Finger, WHOIS, and Archie Clients trayfinger.exe 12/6/96 TrayFinger offers instant access to your | favorite finger users from the Windows 95/NT | DeskTray. If you use Windows 95 or NT, then | this is the finger utility for you! For more | info, check out the TrayFinger Home Page. thumb.exe 12/5/96 A very simple finger utility. Type in the | Host and User ID and it'll retrieve | information from the host. For more info, | check out the Thumb Home Page. 12/2/96 This utility performs ns-lookups (both IP | address to hostname and hostname to IP | address), and will also process a file | containing IP addresses, finding hostnames | corresponding to each IP address in the | file. Also, it can be used to scan for | hostnames in a given subnet. For more info, | check out the NS-BATCH Home Page. dsearch.exe 9/26/96 DomainSearcher makes it easy for you to | search for domain names from Internic---the | domain registration company! It's the easiest | way to search for and investigate possible | domain names before registering your own | domain name. For more info, check out the | DomainSearcher Home Page. 7/10/96 A VERY cool 32-bit Archie client. It looks | (and acts) just like the Windows 95 Find | feature - only with files over the Internet! | Includes a built-in FTP client to grab the | files when you find them. For more info, | check out the fpArchie Home Page. 7/9/96 A 32-bit Winsock Archie client. Perfect for | searching for a specific app in LOTS of FTP | sites. For more info, check out the WS_Archie | Home Page. 6/10/96 A good finger/whois app with address | book. Can finger a host to see if a person is | online. 6/6/96 These are three handy Internet utilities that | provide "Unix-style" | "whois", "host", and | "finger" functionality under | Windows 95 or Windows NT command windows. For | more info, check the Console Internet | Utilities Home Page. 5/24/96 QuickFinger 2.0 - Ok, this is QuickFinger | re-visited with a slicker, win95 explorer | look! This, amoung other improments, makes | QuickFinger a very servicible finger | client. For more info, check out the | QuickFinger Home Page. FingerAlpha 1.0a 5/5/96 23 K 32 bit Console version of Finger for NT and Windows 95. Works just like Microsoft supplied TCP/IP console apps (ping,tracert,ftp). For more info, check the FingerAlpha Home Page. Freeware 4/30/96 AFinger32 is a 32-bit finger client. With | this program you can request information of | specified user or list currently | logged-in-users in specified host.  finger.exe 3/6/96 32 bit Console version of Finger for NT and | Windows 95. Works just like microsoft | supplied TCP/IP console apps | (ping,tracert,ftp). For more info, check the | Finger Home Page. 9/1/95 A command line archie client for Windows 95. 9/25/95 Windowed version of the UNIX whois | command. Find out who owns which domains!