How to Add Icons for the Demo Version

Windows 3.1
  1. Go to the Program Manager
  2. Choose Add from the File Menu bar
  3. Click on the Program Group radio button and Press OK
  4. Enter "BrowseFast" in the Description text box and Press OK
  5. You will see a blank Group Box entitled "BrowseFast"
  1. From the Program Manager File menu bar select New
  2. Click on the Program Item radio button and Press OK
  3. Enter BrowseFast - 16 bit version
  4. Press the Browse button and find bfast16.exe in the directory which you unzipped into.
  5. The traffic light icon with a yellow background should now appear.
  6. DO NOT ADD the 32 bit bfast version to Windows 3.1, or Win32s

Windows 95
  1. Windows 95
  2. Click the right mouse button on the Windows 95 desktop
  3. Select the New.. menu bar
  4. Select Shortcut
  5. Press the Browse button and find bfast32.exe in the directory which you unzipped into.
  6. Press the Next button
  7. Enter "BrowseFast - 32 bit" in the Description text box and Press Finish
  8. A traffic light icon with a white background should now appear.
  9. DO NOT ADD the 16 bit bfast version to Windows 95