Form1 Form1 Form1 picture1 picture1 Command1 Label1 QBe patient the first time. Subsequent "Deals" go much faster. I don't know why. picture1 picture1 picture1 deck1 value deal( Form_Click spades1_Click hcard. picture1 picture form2; spades1% hearts12 diamonds1E clubsd spade1O heart1s diamond1 club1E picture1_Click Index: deck2 Tracy Form_DragDrop Source Form_DragOver State Form_GotFocusD Form_KeyDown KeyCodef Shift Form_DblClick clubcard7 diamondcard heartcardq spadecard endcase club2 club3 club4 club5 club6 club7 club8 club9 club10 club11: club12G club13T diamond2a diamond3 diamond4 diamond5 diamond6 diamond7 diamond8 diamond9 diamond10 diamond11n diamond12x diamond13 heart2 heart3 heart4 heart5& heart60 heart7 heart8 heart9 heart10 heart11 heart12 heart13P spade2[ spade3 spade4 spade5 spade6 spade7 spade8 spade9 spade10 spade11 spade12 spade13 numsuit Command1_Click jNext About_Click form3 random number for suit random number for card give each card a unique value checks each card against those already chosen to guard againstt picking the same one twice. Ifs a duplicate number is found, the 'current value of "i" is repeated. In my opinion, a heavyhanded aproach. clubcard Copies card chosen from Form2 to Form1 for display diamondcard Copies card chosen from Form2 to Form1 for display heartcard Copies card chosen from Form2 to Form1 for display spadecard Copies card chosen from Form2 to Form1 for display Command1_Click Calls the shuffling routine, probably should've called it "shuffle". Deal 5 cards into Form1n Calls the corresponding Sub forl the suit of the card