Press Space to see the next note or Backspace to go back to the previous note. Good! You've just learned how easy it is to browse a pile of Useful Notes. Continue to browse this pile for a short tutorial on how to use Useful Notes. Useful Notes is an information manager. The basic unit of information is a "note" like the one you are reading now. Notes are grouped into "piles". is a pile. Think of Useful Notes as being a blank pad of note paper.9 Each time you want to remember something you the grab the8 top sheet, jot down the information, then put it on your desktop someplace. Like real paper notes, Useful Notes can overlap. If you want to see something under a real note you move it. Press Scroll Lock now and practice moving this note around. Unlike real notes, Useful Notes can be resized. If you have not already done so, press Scroll Lock again and try resizing this note. To start a new note simply press the 'N' key and type. Useful Notes will keep the words inside the borders of a note. Press the Esc key when you are finished typing. Try it. The text for a note can be bigger than the note itself. You can use the cursor keys to move the text around inside a note window. Press the cursor keys now to see the text below. The arrows in the upper and lower right hand corners of a note show0 where there is more **** MORE TEXT **** text. Is there text on this note you have not seen yet? As you can see the desktop has become quite cluttered. You can clear away all but the current note with the Order command. Press 'O' to select Order then 'C' to Clean. We'll look at some of the other Order options later. Each note has a unique ID number "pre-printed" on it. Press the Ctrl and the 'G' key at the same time to see one way this number can be used. If you think of a note as a piece of paper, so far we have only been using the "front" of the note for text. There is also some useful information on the "back" of each note. If you could see the backside of a note it might look like this: Time/Date: Description: Properties: Execute Locked File Nowrap When you create a note, the time and date is stamped onto the back. Useful Notes can use this Time/Date stamp to "Order" your notes based on when you entered them. You can type any text you want into the Description for a note. Press 'E' then F7 to add a description to this note. Press Enter then Esc when you are done typing. The Description is used in many ways by" Useful Notes. You can Order notes' alphabetically by description. You can% Search for specific "Patterns" within% descriptions, and we'll see later how( descriptions can be used to "link" notes together. Notes can have special "Properties". For) instance, when a note is "Locked" you can( no longer Edit it. Word wrapping can be& turned off in a note with the "Nowrap") option. If a Property has been selected,% its first letter appears in the upper( right corner of the note. Can you guess$ which properties apply to this note? dir | more; text after ; is ignored Notes with the Execute property set ON can& be used to run DOS commands. When you* press the Enter key while on an Executable* note, Useful Notes will "shell out" to DOS* using the note's Description as a command.( This will NOT work if you have popped-up) Useful Notes from the DOS prompt or there' is not enough memory to run the command% specified by the Description. Try to "run" this note. When Execute is selected two additional* sub-Properties appear. "Clear" will blank( the screen prior to running the command,* and "Restore" will redraw the desktop when the command returns. With the "File" property set, a note's% Description will be treated as a file' name. When saving a note, Useful Notes* normally puts the text for the note in the* "pile file". A "File" note's text will be% saved in a separate file named by the$ Description. Likewise when loading,) Useful Notes gets the text from the named file. hot spots If you enclose some text in [square brackets],+ Useful Notes will treat that text as a "hot/ spot". You can use the Tab key to move between, hot spots. When the cursor is on a hot spot+ the hot spot will be highlighted. Pressing+ Enter while on a hot spot will cause Useful/ Notes to search for that hot spot's text in the- notes' Descriptions. If the search succeeds,, you will be moved to the first note with the matching Description. square brackets The opening and closing square brackets must be on the same line. [hot spots] Well that should be enough to get you started. Try the other commands not covered in this tutorial. Be creative! Have Mike