Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 9 August 1990
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afm2tfm - convert Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics  


afm2tfm foo1[.afm] [ -e ratio ] [ -s slant ] [ -t foo2[.tfm] ] [ -v bar[.vpl] | -V bar[.vpl] ] [ foo3[.tfm] ]


PostScript fonts are (or should be) accompanied by font metric files such as Times-Roman.afm, which describes the characteristics of the font called Times-Roman. To use such fonts with TeX, we need TFM files that contain similar information. The command

afm2tfm Times-Roman.afm Times-Roman.tfm

(which can be reduced to simply

afm2tfm Times-Roman

by taking default shortcuts) will create the necessary file Times-Roman.tfm, which can then be moved to the directory where TeX normally looks for font metric information. The PostScript conversion program dvips will also treat Times-Roman as a resident PostScript font if you include the line


in the file

The file names used in this manual page are not consistent with the new font naming scheme implemented by Karl Berry; please refer to the main dvips.tex documentation for the correct names to use.

PostScript fonts have a different encoding scheme from that of plain TeX. Although both schemes are based on ASCII, special characters such as ligatures and accents are handled quite differently. Therefore we obtain best results by using a "virtual font" interface, which makes TeX act as if the PostScript font had a standard TeX encoding. Such a virtual font can be obtained, for example, by the command

afm2tfm Times-Roman -v times

or, more fully, by:

afm2tfm Times-Roman.afm -v times.vpl Times-Roman.tfm

This produces two outputs, namely the "virtual property list" file times.vpl and the TeX font metric file Times-Roman.tfm. The latter file describes an "actual font" on which the virtual font is based.

If you wish to specify a different TFM file name than the default, you can use the -t option; this will override any default TFM file name that would be calculated from the input file name.

To use the font in TeX, you should first run

vptovf times.vpl times.vf times.tfm

then install the file times.vf in the directory for virtual fonts and install times.tfm in the directory for TeX font metrics. (You can also make more complex virtual fonts by editing times.vpl first.) Once this has been done, you're all set. You can use code like this in TeX henceforth:

        \font\myfont=times at 10pt
        Hello, I am being typeset in Times-Roman.

Note that there are two fonts, one actual (`Times-Roman', which is analogous to a raw piece of hardware) and one virtual (`times', which has typesetting knowhow added). You could also say `\font\TR=Times-Roman at 10pt' and typeset directly with that, but then you would have no ligatures or kerning, and you would have to use Adobe character positions for special letters like \ae. The virtual font called times not only has ligatures and kerning, and most of the standard accent conventions of TeX, it also has a few additional features not present in the Computer Modern fonts. For example, it includes all the Adobe characters (such as the Polish ogonek and the French guillemots). It also allows you to type 58 accented letters from `Aacute' to `zcaron' as if they were ligatures --- namely as `acute' followed by `A', etc., where you can get `acute' (\char 19) by defining a suitable control sequence. (The 58 constructed characters are found in the AFM file, and constructed as specified by Adobe; you may wish to adjust the spacing and/or add additional accent combinations by editing the VPL file.) The only things you lose from ordinary TeX text fonts are the dotless j (which can be hacked into the VPL file with literal PostScript specials if you have the patience) and uppercase Greek letters (which just don't exist unless you buy them separately).

These fonts can be scaled to any size. Go wild! Note, however, that using PostScript fonts does use up the printer's virtual memory and it does take time. You may find downloading the Computer Modern fonts to be faster than using the built-in PostScript fonts!



Special effects are also obtainable, with commands such as

afm2tfm Times-Roman -s .167 -v timessl Times-Slanted

which create timessl.vpl and Times-Slanted.tfm. To use this, proceed as above but put the line

Times-Slanted "/Times-Roman .167 SlantFont"

into Then Times-Slanted will act as if it were a resident font, although it is actually constructed from Times-Roman by PostScript hackery. (It's an oblique version of Times-Roman, obtained by slanting everything 1/6 to the right.) Similarly, you can get an extended font by

afm2tfm Times-Extended -e 1.2 -v timesx Times-Extended

and by recording the pseudo-resident font

Times-Extended "/Times-Roman 1.2 ExtendFont"

The command line switches are:

-e ratio
All characters are stretched horizontally by the stated ratio; if it is less than 1.0, you get a condensed font.
-s slant
All characters are slanted to the right by the stated slant; if it is negative, the letters slope to the left (or they might be upright if you start with an italic font).
-v file[.vpl]
Generate a virtual property list (VPL) file as well as a TFM file.
-V file[.vpl]
Same as -v, but the virtual font generated is a caps-and-small-caps font obtained by scaling uppercase letters by .8 to typeset lowercase. This font handles accented letters and retains proper kerning.



If you want to use a non-printer-resident PostScript font for which you have a .pfb file (an Adobe Type 1 font program), you can make it act like a resident font by putting a `<' sign and the name of the .pfb file just after the font name in the file entry. For example,

StoneInformal <StoneInformal.pfb

will cause dvips to include StoneInformal.pfb in your document as if it were a header file, whenever the pseudo-resident font StoneInformal is used in a document. Similarly, you can generate transformed fonts and include lines like

StoneInformal-Condensed <StoneInformal.pfb "/StoneInformal .8 ExtendFont"

in, in which case StoneInformal.pfb will be loaded whenever StoneInformal-Condensed is used. (Each header file is loaded at most once per document. The .pfb files should be installed in the config directory with the other header files.)



Some systems don't handle files with long names well---MSDOS and TWENEX are two notable examples. For this reason, dvips will accept an alias for such fonts. Such an alias should be the first word on the line. For instance, if we wanted the name ptmr to be used for Times-Roman since our computer can't handle long names, we would use the following line in our file:

ptmr Times-Roman

The TFM file must have the name ptmr.tfm.

The parsing of the file should be explained to eliminate all confusion. Each line is separated into words, where words are separated by spaces or tabs. If a word begins with a double quote, however, it extends until the next double quote or the end of the line. If a word starts with a less than character, it is treated as a font header file (or downloaded PostScript font). If a word starts with a double quote, it is special instructions on how to generate that font. Otherwise it is a name. The first such name is always the name TeX uses for the font and is also the name of the TFM file. If there is another name word, that name is used as the PostScript name; if there is only one name word, it is used for both the TeX name and the PostScript name.

Note that the aliases also register the full PostScript name, so the single line

ptmr Times-Roman

would allow dvips to `find' the ptmr font as well as the Times-Roman font.

Incidentally, many font files (e.g., in the Adobe Type Library) include more characters internally than you can access directly without making a few changes. These characters typically have code -1 in the afm file and no corresponding "constructed character" (CC) specification. For example, in Adobe Garamond there are Eth and eth, Thorn and thorn, plus things like copyright and onehalf, plus 58 accented letters Aacute thru zcaron (with accents over caps much better looking than you can get from constructed accents). To use these characters, give them character codes between 0 and 255 in the afm file, and build the corresponding EncodingVector (instead of StandardEncoding) in the pfb file. Then afm2tfm will generate a vpl file that includes accented characters as ligatures, as explained above; for example, `Aacute' will be accessible as `acute' followed by `A' (as well as by its character code in the virtual font).  

FILES in the config directory used by dvips (update this).
../afm/Makefile in the dvips sources (look at this for examples).  


dvips(1), tex(1), vptovf(1)  


An option to add letterspacing to the virtual font was rejected by Knuth because it would make the fi and fl ligatures break the normal rhythmic pattern.  


Tomas Rokicki <> and Don Knuth




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