3 WSGopher 2.0 4 WSGopher32® Copyright © 1994-1996 by Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies 5 Co. All rights reserved. 6 7 License Agreement 8 You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using 9 this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by 10 LMITCO your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license 11 agreement and warranty. For information on distributing the shareware 12 evaluation version of WSGopher32 see the section titled Shareware License. 13 14 Registered Version 15 One registered copy of WSGopher32 may either be used by a single person 16 who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed 17 on a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not 18 both. You may access the registered version of WSGopher32 through a network, 19 provided that you have obtained individual licenses for the software covering 20 all workstations that will access the software through the network. For 21 instance, if 8 different workstations will access WSGopher32 on the network, 22 each workstation must have its own WSGopher32 license, regardless of whether 23 they use WSGopher32 at different times or concurrently. 24 25 Governing Law 26 This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. 27 28 Disclaimer of Warranty 29 THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND 30 WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR 31 ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Because 32 of the various hardware and software environments into which WSGopher32 may 33 be put, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. 34 The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. ANY LIABILITY OF THE 35 SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR 36 REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. 116 Manually specify a gopher item to fetch 118 Revisit your Home Gopher Server\nHome 119 Revisit a Gopher directory you deleted 121 Add this location to the bookmark list\nAdd Bookmark 122 Open the bookmark editor\nEdit Bookmarks 127 Show information provided by the WinSock vendor, including version, vendor ID, etc. 128 Specify the server you will connect to at startup 131 Specify the font to use for the document listing 134 Specify the font to use for text windows 137 Specify the font to use for file download windows 140 Specify the font to use for search windows 191 Display disclaimer information 193 Specify default directories on your computer for downloading and for temp files 196 Edit paths for viewers (you can also use the Windows File Manager) 200 No error occurred. 201 An unspecified error occurred. 202 The file could not be located. 203 All or part of the path is invalid. 204 You cannot open any more files before closing some first. 205 You don't have the right permission to open that file. 206 There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle. 207 The current working directory cannot be removed. 208 You cannot create any more files in this directory without deleting some first. 209 There was an error while trying to set the file pointer. 210 There was a hardware error, probably disk. 211 SHARE.EXE was not loaded, or part of the file is locked. 212 There was an attempt to lock part of the file that was already locked. 213 The disk is full, you will have to do some cleanup first. 214 The end of the file was reached. 250 Your system is out of memory, or the executable was corrupt 252 The file was not found 253 The path was not found 255 There was a sharing or network protection error 256 The library required separate data segments for each task 258 There wasn't enough memory to start the application 260 Wrong version of Windows! 261 Either it's not a Windows program, or there is an error in the .EXE file 262 This application is designed for a different operating system 263 This is an MS-DOS 4.0 application! 264 We don't know what kind of executable file that is 265 This application is real-mode (earlier version of Windows) 266 You can only run ONE instance of that particular program 269 This application must be decompressed before it is executed 270 One of this application's DLLs was corrupt 271 This application requires 32-bit Microsoft Windows 356 Specify the font to be used for phone book windows 357 Specify the font to be used by the printer 358 Use the printer font or the window's font 359 Set the path for your telnet and 3270 emulator programs 360 Delete downloaded files 382 Cancel network activity for the current window\nStop 383 Cancel all network activity currently in progress\nStop All 384 Windows sockets initialization failed. 387 Show or hide Navigator\nToggle Navigator 391 WSGopher Preferences 1000 Fetch the selected item, perform a search, or submit a form\nFetch 1001 Show information on the current Gopher item\nGopher Information 1002 Edit attributes of Gopher+ extended views 1003 Rank extended views in your prefered order 1004 Edit POSIX language information used with exteded views 1005 Specify several options that control WSGopher's behavior 1006 Find text in the current window\nFind 1007 Search again for text in the current window\nFind Again 1008 Go to the top of this Gopher's outline 1009 Fetch an item with control over the item type, etc. 1010 Create, delete, rename categories of bookmarks 1011 Specify the font to be used for Ask forms 1012 Fetch a stored bookmark more quickly than using the Bookmark Editor\nFetch Bookmark 1013 Refetch the current item from the network.\nReload 1014 Configure WSGopher to use a SOCKS firewall 1015 Backtrack one level in this Gopher's outline 1016 Add bookmark for the directory window\nAdd Bookmark 1037 Specify the font to use for directory tree 1040 Specify several options that control WSGopher's behavior 10000 [0] No Error 10004 [10004] Interrupted system call 10009 [10009] Bad file number 10013 [10013] Permission denied 10014 [10014] Bad address 10022 [10022] Invalid argument 10024 [10024] Too many open files 10035 [10035] Operation would block 10036 [10036] Operation now in progress 10037 [10037] Operation already in progress 10038 [10038] Socket operation on non-socket 10039 [10039] Destination address required 10040 [10040] Message too long 10041 [10041] Protocol wrong type for socket 10042 [10042] Bad protocol option 10043 [10043] Protocol not supported 10044 [10044] Socket type not supported 10045 [10045] Operation not supported on socket 10046 [10046] Protocol family not supported 10047 [10047] Address family not supported by protocol family 10048 [10048] Address already in use 10049 [10049] Can't assign requested address 10050 [10050] Network is down 10051 [10051] Network is unreachable 10052 [10052] Net dropped connection or reset 10053 [10053] Software caused connection abort 10054 [10054] Connection reset by peer 10055 [10055] No buffer space available 10056 [10056] Socket is already connected 10057 [10057] Socket is not connected 10058 [10058] Can't send after socket shutdown 10059 [10059] Too many references, can't splice 10060 [10060] Connection timed out 10061 [10061] Connection refused 10062 [10062] Too many levels of symbolic links 10063 [10063] File name too long 10064 [10064] Host is down 10065 [10065] No Route to Host 10066 [10066] Directory not empty 10067 [10067] Too many processes 10068 [10068] Too many users 10069 [10069] Disc Quota Exceeded 10070 [10070] Stale NFS file handle 10071 [10071] Too many levels of remote in path 10091 [10091] Network SubSystem is unavailable 10092 [10092] WINSOCK DLL Version out of range 10093 [10093] Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed 11001 [11001] Host not found 11002 [11002] Non-Authoritative Host not found 11003 [11003] Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP 11004 [11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type 57344 WSGopher 1.2 57345 WSGopher is ready ... press F1 for help 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new document 57601 Open an existing document 57602 Close the active document 57603 Save the active document to a disk file\nSave Document 57604 Save the active document with a new name 57605 Edit the appearance of a printed page 57606 Select and configure the current Windows printer 57607 Print the active document to the current Windows printer\nPrint Document 57609 Display full pages 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection 57633 Erase everything 57634 Copy the selected text or document to the clipboard\nCopy Document/Selection 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard 57636 Find the specified text 57637 Insert Clipboard contents 57640 Repeat the last action 57641 Replace specific text with different text 57642 Select the entire document 57643 Undo the last action 57644 Redo the previously undone action 57648 Open another window for the active document 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 57653 Split the active window into panes 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit WSGopher 57666 List Help topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use help 57669 Lets you get help on a command, a Gopher item, or a dialog\nContext Help 57680 Switch to the next window pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active document and cancels it's network activity, if still in progress 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels