Main Menu This is where you choose what to do next. The quickest way is to press just the first letter. For example, press "C" and the "Categories" list will appear. You can also use the cursor arrow keys ( ) to move the highlight to the desired menu item. As each menu item is highlighted, a brief explanation of the item appears on the line below. When the desired item is highlighted, press the Enter key ( ) to select that menu choice. To get started, highlight the word "Names" and press to see a list of the names on your file. After the "Names" list appears, press the F1 HELP key again for more information. #(Press Esc to exit Help) This menu lists the various types of printed output you can choose. Use F9 to enter a report "Title." Also use F9 to choose a "Category" (only names in that category will print). A blank category will print all names. Reports normally start with the "top" name, but press F2 START/STOP to begin or end with other names. You can also select names using F3 SCAN NAMES. The PHONE LIST report will print Names & Phone numbers. Each report listed underneath with "+above" adds some more information to the report. For example, NOTES+ABOVE prints Address, Misc, and Notes data, along with Names & Phones. DATES ONLY lists "dates" while CALENDAR prints monthly calendar pages. NOTES ONLY lists "notes" records. Choose which months by pressing F9 (start=05, stop=05 prints only May). Use F5 DATE NAME to print records for just one name. Choose LABELS or ENVELOPES to print addresses on those special forms. Press F8 (Setup 1) to change the size and layout of these forms. Choose ROLODEX to print 3x5 rolodex type cards. Use the F7 (Printer Code) function key to send special "setup codes" to your printer. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Setup The SETUP area is where you describe your printer, the types of forms you use (label type, envelope size), and select other options (modem setup, report sequence, etc). SETUP values can be changed at any time. If you aren't sure how to answer a specific question, it's probably best to skip it, leaving the current value. See the program Documentation for more complete explanations of the SETUP values. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Selection The category you enter here is used throughout the program to select the names and dates associated with that category. If you leave the category blank, by pressing the space bar, then ALL names will be selected. This category determines which names print on reports and labels, and which names, dates, or notes appear with the VIEWS option. Likewise, with UTILITIES the category affects which records are processed. The TITLE appears at the top of reports. The MONTH and YEAR affect which records are processed by the PRINTING and UTILITIES menus. Use the F9 SELECTION key on the VIEWS, PRINTING, and UTILITIES menus to change these values. You can see the current "selection" values at the top of each of these menus. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Monthly Calendar The calendar shows the current month and year according to your computer's system date. The current day is shown in a different color. Any "event dates" which are in your file will appear as a blinking day. Use the arrow keys to change to the next (or prior) month or year. Calendars for any month and year can be shown, by repeatedly pressing the arrow keys. Press the F5 DATES key to see the individual date reminders, if any, for the month. You can then add, change or delete these date records. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Categories A Category is a way of classifying a group of names. For example, you might put people in your Bridge club into a "B" category. First define the category here, using the "Ins" (insert) key. Then add or revise each name, placing a "B" in its "Categories" field (on the name record). Then you can use the category to PRINT a roster just for the Bridge club, PRINT mailing labels to send a newsletter, or VIEW the membership list on your computer monitor. Once you have defined a number of Categories, you can revise them by moving the highlight and pressing the Enter key ( ). Use the "Del" (delete) key to get rid of a category you no longer want. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Show all Dates This screen shows all the "event dates" you have on the file, beginning with the current date. If there is no date record for the current day, then the first date after that shows. The dates are in order by month and day. By keying a number for the month and day, you can move to a specific date (key "0615" then to move to June 15th). You can also use the , , and cursor arrow keys to move arround and select from the list. To select a date, "highlight" the date and press . You can then see the "text" comments, and revise the date record. Event dates can also be added or deleted here. Use the key to add a "*Date only*" event (not "tied" to a name). The key will delete any event date. The "Tied" column has a "Y" (for "Yes") if the date is associated with ("tied to") a name record. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Dates or Notes for This screen lists DATE or NOTE records. The title tells whether it's for a person, a month, or a Category. To select a record, "highlight" the line and press ENTER. When you select a record, all the information is displayed and can be revised. Records can also be added or deleted here. Use the (insert) key to add a record, or the (delete) key to drop one. The bottom of the screen has reminders regarding the use of these special keys. The TIED column indicates if the record is associated with a particular name. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Names on your file are listed here for selection. You can "Find" a name by typing the first few letters and pressing . You can also use the , , , , < >, and < > keys. Hold down and press to move to the bottom of the list. To add a name to your file, press the "insert" key (you do NOT have to go to the alphabetical place where the name should appear). To change a name, "highlight" the name and press . To delete a name, highlight it and press the "delete" key. Press the F4 and F5 keys to add NOTE and DATE data for the highlighted name. You can add any number of NOTE and DATE records for each name. NOTEs hold any miscellaneous comments. DATEs are for birthdays, upcoming meetings, etc. You can do some printing from this screen. Highlight the name and press F2 to address an envelope. Press F3 for mailing Labels, and F8 for a Rolodex card. F7 changes the monitor display between NAME and COMPANY sequence. #(Press Esc to exit Help) NOTES: This is where you save miscellaneous information about the names on your file. Each name can have as many note records as you wish. The MONTH, DAY, and YEAR are automatically entered (use the UP arrow if you want to change this date). A DESCRIPTION and 8 lines of text can be typed on each note record. DATES: Dates are similar to "notes," but they should be used to remind you of important events (for example, birthdays, anniversarys, etc.). For each date record, the MONTH and DAY of the event are required, and the YEAR is optional. The DESCRIPTION is required, and prints on wall calendars (as 2 lines) and other reports (as 1 line). Put 'Y' in MASS DELETE for "temporary" entries (meetings), and 'N' for "permanent" events (birthdays). The UTILITIES section can be used to delete "temporary" entries. The YEAR is used to calculate the AGE for an event such as a birthday (AGE is based on the current date). UTILITIES "Add Dates" is available for recurring dates, for example monthly meetings (3rd Monday of every month, etc). #(Press Esc to exit Help) Key in each type of information that applies to the name you are adding (for example, First Name, Last Name, etc.), and press the ENTER key ( ). If you want to skip something, press just the ENTER key. When you have keyed all the data that applies to a given name, then press SHIFT to update the entire record (hold down the SHIFT key, then press ). Use the ESC(ape) key to go back to the start of a field (like Last Name), and "undo" the keying you did in that field. Press at the start of a field to move to the prior field (from Last Name back to First Name). Finally, press SHIFT (hold SHIFT, press ESC) from anywhere to "undo" all the keying you have done, and QUIT the screen. SHIFT will "quit" so so that the data is not put on the file (if in "add" mode), or revisions are not kept (if in "change" mode). Press the F4 key to "skip" quickly down the screen. Use the F7 key to see how your name and address data will appear when printed on a label or envelope. If you have a modem, you can use the F10 key to automatically dial phone numbers. '(Press Esc to exit Help) This menu performs Utility functions. Use F2, F3, F5, and F9 to further select which records to process. The MAIL MERGE function creates an ASCII file with the name MERGE.FIL. Each name will have 5 lines of address data (some may be blank). A sixth line for "salutation" is created if requested in the SETUP area. The EXPORT function creates a "comma" separated ASCII file (also called DIF) with the name EXPORT.FIL. This file contains all the data from each selected name record. The IMPORT function loads a file called IMPORT.FIL. If a category is selected with F9, all names are put in that category. EXPORT and IMPORT files have the same format. Use CHANGE CATEGORYS to revise the category assignments in selected records. Use NAME DELETES to permanently remove from your file all the names in a single Category. The ADD DATES function adds recurring date records, for example, meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. The DATE DELETES function will delete dates, but only dates coded with "Y" in the MASS DELETE field. Use F9 to choose the MONTH, YEAR and CATEGORY of the dates to be dropped. Use F5 to "tie" to a single name. #(Press Esc to exit Help) Views This menu lets you see a Category "view" of your files. Use F9 SELECTION to change the category. Then choose NAMES to see only the names tagged with the selected Category. Names are put into categories by placing the category code into the "categories" area of each name record (along with the address, phone numbers, etc). DATES and NOTES are in the same categories as the name they are "tied" to. If a Date is not tied to a name, then it is not in any categories. Add Dates and Notes when you are on the Names list screens, to tie them to a particular name. Select ANALYZE to see all your Categories displayed with name counts, percents, and bar graphs. Use CALENDAR to see a calendar for any month, which shows all the Date records for the month (regardless of category). Choose SCAN NAMES to "search" name records for certain phrases (like State=NY, etc), or to enter a LAST CHANGED date to find names recently added or revised. #(Press Esc to exit Help) MENU RPT_MENU2 SETUP Q SET_CAT SH_CAL SH_CATS SH_DATES SH_DTE SH_NAMES UP_DATES{ UP_NAME ^$ UTL_MENU_) VW_MENU