Form1 Pseudo-Screen (Ver. 2) Form1% ScreenPct CursorXBox TextBox CursorYBox ClearBtn Clear Screen MoveBtn Move Cursor LocateBtn Locate Cursor PrintBtn Print NewLineBtn NewLine QuitBtn ColumnLbl Column TextLbl RowLbl MAX_ROWS MAX_COLS ScrLine CursX CursY ScreenBuffers BufX1 BufY~ ClearScreen ScreenBox GotoXY WhereX WhereYE ScrollUp NumLines UpdateScreenText NewLine PPrint UpdateScreenNow0 LenStrq LenLine LenDiff SaveScreen BufferY LoadScreen QuitBtn_Click ClearBtn_Clickw LocateBtn_Click MoveBtn_Click CursorXBox CursorYBox% PrintBtn_Click TextBoxV ScrollUpBtn_Click NewLineBtn_ClickI @ Form_Load SaveBtn_Click LoadBtn_Click ScreenBox_Change TextBox_Change TextPct TextPct_Click ScreenPct Current CurrentYY CurrentY CurrentX CurrenX ScaleX ScaleY4 AutoRedrawe UpdateBtn LocateBtn WindowState AutoDraw} FontName FontSizev constants the define the size of the emulated screen ClearBtn_Click ClearScreen Form_Load Courier set initial test string 1234567890 GotoXY move the hidden cursor to (X,Y) LocateBtn_Click The Picture-based Screen MoveBtn_Click NewLine NewLineBtn_Click PrintBtn_Click QuitBtn_Click WhereX return the value of CurrentX) WhereY return the value of CurrentYn