WHAT IS A DEATHOCRAT MADE OF? What is a Deathocrat made of? What is a Deathocrat made of? Of purple haze and militant gaze... That's what a Deathocrat's made of! Of solemn cynics and abortion clinics, That's what a Deathocrat's made of! Of pseudo scholars and guilt-trip wallowers, Hollow woe hollers, and hollower followers, Cowerers, glowers and frivolous borrowers. That's what a Deathocrats made of! Party of the strange and twisted... Champions of each vise ounce hissed at. Mockers of the tried and true.... Seekers who have not a C-L-U. Where hinky notions find a home, From which the dinky dollars thrown. To anywhere, unjustified.... Throughout the middle classes hide. Pretenders pressing vague agendas... They pose a philanthropic menders. Pitting class and class and class.... These zions of the stubborn ass. Kill a tree and risk their might, Abortion, why, a woman's right! Depict George Bush as mad aggressor, Castro, as some quaint professor! Appeasing all tyrants, who act in bold violence... With willfulness, wishfulness, blissful dead silence. They cheat on their spouses and back revolutions, Where Marx and machine guns are posed as solutions! They run in circles, swim in seas.... Fly from responsibilities. A criminal will earn their pity... While victims mount in every city. The poor they say "we help upgrade!" But back in 1978 with Deathocrats as the ruling tenants, Of White House, Congress and the Senate..... Gas lines grew, Inflation soared... The poor did better under Ford. Jimmy and Fritz looked pale and one, Who can we possibly blame this on? The people that's who, as they did when they said, "Things are bad, they won't get better, it's not our fault... Go wear a sweater!" They spent other folk's money to garner votes and praises, Leaving indexed taxing brackets that meant automatic raises! That moved the poor and the middle class, Their special friends they said. To brackets where scant years before, The rich and fat had laid. And when Ron Reagon said at last, "Indexing has to go!" They said the old would soon be dead, And similar cries of woe. They cursed and worst and fairly burst with ugly historyonics. Inflation fell, but what the hell, it can't be Reagonomics?! The man's success left them a mess, When he said with reteroic blistery.... The dreaded Reds will make their bed, On the old ash heap of history! Abortion is lethal and communism evil! Oh how these rubs are uncouth! What gay-bashing, chauvinist, war-monger bigots, When will they ever see truth?! So, what is a deathocrat made of? What is a deathocrat made of? Of moral despoilers and strident annoyers, devious layers And pronomag boyers, of prayer interdiction and socialist Fiction, of stupid decisions and history revisions, of sheer Abdication of sex-education, equivocation and scorn for our Nation, of asinine fratricide, BULLY FOR OUR SIDE!!! THAT'S WHAT A DEATHOCRATS MADE OF!