Zinc Data File Version 4.0 UI_ICON UI_BITMAP UIW_WINDOW UI_HPP UI_CPP9 UI_HELP: UI_MESSAGE> DERIVE_TABLE APPLICATION ASTERISK EXCLAMATION QUESTIONE NOVELL LSERVER LTREE SERVER16 GREYSERVER GREYTREE RESULTS_WINDOW CONFIRM_WINDOW PASSWORD_WINDOW FIND_WINDOW ADVANCED_WINDOW MAIN_WINDOW? CREDITS_WIN RESULTS_WINDOW@ Login Results NUMID_GEOMETRY CLOSE_BTNA LoginQuit! &Close RESULTS_LISTT NUMID_C_SCROLL& NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ NUMID_HZ_SCROLL& CONFIRM_WINDOW@ Confirm NUMID_GEOMETRY YES_BUTTON YesFunction! NO_BUTTON NoFunction! CONFIRM_TEXT Password: PASSWORD_STRINGD OK_BTNA LoginOK! CANCEL_BNTA LoginQuit! Cancel HELP_BTNA &Help SERVER_PROMPTA FIELD_11@ Logging into NetWare using: TREE_BTNA SERVER_BTNA SERVER16 MAIN_WINDOW@ Title is in NW_STRINGS message Table under MSG_TITLE FIELD_12@ &Name: NAME_STRINGD SetOkayButton FIELD_13@ FIND_TREE_BTNA FindServerTree SERVER_RB@ ServerRBFunction@ S&erver: SERVER_COMBO@ ServerComboFunction SERVER_LIST FIND_SERVER_BTNA FindServerTree SERVER16 BINDERY_CB@ BinderyCBFunction &Bindery connection FIELD_4096@ C&ontext: CONTEXT_COMBO@ CONTEXT_LIST CLEAR_CONNECTIONS_CB@ &Clear current connections GREY_TREEQ GREYTREE GREY_SERVERQ GREYSERVER SCRIPT_TAB &Script SCRIPT_PROMPT@ L&ogin Script: SCRIPT_COMBO@ SCRIPT_LIST PROFILE_PROMPT@ &Profile Script: PROFILE_COMBO@ PROFILE_LIST RUN_SCRIPTS_CB@ &Run scripts AUTO_CLOSE_CB@ Clo&se script results automatically VARIABLES_TAB &Variables FIELD_4096@ Login script variables: FIELD_4097@ FIELD_4098@ FIELD_4099@ FIELD_4100@ VARIABLE_2D VariableCheck VARIABLE_3D VariableCheck VARIABLE_4D VariableCheck VARIABLE_5D VariableCheck OK_BTNA LoginOK! CANCEL_BTNA LoginQuit! Cancel HELP_BTNA MainHelpFunction! &Help ADVANCED_WINDOW@ Title is in NW_STRINGS message Table under MSG_TITLE NUMID_GEOMETRY NOTEBOOK_WINDOW@ MAIN_NOTEBOOK LOGIN_TAB &Login ADVANCED_NAME@ &Name: NAME_STRINGD SetOkayButton ADVANCED_PASSWORD@ &Password: PASSWORD_STRINGD FIELD_15@ Logging into NetWare using: SERVER_PROMPT@ TREE_BTNA SERVER_BTNA SERVER16 CONNECTION_TAB &Connection TREE_RB@ TreeRBFunction@ &Tree: TREE_COMBO@ TreeComboFunction TREE_LIST PASSWORD_WINDOW@ Change Password FIELD_1@ &Change password for: PASS_SERVER_LIST NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ FIELD_3@ &Enter new password: CHANGE_PASS_STRING FIELD_16@ &Retype new password: RETYPE_PASS_STRING OK_BUTTON PasswordCheckFunction! PASS_CANCEL_BUTTON PasswordQuit! Cancel PASS_HELP_BUTTON &Help FIND_WINDOW@ FIND_PROMPT@ &Search: FIND_STRING SearchString FIND_LIST NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ SortNames OK_BTNA CANCEL_BTNA Cancel HELP_BTNA &Help SEARCHING_PROMPT@ Searching... HELP_CONTEXTS RESULTS_WINDOW CONFIRM_WINDOW NW_VERSION NWLG_UI_MESSAGES PASSWORD_WINDOW FIND_WINDOW ADVANCED_WINDOW MAIN_WINDOW@ CREDITS_WIN const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ADVANCED_HELP = 0x0003; // Help for the advanced window of NetWare Login` const UI_HELP_CONTEXT PASSWORD_HELP = 0x0004; // Password help for NetWare Login^ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT SIMPLE_HELP = 0x0005; // Simple help for NetWare Login const ZIL_NUMBERID CLOSE_BTN = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RESULTS_LIST = 0x0008; const ZIL_NUMBERID YES_BUTTON = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID NO_BUTTON = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONFIRM_TEXT = 0x000B; const ZIL_NUMBERID DONT_TRANSLATE_THIS = 0x0001; const ZIL_NUMBERID APP_TITLE = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SHUTDOWN_BUTTON = 0x0003; nst ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BTN = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CANCEL_BNT = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_BTN = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_PROMPT = 0x000F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_11 = 0x000E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_BTN = 0x0015;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_BTN = 0x0018; const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_12 = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID NAME_STRING = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_13 = 0x0011;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASSWORD_STRING = 0x0002;= coDERY_CB = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONTEXT_COMBO = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONTEXT_LIST = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CLEAR_CONNECTIONS_CB = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID GREY_TREE = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID GREY_SERVER = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_TAB = 0x0006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_PROMPT = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_COMBO = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_LIST = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PROFILE_PROMPT = 0x1007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PROFILE_COMBO = 0x1005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PROFILE_LIST = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RUN_SCRIPTS_CB = 0x100A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID AUTO_CLOSE_CB = 0x1009;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLES_TAB = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4097 = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4098 = 0x1002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4099 = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4100 = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_2 = 0x1005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_3 = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_4 = 0x1007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_5 = 0x1008;= const ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BTN = 0x000A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CANCEL_BTN = 0x000B;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_BTN = 0x000C; const ZIL_NUMBERID NOTEBOOK_WINDOW = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID MAIN_NOTEBOOK = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4097 = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4098 = 0x1002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4099 = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID LOGIN_TAB = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ADVANCED_NAME = 0x0011;= const ZIL_NUMBERID NAME_STRING = 0x000D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ADVANCED_PASSWORD = 0x0012;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASSWORD_STRING = 0x000E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_15 = 0x000F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_PROMPT = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_BTN = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_BTN = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONNECTION_TAB = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_RB = 0x0013;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_COMBO = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_LIST = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_TREE_BTN = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_RB = 0x0014;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_COMBO = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_LIST = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_SERVER_BTN = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BIN= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_1 = 0x000E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASS_SERVER_LIST = 0x000D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_3 = 0x000F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CHANGE_PASS_STRING = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_16 = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RETYPE_PASS_STRING = 0x0006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BUTTON = 0x0007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASS_CANCEL_BUTTON = 0x0008;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASS_HELP_BUTTON = 0x0009; const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_PROMPT = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_STRING = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_LIST = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BTN = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CANCEL_BTN = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_BTN = 0x0006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SEARCHING_PROMPT = 0x0007; DERIVED_OBJECTS const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_TRANSPARENT_PROMPT = 3500;; const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_NW_COMBO = 3501;; const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_NW_STRING = 3502;; const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_NW_BITMAP = 3503;; const ZIL_ MAIN_WINDOW% RESULTS_WINDOW) ADVANCED_WINDOW- PASSWORD_WINDOW1 CONFIRM_WINDOW5 FIND_WINDOWA CREDITS_WIN OBJECTID# USER_FUNCTION$ COMPARE_FUNCTION SetOkayButton LoginOK LoginQuit OBJECTID' USER_FUNCTION( COMPARE_FUNCTION LoginQuit OBJECTID+ USER_FUNCTION, COMPARE_FUNCTION SetOkayButton TreeRBFunction TreeComboFunction FindServerTree ServerRBFunction ServerComboFunction FindServerTree BinderyCBFunction VariableCheck VariableCheck VariableCheck VariableCheck LoginOK LoginQuit MainHelpFunction OBJECTID/ USER_FUNCTION0 COMPARE_FUNCTION PasswordCheckFunction PasswordQuit OBJECTID3 USER_FUNCTION4 COMPARE_FUNCTION YesFunction NoFunction OBJECTID7 USER_FUNCTION8 COMPARE_FUNCTION SearchString SortNames NW_VERSION< NWLG_UI_MESSAGES= NWLG_MESSAGES DONT_TRANSLATE_THIS VeRsIoN=1.5 APP_TITLE Novell NetWare Login PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH Passwords do not match SHUTDOWN_BUTTON &Shutdown luded.\n E150_AUTHENTICATINGD 150: You could not be authenticated to server %s.\nError code: %x.\n ALREADY_LOGGED_IN6 \nYou are already logged in to server %s as user %s.\n ALREADY_LOGGED_NETWORK8 \nYou are already logged in to the network as user E260_CONNECTION_TABLE_FULLA 260: The maximum number of server attachments has been reached.\n E250_CANT_SET_DRIVEE 250: This utility was unable to set the default drive to drive %c:.\n E922_INTRUDER_DETECTION_LOCK< 922: Intruder detection lockout has disabled this account.\n E665_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXIT_COMMANDO 665: The EXIT command followed by a string is not supported on this\nmachine.\n HELP_DS General Help\\h Purpose: To gain access to the network.\n Syntax: LOGIN [/VER] [[Server | Tree]/][Username] [/options] [%n variables]\\hTo: Use:\n Login without running login scripts /NS\n Clear the screen before executing /CLS\n the login script.\n Specify a script file /S filename\n Login to a NetWare 4 server in bindery mode /B\n Login to a specific Tree name /TREE\n Swap login to extended/expanded memory, current /SWAP [path]\n directory or specified drive:directory when\n running external script commands.\n Do not display login banner /NB\n Display version information /VER\\h For example, to: Type:\n Login as user PAT LOGIN PAT\n Login to server FS1 as user GUEST LOGIN FS1/GUEST CHANGE_PASSWORD$ Do you want to change your password? ATTACHED You are attached to server %s.\n E295_CREATING_CONTEXT/ 295: This utility could not create a context.\n PROMPT_USER Enter your login name: E810_TOO_MANY_CHARS_IN_EXITd 810: An invalid string occurred in an EXIT command.\nThe string contained more than %d characters.\n MAPPINGS_TO_LOCAL_DISK Drives %s map to a local disk.\n PROMPT_PASSWORD Enter your password: E880_UNKNOWN_COMMANDP 880: An unknown, but correctly parsed,\ncommand was found in the login script.\n E180_BAD_FLOW_COMMAND= 180: The login script contains a misplaced control command.\n E560_NO_LABEL0 560: This utility could not find the label %s.\n E630_NO_SHELL' 630: The NetWare shell is not loaded.\n E973_UNI_NO_SUCH_FILE %s-%s-973: The Unicode table files cannot be found in the NLS directory\nor in the search path. Code Page: %03d Country: %03d\n E380_LINE_TOO_LONG 380: The line is too long.\n ANSWER_YES ANSWER_NO COPYRIGHT_MSGE CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1988-1996, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. E100_ACCESS_DENIED 100: Access has been denied.\n E850_UNAUTHORIZED_STATION~ 850: You are trying to log in from an unauthorized station.\nThe supervisor has restricted the stations you may log in from.\n E860_UNAUTHORIZED_TIME~ 860: You are trying to log in during an unauthorized time period.\nThe supervisor has limited the times that you may log in.\n E830_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS 830: You are trying to log in to too many stations simultaneously.\nThe supervisor has limited the number of user connections you may have.\n E580_NO_MORE_GRACEE 580: Your password has expired and all grace logins have been used.\n W_LOGGED_IN_ON_GRACE8 You have %d grace logins left to change your password.\n E140_ACCOUNT_DISABLEDC 140: This account has expired or been disabled by the supervisor.\n E520_NO_CREDIT_LEFT+ 520: Your credit limit has been exceeded.\n E410_LOGIN_DISABLEDF 410: The supervisor has disabled the login function for this server.\n E500_NO_ACCOUNT_BALANCE* 500: You do not have an account balance.\n E550_NO_FREE_SERVER_CONNECTIONSt 550: The maximum number of connections allowed on this server has\nbeen reached. Wait until another user logs out.\n E890_UNKNOWN_SERVER' 890: The specified server is unknown.\n! E610_NO_RESPONSE( 610: The file server does not respond.\n" E921_BINDERY_LOCKEDT 921: Either the supervisor has locked the bindery\n or volume SYS: is not mounted.\n# E920_CANT_GET_MEMORY> 920: This utility was unable to allocate %d bytes of memory.\n$ E870_UNKNOWN_ATTACH_ERRORW 870: An unknown error was returned during LOGIN's attempt to attach.\nError code: %x.\n% NEW_PASSWORD_1 Enter your new password: & NEW_PASSWORD_2 Retype your new password: ' E530_NO_END_QUOTE& 530: The line contains no end quote.\n( W2050_NOT_TYPED_SAME1 2050: The new password was retyped incorrectly.\n) PASSWORD_CHANGED! Your password has been changed.\n* W2080_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT& 2080: The new password is too short.\n+ W2070_PASSWORD_NOT_UNIQUE2 2070: The new password has been used previously.\n, E_INVALID_LINE \nThe original line was:\n%s\n\n- E710_PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED5 710: The password could not be changed. Error %04x.\n. STILL_CHANGE_PASSWORD* Do you still want to change your password?/ E290_COULD_NOT_LOGOUTM 290: This utility was unable to log you out,\n so you cannot be reattached.\n0 E280_COULDNT_GET_CONNECT_STATUS9 280: This utility could not get your connection status.\n1 E240_CANT_OPEN_SCRIPT6 240: This utility was unable to open script file %s.\n2 E_UNKNOWN_NAME * Unknown *3 E800_TOO_MANY_ARGSF 800: The number of script parameters exceeds the E919_CANT_GET_CONNECTION_LISTD 919: This utility could not create a connection list. Error %0.4x.\n SYNC_THESE_SERVERS8 \nDo you want to synchronize passwords on these servers? E220_CANT_INCLUDE_SCRIPT) 220: Script file %s cannot be incprogram limit (%d).\n4 FULL_MAPPED_PATH Drive %c: = %s\\%s \\%s\n5 E310_DATE_TIME6 310: The workstation date and time could not be set.\n6 E918_CANT_GET_CONNECTION_INFOP 918: This utility was unable to get connection information.\n Error code: %x.\ TIME_AM TIME_PM AFTERNOON afternoon: EVENING evening; MORNING morning< DAY_THURS Thursday= DAY_SAT Saturday> DAY_WED Wednesday? MON_APRIL April@ DAY_TUES TuesdayA DAY_MON MondayB DAY_SUN SundayC MON_JULY JulyD MON_JANUARY JanuaryE MON_MAY MON_AUGUST AugustG MON_NOVEMBER NovemberH MON_MARCH MarchI MON_JUNE JuneJ MON_DECEMBER DecemberK USER_AND_CONTEXT User: %s Context: %s\nL MON_SEPTEMBER SeptemberM MON_OCTOBER OctoberN MON_FEBRUARY FebruaryO E340_IFS_NESTED_TOO_DEEPK 340: IF statements are nested too deeply.\n The nesting limit is %u levels.P E320_DIVIDE_BY_ZEROC 320: An operator in the login script attempted to divide by zero.\nQ PAUSE Strike any key when ready . . .R DISK_LOCAL! Drive %c: maps to a local disk.\nS DISK_UNDEFINED Drive %c: is not defined.\nT DISPLAY_LAST_LOGIN_TIME Last login occurred at: %s.\nU SCRIPT_ERROR \nScript error: V E600_NO_PARSE/ 600: This utility could not interpret the line.W E700_PARSE_PATH% 700: The specified path is invalid.\nX E370_INVALID_SEARCH_DRIVE1 370: The specified search drive does not exist.\nY E975_UNI_TOO_MANY_FILES 975: The unicode table files can't be opened because there are\nalready too many open files.\nClose some files or modify your\nCONFIG.SYS file.\nZ E720_PUTENVI 720: This utility could not add %s\nto the local environment variables.\n[ SERVER Server %s:\n\ E780_SPAWN_UNKNOWNP 780: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nError %04x occurred.\n] E770_SPAWN_TOO_BIG~ 770: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nEither the environment is too big or the command line is too long.\n^ E760_SPAWN_NOT_FOUNDV 760: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nThe program was not found.\n_ E740_SPAWN_NO_EXEC: 740: This utility could not execute external program %s.\n` E750_SPAWN_NO_MEMj 750: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nYou do not have enough memory space available.\na E480_MUST_BE_DOS31I 480: The %s command is not supported in DOS versions prior\nto DOS 3.1.\nb E430_MAPh 430: The following drive mapping operation could not be completed.\n [%s]\nThe error code was %04x.\nc E790_STRING_TABLE' 790: The parser string table is full.\nd PROMPT_ATTACH_SERVER Enter the server name: e PROMPT_ATTACH_USER% Enter your login name for server %s: f PROMPT_ATTACH_PASSWORD- Enter the password for user %s on server %s: g E470_MAP_PATH= 470: The specified drive mapping is an invalid path:\n (%s)\nh E905_INVALID_COUNTRYE 905: This utility was unable to initialize the country information.\ni E972_UNI_NO_PERMISSION0 972: Access to unicode table files was denied.\nj E440_MAP_BAD_DRIVE7 440: The operation was attempted on an invalid drive.\nk E923_UNEXPECTED_ERROR5 923: An unexpected error has occurred: %u (%04.4x).\nl E970_UNI_LOAD_FAILED: 970: The attempt to open the unicode table files failed.\nm E287_COULD_NOT_FIND_PREFERRED8 287: This utility could not find the preferred server.\nn LOGGED_OUT You have been logged out.o E130_ACCESS_DENIED_LOGGED_OUT; 130: Access has been denied and you have been logged out.\np DISP_FILE_NOT_FOUND$ Could not open file %s to display.\nq E450_MAP_NO_ROOM_IN_VECTOR[ 450: This utility was unable to map:\n [%s]\nThe limit of 16 search drives was exceeded.\nr DAY_FRI Fridays E974_UNI_RULES_CORRUPT- 974: The unicode table files are corrupted.\nt E285_COULDNT_FIND_NET_DRIVE* 285: A network drive could not be found.\nu DIRECTORY_SERVICES' \nDirectory Services tree: %s\nUser: %sv PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED_DS5 The password for %s was not changed on the network.\nw E283_COULDNT_GET_PREFERRED_DS` 283: This utility could not get the preferred\n Directory Services name or connection ID.\nx PASSWORD_CHANGED_DS' The password for %s has been changed.\ny FULL_DS_MAPPED_PATH Drive %c: = %s \\%s\nz FULL_DS_SEARCH_PATH S%d: = %.*Fs [%s \\%s]\n{ SINGLE_MAP_TO_LOCAL_DISK Drive %s maps to a local disk.\n| VERSION_MSG VeRsIoN=4.2} E730_SET_CONTEXT_VALIDATEQ 730: The context [%s] is invalid.\nYour current context will be left unchanged.\n~ E215_CANONICALIZEa 215: An internal system error occurred during LOGIN's attempt to\ncanonicalize the context: (%s). E725_READ_OBJECTINFO} 725: The context you want to change to does not exist.\nyou tried to change to:\n[%s]\nYour context will be left unchanged.\n SEARCH_DRIVE_MESSAGE% ----- Search Drives -----\n CONTEXT_CHANGED& Your context has been changed to: %s\n E460_MAP_NO_SERVERc 460: The server that you attempted to map a drive to\nis not accessible.\nThe map command was %s.\n ATTEMPTING_AUTHENTICATION Authenticating to server %s.\n CURRENT_CONTEXT Your current context is %s\n INVALID_CONTEXT The context %s is invalid.\n W2040_NO_GRACE_LEFT^ 2040: This is your last chance to change your password.\nYou have no grace logins remaining.\n W2030_PASSWORD_EXPIRED: 2030: The password for user %s on server %s has expired.\n CURRENT_TREE Your current tree is: %s\n E_TREE_NOT_FOUND> 115: The selected tree (%s) cannot be found. Error code: %x.\n E210_CANNOT_LOGOUTM 210: This server is being used to read login scripts.\n You cannot log out.\n E_TREE_ATTACH_DIFFZ 110: You are already in a tree and cannot attach to another tree.\nCurrent tree name: %s\n E_TREE_ATTACH_SAMEL 105: You are trying to attach to your current tree.\nCurrent tree name: %s\n NDS_TO_BINDERY_ATTACHMENT^ The server %s is not in the current\ndirectory tree and will have a bindery attachment made.\n E895_USER_NOT_IN_CONTEXT8 895: The user does not exist in the specified context.\n W_LOGIN_TO_SERVER_CONTEXTp The user specified does not exist in this context.\nLogin will try to find the user in the server context.\n%s\n E971_UNI_NO_MEMORYT 971: The workstation does not have enough memory to load the unicode\ntable files.\n W_CHANGE_TO_SERVER_CONTEXT3 The default name context has been changed to:\n%s\n SWAP_FILE_ERR Login could not create a temporary swap file in the current swap directory:\n%s\n\nYou may enter a path to create the swap file or press Esc\nto not execute this external program.\n\n SWAP_FILE_PATH: Enter a path for the swap file in the form:\n\rC:\\dir\\ : AUTHEN_ERROR_TRYING_BINDERY[ Login was unable to authenticate and will now try connecting as bindery.\nError code: %x.\n NOT_SUPPORTED_E_MAIL2 Novell's E-Mail is not supported on this platform. ATTACH_BINDERY_MODEL Login is unable to make a DS attachment and will try a bindery attachment.\n W2032_PASSWORD_EXPIRED_DS- 2032: The password for user %s has expired.\n E920_LOW_MEMORY0 920: This utility does not have enough memory.\n E241_CANT_OPEN_PROFILE_SCRIPT9 241: This utility was unable to open profile script %s.\n PASSWORD_USER_SAMEh The use of a user name as a password is a potential security problem.\nPlease select another password.\n E680_NOT_SUPPORTED_SEARCH_DRIVE4 680: This platform does not support search drives.\n E925_CONNECTION_IS_PNWg 925: This function is not supported on Personal NetWare servers.\nUse the Personal NetWare utilities.\n ALIAS_LOGIN_NAME Alias login as: %s\n E640_NOT_A_NNS_UTILITY 640: Server %s is part of domain %s.\nThis version of LOGIN is not a NetWare Name Service utility and cannot \nsynchronize passwords in a domain.\nUse the NetWare Name Service utility SETPASS to change your password.\n CHANGE_ANYWAY] \nDo you want to change your password even though\nit will not be synchronized in the domain? E650_NOT_SUPPORTED_COMSPEC> 650: The COMSPEC variable is not supported on this platform.\n E660_NOT_SUPPORTED_DOS_BREAK? 660: The DOS BREAK command is not supported on this platform.\n E670_NOT_SUPPORTED_MACHINE_NAMEC 670: The variable MACHINE NAME is not supported on this platform.\n LANGUAGE LaNgUaGe=English (English) E200_CANNOT_CHANGE_LOCAL_DRIVES2 200: The MAP command cannot change local drives.\n PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED% Your password has not been changed.\n E903_INVALID_SYNTAXD 903: The command line syntax is invalid.\nFor help, type LOGIN /?.\n WELCOME_MSG Novell NetWare W_LOGGED_IN_ON_GRACE_17 You have %d grace login left to change your password.\n SEARCH_DRIVE_NUMBER Search drive %d.\n E_EXTERNAL_COMMAND* Error returned from '#%s %s' command: %X\n STILL_CHANGE- Do you still want to change the search drive? E_INCLUDE_FILE_NOT_FOUND! Could not open include file %s.\n E400_LOCAL_TARGETX 400: A network drive cannot be mapped to a drive\nthat is designated as a local drive.\n E915_NO_VOL3 915: The specified volume does not exist:\n [%s]\n E924_ALL_DRIVES_IN_USE 924: All drives are in use.\n E690_OUT_OF_ENV_SPACEj 690: Insufficient memory is available to add the variable to the\npath environment in mapping:\n [%s]\n DISPLAY_NON_NETWORK_PATH S%d: = %.*Fs\n DIRECTORY_UNMAPPEDF The directory for drive %c: was deleted and the mapping was removed.\n FULL_SEARCH_PATH S%d: = %.*Fs [%s\\%s \\%s]\n STILL_ATTACH" Do you still want to log in as %s? TRANSPARENT_PROMPT NW_COMBO NW_STRING NW_BITMAP NW_TEXT USER_OBJECTID ID_NW_TEXT = 3504; CREDITS_WIN Creators NUMID_GEOMETRY OKAY_BTNA FIELD_1P Matt Carmack, Help Lynn ChristeLD_5 NOVELL const ZIL_NUMBERID OKAY_BTN = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_1 = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_5 = 0x0005; OBJECTIDC USER_FUNCTIOND COMPARE_FUNCTION nsen, Artist Lori Dayton, Engineer Carla Heesch, Mgr. Shawn Holmstead, Tester Art Nevarez, Engineer Tim Schmanski, Project Mgr. Steve Tolman, Tester John Ransom VanOrman ][, Engineer Kenn White, Engineer Dieter Zirkler, User Interface %s.\n E840_UNABLE_TO_SET_CONTEXT7 840: This utility is unable to set the context to %s.\n END_OF_MSG_FILE