How To Use Illustrated

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Parents intuitively understand multitasking. Ever cook a meal and watch after children at the same time? That's multitasking!

Multitasking is like juggling, you're doing several things at once. In our case, BrowseFast saves time and money by loading information for you before you need to view it. This form of multitasking saves you not only time, but also on-line charges!

The more you take advantage of multitasking, the greater your benefit will be. You need to run at least two Netscape windows(browser, download, mail, or newsgroup) to benefit from BrowseFast.

The following picture illustrates how multitasking may appear on your desktop. This example is pictured small and the windows can be any size. This example contains a file download dialog box, 2 Netscape browsers and the BrowseFast window.

  1. The File download progress dialog box appears in the top left hand corner.
  2. The Yahoo search completed and pretend that you're viewing it.
  3. Netscape home page loaded while you were surfing Yahoo. The home page is ready for you to read when you finish the Yahoo search.

Multitasking may change the way you normally use Windows. You must occasionally switch between the Netscape windows to gain from multitasking.