Form1 Mouse Events (part 1) Form1% MouseCoordBox QuitCom &Quit ClearCom &Clear LastLineCom Last line ScreenCom Screen Form_Click @ Form_LoadY DateFormatOpt Value> TimeFormat TimeFormatOpt* NowBtn_Click TextBox QuitBtn_ClickV CountryCmb_Change% CountryCmbI ComboItemm VScroll1_Change TimeScl_Changed ScrollBarValueBox TimeSclc ScrollValueBox Label1_Click& TimerBtn_Click Count Total TextLine TimerBtnt Caption ScrollValueBox_Change MaxLbl_Click~ TextBox_Change@ TextBox_LostFocus QuitBtn) Enabled FalseA MIN_VALUE MAX_VALUE MinLble MaxLbl SmallChange LargeChange properties PrintBtn_Click Filename: CurrentLineNumber$ MAX_LINES/ PrintHeadingq Printer_ BadFile ExitSub PrintHadingW PageNumber PageNum} PageNumStr PrintTab TAB_SIZE PageNumberStr TextBox_KeyPress KeyAscii WindowState MousePointer BackColor WHITEL ForeColor BLACK IsFirst QuitCom_Click ClearCom_Click ScreenCom_Click LastLineCom_Click MouseIsDown Form_MouseDown Button Shift Form_MouseUp Form_MouseMove MouseDown MouseCoordBox LastX LastY FirstX0 FirstY those ##0.0 number of lines Boolean Form_Load Form_MouseDown store coordinates of start point initialize coordinates of end point with those of the start point Form_MouseMove Form_MouseUp update lines LastLineCom_Click erase the last line decrease the number of linesn redraw the other lines QuitCom_Click ScreenCom_Click