frmNotePad Untitled Form1. Text1 mnuFile &File mnuFNew mnuFOpen &Open... mnuFClose &Close mnuFSave &Save mnuFSaveAs Save &As... mnuSep1 PrintCom &Print mnuSep2 mnuFExit E&xit mnuEdit &Edit mnuECut mnuECopy &Copy mnuEPaste &Paste mnuEDelete De&lete mnuESep1 mnuESelectAll Select &All mnuETime Time/&Date mnuSearch &Search mnuSFind &Find mnuSFindNext Find &Next mnuOptions &Options mnuOToolbar &Toolbar mnuFont &Font mnuFontName FontName BlockCom &Block PrintBlockCom &Print LowCaseCom &LowerCase UpCaseCom &UpperCase mnuWindow &Window mnuWCascade &Cascade mnuWTile &Tile mnuWArrange &Arrange Icons @ Form_Load; mnuFontNameR Caption screen Fonts FontCount Form_QueryUnload7 Cancel UnloadMode Filename/ Responseg FState Dirty frmMDI mnuFSaveAs_ClickH FileForm( txtFileName Form_Resize windowstate ScaleHeight Text1 Visible Height Width[ ScaleWidth Form_Unload Deleted AnyPadsLeft imgCutButton imgCopyButton imgPasteButtonS LowCaseCom_Click ActiveForm~ ActiveControle SelTextu mnuECopy_Click EditCopyProc mnuECut_Click EditCutProc mnuEDelete_Click mnuEPaste_Click EditPasteProc mnuESelectAll_Clickl SelStart SelLength% mnuETime_Click TimeStr DateStr8 mnuFClose_ClickJ mnuFExit_Clickf mnuFNew_Click FileNew mnuFontName_Click Index FontName mnuFOpen_Click FOpenProc mnuFSave_Click GetFilename SaveFileAs SaveFileName* mnuOptions_Click mnuOToolbar Checked picToolbarU mnuOToolbar_Click OptionsToolbarProcr mnuSFind_Click? frmFind FindString gFirstTime mnuSFindNext_Click gFindString FindIt mnuWArrange_Click ARRANGE_ICONS mnuWCascade_Click CASCADE mnuWTile_Click TILE_HORIZONTALJ PrintBlockCom_Click Printer PrintCom_Click Text1_Change Text1_GotFocus UpCaseCom_Click Form_Load Form_QueryUnload The text in [ ] has changed. Do you want to save the changes? User selects Yes Load the File Save dialog Invoke the Save As procedure If the user has selected the Cancel button on the File Save dialog (not the msgbox), then the txtFileName text box is set to empty and the unload needs to be canceled. User selects No Ok to unload User selects Cancel Cancel the unload Form_Resize Form_Unload Hide toolbar edit buttons if no notepad windowst LowCaseCom_Click mnuECopy_Click mnuECut_Click mnuEDelete_Click Delete selected text. mnuEPaste_Click mnuESelectAll_Click mnuETime_Click mnuFClose_Click mnuFExit_Click Unloading the MDI form invokes the QueryUnload eventc for each child form, then the MDI form - before unloading the MDI form. Setting the Cancel argument to True in any of the QueryUnload events aborts the unload. mnuFNew_Click mnuFontName_Click mnuFOpen_Click mnuFSave_Click Untitled The file hasn't been saved yet, get the filename, then call the save procedurem Save As The caption contains the name of the open filer call the save procedure, if Filename = Empty then the user selected Cancel in the Save As dialog, otherwise save the file mnuFSaveAs_Click Save As mnuOptions_Click mnuOToolbar_Click mnuSFind_Click mnuSFindNext_Click mnuWArrange_Click mnuWCascade_Click mnuWTile_Click PrintBlockCom_Click print the selected text PrintCom_Click Text1_Change Text1_GotFocus UpCaseCom_Click