16900 Account Unknown 16901 Account Deleted 18003 Invalid Domain or Server name. 18100 %1 in %2 18101 %1 on %2 18102 %1\n\nDo you want to select another domain or server to administer? 18103 %1\n\nDo you want to select another server to administer? 18104 %1\n\nDo you want to select another domain to administer? 18105 LAN Manager 18112 Close 18113 This operation will quit the application. Do you want to continue? 18114 Local Machine 18116 H 18117 L 18200 User Manager 18201 User Manager for Domains 18202 Users 18203 User Accounts Manager 18204 usrmgr.hlp 18205 musrmgr.hlp 18206 User Manager - %1 18207 User Manager 18208 UMAddOns 18210 The following error occurred accessing the properties of the user %2:\n\n%1\n\nThe user properties cannot be edited or viewed at this time. 18211 The following error occurred while preparing to create a new user:\n\n%1 18212 The following error occurred changing the properties of the user %2:\n\n%1 18213 The following error occurred changing the properties of the user %2:\n\n%1\n\nDo you wish to continue with the next user? 18214 The following error occurred creating the user %2:\n\n%1 18215 The following error occurred accessing the properties of the group %2:\n\n%1\n\nThe group properties cannot be edited or viewed at this time. 18216 The following error occurred while preparing to create a new group:\n\n%1 18217 The following error occurred changing the properties of the group %2:\n\n%1 18218 The following error occurred creating the group %2:\n\n%1 18219 The following error occurred accessing the properties of the local group %2:\n\n%1\n\nThe local group properties cannot be edited or viewed at this time. 18220 The following error occurred while preparing to create a new local group:\n\n%1 18221 The following error occurred changing the properties of the local group %2:\n\n%1 18222 The following error occurred creating the local group %2:\n\n%1 18223 The following error occurred adding the user %2 to the requested local groups:\n\n%1 18230 Username 18231 Full Name 18232 Description 18233 Groups 18234 Description 18240 &Groups 18241 Pri&vileges 18242 P&rofile 18243 H&ours 18244 &Logon To 18245 &Account 18250 The following error occured when trying to delete user %2:\n\n%1 18251 The following error occured when trying to delete user %2:\n\n%1\n\nDo you wish to continue with the next user? 18252 The following error occured when trying to delete group %2:\n\n%1 18253 User accounts can be unlocked but cannot be locked. Accounts are locked out by too many logon attempts with bad passwords. 18260 Cannot delete system group 18261 The password you typed is invalid. 18262 The new password was not correctly confirmed. Be sure that the confirmation password exactly matches the new password. 18264 You must type a valid Username for the user. 18265 You must type a valid Group Name for the group. 18266 You specified a Username which is already in use by another user. Choose a Username which is not already in use by another user or group. 18267 You specified a Username which is in use by a group. Choose a Username which is not already in use by a user or group. 18268 You specified a Group Name which is already in use by a user. Choose a Group Name which is not already in use by another user or group. 18269 You specified a Group Name which is in use by another group. Choose a Group Name which is not already in use by a user or group. 18272 You must type a valid Group Name for the local group. 18273 You specified a Group Name which is already in use by a user. Choose a Group Name which is not already in use by another user or group. 18274 You specified a Group Name which is in use by another group. Choose a Group Name which is not already in use by a user or group. 18275 You specified an invalid remote home drive. Choose a drive letter or leave this field blank. 18276 The User Manager cannot administer Domain Controllers. Use the User Manager for Domains instead. 18277 The domain name you typed is invalid. 18278 %1 is a member of domain %2. Focus will be set to domain %2. 18279 You cannot check both User Must Change Password at Next Logon and User Cannot Change Password for the same user. 18281 The domain name entered is the same as this domain name. 18282 You requested remote home directories for the selected user(s), but did not specify a remote home directory. Specify a remote home directory. 18283 The user must be a member of the primary group. 18284 The password is incorrect. 18285 The domain entered is already trusted. 18286 The domain entered is already permitted to trust this domain. 18287 The connection to the domain controller has been disconnected. Either restart User Manager or use the Select Domain menu item to reestablish the connection. 18288 %1 is a domain controller of domain %2. Focus will be set to domain %2. 18289 The following error occurred:\n\n%1\n\nThis may indicate that you attempted to trust a domain which is already trusted, but which has a different name in the list of trusted domains. Press help for more details. 18290 Each user account is represented by a unique identifier which is independent of the username. Once this user account is deleted, %1 18291 even creating an identically named user account in the future will not restore access to resources which currently name this user account in the access control list. 18292 Close 18294 %1 is an invalid path name. Please enter a valid path name. 18295 All Are &Members Of: 18296 &Not All Are Members Of: 18297 You must be an administrator or account operator to manage user accounts. The changes you made will leave you with insufficient privilege to administer users and groups in %1. Do you want to continue? 18298 Users: 18299 User: 18300 You must be an administrator or account operator to manage user accounts. The changes you made will leave you with insufficient privilege to administer users and groups on %1. Do you want to continue? 18301 Delete group: %1 18302 Delete user: %1 18303 Each group is represented by a unique identifier which is independent of the group name. Once this group is deleted, %1 18304 even creating an identically named group in the future will not restore access to resources which currently name this group in the access control list. 18305 You may not delete your own account. 18306 You did not specify any valid logon workstations. You must indicate that all workstations are permissible, or specify one or more workstations in the spaces provided. 18307 %1 is not a valid workstation name. You must either specify valid workstation names or leave the fields blank. 18308 You may not remove the Local Logon right from the Administrators local group. Doing so would disable all local administration of this computer. 18309 Add 18310 Copy of %1 18311 You have selected no password expiration. The user will not be required to change passwords at next logon. 18312 %1 is an invalid relative path name. Please enter a valid relative path name. 18313 ERROR: Out Of Memory 18316 &Group Name: 18317 New Global Group 18318 Users May Log Onto &All Workstations 18319 Users May Log Onto &These Workstations: 18320 The selected users have different Logon Hours settings. You may edit these settings, but they will be initially reset. Do you wish to reset and edit the Logon Hours settings for these users? 18323 %1 has a Logon Hours setting which is specified as days-per-week. Is it OK to convert %1's setting to hours-per-week? 18324 One or more selected users have Logon Hours settings which are specified as days-per-week. Is it OK to convert these settings to hours-per-week? 18325 %1 has a Logon Hours setting which is not specified as days-per-week or hours-per-week. You may edit this setting, but it will be initially reset. Do you wish to reset and edit the Logon Hours setting for %1? 18326 One or more selected users have Logon Hours settings which are not specified in days-per-week or hours-per-week. You may edit these settings, but they will be initially reset. Do you wish to reset and edit these Logon Hours settings? 18327 Trust Relationship with %1 successfully established. 18328 You have changed a trust relationship between domains. This client cannot verify changes to trust relationships. If you find that it was not established, contact the administrator of the %2 domain and verify that it has permitted %1 to trust. 18340 %USERNAME% 18341 .USR 18342 The Home Directory, %1, for %2 could not be created. The User Account has been updated. You must create the Home Directory manually. 18345 &Group Name: 18346 New Local Group 18351 &Logon and Logoff 18352 &File and Object Access 18353 &Use of User Rights 18354 User and &Group Management 18355 &Security Policy Changes 18356 &Restart, Shutdown, and System 18357 &Process Tracking 18373 Log on locally 18374 Access this computer from network 18375 Log on as a service 18376 Log on as a batch job 18380 The user account list is unavailable when Low Speed Connection is selected. To create, modify or delete user accounts, choose a command from the User menu. To cancel Low Speed Connection, choose that command from the Options menu. 18381 The group list is unavailable when Low Speed Connection is selected. To create, modify or delete a local group, or to delete a global group, choose a command from the User menu. 18383 Copy User or Group 18384 Enter one user name or one local group name: 18385 Delete User or Group 18386 Enter one or more user names or one group name: 18387 Manage User or Group Properties 18388 Enter one or more user names or one local group name: 18389 Rename User 18390 Enter one user name: 18392 Account %1 was not found. 18393 %1 is not a user account or group. 18394 %1 is not a user account. Only users can be renamed. 18395 %1 is a global group. Global groups cannot be created or edited in Low Speed Connection mode. 18396 If you enter multiple names, they must all be user accounts. You can only work with one global group or local group at a time. 18397 You can only rename one user account at a time. 18398 You can only copy one user account or local group at a time. 18400 Computer: 18401 Domain: 18402 S 18403 M 18404 The minimum password age must be less than the maximum password age. 18405 The lockout duration must be greater than or equal to the reset count time. 18500 Are you sure you want to remove the %1 domain from the Trusted Domains list? This will prevent users in the %1 domain from accessing resources in the %2 domain. If you choose Yes, you must also administer the %1 domain and remove %2 from its Permitted To Trust This Domain list. 18501 Are you sure you want to remove the %1 domain from the Permitted To Trust This Domain list? This will prevent users in the %2 domain from accessing resources in the %1 domain. If you choose Yes, you must also administer the %1 domain and remove %2 from its Trusted Domains list. 18502 Close