Form1 File Printer (Ver. 1) Form1% TextBox QuitBtn PrintBtn Print FilenameLbl Filename Form_Click Form_LoadY DateFormatOpt Value> TimeFormat TimeFormatOpt* NowBtn_Click TextBox QuitBtn_ClickV CountryCmb_Change% CountryCmbI ComboItemm VScroll1_Change TimeScl_Changed ScrollBarValueBox TimeSclc ScrollValueBox Label1_Click TimerBtn_Click Count Total TextLine TimerBtn Caption ScrollValueBox_Change MaxLbl_Click~ TextBox_Change@ TextBox_LostFocus QuitBtn Enabled False MIN_VALUE MAX_VALUE MinLble MaxLbl SmallChange LargeChange properties PrintBtn_Click Filename CurrentLineNumber$ MAX_LINES/ PrintHeadingq Printer BadFile ExitSub PrintHadingW PageNumber PageNum} PageNumStr PrintTab TAB_SIZE PageNumberStr TextBox_KeyPress KeyAscii FilenameLbl_Click Form16 PrintBtn_Click exit sub if text box is empty find the first internal space truncate from the first space location and beyond get the filename from the text box set error-handling trap open file for input disable error-handling trap print the heading of the first page read lines from the text file update line counter line counter exceed page size? new pageg print heading print the current line eject the last page release print devicee close the file buffer * Error-Hanlding Statements Cannot open file File I/O Error PrintHeading Page hh:mm MM-DD-YYYY QuitBtn_Click TextBox_KeyPress