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pclcomp - Compress PCL graphics files.  


pclcomp [ -0123drsvz ] [ -n num ] [ inputfile [ outputfile ]]


Pclcomp compresses (or decompresses) HP-PCL (Printer Control Language) graphics data. The supported compression modes are 0 (uncompressed), 1, 2 and 3. Pclcomp will read files using any of the modes 0 through 3, and will output using the modes which will give the best compression. This compressed version of the file may be sent directly to a PCL compatible printer, thus reducing I/O bandwidth. Pictures may also be saved in compressed form, reducing disk usage. In addition, PCL "imaging" files for the PaintJet XL are also supported.

The options to pclcomp control the compression modes. By default, pclcomp will use all modes it knows about, but the user may restrict which output modes it uses by specifying them on the command line with the -0, -1, -2 and -3 options. To decompress a file, simply specify -0 as the only mode to use for output. Mode 0 ( -0 ) should always be allowed since modes 1, 2 and 3 cannot be guaranteed to be better than mode 0 for all types of pictures.

The -z option disables the zero "strip" feature. Since most printers do zero "filling", pclcomp, by default, "strips" the trailing zeros of each row (or plane) of data. Some printers or programs may require that zero "stripping" be disabled.

By default, pclcomp expects the input raster width to be 2400 pixels (8" at 300 dpi), and if it is different (e.g. PaintJet), then the raster width should be specified by the Source Raster Width escape sequence <esc*r#S>. However, many applications do not set the width and assume a default, therefore, the user may use the -n option to pclcomp to specify a new default raster width. For PaintJet (8" at 180 dpi), the number should be 1440. If the PCL file contains the Source Raster Width escape sequence, it will override this default. If pclcomp thinks that more data is coming in than the specified width, it will generate a warning, and continue processing (and perhaps truncating) data.

The -r option causes pclcomp to append a reset sequence (<esc>E) to the end of the job.

Use the -d option to pclcomp if the output is to be sent to a DeskJet printer.

Some applications erroneously send <esc>*rB and <esc>*rA sequences between every row of graphics data. The -s option to pclcomp will "strip" all <esc>*rB sequences, and all <esc>*rA sequences after the first occurrence of this sequence. In addition, text and control characters residing between <esc>*rA and <esc>*rB sequences will be discarded. While this will work well for many jobs, it may have problems on multi-page or complex jobs.

The -v option simply gives statistics to stderr about which compression modes were used.  


To compress a PCL file for LaserJet III, use:
        pclcomp infile outfile

To compress a PCL file for the PaintJet (A size page at 180 dpi), use:
        pclcomp -01 -n 1440 infile outfile

To compress a PCL file for DeskJet, use:
        pclcomp -d012 infile outfile

To fully decompress a PCL file, use:
        pclcomp -0z < infile > outfile


The -z option can cause the output to be larger than the input.

The -s option is useful, but it can cause erroneous output.  


Tony Parkhurst, Hewlett-Packard, San Diego Division (tony@sdd.hp.com)




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