Form1 Scroll Bar Demo Form1% TextBox TimeScl TimerBtn Count Down QuitBtn TimerLbl Timer Setting MinLbl N sec MaxLbl M sec Form_Click @ Form_LoadY DateFormatOpt Value TimeFormat TimeFormatOpt* NowBtn_Click TextBox QuitBtn_ClickV CountryCmb_Change% CountryCmbI ComboItemm VScroll1_Change TimeScl_Changed ScrollBarValueBox TimeSclc ScrollValueBox Label1_Click TimerBtn_Click Count Total TextLine TimerBtn Caption ScrollValueBox_Change MaxLbl_Click~ TextBox_Change@ TextBox_LostFocus QuitBtn Enabled False MIN_VALUE MAX_VALUE MinLbl MaxLbl SmallChange LargeChange properties Form_Load set the Min, Max, Value, SmallChange, and the LargeChange properties of the scroll bar set the Text property of TextBoxr Assign captions to the scroll bar labels to match the program's settingsl QuitBtn_Click TimerBtn_Click TextBox.Text = Str$(TimeScl.Value) update the scroll box location TimeScl_Change