Misc. Plugins icie220.exe 12/23/96 The ichat Plug-in for Internet Explorer is a | software plugin for user's of the IE browser | that allows you to connect to IRC and ichat | chat servers around the world - all from | within the IE environment! For more info, | check out the IChat Plus Home Page. icnp220.exe 12/23/96 The ichat Plug-in for Netscape is a software | plugin for user's of the Netscape Navigator | browser that allows you to connect to IRC and | ichat chat servers around the world - all | from within the Netscape environment! For | more info, check out the IChat Plus Home | Page. actpaynp.exe 11/23/96 Use the Microsoft Payment and Address | Selector to securely store your payment | (credit card) and address information. Make | shopping on the Internet safe, easy, and | convenient by posting credit card and address | information from your Payment and Address | Selector to your favorite secure Web sites. | For more info, check the Microsoft Payment | and Address Selector Home Page. xaraplg.exe 11/17/96 Plugin for Both Netscape and Internet | Explorer. Allows you to view Xara images | embeded on web pages. Images are High Res | Vector Graphics. Yet are smaller than gifs | and jpegs. Includes Plugin for other Corel | Images. For more info, check the Corel Xara | Plug-In Home Page. cqplug32.exe 10/23/96 The Calendar Quick Plugin allows embedded | viewing of calendars, schedules, and | timelines created with the popular shareware | scheduler - Calendar Quick. Designed for the | latest browser platforms, the plugin supports | Navigator and Internet Explorer. A unique | interface makes browsing a calendar exactly | like browsing Web pages. You can also create | a link from any event to any file on the | World Wide Web. Download this FREE plugin to | see just how easy it is to publish calendars | and schedules on the Internet. For more info, | check the Calendar Quick Plugin Home Page. tclplugin1.0.exe 10/11/96 Tcl is a mature, robust and safe scripting | language, and Tk provides a powerful UI and | structured graphics toolkit for Tcl. With Tcl | and Tk you can create graphical applications | with a fraction of the effort required using | other systems. For more info, check the Tcl | Plugin Home Page. jcactive.exe 10/5/96 JC_ActiveDoc(TM) Plug-in for Netscape will | enable Netscape to be DocObject container so | that you can view Word, Excel or PowerPoint | documents directly from inside Netscape. It's | ideal for Intranet information exchange. It's | also convenient to download and view the | Office document from Internet. For more | information, check out the JC_ActiveDoc Home | Page. NPMFD32.zip 8/24/96 Allows you to click on multiple check-boxes | and save the checked file names. Later, you | can do a batch file download of everything | that you had checked. For installation | instructions, check out the Multi-File Batch | Download Plugin Home Page. directx.exe 8/13/96 Provides better support for ActiveX content | in games and multimedia applications. oif32.exe 11/24/96 Allows you to view things created with | OmniForm InternetPublisher. OmniForm | Internet Publisher offers three web-savvy | output formats for your forms: HTML, PDF, and | OFML. HTML forms can be viewed and filled by | virtually any web browser. For more info, | check the OmniForm InternetPublisher Home | Page. medal32s.exe 7/20/96 MedalWatcher provides the first real-time | delivery of 1996 Summer Games results over | the Internet. MedalWatcher delivers extremely | fast performance, "pushing" results | to individual users immediately after events | they choose to follow. For more info, check | the MedalWatcher Home Page. etol.zip 7/1/96 The Theorist plugin allows you to view | Theorist (MathPlus) interactive mathematical | notebooks over the web. You can rotate 3d | graphs, scroll 2d graphs, change equations | and watch graphs redraw, make interactive | calculators, etc. For more info, check the | Tcl Plugin Home Page. nwa10e30.exe 6/30/96 Internet with an Accent adds language | capabilities to common Internet applications | - browsing, creating web pages, sending | e-mail - under any language version of | Windows. For more info, check the Navigate | with an Accent Home Page. chi99w32.exe 12/4/96 Free for academic and personal use, a | Netscape Plug-in viewer allows scientists to | view chemical information directly on a | Netscape Web page. For more info, check out | the MDL Information Systems, Inc. Home Page. look@.exe 4/11/96 The Look@Me plug-in gives you the ability to | view another Look@Me user's screen anywhere | in the world in real time. From within | Navigator, you can view a remote computer | screen and watch the activity taking | place. For more info and registration, check | out the Look@Me Home Page. whip1.zip 4/11/96 The WHIP! Plug-In allows design professionals | to view, send and share design content over | the Internet. For more info, check out the | Whip Home Page. jfplug32.exe 3/23/96 Using a form designed with JetForm Design, | JetForm Filler allows users to fill in the | form in Windows, Macintosh, OS/2 and DOS. The | completed form can then be printed or routed | throughout an organization using your | existing e-mail system. For more info, check | out the JetForm Web Filler Home Page.