 Executable 13454 Palette 13455 System 13456 Standard Edition Version 5.0 13457 Professional Edition Version 5.0 13458 Enterprise Edition Version 5.0 13459 Control Creation Edition Version 5.0 14000 Sets a value that specifies whether you can create instances of a public class outside a project. 14001 Not Creatable 14002 Creatable SingleUse 14003 Creatable MultiUse 14004 Private 14005 Global On New Process 14006 Global In Same Process 14007 Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class. 14008 Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory by setting all the variables that refer to the object to Nothing or when the last reference to the object falls out of scope. 14009 Returns the name used in code to identify a form, control, or data access object. 14010 Returns the name used in code to identify a form, control, or data access object. 15000 Visual Basic objects and procedures 15034 15035 Loads a form or control into memory. 15036 Unloads a form or control from memory. 15037 Contains general information about an application. 15038 Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer. 15039 Provides access to the system Clipboard. 15040 Enables you to communicate with a system printer (initially the default printer). 15041 All loaded forms in an application. 15042 Enables you to gather information about all available printers on the system. 15043 Loads a string from a resource (.RES) file and returns it as a property of a control. 15044 Loads a bitmap, icon, or cursor from a resource (.RES) file and returns it to the appropriate control. 15045 Loads data of several possible types from a resource file (.RES) and returns a Byte array. 15046 Loads a graphic into a Form, PictureBox, or Image control. 15047 Saves a graphic from a Form, PictureBox, or Image control to a file. 15049 The UserForms collection is a collection whose elements represent each loaded UserForm in an application. 15624 The class name for all Visual Basic intrinsic controls. 16000 Displays an X when selected; the X disappears when the CheckBox is cleared. 16001 Combines the features of a TextBox control and a ListBox control. 16002 Looks like a push button and is used to begin, interrupt, or end a process. 16003 Displays directories and paths at run time. 16004 Enables a user to select a valid disk drive at run time. 16005 Locates and lists files in the directory specified by the Path property at run time. 16006 Provides an identifiable grouping for controls. 16007 Provides a horizontal scroll bar for easy navigation through long lists of items. 16008 Provides a vertical scroll bar. 16009 Displays a graphic. 16010 Displays text that a user can't change directly. 16011 A graphical control displayed as a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line. 16012 Displays a list of items from which the user can select one or more. 16013 Displays a custom menu for your application. 16014 Enables you to add insertable objects to the forms of your applications. 16015 Displays an option that can be turned on or off. 16016 Displays a graphic from a bitmap, icon or metafile. 16017 A graphical control displayed as a rectangle, square, oval, circle or rounded rectangle or square. 16018 Displays information entered at design time by the user, or in code at run time. 16019 A control which can execute code at regular intervals by causing a Timer event. 16020 A window or dialog box that makes up part of an application's user interface. 16021 Acts as the background for an application and can contain child forms. 16022 Enables you to communicate with a system printer (initially the default printer). 16023 Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer. 16024 Provides access to the system Clipboard. 16025 Contains general information about an application. 16026 Provides access to databases using a Recordset object. 16027 An ActiveX Control authored in Visual Basic 16028 An ActiveX Property Page authored in Visual Basic. 16029 An ActiveX Document authored in Visual Basic. 16100 Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control. 16101 Arranges the windows or icons within an MDI form object. 16102 Draws a circle, eclipse, or arc on an object. 16103 Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard. 16104 Closes an open object. 16105 Clears graphics and text generated at run time from a Form, Image, or PictureBox. 16106 Copies data from the OLE container control to the system Clipboard. 16107 Creates an embedded object. 16108 Creates a linked object from the contents of a file. 16109 Deletes an object. 16110 Opens an object for an operation such as editing. 16111 Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer. 16112 Terminates a print operation sent to the Printer object. 16113 Updates the list of verbs an object supports. 16114 Returns a graphic from the Clipboard object. 16115 Returns a value indicating whether an item on the Clipboard object matches a specified format. 16116 Returns a text string from the Clipboard object. 16117 Hides an MDIForm or Form object but doesn't unload it. 16118 Immediately terminates the current print job. 16119 Draws lines and rectangles on an object. 16120 Sends a command string to the source application in a DDE conversation. 16121 Transfers contents of Label, PictureBox, or TextBox to source application in DDE conversation. 16122 Asks the source DDE application to update the contents of a Label, PictureBox, or Textbox control. 16123 Transfers contents of PictureBox to destination application in DDE conversation. 16124 Moves an object. 16125 Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object. 16126 Copies data from the system Clipboard to an OLE container control. 16127 Displays the Paste Special dialog box. 16128 Returns, as an integer of type Long, the RGB color of the specified point on a Form or PictureBox object. 16129 Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object. 16130 Sends a bit-by-bit image of a Form object to the printer. 16131 Sets a point on an object to a specified color. 16132 Loads an object from a data file created using the SaveToFile method. 16133 Forces a complete repaint of a object. 16134 Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control. 16135 Saves an object to a data file. 16136 Saves an object in the OLE 1 file format. 16138 Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer. 16139 Puts a picture on the Clipboard object using the specified graphic format. 16140 Moves the focus to the specified object. 16141 Puts a text string on the Clipboard object using the specified Clipboard object format. 16142 Displays an MDIForm or Form object. 16143 Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font. 16144 Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font. 16145 Retrieves the current data from the application that supplied the object and displays it as a graphic in the OLE container control. 16146 Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level. 16147 Displays the Insert Object dialog box. 16148 Saves the current values of bound controls. 16149 Gets the current record from a Data control's Recordset object and displays data in bound controls. 16150 Ends the current page and advances to the next page on the Printer object. 16151 Converts the value for the width of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another. 16152 Converts the value for the height of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another. 16153 Closes and rebuilds the Recordset object or data structures created by a control. 16154 Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help. 16156 Prepares the application to display What's This Help on a selected object. 16157 Notifies the container that a property on a User Control has been changed. 16158 Asks the container if a property bound to a data source can be changed. The CanPropertyChange method is most useful if the property specified in PropertyName is bound to a data source. 16159 Changes the width and height of a User Control. 16160 Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source. 16161 Sets the log target and log mode for an application 16162 Logs an event in the application's log target 16163 Read in data asychronously from a path or a URL. 16164 Cancel an asychronous data request. 16300 Occurs when a form becomes the active window. 16301 Occurs when the contents of a control have changed. 16302 Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object. 16303 Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object. 16304 Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. 16305 Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress. 16306 Occurs when the list portion of a ComboBox control is about to drop down. 16307 Occurs when an object receives the focus. 16308 Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class. 16309 Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus. 16310 Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key. 16311 Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus. 16312 Occurs when a DDE conversation terminates. 16313 Occurs when there is an error during a DDE conversation. 16314 Occurs when a command string is sent by a destination application in a DDE conversation. 16315 Occurs when the source has changed the DDE data if the LinkMode property of the destination control is Notify. 16316 Occurs when a DDE conversation is being initiated. 16317 Occurs when a form is loaded. 16318 Occurs when an object loses the focus. 16319 Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus. 16320 Occurs when the user moves the mouse. 16321 Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus. 16322 Occurs immediately after the object within an OLE container control is moved or resized while active. 16323 Occurs when any part of a form or PictureBox control is moved, enlarged, or exposed. 16324 Occurs when the path is changed by setting the FileName or Path property in code. 16325 Occurs when the file listing pattern, such as *.*, is changed using FileName or Pattern in code. 16326 Occurs before a form or application closes. 16327 Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes. 16328 Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control. 16329 Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory. 16330 Occurs when a preset interval for a Timer control has elapsed. 16331 Occurs when a form is about to be removed from the screen. 16332 Occurs when an object's data has been modified. 16333 Occurs before the current record changes; the Update method, and a Delete, Unload, or Close operation. 16334 Occurs when a form is no longer the active window. 16335 Occurs when a user control or user document is asked to read its data from a file. 16336 Occurs when a user control or user document is asked to write its data to a file. 16337 Occurs the first time a user control or user document is created. 16338 Occurs when an ambient value was changed by the container of a user control 16339 Occurs when the user presses the OK button or the Apply button on the property page, or when property pages are switched by selecting tabs. 16340 Occurs when the selection of controls on the form has changed. 16341 Occurs when a property page is opened because of the developer pressing the ellipsis button to display a particular property for editing. 16342 Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual. 16343 Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual. 16344 Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed. 16345 Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically. 16346 Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event. 16347 Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled. 16348 Occurs when focus enters the control. The control itself could be receiving focus, or a constituent control could be receiving focus. 16349 Occurs when focus leaves the control. The control itself could be losing focus, or a constituent control could be losing focus. 16350 Occurs before a UserForm closes. 16351 Occurs when the user of the control presses one of the control's access keys, or when the Enter key is pressed when the developer has set the Default property to True, or when the Escape key is pressed when the developer has set the Cancel property to True. The Default property and the Cancel property are enabled by the author of the control setting the DefaultCancel property to True. 16352 Occurs when the data that is requested by the AsyncRead method is available. 16353 Occurs when a ListBox control's Style property is set to 1 (checkboxes) and an item's checkbox in the ListBox control is selected or cleared. 16354 Occurs as the result of a data access error that takes place when no Visual Basic code is being executed. 16355 Occurs after a record become the current record. 16356 Occurs when the control's Visible property changes to True. 16357 Occurs when the control's Visible property changes to False. 16500 Sets a value that determines an action. 16501 Returns the form that is the active window. 16502 Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form. 16503 Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text. 16504 Determines whether a control that can be aligned is displayed when an active object on the form displays one or more toolbars. 16505 Determines whether the application creating the object in the OLE container control is running. 16506 Specifies the path of the project .VBP file when running the application from the development environment or the path of the executable file when running the application as an executable file. 16507 Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Archive attributes. 16508 Enables the object contained in the OLE container control to decide the activation behavior. 16509 Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap. 16510 Returns/sets a value that determines whether MDI child forms are displayed when loaded. 16511 Determines whether a control is automatically resized to display its entire contents. 16512 Determines if a pop-up menu containing the object's verbs is displayed in a context menu. 16513 Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object. 16514 Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque. 16515 Returns/sets the color of an object's border. 16516 Returns/sets the border style for an object. 16517 Indicates whether a command button is the Cancel button on a form. 16518 Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon. 16519 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a check mark is displayed next to a menu item. 16520 Returns/sets the appearance of the control, whether standard (standard Windows style) or graphical (with a custom picture). 16521 Returns/sets the class name of an embedded object. 16522 Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas. 16523 Returns/sets the selected color. 16524 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a color printer prints output in color or monochrome. 16525 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a ListBox scrolls vertically in a single column (value of 0) or horizontally in snaking columns (values greater than 0). 16526 Returns a value indicating whether a Control-menu box is displayed on a form at run time. 16527 Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed. 16528 Returns the number of objects in a collection. 16529 Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method. 16530 Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method. 16531 Returns/sets a handle to a memory object or GDI object containing data in a specified format. 16532 Returns a string from or sets a string for the specified object. 16533 Determines which CommandButton control is the default command button on a form. 16534 Returns the name of the device a driver supports. 16535 Determines whether an object displays its contents or an icon. 16536 Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation. 16537 Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used. 16538 Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control. 16539 Determines the line style for output from graphics methods. 16540 Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods. 16541 Returns/sets the selected drive at run time. 16542 Returns the name of the driver for a Printer object. 16543 Determines whether a page is printed on both sides. 16544 Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events. 16545 Returns the name of the executable file for the current project. If running in the development environment, returns the name of the project. 16546 Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file. 16547 Returns the file number used when saving or loading an object, or the last file number used. 16548 Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes. 16549 Returns/sets the fill style of a shape. 16550 Returns a Font object. 16551 Returns/sets bold font styles. 16552 Returns the number of fonts available for the current display device or active printer. 16553 Returns/sets italic font styles. 16554 Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level. 16555 Returns all font names available for the current display device or active printer. 16556 Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level. 16557 Returns/sets strikethrough font styles. 16558 Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed. 16559 Returns/sets underline font styles. 16560 Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object. 16561 Specifies the format for displaying and printing numbers, dates, times, and text. 16562 Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context. 16563 Returns/sets the height of an object. 16564 Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object. 16565 Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project. 16566 Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Hidden attributes. 16567 Specifies whether the selection in a Masked edit control is hidden when the control loses focus. 16568 Returns/sets the user-readable host name of your Visual Basic application. 16569 Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window. 16570 Returns the icon displayed when a form is minimized at run time. 16571 Returns a handle, provided by Microsoft Windows, to a persistent bitmap. 16572 Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array. 16573 Returns/sets the number of milliseconds between calls to a Timer control's Timer event. 16574 Returns/sets a specific number for each item in a ComboBox or ListBox control. 16575 Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object. 16576 Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks the scroll bar area. 16577 Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container. 16578 Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application. 16579 Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection. 16580 Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message. 16581 Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control. 16582 Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion. 16583 Returns the number of items in the list portion of a control. 16584 Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control. 16585 Returns the address of the object. 16586 Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting. 16587 Determines whether a form has a Maximize button. 16588 Returns/sets the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a control. 16589 Returns/sets a value that determines if a form is displayed as an MDI child form. 16590 Determines whether or not a form incorporates the menus from an object on the form's menu bar. 16591 Determines whether a form has a Minimize button. 16592 Returns or sets a value that determines access to one or more additional features of the OLE container control. 16593 Sets a custom mouse icon. 16594 Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object. 16595 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a control can accept multiple lines of text. 16596 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a user can make multiple selections in a control. 16597 Returns the name used in code to identify an object. 16598 Returns the index of the item most recently added to a control. 16599 Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Normal attributes. 16600 Returns an object in a control. 16601 Returns the list of formats an object can provide. 16602 Returns the number of formats that can be accepted by an object. 16603 Returns the list of formats an object can provide. 16604 Returns the number of formats an object can provide. 16605 Returns the menu state for each verb in the ObjectVerbs array. 16606 Returns the list of verbs an object supports. 16607 Returns the number of verbs supported by an object. 16608 Determines whether a menu bar displays Menu controls when a linked or embedded object is active. 16609 Returns the status of the object in an OLE container control. 16610 Returns/sets the type of object the OLE container control can contain. 16611 Returns/sets a value indicating whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode. 16612 Returns the current page number. 16613 Returns/sets the default paper bin on the printer from which paper is fed when printing. 16614 Returns/sets the paper size for the current printer. 16615 Returns the object on which this object is located. 16616 Returns/sets a value that determines whether characters typed by a user or placeholder characters are displayed in a control. 16617 Returns whether the contents of the system Clipboard can be pasted into the OLE container control. 16618 Returns/sets the current path. 16619 Returns/sets a value indicating the filenames displayed in a control at run time. 16620 Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control. 16621 Returns a graphic to be displayed in a control. 16622 Returns the name of the port through which a document is sent to a printer. 16623 Returns a value that determines whether a previous instance of an application is already running. 16624 Returns/sets a value indicating the printer resolution. 16625 Determines whether a control can be edited. 16626 Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior. 16627 Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object. 16628 Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls. 16629 Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object. 16630 Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior. 16631 Returns/sets a value indicating whether an object has vertical or horizontal scroll bars. 16632 Returns the number of selected items in a ListBox control. 16633 Returns/sets the selection status of an item in a control. 16634 Returns/sets the number of characters selected. 16635 Returns/sets the starting point of text selected. 16636 Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text. 16637 Returns/sets a value indicating the appearance of a control. 16638 Determines whether a Form or MDIForm object appears in the Windows 95 taskbar. 16640 Determines how the OLE container control is sized or how its image is displayed. 16641 Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks a scroll arrow. 16642 Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically. 16643 Returns/sets the filename to use when you create an object. 16644 Returns/sets the data within the file to be linked when you create a linked object. 16645 Returns/sets whether an application starts as a stand-alone project or an ActiveX component. 16646 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a graphic resizes to fit the size of an Image control. 16647 Returns/sets a value that determines the type of control and the behavior of its list box portion. 16648 Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with System attributes. 16649 Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form. 16650 Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object. 16651 Stores any extra data needed for your program. 16652 Returns/sets the text contained in the control. 16653 Returns/sets the title of the application displayed in the Microsoft Windows Task List. 16654 Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container. 16655 Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position. 16656 Returns/sets a value that determines if the Printer object considers the default printer setting in the Control Panel. 16657 Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured horizontally. 16658 Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured vertically. 16659 Determines how an object is updated when linked data is modified. 16660 Returns/sets a value that specifies whether an & in a Label's Caption property defines an access key. 16661 Returns/sets the value of an object. 16662 Returns/sets an operation to perform when an object is activated using the Action property. 16663 Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden. 16664 Returns/sets the width of an object. 16665 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a Menu object maintains a list of the current MDI child windows. 16666 Returns/sets the visual state of a form window at run time. 16667 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a control expands to fit the text in its Caption. 16668 Returns/sets the X coordinate of the starting point of a Line control. 16669 Returns/sets the X coordinate of the ending point of a Line control. 16670 Returns/sets the Y coordinate of the starting point of a Line control. 16671 Returns/sets the Y coordinate of the ending point of a Line control. 16672 Returns/sets the percentage by which printed output is to be scaled up or down. 16673 Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. 16674 Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record. 16675 Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record. 16676 Returns the control that has focus. 16677 A collection whose elements represent each control on a form, including elements of control arrays. 16678 Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects. 16679 Indicates the source of an open database, a database used in a pass-through query, or an attached table. 16680 Returns a reference to a Data control's underlying Database object. 16681 Returns/sets the name and location of the source of data for a Data control. 16682 Indicates the state of editing for the current record. 16683 Returns/sets a value that indicates whether the underlying database for a Data control is opened for single-user or multiuser access. 16684 Returns or sets a value that specifies one or more characteristics of the Recordset object in the control's Recordset property. 16685 Returns/sets the underlying table, SQL statement, or QueryDef object for a Data control. 16686 Returns/sets a Recordset object defined by a Data control's properties or by an existing Recordset. 16687 Indicates what action the Data control takes when the BOF property is True. 16688 Indicates what action the Data control takes when the BOF property is True. 16689 Returns/sets a value indicating the type of Recordset object you want the Data control to create. 16690 Determines whether OLE container control can be a drop target. 16691 Determines whether the toolbars of an object on an MDI child form are displayed on the MDIForm when the object is active. 16692 Return/sets the current operating mode of the input method editor. 16693 Returns/sets an associated context number for an object. 16694 Returns or sets whether the What's This button appears in the title bar of a Form or MDIForm. 16695 Sets or returns whether context-sensitive Help uses the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help or the main Help window. 16697 Returns/sets a value that determines if a task is visible in the task list. 16698 Returns/sets milliseconds during which an Automation request will continue to be retried. 16699 Returns/sets title of 'busy' message displayed when an ActiveX component rejects a request. 16700 Returns/sets text of 'busy' message displayed if an ActiveX component rejects a request. 16701 Determines whether a rejected Automation request raises an error, instead of displaying a 'busy' message. 16702 Returns/sets milliseconds Automation requests will run before user actions trigger a 'busy' message. 16703 Returns/sets title of 'busy' message displayed while an Automation request is pending. 16704 Returns/sets text of 'busy' message displayed while an Automation request is pending. 16705 Returns the major release number of the project. 16706 Returns the minor release number of the project. 16707 Returns the revision version number of the project. 16708 Returns comments about the running application. 16709 Returns the name of the application's author. 16710 Returns a file description of the running application. 16711 Returns copyright information about the running application. 16712 Returns trademark information about the running application. 16713 Returns the product name of the running application. 16714 Returns the container of an object. 16715 Returns/Sets a value indicating whether the control displays partial items. 16716 Returns the instance handle of the application. 16717 Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control. 16718 Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is disabled, if Style is set to 1. 16719 Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is in the down position, if Style is set to 1. 16720 Returns or sets a bitmap that will be used as the picture representation of the control in the toolbox. The size of the space for the bitmap in the toolbox is 16x15 pixels; the bitmap specified by this property will be scaled to these dimensions if necessary. 16721 Returns or sets a value determining if a control can contain other controls placed on it, in the same way the PictureBox control can contain other controls. 16722 Returns or sets a value determining if a control should not have a visible window at run time. 16723 Returns or sets a value determining if a control can itself receive focus. If the control contains constituent controls, the control itself will be unable to receive the focus, regardless of the setting of the CanGetFocus property, unless none of its constituent controls can receive the focus. 16724 Returns or sets a value determining if a control is alignable, and can use the extender Align property. 16725 Returns or sets a value determining which control receives focus when one of the access keys for the control is pressed. 16726 Returns or sets a value determining if a control can act as a standard command button. 16727 Returns an Ambient object that allows access to the ambient properties of the container. 16728 Returns the Extender object for this control which allows access to the properties of the control that are kept track of by the container. 16729 Returns or sets a string from an array that is the name of a property page that is associated with the control represented by a UserControl class. 16730 Returns a collection that allows access to the controls contained within the control that were added to the control by the developer who uses the control. 16731 Returns a collection that allows access to the other controls in the control's container. 16732 Returns a collection that contains all the currently selected controls on the form. 16733 Returns or sets a value indicating that a property on a property page of the control has changed. 16734 Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target. 16735 Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target, and whether this takes place automatically or under programmatic control. 16736 Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control. 16737 UNDONE: Indicates if a form can be shown non-modally 16738 Returns a value indicating if the container is currently ignoring events being raised by the control. 16739 Returns or sets a value determining if a control can be shared with other applications. 16740 Returns or sets a string that contains the keys that will act as the access keys (or hot keys) for the control. 16741 HELP UNDONE: Sets page to standard size. 16742 Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom 16743 Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object. 16744 Returns/sets a value that determines whether checkboxes are displayed inside a ListBox control. 16745 Returns or sets a color in a button's picture to be a 'mask' (that is, transparent), if Style is set to 1. 16746 Returns or sets a value that determines whether the color assigned in the MaskColor property is used as a 'mask'. (That is, used to create transparent regions.) Applies only if Style is set to 1. 16747 Returns/sets a value that determines if a control will have the Edit verb on its context menu. 16748 Returns/sets the filename for an application's log (if logging to a file). 16749 Returns/sets a value that indicates the target (event log or log file) and other log attributes. 16750 Returns/sets a value that determines whether an application will run without any user interface. 16751 Returns the ID of the executing thread. 16752 Returns/sets a value which determines the type of data source (Jet or ODBCDirect) that is used by the Data control. Used with DAO WorkspaceTypeEnum values. 16753 Returns/sets a value which indicates the cursor library used by the Data control. Used with DefaultCursorTypeConstants values. 16754 Returns a Hyperlink object used for browser style navigation. 16756 Returns or sets a value specifying the position of a Form when it first appears. 16757 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form can be moved. 16758 Returns/sets amount of change to the UserDocument ViewportLeft property when the user clicks a vertical scroll arrow. 16759 Returns/sets amount of change to the UserDocument ViewportTop property when the user clicks a horizontal scroll arrow. 16760 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a UserDocument fires Scroll events while the scrollbar thumb is dragged. 16761 Returns/sets a DataBindings collection object that collects the bindable properties that are available to the developer. 16762 HELP UNDONE 16763 Returns/sets a value that determines whether files with read-only attributes are displayed in the file list or not. 16764 Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a CommandButton, OptionButton or CheckBox control, if Style is set to 1. 16765 Determines text input direction on a bidirectional system. 16766 Sets a value that specifies a shortcut key for a Menu object. 16767 Returns or sets the width of a control's border. 18000 New Project 18001 Open Project 18004 Add File 18006 Print Setup 18007 Print 18011 Cut 18012 Copy 18013 Paste 18014 PasteLink 18015 Delete 18016 Find 18017 FindNext 18018 FindPrev 18019 Replace 18020 Indent 18021 Outdent 18022 Yank Line 18023 Insert Line 18024 Bring To Front 18025 Send To Back 18026 Snap To Grid 18027 Lock Controls Toggle 18028 View Code 18029 View Object 18030 Definition 18031 Drop Down 18032 Last Position 18034 Object Browser 18035 Project Explorer 18036 Properties Window 18037 Toolbox 18038 Color Palette 18039 Add Procedure 18040 Add Form 18041 Add MDI Form 18042 Add Module 18043 Add Class Module 18044 Add User Control 18045 Add Property Page 18047 Module Load Text 18048 Break 18050 Full Start 18051 End 18052 Restart 18053 Step Into 18054 Step Over 18055 Step To Cursor 18056 Toggle Breakpoint 18057 Clear All Breakpoints 18058 Set Next Statement 18059 Show Next Statement 18060 Add Watch 18061 Edit Watch 18062 Delete Watch 18063 Quick Watch 18064 Call Tree 18065 Menu Editor... 18066 Show Vbxconvert 18068 Component Gallery 18069 References 18070 Get 18071 Checkout 18072 Checkin 18073 Uncheckout 18074 Options 18075 Visual Data Manager... 18076 Report Designer 18077 Add-In Manager 18079 Cascade 18080 Tile Horizontally 18081 Tile Vertically 18082 Arrange Icons 18083 Microsoft Visual Basic Help Topics 18084 Search Reference Index... 18085 Obtaining Technical Support 18086 Search Master Index... 18088 About Microsoft Visual Basic 18089 Long Live the Cucumber 18090 Break On All 18091 Break In Ole Server 18092 Break On Unhandled 18098 Hide Property Window 18100 Cpal Default 18126 More Windows... 18127 Insert Object 18128 Call Stack... 18129 Immediate Window 18130 Select All 18132 Align to Grid 18133 Align Tops 18134 Align Bottoms 18135 Align Lefts 18136 Align Rights 18137 Align Centers 18138 Align Middles 18141 Center Horizontally 18142 Center Vertically 18143 Size to Grid 18145 Make Both Same Size 18146 Make Height Same Size 18147 Make Width Same Size 18148 Make Horizontal Spacing Equal 18149 Increase Horizontal Spacing 18150 Decrease Horizontal Spacing 18151 Remove Horizontal Spacing 18152 Make Vertical Spacing Equal 18153 Increase Vertical Spacing 18154 Decrease Vertical Spacing 18155 Remove Vertical Spacing 18156 Bring Forward 18157 Send Backward 18158 Group 18159 Ungroup 18160 Show Grid 18161 Diable All Watches 18162 Disable All Breakpoints 18163 Recording Point 18164 List Properties/Methods 18165 List Constants 18167 Split Window 18168 Show Tab Order 18169 Locals Window 18170 Step Out 18171 Toggle Bookmark 18172 Next Bookmark 18173 Previous Bookmark 18174 Clear All Bookmarks 18175 Watch Window 18176 Import 18177 Export 18181 Dockable 18182 What's This? 18188 Hide Code Window 18189 Zoom 18190 New Base Class 18191 Quick Info 18192 Parameter Info 18193 Complete Word 18194 Comment Block 18195 Uncomment Block 18206 New User Document 18207 Property Pages 18224 Macros Dialog 18229 Add Project 18230 Remove Project 18232 Make Project Group 18233 Member Attributes 18235 Toggle Folders 18236 Add Standard EXE Project 18237 Add ActiveX EXE Project 18238 Add ActiveX DLL Project 18239 Add ActiveX Control Project 18279 Bidirectional Support 19000 Blank 19001 Menu Bar 19002 File 19003 Edit 19004 View 19005 Project 19006 Format 19007 Debug 19008 Run 19009 Tools 19010 Add-Ins 19011 Window 19012 Help 19013 Bookmarks 19015 New Object Insert 19016 New Project 19017 Align 19019 Center 19020 Size 19021 Size To 19022 Horizontal Spacing 19023 Vertical Spacing 19024 Project Window Insert 19025 Toggle 19026 Order 19027 ActiveX Designer 19028 Toolbars 19029 Code Window 19030 Code Window (Break) 19031 Watch Window 19032 Immediate Window 19033 Locals Window 19034 Forms 19035 Controls 19036 Project Window 19037 Project Window (Break) 19038 Object Browser 19046 Toolbox 19047 Toolbox Group 19048 Property Browser 19049 Color Palette 19050 Toolbar 19051 Project Window Project 19052 Project Window Form Folder 19053 Project Window Module/Class Folder 19054 Project Window Related Documents Folder 19055 Standard 19056 Edit 19057 Debug 19058 UserForm 19059 Form Editor 19060 Project Window 19061 AddCommandMenu 19062 FileCommandWellMenu 19063 EditCommandWellMenu 19064 ViewCommandWellMenu 19065 InsertCommandWellMenu 19066 FormatCommandWellMenu 19067 DebugCommandWellMenu 19068 RunCommandWellMenu 19069 ToolsCommandWellMenu 19070 AddInsCommandWellMenu 19071 WindowCommandWellMenu 19072 HelpCommandWellMenu 19073 AddOtherCommandMenu 19074 Built-in Menus 19075 DocumentMenu 19076 Form Layout Window 19077 Shortcut Menus 19078 Forms 19079 Code Windows 19080 Misc 19081 Docked Window 19082 &Startup Position 19120 &File 19121 &Edit 19122 &View 19124 &Project 19125 F&ormat 19126 &Debug 19127 &Run 19128 &Tools 19129 &Add-Ins 19130 &Window 19131 &Help 19144 &New Project 19145 &Open Project... 19146 A&dd Project... 19147 &Remove Project 19148 Save Project Group 19149 Save Project Group As... 19150 Save 19151 Save As... 19156 &Print... 19157 Print Set&up... 19158 Ma&ke ... 19159 Make Project &Group... 19160 E&xit 19176 &Undo 19177 &Redo 19178 Cu&t 19179 &Copy 19180 &Paste 19181 Paste Lin&k 19182 &Delete 19183 Select &All 19184 &Find... 19185 Find &Next 19186 R&eplace... 19187 &Indent 19188 &Outdent 19189 Insert Fi&le... 19190 List Properties/Met&hods 19191 Li&st Constants 19192 &Quick Info 19193 Para&meter Info 19194 Complete &Word 19195 &Bookmarks 19208 &Code 19209 O&bject 19210 &Definition 19211 Last Positio&n 19212 &Object Browser 19213 &Immediate Window 19214 Local&s Window 19215 Watc&h Window 19216 Call Stac&k... 19217 &Project Explorer 19218 Properties &Window 19219 Property Pa&ges 19220 Toolbo&x 19221 T&ab Order 19222 Color Pa&lette 19223 &Toolbars 19225 &Form Layout Window 19240 Add &Procedure... 19242 &Module 19243 &Class Module 19245 Add &Form 19246 Add MD&I Form 19247 Add &Module 19248 Add &Class Module 19249 Add &User Control 19250 Add &Property Page 19251 Add User &Document 19252 Add ActiveX Desi&gner 19253 &Add File... 19254 &Remove 19255 Refere&nces... 19256 C&omponents... 19257 Prop&erties... 19258 &User Control 19259 P&roperty Page 19260 User &Document 19272 &Align 19273 &Make Same Size 19275 Size to Gri&d 19276 &Horizontal Spacing 19277 &Vertical Spacing 19278 &Center in Form 19279 A&rrange Buttons 19282 &Order 19283 &Lock Controls 19305 Step &Into 19306 Step &Over 19307 Step O&ut 19308 &Run To Cursor 19309 &Add Watch... 19310 &Edit Watch... 19311 &Quick Watch... 19312 Disable All &Watches 19313 &Toggle Breakpoint 19314 &Clear All Breakpoints 19315 &Disable All Breakpoints 19316 Set &Next Statement 19317 Show Ne&xt Statement 19336 Start With &Full Compile 19337 Brea&k 19338 &End 19339 &Restart 19341 &Start 19369 Procedure &Attributes... 19370 &Add-In Manager... 19371 &Menu Editor... 19372 &References... 19373 &Get 19374 C&heck Out 19375 Check &In 19376 &Undo Check Out 19378 &Options... 19400 &Visual Data Manager... 19401 &Report Designer... 19432 S&plit 19433 Tile &Horizontally 19434 Tile &Vertically 19435 &Cascade 19436 &Arrange Icons 19437 &More Windows... 19464 &Microsoft Visual Basic Help Topics 19465 &Search Reference Index... 19466 &Obtaining Technical Support... 19467 Search Master &Index... 19469 &About Microsoft Visual Basic 19471 Microsoft on the &Web 19473 &Bidirectional Support 19700 &Toggle Bookmark 19701 &Next Bookmark 19702 &Previous Bookmark 19703 &Clear All Bookmarks 19704 &Form 19705 MD&I Form 19706 Standard EXE 19707 ActiveX EXE 19708 ActiveX DLL 19709 ActiveX Control 19710 &Lefts 19711 &Centers 19712 &Rights 19713 &Tops 19714 &Middles 19715 &Bottoms 19716 to &Grid 19719 &Horizontally 19720 &Vertically 19721 &Width 19722 &Height 19723 &Both 19726 Make &Equal 19727 &Increase 19728 &Decrease 19729 &Remove 19730 Make &Equal 19731 &Increase 19732 &Decrease 19733 &Remove 19734 Breakpoint 19735 Bookmark 19736 &Bring to Front 19737 &Send to Back 19740 [Empty] 19741 Comment Block 19742 Uncomment Block 19743 &Toggle 19744 &Hide 19745 &What's This 19746 &Delete Watch 19747 Co&llapse Parent 19748 Always On &Top 19749 Doc&kable 19750 View C&ode 19751 Prope&rties 19752 Update &UserControls 19753 Align to &Grid 19754 View O&bject 19755 Pro&ject Properties 19756 &Add 19757 &Find Whole Word Only 19758 Show &Hidden Members 19759 View &Definition 19760 Group &Members 19761 &Properties... 19762 He&lp 19763 &Insert Object... 19764 &Additional Controls... 19765 &Delete 19766 &Customize 19767 &New Page 19768 &Delete Page 19769 &Rename... 19770 &Move... 19771 &Import Page... 19772 &Export Page... 19773 &Move Here 19774 Co&py Here 19775 &Cancel 19776 &Add Tab... 19777 &Delete Tab 19778 &Rename Tab... 19779 Move &Up 19780 Move Do&wn 19781 &Description 19782 De&fault 19783 Set as Start &Up 19784 Add Project 19785 Insert Object 19786 Gauge 19787 Zoom 19788 Toggle Folders 19789 MRU List 19790 Resolution &Guides 19791 Break on All Errors 19792 Break in Class Module 19793 Break on Unhandled Errors 19794 &Manual 19795 Center &Owner 19796 Center &Screen 19797 &Windows Default 19950 Ctrl 19951 Alt 19952 Shift 19953 Ctrl-Break 19954 Bkspce 19955 Tab 19956 Break 19957 Space 19958 PgUp 19959 PgDn 19960 Home 19961 Ins 19962 Del 19963 F1 19964 F2 19965 F3 19966 F4 19967 F5 19968 F6 19969 F7 19970 F8 19971 F9 19972 F10 19973 F11 19974 F12 19975 F13 19976 F14 19977 F15 19978 F16 19979 Left Arrow 19980 Right Arrow 19981 Up Arrow 19982 Down Arrow 21001 Out of memory 21003 Can't open Clipboard 21004 No object 21006 Unable to close object 21007 Can't paste 21008 Invalid property value 21009 Can't copy 21017 Invalid format 21018 Class is not set 21019 Source Document is not set 21021 Invalid Action 21023 Invalid or unknown Class 21024 Unable to create link 21026 Source name is too long 21027 Unable to activate object 21028 Object not running 21029 Dialog already in use 21031 Invalid source for link 21032 Unable to create embedded object 21033 Unable to fetch Link source name 21034 Invalid Verb index 21035 Incorrect Clipboard format 21036 Error saving to file 21037 Error loading from file 21039 Unable to access source document 21040 You cannot set DisplayType while the control contains an object 21041 Cannot create embedded object. 'OleTypeAllowed' property of '|1' control is set to 'Linked'. 23001 Unexpected error; quitting 23002 Not enough memory to run; quitting 23004 Wrong version of run-time DLL 23005 Wrong version of operating system; requires Windows NT 3.51 (build |1 with Service Pack |2 or above), or Windows 95 (build |3 or above) 23006 System Error |1. 23010 Internal error: '|1' 23012 File not found: '|1' 23016 Device I/O error: '|1' 23017 File already exists: '|1' 23020 Disk full: '|1' 23021 Input past end of file: '|1' 23026 Too many files: '|1' 23027 Device unavailable: '|1' 23029 Permission denied: '|1' 23030 Disk not ready: '|1' 23034 Path/File access error: '|1' 23035 Path not found: '|1' 23050 Must have startup form or Sub Main() 23052 Can't save file to TEMP 23053 The file '|1' was recognized as a Visual Basic file, but the header was corrupt and the file can't be loaded. 23054 The file, '|1', is marked as a version not supported by the current version of Visual Basic, and won't be loaded. 23056 '|1' is in binary format and cannot be loaded into VB5. 23057 '|1' could not be loaded. 23058 User Documents are not allowed in Standard EXE and UserControl project types. 23059 The project file '|1' is corrupt, and can't be loaded. 23060 Unable to write Designer cache file '|1'. Will just use regular files on Load. 23061 '|1' is an invalid key. The file '|2' can't be loaded. 23062 The project file '|1' contains invalid '|2' key value. 23064 The project file '|1' contains invalid '|2' key value. Valid range is 0 to |3. 23065 The Project name is too long. Name has been truncated. 23066 The project file '|1' contains invalid key '|2'. The project can't be loaded. 23067 User Documents are not allowed in Standard EXE and UserControl project types. Item(s) not loaded. 23078 Can't find file '|1' 23079 Not enough memory to load file 23090 Duplicate procedure name 23091 Can't find Windows Help .EXE file 23095 Can't display system information 23096 Invalid procedure name 23097 A procedure of that name already exists 23098 The application description can't be more than 2000 characters long 23099 The project group file '|1' is in an unknown format, and can't be loaded. 23100 The project group file '|1' is missing a required value, and can't be loaded. 23101 The project group file '|1' contains a duplicate value, and can't be loaded. 23102 The project group file '|1' is corrupt, and can't be loaded. 23103 The project group file '|1' is read-only 23104 The wizard file '|1' is in an unknown format, and can't be loaded. 23105 The wizard file '|1' is missing a required value, and can't be loaded. 23112 The wizard file '|1' is corrupt, and can't be loaded. 23130 Control must be same type as rest of array 23131 Array already has control at index '|1' 23132 Not a legal object name: '|1' 23133 Must specify which item(s) to print 23134 Can't clear Index property without changing Name 23135 Name '|1' conflicts with existing module, project, or object library 23136 '|1' is a control name 23138 Control '|1' does not have the align property, so it cannot be placed directly on the MDI form 23139 Controls without the align property cannot be placed directly on the MDI form 23140 File is read-only 23141 Project file is read-only 23142 The OLE client control and OLE embeddings are not allowed on UserControls, UserDocuments, or PropertyPages 23143 Can't create a UserControl instance on its own designer 23144 Can't have child controls capable of receiving focus on a UserControl whose CanGetFocus property is False 23170 Menu item skipped a level 23171 Can't put check mark here 23172 Can't assign shortcut key to a top level menu 23174 Menu control must have a name 23175 Menu control array element must have an index 23176 Menu control array indexes must be in ascending order 23177 Menu control array elements must be contiguous and within the same submenu 23178 Shortcut key already assigned 23179 Separator may not be checked or disabled, or have a shortcut key 23180 At least one submenu item must be visible 23181 Separator may not be the Window List menu 23182 Can't have more than one Window List menu 23183 Only Top Level Menus can have non-zero NegotiatePosition 23200 Valid values are whole numbers from 1 to 32. 23201 Valid values are whole numbers from 24 to 1188 23204 Can't set the project name at this time 23211 Procedure ID must be a negative number or zero. 23212 Help Context ID must be a nonnegative number. 23221 Main can't be module, type, project, or form name 23222 Sub Main() doesn't exist 23235 You need to fill in the DatabaseName and/or Connect properties of the Data Control to complete this operation. 23236 You need to fill in the RecordSource property of the Data control to get a list of field names. 23237 You cannot enumerate Table names in ODBCDirect mode (DefaultType set to UseODBC). 23239 Unexpected error occurred in code generator or linker. 23240 Project to large too make into an EXE. 23241 Version numbers must be in the range 0 to 9999 23242 Invalid Base Address 23243 No creatable public class module detected.\nPress F1 for more information. 23244 Unattended Project Cannot be visible at runtime. 23245 Only one resource file allowed 23246 Duplicate resources with same type and name 23250 Programmatic ID string too long '|1' 23253 ActiveX Component could not be created 23254 The Public property for Class |1 cannot be set to True. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment. 23255 The file '|1' does not contain information needed to create a compatible ActiveX component. 23256 The Instancing property for Class |1 cannot be set to Creatable SingleUse for an ActiveX DLL 23257 The Visual Basic Development Environment can't provide multiple instances of a single use class. Consult the documentation for restrictions on debugging single-use objects. 23258 The compatible server file '|1' is in use by another project. 23259 A file must be specified in order to create a compatible ActiveX component. 23260 Do you want to upgrade all |1 objects in this project to |2 objects? 23261 The class name of the newly upgraded |1 objects is |2. Since this is different from their previous name of |3, you must change any declarations of this object that you have in code. 23262 All |1 objects in this project will be upgraded to |2 objects. 23263 There is a compatibility error between the current project and the version-compatible component: |1 23264 Unable to set the version compatible component: |1 23270 Could not find Data Access Library. Cannot Create reference. 23271 Can't exit Windows while an OLE object is active for editing. 23274 RecordSource property of the associated data control is empty. 23275 Visual Basic was not able to start up due to an invalid system configuration. 23277 Unable to launch Books Online. 23278 The file '|1' was not registerable as an ActiveX Component. 23279 Can't run without setting a Startup Project first. 23280 MultiSelect must be 0 - None when Style is 1 - Checkbox 23281 Unable to run a Control Project. 23282 |1 23283 Compile Error in File '|1' : |2 23284 Compile Error in File '|1', Line |2 : |3 23285 MDI Forms are not allowed in an ActiveX DLL or ActiveX Control project. 23286 The ActiveX Control can not be used because it defines an event named '|1' which conflicts with Visual Basic. 23304 An instance of '|1' cannot be created because its designer window is open. 23305 No public UserControl detected.\nPress F1 for more information. 25001 Can't remove control or reference; in use 25002 Can't quit at this time 25003 An action cannot be completed because a component (|1) is not responding. Choose "Switch To" to activate the component and correct the problem. 25004 An action cannot be completed because a component (|1) is busy. Choose "Switch To" to activate the component and correct the problem. 25005 Component Request Pending 25006 Component Busy 25050 Invalid command line argument '|1'. 25052 You already have a control named '|1'. Do you want to create a control array? 25053 Project file '|1' does not exist. 25054 Error loading '|1'. An error was encountered loading a property. Continue? 25055 Error loading '|1'. A control could not be loaded due to load error. Continue? 25056 '|1' has an old file format. When saved it will be saved in a newer format. 25057 Display more load errors? 25058 '|1' is referenced by '|2' project and cannot be updated. 25059 '|1' already exists in project 25060 '|1' is a Read-Only file 25061 Errors during load. Refer to '|1' for details 25062 '|1' could not be loaded 25063 Version number missing or invalid; Visual Basic 5.0 assumed. 25064 String value too long to process; form load aborted 25065 One or more files in the project have changed. Do you wish to save the changes now? 25066 '|1' could not be registered 25067 User Documents are not allowed in this type of project. Item(s) has(ve) to be removed. Are you sure you want to change the project type? 25068 The current value of '|1' instancing property is not valid in this type of project. The property value has been changed. 25069 Other applications are currently accessing an object in your program. Ending the program now could cause errors in those programs. End program at this time? 25070 One or more of the properties in '|1' was bad. Some or all of the properties might not be set correctly. 25071 '|1' could not be loaded.\n\nRemove it from the list of available Add-Ins? 25072 Visual Basic cannot load '|1' because it is not in the system registry.\n\nRemove it from the list of available Add-Ins? 25073 Conflicting names were found in '|1'. The name '|2' will be used. 25074 Conflicting attributes were found in '|1'. The defaults will be used. 25075 The declaration in the Compatible ActiveX Component was:\n\n|1 25076 Visual Basic can't upgrade the ActiveX controls to those provided in the '|1' library. Remove this library from the list of available upgrades? 25077 Visual Basic found an instance of '|1' in a binary form file. VBX's cannot be converted from binary form files in the 32-bit version. 25078 An error occurred while background loading module '|1'. Background load will now abort and the code for some modules may not be loaded. Saving these modules to their current file name will result in code loss. Please load a new project. 25079 You must save a project before you can reference it. 25082 The project with the name '|1' is already loaded. 25083 The copy of this file which might have changes is already opened. 25084 This project is referenced from another project. Are you sure you want to remove it? 25085 The project '|1' can not be built because it references project '|2' that does not have a compatible server set. 25086 The file name is duplicate to the file name of one of the loaded projects. 25087 Some project properties and/or items have to be changed in this type of project. Check Help for details. Are you sure you want to change the project type? 25088 Current public/instancing property values are not valid in this type of project ('|1'). The property values have been changed. 25089 '|1' can not be public in this type of project. Use Project Properties to change the project type. 25090 An EXE or DLL name can not be specified for /Make if building a project group. 25091 There is a newer version of |1 registered. Do you want to upgrade to version |2 ? 25092 Version |3 of |1 is not registered. The control will be upgraded to version |2. 25093 You may only load or create projects with two modules (Forms, MDI Forms, Modules, Classes) in the Visual Basic WorkingModel. Projects may contain an unlimited (system dependant) number of modules in other versions of Visual Basic 5.0. 25094 Invalid number of threads. The number of threads should be integer between 1 and 32767. 25095 '|1' can not be public in this type of project. The item has been changed to private. 25096 Errors occurred during load. 25097 MDI/SDI option change will take effect the next time the Development Environment is started. 25098 The project '|1' can not be built because it references project '|2' that has not been built. 25099 Project '|1' can not be referenced because it's project type is EXE. 25100 Line |1: The Form or MDIForm name |2 is not valid; cannot load this form. 25101 Line |1: The control name |2 is invalid. 25102 Line |1: The property name |2 in |3 is invalid. 25103 Line |1: |2 has a quoted string where the property name should be. 25104 Line |1: Property |2 in control |3 had an invalid property index. 25105 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 could not be loaded. 25106 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 must be a quoted string 25107 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 had an invalid value. 25108 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 had an invalid file reference. 25109 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 could not be set. 25110 Line |1: Class |2 of control |3 was not a loaded control class. 25111 Line |1: Did not find an index property and control |2 already exists. 25112 Line |1: Control name too long; truncated to |2. 25113 Line |1: Class name too long; truncated to |2. 25114 Line |1: Syntax error: property |2 in |3 was missing an '='. 25115 Line |1: Parent menu |2 cannot be loaded as a separator. 25116 Line |1: Cannot set checked property in menu |2. Parent menu cannot be checked. 25117 Line |1: Cannot set shortcut property in menu |2. Parent menu cannot have a shortcut key. 25119 Line |1: The Form or MDIForm name |2 is already in use; cannot load this form. 25120 Line |1: The file |2 could not be loaded. 25121 Line |1: Maximum nesting level for controls exceeded with |2. 25122 Line |1: All controls must precede menus; cannot load control |2. 25123 Line |1: Cannot load control |2; containing control not a valid container. 25124 Line |1: Cannot load control |2; name already in use. 25125 Line |1: Missing or invalid control class in file |2 25126 Line |1: Missing or invalid control name in file |2. 25128 Line |1: Cannot create embedded object in |2; license not found. 25129 Line |1: Cannot create embedded object in |2. 25130 Line |1: Cannot load control |2; license not found. 25131 Line |1: Cannot load control |2. 25132 Line |1: The CLSID |2 for |3 is invalid. 25133 Line |1: Could not create reference: '|2'. 25134 You specified a command line argument that requires a project, but no project was specified. 25135 Only one property per module can bind to DataField. Property '|1' already binds to it. Selecting this attribute will void the previous setting. 25136 This Procedure ID is already assigned to member '|1'. Assigning it to this member will void the previous setting. 25137 Only one property and one event per module can be selected User Interface Default. '|1' already has this attribute. Selecting this attribute will void the previous setting. 25138 The declaration in the Compatible ActiveX Component was:\n|1\n\nIt has been changed to:\n|2 25139 This User Control is private and will not be accessible from other projects. Set public to true to change this. 25140 MDI Forms are not allowed in this type of project. Item(s) has(ve) to be removed. Are you sure you want to change the project type? 25170 Build of '|1' succeeded. 25171 Build of '|1' failed. 25179 Could not create reference: '|1'. 25180 Ln |1, Col |2 25182 '|1' will not be loaded. Name is already in use. 25200 Project 'Start Mode' property has been changed. 25201 The public or/and instancing property value of shared item '|1' has changed in one of the projects. The property has been changed in all sharing projects. 32768 This functionality is not yet implemented. 32771 Seek failed: can't read/write from the disk 32772 Unable to read from the disk 32773 Unable to write to the disk 32789 SHARE.EXE required 32792 Invalid data format 32793 File format no longer supported 32796 Error accessing the system registry 32797 Object library not registered 32807 User-defined type not defined 32808 Qualified name disallowed in module scope 32812 Ambiguous name detected: ~ 32813 Name conflicts with existing module, project, or object library 32814 Unrecognized project language 35011 The .VBP file for this project contains an invalid or corrupt library references ID 35013 Fixed or static data can't be larger than 64K 35015 Expected procedure, not module 35016 Expected procedure, not user-defined type 35017 Expected procedure, not project or library 35018 Expected procedure, not variable 35019 Expected user-defined type, not project 35020 Invalid use of property 35021 Can't find project or library 35022 Object library feature not supported 35024 A module is not a valid type 35025 Automation type not supported in Visual Basic 35026 Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic 36267 Error 36268 Null 36269 False 36270 No 36271 Off 36272 True 36273 Yes 36274 On 36275 dd'-'mmm'-'yy 40035 Functionality not supported in DLL 40037 Expression not defined in context 40038 Object library ~ for Visual Basic for applications not found 40039 Specified library or project already referenced 40041 Missing end bracket 40042 Invalid type-declaration character 40044 Invalid character 40045 Identifier too long 40046 Statement too complex 40047 Expected: 40048 Syntax error 40049 Must be first statement on the line 40051 Invalid outside procedure 40052 Invalid inside procedure 40053 Statement invalid outside Type block 40054 Statement invalid inside Type block 40055 Array already dimensioned 40056 Duplicate Option statement 40057 Deftype statements must precede declarations 40058 Duplicate Deftype statement 40059 Invalid in Immediate pane 40061 Invalid Access mode 40064 Too many dimensions 40065 Too many arguments 40066 Invalid procedure name 40067 Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent or contain optional parameters or a ParamArray 40068 Circular dependencies between modules 40069 Forward reference to user-defined type 40070 Module not found 40071 Project not found 40073 Expected Sub, Function, or Property 40074 Expected array 40075 Wrong number of dimensions 40076 Expected Function or variable 40077 ByRef argument type mismatch 40078 Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected 40079 Expected End Sub 40080 Expected End Function 40081 Only comments may appear after End Sub, End Function, or End Property 40082 Block If without End If 40083 While without Wend 40084 Do without Loop 40085 For without Next 40086 Else without If 40087 End If without block If 40088 Next without For 40089 Loop without Do 40090 Wend without While 40091 Exit For not within For...Next 40092 Exit Do not within Do...Loop 40093 Can't assign to array 40094 Invalid qualifier 40095 Duplicate declaration in current scope 40096 Array argument must be ByRef 40098 Exit Function not allowed in Sub or Property 40099 Exit Sub not allowed in Function or Property 40100 Label not defined 40101 Type-declaration character not allowed 40102 Type-declaration character does not match declared data type 40103 Type-declaration character required 40104 Method or data member not found 40105 Case Else outside Select Case 40106 Case without Select Case 40107 End Select without Select Case 40108 Select Case without End Select 40109 Range has no values 40110 Invalid data type for constant 40111 Variable not defined 40112 Invalid length for fixed-length string 40113 LSet allowed only on strings and user-defined types 40114 Constant expression required 40115 Expected variable or procedure, not module 40116 Expected variable or procedure, not project 40117 Can't change data types of array elements 40118 Qualifier must be collection 40119 For Each control variable must be Variant or Object 40120 Variable required - can't assign to this expression 40121 Invalid use of object 40123 Can't assign or coerce array of fixed-length string or user-defined type to Variant 40124 External name not defined 40125 Argument required for Property Let or Property Set 40126 Expected End Property 40127 Exit Property not allowed in Function or Sub 40128 Named argument already specified 40129 Named arguments not allowed 40130 Argument in ParamArray may not be named 40131 Current module does not support Print method 40132 Invalid ParamArray use 40133 With object must be user-defined type, Object, or Variant 40134 End With without With 40135 Expected End With 40136 Invalid or unqualified reference 40137 For Each control variable on arrays must be Variant 40138 For Each may not be used on array of user-defined type or fixed-length strings 40139 For Each may only iterate over a collection object or an array 40140 User-defined type may not be passed ByVal 40141 Invalid Next control variable reference 40142 For control variable already in use 40143 Optional argument must be Variant or intrinsic type with a default value 40144 ParamArray must be declared as an array of Variant 40145 RSet allowed only on strings 40146 LSet not allowed 40147 Invalid attribute in Sub or Function 40148 Function call on left-hand side of assignment must return Variant or Object 40149 Invalid ReDim 40150 Destination label too far away; loop, Select Case, or block If too large 40151 Expected: 40152 or 40153 end of statement 40154 bracketed expression 40155 identifier 40156 object variable 40157 variable or function call 40158 line number 40159 0 40160 1 40161 statement 40162 type name 40163 expression 40164 list separator 40165 . 40166 ! 40167 variable 40168 subroutine 40169 label 40170 Identifier without type suffix 40171 graphics statement 40172 letter 40173 string constant 40174 named parameter 40175 Cyclic reference of projects not allowed 40176 Out of resources 40179 Requested type library or wizard is not a VBA project 40188 User-defined type without members not allowed 40190 Incorrect DLL version 40191 Incorrect OLE version 40192 Too many line continuations 40193 Edit can't be undone--proceed anyway? 40195 Run-time error '|' 40196 Insufficient memory to save Undo information 40198 Can't edit module 40199 Language/country setting has changed 40200 Warning: custom language settings not portable 40201 Compile error in hidden module: ~ 40202 Unmatched brackets in search string 40203 Search string must be specified 40204 Search text is not found 40205 Line too long 40206 No text selected 40207 Search string too long or complex 40209 End of search scope has been reached; do you want to continue from the beginning? 40210 Beginning of search scope has been reached; do you want to continue from the end? 40211 Identifier under cursor is not recognized 40215 Invalid watch expression 40216 Selected watch expression invalid 40217 Empty watch expression 40218 No watch expression selected 40219 Breakpoint not allowed on this line 40220 Out of context 40221 Can't compile module 40222 Can't evaluate watches on arrays of fixed length strings 40224 (All Procedures) 40225 (All Modules) 40226 Expression 40227 Value 40228 Context 40229 Out of memory; some watches might have been deleted 40231 Can't display hidden procedure 40232 Empty 40233 Missing 40234 40235 40236 40237 40238 40239 40240 40242 Can't record into running module 40243 File not found: ~ 40245 Typing 40246 Delete 40247 Insert Text 40248 Cut 40249 Paste 40250 Parse Line 40251 Replace 40252 Indent 40253 Outdent 40254 Code execution has been interrupted 40255 (Get) 40256 (Let) 40257 (Set) 40258 Selection Text 40259 Syntax Error Text 40260 Execution Point Text 40267 Breakpoint Text 40268 Comment Text 40269 Keyword Text 40270 Identifier Text 40271 Normal Text 40273 (Custom) 40274 Standard 40275 Czech 40276 Danish 40277 German 40278 English 40279 Spanish 40280 Finnish 40281 Swedish 40282 Italian 40283 Dutch 40284 French 40285 Hungarian 40286 Norwegian 40287 Polish 40288 Portuguese 40289 Russian 40290 Turkish 40291 Japanese 40292 Korean 40293 Korea 40294 Chinese 40295 Taiwan 40296 People's Republic of China 40297 Hebrew 40298 Israel 40299 Arabic 40300 Saudi Arabia 40301 Thai 40302 Thailand 40303 Greek 40304 Greece 40305 Czech Republic 40306 Denmark 40307 Germany 40308 Switzerland 40309 Austria 40310 United States 40311 United Kingdom 40312 Australia 40313 Canada 40314 New Zealand 40315 Spain 40316 Mexico 40317 Finland 40318 France 40319 Belgium 40320 Hungary 40321 Italy 40322 Netherlands 40323 Sweden 40324 Norway 40325 Poland 40326 Portugal 40327 Brazil 40328 Russia 40329 Turkey 40330 Japan 40331 Courier 40332 Courier New 40336 Can't Get or Put an object reference variable or a variable of user-defined type containing an object reference 40337 MISSING: 40338 UNSAVED: 40339 40340 Object library's language setting incompatible with current project 40341 Statements and labels invalid between Select Case and first Case 40342 Can't load module; invalid format 40343 (object) 40347 Invalid use of Me keyword 40348 Invalid use of New keyword 40349 Line is not an executable statement 40350 Set Next Statement can only apply to executable lines within current procedure. 40351 Can't execute code in design mode 40352 Cannot define a Public user-defined type within an object module 40353 User-defined types and fixed-length strings not allowed as the type of a public member of an object module; private object modules not allowed as the type of a public member of a public object module 40354 Invalid syntax for constant declarations 40355 This edit requires a Reset 40356 Member already exists in a object module from which this object module derives 40357 Event procedure declaration does not match description of event having the same name 40358 A compatible ActiveX component must be a Visual Basic executable 40359 Calling convention not supported by Visual Basic 40360 Constants, fixed-length strings, arrays, and Declare statements not allowed as Public members of object modules 40363 Variable not yet created in this context 40364 This action will reset your project, proceed anyway? 40365 An unrecognized error occurred during compilation 57006 The specified region has been searched. ~ replacements were made. 57007 The specified region has been searched. 57008 Object 57009 Procedure 57010 (Declarations) 57011 (General) 57012 VBA Preferences 57013 UNKNOWN TYPE 57015 Can't add a reference to the specified file. 57016 The specified region has been searched. 1 replacement was made. 57018 The edit may make the object module incompatible with the previously specified compatible ActiveX server 57019 Insert File 57020 Choose OK to accept this edit, or choose Cancel to undo. 57021 An # ElseIf, # Else, or # EndIf must be preceded by an # If clause 57022 An # Else clause must be preceded by an # If 57023 An # ElseIf must be preceded by an # If or # ElseIf and followed by an # Else or # EndIf 57024 You must terminate the # If block with an # EndIf 57025 Can't create variable in immediate pane 57026 Module too large 57027 Too many module-level variables 57028 Too many local, nonstatic variables 57029 Project contains too many procedure, variable, and constant names 57030 Procedure too large 57031 Duplicate definition 57032 Method not valid without suitable object 57033 Option Private Module not permitted in a object module 57034 RHS 57035 10 57036 Arial 57037 8 57038 Arial 57039 8 57040 Module 57041 Comment 57042 Uncomment 57043 Bookmark Text 57044 Call Return Text 57045 Switched Out Code Text 57046 Recording Point Text 57047 12 57048 Geneva 57049 9 57050 Geneva 57051 9 57052 Geneva 57053 Arial 57054 9 57055 10 57056 Cannot handle events for the object specified. 57057 Only valid in object module 57058 Search string must be specified 57060 Full Module View 57061 Procedure View 57062 Go Back 57063 Go Forward 57064 Copy to Clipboard 57065 View Definition 57066 Help 57067 Project/Library 57068 Search Text 57069 Methods 57070 Properties/Variables 57071 Events 57072 Constants 57073 Show Search Results 57074 Hide Search Results 57075 Search 57076 Search Results 57077 Translation failed. Please check the trnslate.log file for more information. 57078 Cannot jump to '~' because it is hidden 57079 Cannot jump to '~' because it is in the library '~' which is not currently referenced 57080 The project has been translated into English 57081 Invalid optional parameter type 57082 Assignment to constant not permitted 57083 Invalid event name 57084 Move 57085 Copy 57086 Invalid template 57087 Invalid inside Enum 57088 Can't have paramarrays with optional arguments 57089 Wizards can't reference projects 57090 Compile error 57091 Conditional watch on an array is not allowed 57092 Member of ~ 57093 Default member of ~ 57094 Can't assign to read-only property 57095 Method '~' of object '~' failed 57096 Invalid use of optional parameter 57097 Can't execute code in break mode 57098 read-only 57099 57100 57101 Can't remove default reference 57102 Event handler is invalid 57103 Can't enter break mode at this time 57104 Can't perform the requested operation because the module is hidden 57105 Unexpected error (~); please contact Microsoft Technical Support 57106 (default) 57107 Library 57108 Class 57109 Member 57110 Classes 57111 57112 57113 No items found 57114 Members of '~' 57115 Type 57116 Private Enum types cannot be used as parameter or return types for public procedures, or as public data members 57117 Not enough memory to completely save project 57118 Insufficient project information to load project on platform or with version now being used. 57120 Object does not source automation events 57121 Can't exit design mode because Control '~' can not be created 57122 57123 This document was opened with Macros disabled. If you wish to Enable Macros, you should close and re-open the document, choosing the 'Enable Macros' option. 57124 The library which contains this symbol is not referenced by the current project, so the symbol is undefined. Would you like to add a reference to the containing library now? 57125 Object does not have a Property Let 57126 No help available 57127 8 57128 9 57150 Event not found 57151 Object module needs to implement '~' for interface '~' 57152 Not a valid interface for Implements 57153 Object does not fire any events 57154 Expected variable or procedure, not enum type 57155 Enum without members not allowed 57156 Invalid use of AddressOf operator 57157 Invalid use of base class name 58000 Attributes argument constant for Dir or GetAttr 58001 Attributes argument constant for GetAttr or SetAttr 58002 Attributes argument constant for Dir, GetAttr, or SetAttr 58003 Return value constant for MsgBox 58004 Buttons argument constant for MsgBox 58005 Attributes argument constant for Dir or GetAttr 58006 Constant for backspace character; equivalent to Chr$(8) 58007 Constant for carriage return (without linefeed); equivalent to Chr$(13) 58008 Constant for Carriage-return/Linefeed combination; equivalent of Chr$(13)+Chr$(10) 58009 Constant for NewLine; platform specific 58010 FirstDayOfWeek constant 58011 FirstWeekOfYear constant 58012 Constant for form feed (ASCII 12); equivalent to Chr$(12) 58013 Argument constant for IMEStatus 58014 Constant for linefeed (without carriage return); equivalent to Chr$(10) 58015 Basic constant for a single Null character (ASCII value 0); equivalent to Chr$(0) 58016 Constant for use when calling external procedures requiring a string whose value is zero 58017 Constant indicating error is being returned from a Visual Basic object 58018 Argument constant for Shell 58019 Conversion argument constant for StrConv 58020 Constant for Tab character (ASCII 9); equivalent to Chr$(9) 58021 FirstDayOfWeek or FirstWeekOfYear constant 58022 Constant for vertical Tab (ASCII 11) character; equivalent to Chr$(11) 58023 Constant for specifying Gregorian Calendar 58024 Constant for specifying Hijri Calendar 58025 Return value constant for VarType 58026 Properties and methods for collection objects 58027 Predefined constants 58028 Procedures used to perform conversion operations 58029 Procedures used to perform date and time operations 58030 help string for err object 58031 Procedures used to perform file, directory or folder, and system operations 58032 Procedures used to perform financial operations 58033 Procedures used to return, test for, or verify information 58034 Procedures used to interact with objects, applications, and systems 58035 Procedures used to perform mathematical operations 58036 Procedures used to perform string operations 58037 Returns the absolute value of a number 58038 Adds a member to a Collection object 58039 Activates an application window 58040 Returns the ANSI character code of the first character in a string 58041 Returns the value of the first byte in a string 58042 Returns the native character code of the first character in a string (Unicode or ANSI) 58043 Returns the arctangent of a number 58044 Sounds a tone through the computer's speaker 58045 Converts an expression to a Boolean 58046 Converts an expression to a Byte 58047 Converts an expression to a Currency 58048 Converts an expression to a Date 58049 Converts an expression to a Double 58050 Changes the current or default directory on a specified drive 58051 Changes the current drive 58052 Selects and returns a value from a list of arguments 58053 Returns a string containing the character associated with the specified character code 58054 Returns a string containing the specified single byte 58055 Returns a string containing the specified native character (Unicode or ANSI) 58056 Converts an expression to an Integer 58057 Clears all property settings of the Err object 58058 Converts an expression to a Long 58059 Returns the argument portion of the command line 58060 Returns the cosine of an angle 58061 Returns the number of members in a collection 58062 Creates an ActiveX object 58063 Converts an expression to a Single 58064 Converts an expression to a String 58065 Returns the current path 58066 Converts an expression to a Variant 58067 Converts an expression to a Date 58068 Returns a Variant containing a user-specified error number 58069 Sets or returns the current system date 58070 Returns a Variant containing a date to which a specified time interval has been added 58071 Returns the number of time intervals between two specified dates 58072 Returns a specified part of a given date 58073 Returns a Date for a specific year, month, and day 58074 Returns a Date 58075 Returns a whole number representing the day of the week 58076 Returns double-declining balance depreciation of an asset for a specific period 58077 Deletes a section or key setting from an application's entry in the Windows registry entry 58078 Returns or sets the string expression containing a descriptive string associated with an object 58079 Returns the name of a matching file, directory, or folder 58080 Yields execution so that the operating system can process other events 58081 Returns the string assigned to an environment variable 58082 Returns a value that indicates whether the end of a file has been reached 58083 Returns the line number where error occurred 58084 Returns the error number for the error that occurred 58085 Returns the error message for a given error number 58086 Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power 58087 Returns file mode for files opened using the open statement 58088 Copies a file 58089 Returns the date and time stamp of a file 58090 Returns the length of a file in bytes 58091 Returns the integer portion of a number 58092 Formats an expression 58093 Returns the next file number available for use by Open 58094 Returns future value of an annuity 58095 Returns a list of key settings and their respective values from an application's Windows registry entry 58096 Returns the attributes of a file, directory, or folder 58097 Returns a reference to an ActiveX object from a file 58098 Returns a key setting value from an application's entry in the Windows registry 58099 Returns or sets a context ID for a topic in a Help file 58100 Returns or sets a fully qualified path to a Help file 58101 Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number 58102 Returns a whole number representing the hour of the day 58103 Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression 58104 Returns the current IME mode of the system 58105 Displays a prompt in a dialog box and returns user input text 58106 Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another 58107 Returns the byte position of the first occurrence of one string within another 58108 Returns the integer portion of a number 58109 Returns the interest payment for a given period of an anuity 58110 Returns the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows 58112 Returns True if the variable is an array 58113 Returns True if an expression can be converted to a date 58114 Returns True if a variable has not been initialized 58115 Returns True if an expression is an error value 58116 Returns True if an optional argument has not been passed 58117 Returns True if an expression contains no valid data 58118 Returns True if an expression can be evaluated as a number 58119 Returns True if an identifier represents an object variable 58120 Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or key 58121 Deletes files from a disk 58122 Returns system error code from a call to a DLL 58123 Returns a string converted to lowercase 58124 Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string 58125 Returns a specified number of bytes from the left side of a string 58126 Returns string length or bytes required to store a variable 58127 Returns the bytes required to store a variable 58128 Returns the current read/write position within an open file 58129 Returns the size (in bytes) of an open file 58130 Returns the natural logarithm of a number 58131 Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces 58132 Converts a four-character constant to a Macintosh file type or signature 58133 Returns specified number of characters from a string 58134 Returns the specified number of bytes from a string 58135 Returns a whole number representing the minute of the hour 58136 Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows 58137 Creates a new directory or folder 58138 Returns a whole number representing the month of the year 58139 Displays a dialog box and returns the value of the user's selection 58140 Returns the current system date and time 58141 Returns the number of periods for an annuity 58142 Returns the net present value of an investment 58143 Returns or sets a numeric value representing an error 58144 Returns a string representing the octal value of a number 58145 Returns the payment for an annuity 58146 Returns the principal payment for a given period of an annuity 58147 Returns the present value of an annuity 58148 Returns the RGB color code for a specified color number from a list of predefined standard colors 58149 Generates a run-time error 58150 Initializes the random-number generator 58151 Returns the interest rate per period for an annuity 58152 Removes a member from a Collection object 58153 Closes all open disk files 58154 Returns a whole number representing an RGB color value 58155 Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string 58156 Returns the specified number of bytes from the right side of a string 58157 Removes an existing directory or folder 58158 Returns a random number 58159 Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces 58160 Saves a setting under the specified appname, section and key 58161 Returns a whole number representing the second of the minute 58162 Sets or returns the current read/write position within an open file 58163 Sends keystroke(s) to the active window 58164 Sets attribute information for a file 58165 Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number 58166 Runs an executable program 58167 Returns the sine of an angle 58168 Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for a single period 58169 Returns or sets the name of the object that originated the error 58170 Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces 58171 Returns the square root of a number 58172 Returns a string representation of a number 58173 Returns the result of a string comparison 58174 Returns a converted string 58175 Returns a repeating character string of the length specified 58176 Returns the first value or expression in a list that is true 58177 Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation on an asset 58178 Returns the tangent of an angle 58179 Sets or returns the current system time 58180 Returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight 58181 Returns the serial representation for a specific hour, minute, and second 58182 Returns a time 58183 Returns a copy of a string without leading and trailing spaces 58184 Returns a string that provides information about a variable 58185 Returns the specified string, converted to uppercase 58186 Returns the numbers contained in a string 58187 Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable 58188 Returns a whole number representing the day of the week 58189 Returns a whole number representing the year 58190 Sets or returns the current calendar 58191 vbUseCompareOption constant 58192 vbBinaryCompare constant 58193 vbTextCompare constant 58194 vbDatabaseCompare constant 58195 Executes an AppleScript script 58196 Returns string indicating where a number occurs within a series of ranges 58197 Returns a variant with a value converted to a decimal subtype 58198 Invalid outside Enum 58199 Could not execute '~' 59200 Duplicate resource with the same type and name 59201 Can't find DLL entry point ~ in ~ 63001 --eE;dmyhnsaApPmM--t/-cqwaoge 63002 General Date 63003 Long Date 63004 Medium Date 63005 Short Date 63006 Long Time 63007 Medium Time 63008 Short Time 63009 General Number 63010 Currency 63011 Fixed 63012 Standard 63013 Percent 63014 Scientific 63015 True/False 63016 Yes/No 63017 On/Off 63018 Black 63019 Red 63020 Green 63031 Blue 63032 Cyan 63033 Magenta 63034 Yellow 63035 White 63036 $