Misc. Web Browsing Tools wexp215.exe 12/21/96 Web Expander is a protocol enhancement | utility for Netscape Navigator and Microsoft | Internet Explorer. Web Expander can launch | external mail, ftp and other program from | click 'mailto:', 'ftp:' and any protocols. It | can handle user defined protocols | (i.e. 'notepad:') to provide intranet | solutions. (Web Expander can handle no | protocols except mailto: with Microsoft | Internet Explorer.) For more info, check out | the Web Expander Home Page.  dmhce12t.exe 12/10/96 OM-Express enhances your browser to give you | speed you've never had on the Web. OM-Express | is a browser accessory that eliminates the | time you waste waiting for pages to | download. It delivers pages to your hard | drive so that you can access them as fast as | your PC can retrieve them. You'll have fast | access to information anywhere, any time -- | without having to go on line. For more info, | check out the OM-Express Home Page.  search.zip 12/8/96 Using Search Now it is possible to search up | to four different search engines at the same | time, giving it's users the most complete | database of pages that pertain to their | search.This software is free and will save | you time and money by simplifing your | searches.For more info, check out the Search | Now Home Page.  ns.zip 12/6/96 Search multiple sites from a single query, | all at the same time. Stores the results of | search on one page.View with your favorite | browser. Select the sites to search.22 | programed sites.8 user selected. Plus Email | Address Search. For more info, check out the | NetSearch Home Page.  ftp://ftp.smartcode.com/smturl.zip 12/5/96 Web Site Tracker v1.0 is a FREE Netscape | utility which allows instant access to | launching and saving web sites locations via | user defined hot keys. Web Sites can be | grouped into user defined categories. Web | sites can also be added, modified and deleted | manually. This product works in conjunction | with AND requires the use of the Netscape | Navigator Browser. For more info, check out | the Web Site Tracker Home Page. netjet.exe 12/1/96 Peak Net.Jet is a Java-based Web utility that | combines the benefits of a real-time Internet | accelerator with the features found in | offline browsers to give you large | performance gains in your browsing | experience. This innovative software | significantly reduces waiting time and | increases the speed with which you can view | pages within a site, as well as when | traveling from site to site. As you read | through various articles on a page, Peak | Net.Jet proceeds to load all available links | on that page so that it appears to anticipate | where you're going to go next. The | application has an intelligent caching system | that learns from your browsing habits: what | sites you like the best, where you go most | often, and where you have been most | recently. For more info, check out the Peak | Net.Jet Home Page. dipstick.exe 11/30/96 This tiny application helps you to find the | closest mirror to download files from. For | more info, check out the Dipstick Home Page. opws.zip 11/27/96 OP Web Search allows you to search on Yahoo | without actually going on Yahoo. All you have | to do is type what you want to search for in | the box, press Search, and go to your browser | and you will see your results. netdiary1.zip 11/26/96 NetDiary keeps track of every site you visit | so that you don't have to. NetDiary provides | you with valuable ways of managing the | Internet addresses you've collected. This | information can be used to get back to | websites you have been to in the past, or it | can be shared with colleges, family and | friends. NetDiary requires InternetExplorer | V3.00 or higher to run. For more info, check | the NetDiary Home Page. fsbcmsie.zip 12/5/96 FSBC stands for Full Screen Browser Control, | it is a mini floating toolbar that works with | and requires MSIE v3.0, it allows you to run | MSIE in a SUPER MAXED state with no menu, | toolbar or statusbar - nothing to block the | content of the browser screen - wall to wall | browser! Minimizes to the tray, colapses into | a small rectangle that can be tucked into a | corner when not needed. For more info, check | out the FSBC for MSIE Home Page.  opws.zip 11/20/96 With OP Web Search you can search on Yahoo! | without actually logging on to Yahoo! All you | have to do is type what you want to search | for in the box, press search and go to your | browser. (OP Web Search requires the VB32 | runtime DLL's)  webplay32(1).exe 11/14/96 The Astound Web Player (AWP) is a | windows-based application that plays both | Astound and Studio M projects directly from a | Web page. Just click a project's | hyperlink. The Player downloads the initial | resources, and then plays the animation, | sound, and graphics, while the rest of the | file downloads. And, if you're running | Netscape Navigator 2.0, you can view the | presentation from within the entire Netscape | window, or within a specific area of the | window! For more info, check out the Astound | WebPlayer Home Page. ssearch2.zip 11/14/96 Scanline Swiftsearch is a small Windows 95 | application which fits neatly on-top of | Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet | Explorer, and provides easy access to some of | the webs top search sites. The program | optionally stays on-top of all programs, and | listens to the clipboard, making it easy to | search for selected text from any | document. For more info, check out the | Scanline SwiftSearch Home Page.  sb30b3(1).exe 11/10/96 Utility to tell you when your favorite pages | (like this site!) have been updated. Formerly | WebWatch. Click here for more info.  wsw952.exe 11/8/96 WebSeeker finds exactly what you're looking | for on the Internet by harnessing the | strength of more than 20 of the Internet's | most popular engines, from Alta Vista to | Yahoo! into the most comprehensive search | available. WebSeeker doesn't stop there | however, as it is the only metasearcher that | lets you index your search results so you can | pinpoint the exact reference you are looking | for. WebSeeker 2.1 also provides web page | previews and highlights your keywords within | the found documents for quick | reference. Absolutely nothing is faster, | easier and more thorough than a WebSeeker | search! For more info, check out the | WebSeeker Home Page. wtour14.zip 11/7/96 WebTour (tm) a 32 Bit Windows application | allows you to create an unlimted amount of | "web tours." With our easy to use | interface you can create tours for your self, | family, or if you are a Web Master, for your | visitors. Each tour is stored in a | configuration file, and you can call it up to | edit and re-create your modified web tour | later. The non-registered version will not | allow you to save your tour's configuration | file, but will allow you to create tours. For | more info, check out the WebTour Home | Page.  xdirect.exe 11/2/96 Lets you include an Excite search box in your | Netscape Navigator browser window. Regardless | of what web page you are viewing, simply type | your search directly into the new search box | and click on the Excite button to search the | web using Excite. For more info, check out | the Excite Direct Home Page.  imc32.exe 10/30/96 Intermind Communicator is a new browser-based | communications system that makes it easy for | you to anonymously receive personalized | information from participating Web sites, | whether commercial or non-commercial – | *anyone* can publish Hyperconnectors. You | simply subscribe to | "Hyperconnectors" on topics that | interest you and dynamic content is delivered | directly to your desktop with links to | graphics, video, and audio. For more info, | check out the Intermind Communicator Home | Page.  st1cwin.zip 10/29/96 The Site Tracker series has been an ongoing | project for the past 5 months to generate a | cross platform, caching resistant web | monitoring tool. For more info, check out | the Site Tracker Home Page.  http://www.ozemail.com.au/~innovate/agent/agent!.zip 10/24/96 Agent! offers a stylish, powerful but easy to | use Win95 MDI interface allowing you to | automatically load up to 8 selectable pages | and browse through them at the same time, it | monitors your incoming mail and can be placed | in the system tray to do background | downloading & monitoring of FTP & Web | sites unattended. For more info, check the | Agent! Home Page. wsg322b2.exe 10/22/96 WS-Gopher provides a comfortable, intuitive | Windows Explorer like interface, with the | ability to effortlessly drill down into | gopher directory structures for data | access.  search.zip 10/19/96 A starting up page for your browser with a | lot of search engines on it. You can | customize everything while it is written in | html. For more info, check out the CSP Home | Page.  smartframe.zip 10/19/96 This program is a very good complement to | Netscape Smartmark2. It reads in SmartMarks | bookmark and generate a local (hard disk | based) home page for use as a startup page | for your web browser. For more info, check | out the SmartFrame Home Page. sconn10.zip 10/14/96 Stay Connected! keeps Internet Service | Providers (ISP) from dropping your internet | connectivity after certain period of | inactivity (usually 15 minutes). The program | keeps the internet connection alive by | sending/receiving packets to a host at a | specified interval. Runs in the taskbar (also | called tray notification area). For more | info, check out the Stay Connected! Home | Page. 32psio.zip 10/9/96 Whether you are an Internet experienced user | or just a beginner Internet Organizer is for | you. It gives you an easy way to gather | information about all the Internet Resources: | World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers, Archie | Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses, and | News Groups. For more info, check out the | PrimaSoft Home Page.  oc10(1).exe 10/9/96 Oil Change automatically locates | manufacturers updates on their web sites, | then notifies you when a new update is | available. If you decide you would like the | update, Oil Change will then download and | install it. For more info, check out the Oil | Change Home Page. netwiz.zip 10/1/96 NetWiz allows users to create multiple | profile settings in Netscape Navigator. This | way, multiple users using a single machine | can use Netscape Navigator on a machine and | still have separate mailboxes, proxy, network | settings and more. For more info, check out | the NetWiz Home Page.  pinger.zip 9/25/96 This application pings a set of user defined | systems at a user specified time-frame. If a | system is detected as down, the system issues | and alarm to the operator. The system also | logs the time of the fault. Once a system | comes on-line, the programs logs that on a | history panel. For more info, check out the | Pinger Home Page. inWebR1S.exe 9/23/96 inWebstigator is an Internet tool for power | surfing and investigation of the Web. All you | do is point inWebstigator at any Web site, | and it will explode and explore the | underlying structure. Using it's 32bit | threaded architecture, inWebstigator will | dynamically open the Web site as you watch it | build a network of links and pages in a | hierarchical tree in a fully interactive | mode. For more info, check out the | inWebstigator Home Page. http://www.apte.com/coach/mission/mission.exe 9/19/96 Mission to Planet X is an interactive | multimedia tutorial for the Internet, geared | toward the 8+ age group. Through lively | animation and compelling gameplay, the user | learns to surf the Internet using Netscape | Navigator. For more info, check the Internet | Coach for Netscape Navigator: Mission to | Planet X Home Page.  th10eval(1).exe 9/14/96 It is an 'information manager' and detects | changes to relevant content on websites, then | brings back the pages and highlights the | important parts. For more info, check the | Tierra Highlights Home Page.  http://www.elektroson.com/WebGrabber/WINDOWS/DOWNLOAD/WGDEMO.ZIP 9/14/96 WebGrabber, by Elektroson, is the first | package to allow you to download information | off the Web and place it on a CD from WITHIN | Netscape Navigator. By directly integrating | in Navigation, users can copy text, files, | images, and anything else off the web and | burn it directly to CD-R. Requires Netscape | Navigation 2.0 or higher. For more info, | check out the WebGrabber Home Page. SD95pckd.exe 9/10/96 Surfer's Delight searches for pictures of | different format, it creates a plain | HTML-Textfile, that references the picture | locations. Opening this HTML-document with | your browser, you have your own simple | 'slideshow' - better: a good overview! And | you do not have to know the names of the | pictures or where they are located. You even | don't have to care about the format they | have. Quick and Easy! For more info, check | out the Surfer's Delight Home Page. http://members.aol.com/dalebryant/cc2.zip 9/10/96 Clears Cached copies of files and pages from | IE 2.0 and 3.0. netsites(1).zip 9/6/96 A small menu-driven program that will take | you to some places on the Net. For more info, | check out the Net Sites Home Page. wsfull.zip 9/6/96 WebSearch is a simple addition to help you in | searching the web. WebSearch allows quick | access to the most popular search engines | from an icon in you system tray. Also | available without vb runtimes (234KB). For | more info, check out the WebSearch Home Page. ftp://ftp.privnet.com/pub/AnySearch/anys103.exe 9/5/96 Integrates a text entry box into Netscape | Navigator and allows you to search all the | major search engines without leaving your | browser. For more info, check out the | AnySearch Home Page. http://www.ozemail.com.au/~equival/mibmaster/bin/mib1_2a.zip 9/4/96 Lets you use any Web browser to view SNMP | version 1 MIBS. Full support for all OID | types, tables and enmerated types. Allows | users to change MIB entries, and view | traps. Security controls allow limited access | to some facilities if required. Comes with | MIB definitions for dozens of standard RFC | MIBs, and an ASN to HTML compiler. For more | info, check out the MibMaster Home | Page.  onlinecost.zip 8/29/96 Great program to monitor the activity on the | internet. Unlike other programs it is not | required to run whilst avoiding cluttering | programs in the taskbar or system tray. The | program displays connect time for each month | and the cost for it. Easy to use. 30 times | free trial use. For more info, check out the | Online Connect Monitor Home Page.  qssetup.exe 8/29/96 Quick Seek puts an Infoseek search engine | function right into your Netscape | browser. Makes for easy searching while | surfing. For more info, check out the | Infoseek Quickseek Home Page.  hwglobe(1).exe 8/27/96 HyperWare Globetrotter is a personal database | that looks after your favourite Internet | addresses, and passwords. Globetrotter is | full of features to provide users with an | alternative to the obsolete bookmark / | favorites system. Now users can store an | unlimited amount of sites, and have them all | at their fingertips. For more info, check out | the HyperWare Globetrotter Home Page.  faved.zip 8/26/96 FavorEd is a tool to help create, manage, | find and annotate Favorites files for | Microsoft Internet Explorer(TM). If you use | Netscape(TM) instead, FavorEd will be of less | use to you but maybe still worth a look. A | major feature is the ability to create new | Favorites by grabbing Web links out of text | files, or HTML files, or from your History | folder. For more info, check out the FavorEd | - the Favorites Editor Home Page.  bookit(1).exe 8/26/96 Based on powerful database technology | offering full sort, filtering, and | reporting/printing abilities to help you | organize, find, and open your favorite web | sites! Convenient access to your favorite web | sites through the main window and a Pop-Up | Menu in the DeskTray in Windows 95! 100% User | Configurable---you can build your own | hierarchical desktray menu! For more info, | check out the BookIt! Pro Home Page.  t9510b1(1).exe 8/21/96 A version of Win95Nav that sits in your | System Tray. WARNING: THIS EARLY BETA VERSION | IS KNOWN TO CRASH ON SOME SYSTEMS. THIS IS | BETA SOFTWARE AND STILL HAS BUGS TO FIX. If | you can track down the cause of the crashing, | please let me know. I'll give a free copy of | the Windows95.com Shareware CD to anyone who | can figure out how to fix this problem. If it | tells you need additional files, Download | Here!. For more info, check out the Win95Tray | Home Page. ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/users/starfish/imeter.exe 8/20/96 The InternetMeter Inlay embeds itself into | the top right corner of your Internet | Explorer 3.0 Web browser (in place of the | spinning "e" graphic) and tracks | your online activity in real time. Session | time, data transfer rates and connection | status are all monitored - then complete | details of the browser session are added to a | cumulative Call Log. For more info, check out | the Starfish Software Home Page. w95nav10s(1).exe 8/16/96 Check out the new search feature!!! The | Windows95.com Navigation Bar (Win95Nav, for | short) is a floating toolbar that sits on | your desktop. By choosing menu items from the | toolbar, you can automatically open your | favorite pages at Windows95.com with a single | mouse click - and it doesn't even matter | which browser you're using! In fact, you | don't even need to have your browser running | at all. Win95Nav will automatically open your | default browser when you make your selection! | If it tells you need additional files, | Download Here!. Final Version! For more info, | check out the Win95Nav Home Page. http://www.vironix.co.za/netferret/webferret087.exe 8/16/96 TThis Win95 Find utility, enables you to | search multiple "search engines" | simultaneously in one simple step. Search | results can be acted on immediately. Search | database definitions are auto-updating. The | easiest way to find Anything on the | Internet. For more info, check out the | WebFerret Home Page. dhde10.exe 8/14/96 This is a Netscape Navigator Companion | program that when loaded becomes an option on | Navigator's menu bar. It allows you capture | Web pages for an extensive offline filing | cabinet and browsing. The pages are captured | with Hotlinks which automatically launch | Netscape to bring up the live page. For more | info, check out the Documagix Hotpage Home | Page.  citrix.exe 8/13/96 A cool IE control that lets you run any | Windows-based program over the Internet or | intranet and embed it in any Web page. For | more info, check out the Citrix WinFrame Web | Client 1.0 Home Page.  raider.exe 8/6/96 Presenting an intuitive way of introducing an | inexperienced home-user to Internet, yet | functionally rich enough for a seasoned | power-surfer, CyberAge Raider makes | navigating on the web a "smooth" | experience. For more info, check out the | CyberAge Raider Home Page. ftp://h.mv.opentext.com/pub/BCSetup.exe 7/26/96 BreadCrumbs is a powerful application that | complements Netscape Navigator and the Open | Text Index by refining and dramatically | improving the results of your Web searching! | For more info, check out the BreadCrumbs Home | Page. setup.exe 7/26/96 The Intel Internet Software Update Manager | automates the process of retrieving, | installing and updating popular software off | the web for you. The Intel Internet Software | Update Manager also notifies you when | software updates are available. It even | updates itself. For more info, check out the | Intel Internet Software Update Manager Home | Page. netret.exe 7/17/96 The Net Retriever utility is one of the most | powerful Internet search technologies | available today. Net Retriever finds the | information you need quickly and easily. For | more info, check out the WEB.MAX Home Page. nspvm@.exe 7/17/96 If you try to use Netscape Navigator with | multiple Internet providers it is annoying to | manual adjust the settings according to the | provider currently used. This tool lets you | maintain all provider settings and easily | switch among them. Requires Netscape 2.0 For | more info, check out the NMPMl Home Page. ftp://speed.private.inter.net/pub/speed/ss2095t.exe 7/16/96 Speed Surfer is a Windows-based application | designed to speed up web surfing. Using Speed | Surfer, you can quickly and easily speed up | your web surfing without having to change | your current internet provider or equipment. | For more info, check out the Speed Surfer | Home Page.  rover-install.exe 7/6/96 A very friendly Internet companion. It gets | the software you need from the Internet and | sets it up on your PC. For more info, check | out the Internet Rover Home Page.  gnw952.exe 6/18/96 A tool that allows users to grab snips of | information, including images, text and | URL's, for reuse, navigation and organization | within a customized collection of folders on | the local desktop. For more info, check out | the Grabnet Home Page.  bfast.zip 4/28/96 Designed to facilitate multitasking Netscape | Navigator to improve internet response | time. BrowseFast functions as | "Call-Waiting" for the internet, | showing the status of web sites, newsgroups, | mail and file loading. For more info, check | the Browse Fast Home Page. candl1b1.zip 4/22/96 CandleWeb is a client browser that allows you | to view animations in presentations, games, | simulations, educational programs and any | other type of program that you may want to | run on the Web. It is started from any | standard HTML-browser, such as Netscape. For | more info, check out the CandleWeb Home | Page.  issetup.exe 4/16/96 Use one of the best searches (infoseek) on | the Web right from your desktop! A real time | saver. For more info, check out the i_seek | Home Page. vw-eng.zip 4/1/96 Visual Web makes it possible for you to | obtain a graphical representation of any | structure in the World Wide Web within just a | short period of time. For more info, check | out the Visual Web Home Page. webx15.zip 3/20/96 WebXpress is an add-on for Netscape's | Navigator 2.0 and Navigator Gold 2.0. It | provides a quick and easy way to access your | E-mail, News and favourite Web sites.  cp-setup.exe 1/26/96 Cyber Patrol allows anyone to control usage | of the Internet from their PC. It loads | during startup and can be configured to stop | access to specified areas on the 'Net. For | more info, check out the Cyber Patrol Home | Page.