Stock Tickers 12/18/96 $tockExchange32 is the fast, easy way to get | up to date stock and mutual fund data via the | Internet. Input the stocks you want to track, | set the interval timer (or select UPDATE NOW) | and $tockExchange will go out and gather all | the latest stock information for you (Current | price, PE Ratio, 52-week hi/lo, EPS, | etc...). UNIQUE FEAUTURES: $tockExchange32 is | the only stock ticker program that comes with | a screen saver module. Select the stocks you | want to track, and leave $tockExchange | running in the background ....any time you | walk past your desk your screen saver will | display all the latest price quotes, with | losers highlighted in red. Also tracks and | graphs historical data, and can be updated to | access different stock servers. For more | info, check out the $tockExchange32 Home | Page. ynt-ie.exe 12/15/96 A new program that delivers news, sports, | stocks, weather etc to your desktop. It | resides directly on your Windows 95 or | Windows NT 4.0 task bar and works with | existing applications, including screen | savers. It uses the preferences you've | established in your My Yahoo! account to do | this. Other browsers need this file. For more | info, check out the My Yahoo! Home Page. qtb.exe 12/11/96 QTB gets stock information from the Net and | displays it on your desktop. Features include | a scrolling, dockable AppBar, a drag and drop | controlled interface, support for over 9 | servers, audio and visual alarms for ceiling | and floor prices, support for market indexes | on selected servers, and a detailed status | bar. New features include export functions, | ticker search capabilities, and update server | connections. QTB Home Page. setup.exe 12/2/96 A little program that will track selected | stocks for you. It also includes portfolio | management and Quicken import/export as well | as printed reports. For more info, check out | the WinStock Home Page. 11/23/96 A new Win95 Internet information agent. It's | a free (advertiser supported) program that | lets you see personalized, up-to-the-minute | scrolling stock quotes, news headlines, | incoming email headers, and weather updates | in a separate window while surfing the | Web. For more info, check out the WorldFlash | NewsTicker Home Page. install.exe 11/14/96 WebSprite brings the data you want to your | desktop without any effort on your | part. Current stock prices, current news | headlines, weather forecasts, sports scores, | web search results, e-mail notifications, | even your daily horoscope. Instant Data on | the Desktop. For more info, check out the | WebSprite Home Page. 10/24/96 $tockExchange32 is the fast, easy way to get | up to date stock and mutual fund data via the | Internet. Input the stocks you want to track, | set the interval timer (or select UPDATE NOW) | and $tockExchange will go out and gather all | the latest stock information for you (Current | price, PE Ratio, 52-week hi/lo, EPS, | etc...). No web browser required. For more | info, check out the $tockExchange32 Home | Page. 9/19/96 Memory Monitor for Windows95 v1.01 - Realtime | memory statistics displayed in realtime | graphically. Memory Monitor Home Page. 8/16/96 This little application brings time delayed | stock quotes to your desktop. (There is a | delay of approximately 10 to 15 minutes). Has | alarms when stocks reach new highs. For more | info, check out the PSM Home Page.