Desktop Managers 12/13/96 New LCARS Version. LogoChanger 95 is the most | powerful and easy way to change your | startup/shutdown screens randomly. It is | fully automated and configurable. It also | plays a random Midi file at startup | (Optional) and Clears your Documents MRU | (Optional). LogoChnager 95 requires the | famous VB4 runtime files. Make sure to visit | the homepage. For more info, check the | LogoChanger Home Page. 12/11/96 Displays the current month, day, date in any | order in the system tray. Launches any | program of your choice from the system tray | with a single mouse click. Launches Explorer, | DOS window, instant screen saver with a | single mouse click. Sends a series of | keystrokes to any window with a single mouse | click from macro icons in the system tray (up | to 9 macro icons can be defined to send | keystrokes). Launches any programs of your | choice from the system tray. 12/10/96 Formally know as RegStart, SmartStart allows | users to add and remove programs in the | registry that they wish to auto-start when | Windows95 starts up. 12/8/96 Are you a Win95 power-user? Do you want back | the control over your growing shell | context-menu. Well what are you waiting for? | Choose from 25+ items TOTALLY UNDER YOUR | CONTROL. For more info, visit the PowerDREAM | Home Page. 12/4/96 The world's fastest file finder for Windows | 95. You no longer have to remember where your | files and applications are stored on your | local hard drives because you can find it | using RADFind 96 in UNDER 1 SECOND! Once you | have found the file, you can open it | directly, or have RADFind 96 fill in your | file dialog box for you. For more info, check | the RADFind Home Page. 11/29/96 With this iconeditor you are able to create | icons with up to 256 colors. You can mark, | move, mirror or rotate any rectangular | area. Icons can be extracted from EXE- and | DLL-files and also be cutted out of bitmaps | (BMP, RLE) or directly out of the Windows | screen. A very interesting utility is the | 'Create Shadow' function with which you can | create 3D-effects very easily. Check out the | IconEdit Pro Home Page. 11/28/96 Desktop Deluxe is the new Windows 95 program | from Swoosie Software and Left Side | Software. This unique bundle includes Media | Changer Deluxe Version 3.1 and Desktop Themes | Version 1.1B. Together they allow you access | to all the themes available on the Internet, | and you don't even have to own Plus! For more | info, check the Desktop Deluxe Home Page. AmigaDisk 1.06 11/22/96 27 KB This software displays your disks' icons onto the desktop in a manner similar to the Amiga's and Mac, that is on the right part of the screen. Moreover, it can dynamically update info about the icons, scanning at regular time intervals your hardware. In Italian. For more info, check the AmigaDisk Home Page.  Shareware $20.00 11/21/96 Perform cosmetic surgery on your | programs/files interface with Stiletto: | access commands by any mouse click on a tiny | button bar, customized menus, tray icons, hot | keys, screen corners, desktop clicks, | submenus of your Start Menu, alarms, or | timers. Instead of littering it with | shortcuts, enliven your desktop by | randomizing your wallpaper, sounds, and | screen saver. For more info, check the | Stiletto Home Page. 11/13/96 Integrated bundle that includes Left Side | Software's Desktop Themes Version 1.1B and | Swoosie Software's Media Changer Deluxe | Version 3.1. Desktop Deluxe allows Windows 95 | users to access and automatically change | themes without having Microsoft Plus! | installed. It also allows users to | automatically change wallpaper using BMPs or | JPG files. Auto-tile and auto-stretch are | supported for both file types. Desktop Deluxe | can also automatically change their screen | savers and system sounds. This product works | with Plus! if it is on the system, but adds | extra functionality, like the ability to | change startup and shutdown screens, and to | install/uninstall themes. For more info, | check the Desktop Deluxe Home Page. 11/13/96 Theme, wallpaper, screen saver, and sound | changer. New Windows 95 tabbed dialog | simplifies setup of themes, wallpaper, screen | savers, and sounds. New auto-stretch and | random theme features. For more info, check | the Media Changer Deluxe Home Page. 11/6/96 QuikMenu 4 Windows is a replacement for the | Windows Explorer shell and other windows | applets. QuikMenu offers a user customizable | interface that allows you to construct your | own environment which may be anything from a | simple button bar to a virtual world complete | with graphics, sound and invisible | hot-spots. QuikMenu also adds security | features to plug holes in Win95 and NT, and | is ideally suited to corporate and | educational environments. For more info, | check the QuikMenu 4 Windows Home Page. 11/3/96 Quick Change for Windows 95 allows the user | to choose 2 different bitmap backgrounds for | Windows 95, and by clicking the tray icon, | they will switch instantly, supports tiling | and stretching of the bitmaps ( without plus | support!) For more info, check the Quick | Change Home Page. route1p2.exe 10/29/96 Route 1 Pro is an interface enhancement for | Microsoft Windows. By providing access to | applications, documents, and information at | the single touch of a button, Route 1 Pro can | make your computer easier to use and your | work more productive. Included in the package | is a powerful scripting language, complete | with integrated editor, allowing you to | consolidate tedious operations into a single | click. For more info, check the Route 1 Pro | Home Page. 10/23/96 powerPANEL96 is a powerful 32-bit utility | designed specially to help you accomplished | your common tasks in Windows95 in a faster | and more efficient manner. Besides the basic | feature of showing date and time on a panel, | powerPANEL96 also has the following features: | fully customisable clock panel, powerful | program launcher that can be configured to | launch any Windows or MS-DOS applications, | one click access to Windows Explorer, Control | Panel and MS-DOS prompt, common Windows95 | accessories like WordPad and Paint, ability | to show free disk space on the clock panel | and to constantly monitor disk space and | issue a warning when disk space is low, | etc. You will also need file2 and file3 - | total 2.2Mb For more info, check the | powerPANEL96 Home Page. 10/22/96 This app allows you to delete any application | with a very simple interface. For more info, | check the Delete... Home Page. 10/22/96 This app allows you to run any application | with a very simple interface. For more info, | check the Run... Home Page. SetupZMover.exe 10/21/96 Need to keep an application visible while you | are working on another one covering the | entire desktop? This window z-ordering tool | forces selected windows to remain on top of | all the others, and vice versa. For more | info, check the ZMover Home Page. 568 K Lets you prevent entries from being added to the taskbar. Good for getting rid of the clutter caused by programs like PPP dialer, Schedule+, clock, perfmon, mail-notify, etc. For more info, check the Icon Corral Home Page. 10/18/96 Tray Explore sets an icon in the tray; one | left click of the mouse over the icon will | run Windows Explorer in the run mode of your | choice (normal, maximized, or minimized), and | with whatever parameters you wish to | use. This handy application is a must have! | For more info, check the Tray Explore Home | Page.  sb32v13.exe 10/18/96 This program monitors Windows95 and ejects a | CD-ROM on shutdown ONLY if one is in the | drive. Also provides a quick shutdown menu in | the system tray. For more info, check the | Shutdown Butler Home Page. 10/16/96 Use the hundreds of Desktop Themes available | without having to buy Plus! Fully supports | all Themes, with a user-friendly | interface. Allows you to stretch desktop | wallpaper to full-screen just like Plus! | does. Supports automatic | installing/uninstalling of themes. Fully | functional shareware. HitNRun.Zip 10/10/96 Hit-N-Run 1.0 is a Win95 utility that | provides single-click access to your program | groups and a customizable launch | pad. Features cascading Win95-style iconic | program group menus, drag and drop document | viewing and file launching, lightning-fast | program group search capability, and the | ability to open an Explorer window against | any program group quickly and easily. For | more info, check the Hit-N-Run Home | Page. 10/7/96 Extends the Windows95 Registry | Editor. Navigate to keys faster than ever | before. Inserts a combobox under the menu bar | which stores keys you have navigated to. Once | you’ve tried it, you won’t want to edit | the registry any other way. For more info, | check the Registry Editor Extensions Home | Page.  FearNot Windows 95 System Lock 1.113 10/5/96 21 KB This file is a fully working Windows 95 lock that password protects your desktop. You cannot CTRL+ALT+DEL to get rid of it. Very cool app from FearTec For more info, check the FearNot Windows 95 System Lock Home Page.  Freeware 9/30/96 An application to change the icon of .bmp | files and back to normal, and it will also | change the Registered User and | Organization. Check out the Config95 Home | Page. 9/29/96 NJWIN is designed to support any Windows | program (16 & 32 bits) to display | Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) characters | under the western version of Windows 95 | environment. Chinese Big5, GB and HZ, | Japanese EUC-JIS, Shift-JIS and New-JIS, and | Korean KSC coding standards are supported in | the NJWIN. CJK Coding can be switched on the | fly from one coding to another depending on | the document being viewed. It works well with | Netscape for viewing CJK web pages, and with | email programs (such as Eudora) to view CJK | messages. For more info, check out the NJWIN | CJK Support System for Win95 Home Page. 9/28/96 Win95 Logo Organizer let you easily manage | your Win95 logos ordering them in families | for a faster retrieve: you can change your | current logo set with a click. For more info, | check out the Win95 Logo Organizer Home Page. 9/24/96 The program allows you to have MULTIPLE | VIRTUAL SCREENS (desktops) and switch among | them. Running applications (windows) can be | moved or copied among screens very | easily. Each screen has its own SCREEN MENU | (start menu like) and TOOLBAR to launch | applications, open files and access | folders. Other features: multiple wallpaper, | screen saver enhancements, password | protection, etc. For more info, check out the | Perfect Screens Home Page. AssocWiz(1).exe 9/22/96 deskXtend is a collection of utilities | designed to enhance the Windows 95/NT 4.0 | interface and add to the usability of Windows | in the real world. Includes Graphics Viewers | for most Internet Formats, a better Text | Editor, and Icon Manager for those boring and | ugly system Icons. A few tweaks here and | there and the most popluar Utility, the File | Asssociation Wizard. For more info, check the | FdeskXtend Home Page. 9/21/96 WWPlus is a program for organizing and | displaying Windows wallpaper files. With this | program you can easily maintain a collection | of wallpapers, automatically change them at | an interval you select, and use image formats | (GIF, PCX, TGA, TIF, .ICO and .JPG) that | would otherwise be unusable by Windows as | wallpaper. For more info, check the | WallPaperPlus Home Page. 9/19/96 Protect your downloads, tape backups, and | faxes; secure your workstation. Let your | screen saver run when and only when you want | it to! The fastest and most complete control | possible over your screen saver. Quickly | enable, disable, start or configure your | screen saver, via taskbar icon, button bar, | hot keys or a command-line interface for | program schedulers. For more info, check the | ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus Home Page. 9/19/96 Automates the installation of Windows 95 | Plus! Themes. Allows you to uninstall themes | using the Add/Remove Programs control. For | more info, check the Theme Installer Home | Page. 9/17/96 Splasher 3.1 is an all new update to your | favorite and most featured shareware Splash | Screen substituting utility. It can now | replace AND animate your startup images | palettes for amazing effects and cool | pictures. Requires no installation(runs from | any folder). For more info, check the | Splasher Home Page. 11/26/96 Password Tracker solves the problem of trying | to remember multiple user names and passwords | for different programs. All you need to do is | enter the information into Password Tracker's | database, assign the program window where you | want the information to go, and you're | done. The next time you need to enter user | name and password information, just click on | the Password Tracker icon in the Windows95 | System Tray, pick the correct | "P-Track" and the data is | automatically inserted into the program. And | with the new wizards in Password Tracker 2.0, | using Password Tracker has never been | easier. For more info, check out the Password | Tracker Home Page. 9/5/96 Makes sure a random screen saver is launched | instead of the same everytime. Does not | include actual screen savers, they must be | present on the system. For more info, check | the Bluebottle's Screen Saver Launcher Home | Page.