DATAPATH PROGPATH DATAFILE DATAINDEX TEMPINDEX MCATS COLOR1 COLOR2 COLOR3 COLOR4 COLOR5 COLOR6 MHK10 Command 8 8)( I@)Fd I@I'3 MPROGPATH MPROGPATH MPROGPATH MPROGPATH MPROGPATH MPROGPATH )D)+3 PROGPATH PROGPATH tabsdflt.dbf DFLTFILE USE &DFLTFILE COLOR MCOLOR PASTEDEL MPDELAY BOOKKEY CALDRKEY MCOLOR MPROGPATH I@)Fd I@I'3 MDATAPATH DATA_PATH MDATAPATH DATA_FILE MDATAFILE HC2_DEF HC3_DEF HC4_DEF HC5_DEF HC6_DEF HC7_DEF HC8_DEF HC9_DEF HC10_DEF MHK10 paste RTRIM(mHK2) paste RTRIM(mHK3) paste RTRIM(mHK4) paste RTRIM(mHK5) paste RTRIM(mHK6) paste RTRIM(mHK7) paste RTRIM(mHK8) paste RTRIM(mHK9) paste RTRIM(mHK10) keyboard RTRIM(mHK2) keyboard RTRIM(mHK3) keyboard RTRIM(mHK4) keyboard RTRIM(mHK5) keyboard RTRIM(mHK6) keyboard RTRIM(mHK7) keyboard RTRIM(mHK8) keyboard RTRIM(mHK9) keyboard RTRIM(mHK10) MCOLOR The Address Book Solution (2.1) PC/MS-DOS TSR Mailing List Management Program Copyright (C) GSF Software & Solutions, 1989. All Rights Reserved. Please enter the number corresponding to your monitor type. Select choice 3 if choices 1 and 2 do not work properly on your monitor. If you have a color monitor, press the number 1 If you have a monochrome monitor (no color), press the number 2 If you are not sure, or if the above choices do not work properly on your monitor, press the number 3. MCOLOR MCOLOR W/B, B/W, W+/B COLOR1 W+/B, W+/, W+/B COLOR2 W+/R, R/W, W+/R COLOR3 W/BR, W/ , W+/BR COLOR4 /BG, W+/ , /BG COLOR5 W+/BR, W/ , W+/BR COLOR6 MCOLOR COLOR1 W+/ , /W, W+/W COLOR2 W*/ , /W*, W+/W COLOR3 W/ , /W, W/W COLOR4 W/ , /W, W+/W COLOR5 W+/ , /W, W+/W COLOR6 MCOLOR COLOR1 COLOR2 COLOR3 COLOR4 COLOR5 COLOR6 MCOLOR BG+/B (tm) The Address Book Solution o Version 2.1 Association of Memory Resident Mailing List Shareware Software o Professionals MEMBER HE DDRESS OOK OLUTION Copyright (C) GSF Software & Solutions, 1989. All Rights Reserved. FrontRunner(tm) Version 1.2B Copyright (C) Apex Software Corporation, 1987. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) Ashton-Tate, 1987, 1988. All rights reserved. This program is supplied as-is and the author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and the warranties of fitness for any purpose. This program was developed using FrontRunner by Apex Software Corporation. Press any key to continue ... TABS VERSION 2.1 (C) GSF Software & Solutions, 1989. All rights reserved. If you have not registered and paid for using TABS, please send $20.00 to: Greg S. Fisher GSF Software & Solutions 3380 Sheridan Drive, Suite 391 Amherst, NY 14226 Please add 7% tax for (716) 283-3804 Technical Support shipments within NY State The Address Book Solution is distributed as Shareware. This program may be freely copied (in its entirety only) and shared with other PC users for evaluation. If you continue to use TABS, it is expected that you will register your copy. Registration pays for continued development of this and other software products, and supports the Shareware concept. You may NOT sell this program or give copies away with any commercial venture, service, or product without written permission from GSF Software & Solutions. Site licenses are available. The Registration forms contain this information. It is suggested that the evaluation period be 30 days. If you continue to use TABS after this period, please register your copy. You will then be eligible for support, a discount on upgrades, and a discount on the ADVANCED version. To accept these defaults, press the ESCape key. MCONT MCONT MISDATFIL MISFRBFIL MISNDXFIL The following are defaults. If this is the first time you are using TABS, it is not necessary to change these settings. Please read the screen, and note that in order to Pop-Up TABS, you must press the key listed below while holding down the ALT key. To change any of these defaults later on, select ields/Defaults from the TABS Main Menu. Please enter the name of the Data File you want to use -> Please enter the Drive and Path where the Data Files are located: The pasting speed determines how fast information is copied to the PC application that is currently on the screen. The speed may range from 4 (fast) to 5000 (extremely slow). If characters are missed when copying to your application, increase this value. Please enter the paste delay speed -> The current Hotkey is ALT- . To change the letter used with the ALT key, enter it here -> . Press this combination to invoke TABS. < The current Hotkey for the Calendar program is ALT- . To change the letter used with the ALT key, enter it here -> . Remember - To Pop-Up TABS, press the ALT-key combination listed above MDATAFILE !!!!!!!! MDATAFILE MDATAFILE MDATAFILE MDATAPATH A:\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MPDELAY MPDELAY MPDELAY ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ MDATAPATH MDATAPATH MDATAPATH MDATAPATH MPROGPATH MPROGPATH MPROGPATH MPROGPATH MDATAFILE )D)+3 MDATAFILE MDATAPATH MDATAFILE MISDATFIL The MAIN Datafile is not in the entered drive/path. MDATAPATH MDATAFILE MDATAPATH MDATAFILE MISNDXFIL The INDEX file is not in the entered drive/path. Please Re-Index from the main program menu when it appears. MDATAPATH CATEGORY.DBF MISDATFIL The CATEGORY Datafile is not in the entered drive/path. MPROGPATH GSFBKAD1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKED1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKFD1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKDX1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKPC1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKPR1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKSR1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKTR1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKCT1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKMU1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKPB1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKCL1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKPL1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKHP1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKDS1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKRR1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKPM1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKWAT.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKDF1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MPROGPATH GSFBKHK1.FRB MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL MISFRBFIL One or more program files are missing from the drive/path. 8 8)( I@)Fd I@I'3 MPROGPATH MISNDXFIL Please press any key to continue. Remember to Re-Index the data file when the Main Program Menu appears. MISDATFIL MISFRBFIL Press Q to uit, or any other key to re-enter drive/paths. 8 8)( I@)Fd I@I'3 MDATAPATH MCONT MISDATFIL MISFRBFIL MISNDXFIL MDATAPATH I@)Fd I@I'3 MDATAPATH MPROGPATH I@)Fd I@I'3 MPROGPATH MDATAFILE @)Fd @I'3 MDATAFILE MDATAFILE )D)+3 MDATAFILE MDATAPATH )D)+3 DATAPATH MPROGPATH )D)+3 PROGPATH DATAPATH MDATAFILE DATAFILE DATAPATH MDATAFILE DATAINDEX DATAPATH BOOKTEMP.ndx TEMPINDEX USE &DFLTFILE PASTEDEL MPDELAY BOOKKEY CALDRKEY DATA_PATH MDATAPATH DATA_FILE MDATAFILE COLOR MCOLOR ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ MHKLETTERS MHKLETTERS MHKLETTERS PROGPATH gsfbkmu1.frb PROGPATH calendar.frb PROGPATH MPDELAY SET PATH TO &PROGPATH _PROMPT PROGPATH GSFBKRR1.frb PROGPATH calendar.frb PROGPATH gsfbkwat.frb MCATS DATAPATH Category.dbf USE &FILE CATEGORY MCATS CATEGORY CAT_DESC MCATS CATEGORY