Check Register Screen Help The Check Register screen shows the transactions and balance for the selected account. The top line of the screen lists CheckBook commands. These commands are used to tell CheckBook what to do. To select a command, press the letter key that corresponds to the highlighted letter in the command's name. For example, if you want to enter a check press the key. Top row menu commands may be selected when the capital letter in the command name is highlighted. The Highlight Bar indicates the current transaction for use in editing or deleting transactions or printing checks. The cursor movement keys (Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, and Left, Right, Up, and Down Arrow keys) may be used to position the highlight bar and scroll the transactions on the screen. You can get help for each command by first selecting the command and then pressing the Help key. þ Check Form Help The Check Form is used to enter checks or debits. Fill in the form just as you would if you were writing the check by hand. When all the information is filled in, press the function key to record the transaction (save on disk). When the cursor is in the check number or amount field, it is positioned to the right most number location and numbers are entered or deleted from this position. The expense classification field is used to categorize expenses into classes. Use of this field is optional. However, the software uses the entry in this field to summarize expenses into classes which can be displayed or printed. The classification can be any combination of letters or numbers that is meaningful to you. Examples of classifications might be "Food", "House", "CarGas", "Doctor", "Saving". Each time a transaction is saved, a blank form with the date and next check number is displayed. If the information displayed is not correct, move the cursor to the field and change it. The information from the previous transaction can be duplicated onto the current check form by positioning the cursor to the field(s) you wish to duplicate and then pressing the function key. To clear the check from the screen, press the key. þ Deposit Form Help The Deposit Form is used to enter deposits or credits. Fill in the form then press the function key to record the transaction (save on disk). The deposit number need not be entered unless you have more than one deposit for a particular date. In which case, a number must be entered. The number can be anything you wish. You could enter '1' for the first deposit, '2' for the second, and so on. When the cursor is in the Deposit number or amount field, it is positioned to the right most number location and numbers are entered or deleted from this position. The Income classification field is used to categorize income into classes. Use of this field is optional. However, the software uses the entry in this field to summarize income into classes which can be displayed or printed. The income classification can be any combination of letters or numbers that is meaningful to you. Examples of classifications might be "Salary", "Pay", "Pay01", "Income", "Biznes". Each time a deposit is saved, a blank form with the date is displayed. If the information displayed is not correct, move the cursor to the field and change it. The information from the previous transaction can be duplicated onto the current deposit form by positioning the cursor to the field(s) you wish to duplicate and pressing the function key. To clear Deposit Form from the screen, press the key. þ Edit Command Help The Edit Command is used to modify transactions that were previously entered into the CheckBook. To edit a transaction, position the highlight bar to the transaction and select the Edit command by pressing the key. When the transaction is displayed, position the cursor to the field(s) you wish to change, make the changes, then save the edited information by pressing key. The Date and Check/Deposit Number fields cannot be changed. If the information in these fields require changes, the transaction must be deleted and the correct information reentered. A tip that will reduce the key strokes required to change these fields is: 1. Use the edit key to display the transaction and then save the transaction by pressing the key. 2. Press the key to delete the transaction. 3. Use the key to duplicate the information for each field. 4. Position the cursor to the Date or Check / Deposit Number field and make the changes then press the key to save the changes. To clear the Edit Form from the screen, press the key. þ Delete Command Help To delete a CheckBook transaction, position the highlight bar to the transaction then press the key. The message: "Are You Sure You Want To Delete Y/N?" is displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you press the es key, the transaction highlighted will be deleted. If you press the o key or the key, the transaction will not be deleted and the delete message will be cleared from the screen. þ Print Command Help The Print Command is used to print a check or report. Select the print option from the pull down print menu by using the Up/Down Arrow key to highlight the option then press the key. If the is pressed, the print menu is cleared from the screen. After the print option is selected, a dialog box is displayed in the center area of the screen prompting you to: "Initialize Printer". This means the paper in the printer should be positioned to the top line and the printer should be turned on. When you are ready to begin printing, press the key or press the key to return to the print menu. Once printing begins, it may be suspended any time by pressing the key. (printing may continue until the printer buffer empties). To print a check: 1. Position the highlight bar to the transaction to be printed. 2. Press the letter

to select the Print Command. 3. Position the Highlight Bar to "Print Check Highlighted" on the pull down print menu then press the key. Press the key to clear the Print Menu from the screen. þ Reconcile Command Help The Reconciliation Command is used to reconcile the CheckBook balance to the bank balance. The reconciliation procedure involves entering the ending balance from the bank statement and marking the cancelled transactions that have been cleared by the bank. Fill in the bank statement ending balance and press the key to record the balance and continue with the reconciliation process. After the bank balance is entered, a dialog box will appear showing the bank balance, outstanding transactions amount, and unreconciled difference amount as well as a message prompting you to: "Mark the cancelled transactions". To mark a cancelled transaction, position the highlight bar to the transaction and press the key. As you mark the transactions, a <û> will appear next to the transaction and the outstanding balance and the unreconciled balance will be adjusted. If you make an error marking a transaction, use the to clear the mark. After all cancelled transactions are marked, the outstanding balance should be zero. If not, press the Help key for suggestions on steps to follow to assist in the reconciliation process. þ Reconcile Command Help The bank balance (adjusted for the outstanding transactions) is greater then the Checkbook balance. Follow the steps outlined below to find the difference: 1. Verify that the bank statement ending balance was not entered for more than the actual amount; 2. Review the cancelled deposits to verify that they were all marked and that a deposit was not entered for less than the amount processed by the bank; 3. Review the checks that you marked to verify that a check that remains outstanding was not marked in error or that a check was not entered for more than the amount processed by the bank. þ Reconcile Command Help The bank balance (adjusted for the outstanding transactions) is less than the CheckBook balance. Follow the steps outlined below to find the difference: 1. Verify that the bank statement ending balance was not entered for less than the actual amount; 2. Review the cancelled checks to verify that they were all marked and that a check was not entered for less than the amount processed by the bank; 3. Review the deposits that you marked to verify that a deposit that remains outstanding was not marked in error or that a deposit was not entered for more than the amount processed by the bank. þ Reconcile Command Help CONGRATULATIONS! The CheckBook balance is reconciled to the bank statement. þ Class Command Help The Class Command is used to display the CheckBook transactions by classification order. When this command is invoked the message: "DISPLAY BY CLASS" will be displayed at the top of the Check Register. While in the display by class mode, the following options may be selected: 1. Press the key to display transaction totals by classification. 2. Press the function key to display a bar graph of transaction totals by classification. þ Account Command Help The Account Window shows the accounts that have been set up for the year you are working with. To select an account, use the Up/Down Arrow key to position the highlight bar to the desired account then press the key. The menu bar displayed at the top of the account window lists the Account Commands that may be selected. To select a command, press the letter key corresponding to the highlighted letter in the command name. For example, if you want to add an account, press the key for the add command. You can get help for each Account Window menu bar command by selecting the command then pressing the Help key. þ Account Form Help The Account Form is used to add new accounts. Fill in the account information on the form and press the key to record the account (save on disk). The Account Symbol can be any unique combination of letters or numbers. Transaction files are maintained for each account by year and CheckBook uses the account symbol as the first four characters in the disk file name. The Account Name is the name of the account. It, along with the Account Type (see below), appears on the Check Register screen as well as all printed reports. It can be anything that is meaningful to you to describe the account. Examples of account names are "XYZ BANK","MASTER CARD", "VISA CARD", "PETTY CASH". The account type is used to further describe the account. Examples are "CHECKING", "SAVINGS", "CMA", "ChargeCard", "Gas Card". The Initial Balance is the balance for the account prior to the first transaction entered to CheckBook. þ Account Edit Help The Account Edit Command is used to modify account information previously entered. To edit account information, position the highlight bar to the account then press the letter key to select the Edit command. When the account information is displayed, position the cursor to the field(s) you wish to change, make the changes, then press the key to record the changes (save on disk). The Account Symbol cannot be changed. þ Account Delete Command Help The Account Delete Command is used to delete an account. BE CAREFUL! IF AN ACCOUNT IS DELETED, THE ACCOUNT AS WELL AS ALL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE ACCOUNT WILL BE DELETED. To delete an account position the highlight bar to the account and press the key. The message: "Are You Sure You Want To Delete Account Y/N?" will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you press the es key, the account highlighted will be deleted. If you press the o key or the key, the account will not be deleted and the delete message will be cleared from the screen. þ Account Year Command Help The Account Year Command is used to enter the year you wish to work with. Enter the year you want and press the key. CheckBook will retrieve any account information for the year you entered and display it in the Account Window. þ Utilities Command Help Select the desired utility from the pull down utility menu by using the Up/Down Arrow Keys to highlight the desired utility then press the key to select. Press the key to clear the utility menu from the screen. þ Class Totals Command Help The Class Totals Window shows a summary of checks and deposits by classification for the current CheckBook year and totals for all classifications. Use the cursor movement keys (HOME, END, PgUp, PgDn, Up/Down Arrow) to scroll the screen if more than one page of class totals exist. To display Month Total for particular classification, use the cursor movement keys to highlight the classification then press the key. To display a bar chart of the classification totals, press the key. To Clear the Class Totals Window from the screen, press the key. þ Check Print Layout Form Help The Check Print Layout Form is used to: 1. Layout your check form. 2. Select the pitch to use for printing checks. 3. Designating printer control escape sequences for your printer. Line and Column Numbers: CheckBook uses a system of line and column numbers to indicate where each field is located on the check. A standard sized personal check is approximately 6.0 inches wide and 2.75 inches long. When printing checks, CheckBook prints 12 lines per inch so there are 33 print lines (12 X 2.75) on a standard check. The number of print columns depends on the print pitch you select. The line and column number you enter for each field is dependent on the size of your check, how you load checks to your printer, and the print pitch you select. Perhaps the best way to determine the line and column numbers for the fields is by printing a check using blank paper and adjusting the line and column numbers until you are satisfied with the results. Print Pitch: You may select Pica

, Elite , or Condensed . The Pica pitch prints 10 characters per inch, the Elite pitch prints 12 characters per inch, and the Condensed pitch prints 16.7 characters per inch. Check Size: Enter the width and length of your check in inches. This information is used to determine the number of blank lines to print after the last line is printed on the check. Printer Escape Sequence Control Codes: Enter the escape sequence control codes for your printer for Pica, Elite, and Condensed print pitches and for Half-Line Feed. These codes can be found in your printer manual. Separate each code with a back slash "\". For example, \27\65\5\27\2. Use the function key to use the default setting for a field. The default codes are for the IBM Pro Printer mode. Most printers either use or can emulate this mode. Use the key to save the Check Print Layout. þ Change Colors Help You may change the foreground and background colors CheckBook uses for displaying information. To change a color, use the Up or Down Arrow key to point to the item you wish to change. Use the key to toggle the foreground or background. Use the <+> or <-> key to change the color. You can select 16 foreground colors and 16 background colors. However, if the item flashes as you are changing the background color, this means the color adapter in your computer and the CheckBook software are incompatible and you will only be able to use 7 background colors. You may retrieve the default colors for any item by pointing to the item and pressing the key. Press the key to save your color changes. þ