SmallFont Copyright (c) 1990 Thomas G. Hanlin III The SmallFont routines are protected by copyright. However, you may use them in your own programs free of charge. The SmallFont collection may be distributed under the following conditions: 1) All original files are included: CREATE.BAT, EXAMPLE.BAS, EXAMPLE.TXT, MAKELIBS.BAT, SMALLFNT.BAS, SMALLFNT.BI, and SMALLFNT.DOC. 2) No fee of over $10.00 may be charged for distribution. This applies specifically to physical copies and is not meant to prevent distribution by telecommunications. This is an example of the small font designed for CGA hi-res graphics mode (SCREEN 2). It is not able to handle lowercase or graphics characters, but in return for these limitations, gives you a vast amount of screen space. Rather than the 80x25 display provided by the normal font, this small font allows for a display of 106x33. This gives you 75% more space to play around with. The MAKELIBS.BAT file converts SMALLFNT.BAS into SMALLFNT.LIB and SMALLFNT.QLB. You may need to modify the reference to BQLB45 to BQLB41 or BQLB40, depending on which version of QuickBASIC you are using. The routines are designed for use with QuickBASIC 4.x and/or BASCOM 6.x. The CREATE.BAT file compiles EXAMPLE.BAS and links it to the SMALLFNT.LIB library which was created by MAKELIBS.BAT. If you are unfamiliar with libraries, examine EXAMPLE.BAS and CREATE.BAT to see how to use them with your programs. Alternately, you could simply include the code from SMALLFNT.BI and SMALLFNT.BAS directly into your program. I have created these routines as a prototype for the assembly language version, to be included in my shareware library for assembly programming, ASMWIZ. If you are interested in doing assembly language programming, you may wish to download a copy of ASMWIZ from a BBS near you. It contains over 100 routines for doing just about anything you might want, and is expanding rapidly. Source code is available to registered users. Press any key to exit