PAL Menu ppointment Scratchpad lone New Defaults elete Old Appointments nter Command Line P#urge Deadwood From Appointment File R%estore Original Distribution Defaults S et Alarms to exit programEPlease enter your choice (1-8, F1-F8, alpha selection or ESC to exit) getcommandlineU commandline . 3 w warnofbadfile File not verifiedU alarmspresent %You have the following future alarms: You have future alarms. You have no future alarms.!Alarm updating has been disabled.U remspresent %You have the following old reminders: You have no old reminders.U preparedoitvariables Verifying U warnoutofmemory Out of Memory!!.PAL ran out of memory constructing your report Possible solutions:*1. Limit the number of days in the report42. Delete unneeded memos from your appointment file)3. Use fewer auto-repeating appointments;4. Remove resident programs from system before running PAL"5. Add more memory to your systemU reporthead Today is No entries listed for today. No Entries listed for next days entry entries listed for today: next days: U closedoitfileU opendoitfile Analyzing U preparedoitscreen Searching You have old entries and deleted entries. Use Delete to save bytes or Purge to save closedoitscreen created.U Ver. Copyright setupreportU MJSDU No matches for " " foundU pappoints%The following matches have been found for " 'Sending a block calendar to the printerU Analyzing K bytes of memory leftU repeatappoint cJCJ Set Alarms Menu larms Menu lock Toggle ate Toggle dit Macros for Alarms nstall Assumptions oad Info From Disk ave Info To Disk to quit to main menuFPlease enter your choice (1-8, F1-F8, alpha selection or ESC to abort) readyvariablesU setclone2 Installing Into U Data File: Macro File: Sound Level: Number of seconds alarm sounds: Number of minutes alarm snoozes: Clock Visibility: Date Visibility: Sample Date/Clock:U editalarms2'Is the above information correct? (Y/N) addalarms Add an Alarm 'Is the above information correct? (Y/N) EMPTY There is no room to add alarms0Use DELETE, CLEAR or PURGE function to make roomU 8These are the defaults which PALARM assumes on start up: 12/31/99 11:59:59pm&Do you want to change anything? (Y/N) (These are the defaults you now have set:+Do you want to proceed with cloning? (Y/N)U palsetmain palset ^ r z does not exist. 1 is not a valid alarm data file for this version. Loading data from Cannot load!U savesetfile Saving data to U ask_memo Enter memo: Memo to flash when alarm sounds askdate Enter desired date: Enter date in MM/DD/YYYY format "Please enter a valid date between and with the format : MM/DD/YYYYU ask_time HH:MM Enter desired time: 3Use military time; e.g. "23:50" instead of 11:50 PM 1Please enter a valid time with the format : HH:MM.where "HH" is military time (23:00 = 11:00 PM) makeline reportonarray"You have the following Alarms set: Snoozing EMPTY Alarms Menu dd an Alarm lear all Alarms elete an Alarm dit an Alarm urge Old Alarms to return to main menu6Please enter your choice (1-5, alpha selection or ESC) 0Installation of New Assumptions (Clock and Date)1You can now change the clock and date visibility. Clock visibility on start up: Date visibility on start up: Sample Clock and Date Display:2Would you like to change the clock or date? (Y/N)U -Enter the number for your color combination: Choose between 1 and 127 'Please enter a number between 1 and 127U ,Installation of New Assumptions (Macro File)CPAL writes the macros that you create to a file so that PALARM willAfind them when it is time to execute them. The name of the macro0file which PAL and PALARM presently look for is:;Would you like to change the name of the macro file? (Y/N) &Enter the new name for the macro file,*including drive and directory if you like:U K_]"u Y<7uH 3<6u" <0r <7w <0r <5w <0r <6w <0r <1w <0r <2w parsehelp proceedparseU parsefilename NOFILE NOFILE. parseschmode parse CLONE RESTORE PURGE DELETE DELETEAUTO DELETEAUTOALL PURGEAUTO APPOINT M SAVEIMAGE READIMAGE $ j o purginstruct PURGE PROCEDURE DELETE PROCEDURE The > procedure removes from your appointment file all appointmentsIwhich have zero-length memos; i.e., where you have deleted an appointmentJwith SideKick but SideKick has failed to physically delete that entry from your file. The 4 procedure will also remove any other entry which is otherwise corrupted.NThe delete procedure will also automatically delete all old entries other thanBreminders ( "!" ) and auto-repeat appointments. You will be givenGthe opportunity to force PAL to delete old reminders as well, but auto--repeat appointments must be deleted manually.OSince SideKick is loaded, your file will be purged and opened as "CLEAN.APP" inJthe same directory as the one in which the file you specify resides. YourDexisting file will not be changed unless and until you copy the new CLEAN.APP over it.GSince SideKick is not presently loaded, PAL will automatically copy theGcleansed file over your existing file. No backup file will be created.GYou will not be able to recover any old appointments which are deleted.-Press ESC to quit, any other key to continue.U )Enter name of appointment file to purge: .CDo you want to search along PAL's search path for the file? (Y/N): Processing into CLEAN.APP Cleaning up U 8Do you want to delete old reminders ( "!" ), too? (Y/N): DDisk write error. Your disk may be out of space or write protected,Aor the drive door may be open. Please check before trying again.U & is not a valid candidate for purging.5Please use an appointment file generated by SideKick.U delete purgeU Enter the path name to find $ (hit return for current directory): [D:]\DIRECTORY\DIRECTORY\....\ Can't find in your path! Process aborted!! is not a valid appointment file! SideKick is loaded!U WARNING! SideKick is loaded!L Before copying CLEAN.APP over your existing appointment file, pleaseLbeware! Experience shows that SideKick does not like users playing with theEappointment file to which it is attached. It may try to write to theKchanged appointment file based on assumptions SideKick makes which you haveAnow changed, with potentially unpredictable and damaging results.ITherefore, before copying CLEAN.APP over to APPOINT.APP (or whatever nameKyou use for your appointment file), make sure that SideKick is not attachedCto APPOINT.APP. This can be done in either of two ways: (1) removeDSideKick from your system (see the SK documentation), or (2) call upFSideKick's appointment calendar (invoke calendar, then hit return) andJattach a different appointment file with [F2] -- you could answer with theEname of a non-existent file (e.g., NULL.APP). Once disattached, copyICLEAN.APP to your normal appointment file, then (1) reinstall SideKick or7(2) reattach SideKick to your cleaned and renamed file.I Better yet -- why not let PAL do all of this automatically for you?!7If you remove SK from memory first, and THEN run PAL's procedureHthen PAL will automatically update your file without any further manual ", "<" or "|" Enter valid date between and with MM/DD/YYYY. Incorrect number of parameters. Unknown error. Parameters were: U , may be a candidate for the PURGE procedure., is not a candidate for the PURGE procedure.KPAL produces a report to screen, file or printer from your appointment fileIproduced by Sidekick or memos which you have cloned into PAL. Syntax is: H PAL [@MM/DD/YYYY] n[ABCFHPRU] [filename] for Report Mode, orE PAL [@MM/DD/YYYY] $[BCFPR] SEARCHTERM [filename] for Search Mode.HFor people who do not use SideKick and want to rely on PAL's stand-aloneKinternal Appointment Scratchpad, you must specify "NOFILE" as the filename,Lor use CLONE to force PAL always to use "NOFILE" -- see PAL.DOC for detailed information.NFor streamlined online help, issue the command "PAL HELP" from the DOS prompt.U palshelpU $ 3 c !"!-!F!]!b!x! "1"6"L"f"k" #1#;#J#d#i# $5$K$q$ %)%=%r% ) )4)H)\)p) *.*=*B* Accessing Multiple Files:O PAL can now report on appointments made in more than one appointment file.HSuppose you have four people in a single office, each keeping their own Jappointments with SideKick and you want to determine if there is a common Itime during which they can meet; or suppose you yourself keep two or moreLappointment files, say, one for personal appointments, and one to remind you.which TV programs you want to tape this month.K You can have PAL report on more than one file by copying them all intoIa single file using the DOS COPY command. You must copy as binary files Jusing the "/b" switch, or else PAL will not be able to recognize the file.F For instance, if you have ARTHUR.APP, SUSAN.APP and JERRY.APP andGwant to have PAL report on the three together, first issue the command:< COPY /b ARTHUR.APP + SUSAN.APP + JERRY.APP TOTAL.APP or, more simply: COPY /b *.APP TOTAL.APPIthen do your operations on the file TOTAL.APP. SideKick will not be ableKto show you more than one appointment sharing the same time slot. PAL can!I You may want to use the "A" switch when reporting on multiple files.KThis will avoid having alarms from all the files inserted into your system.U Reminder System:K In Report Mode, after showing you your present and future appointmentsIfor the period requested with "n", PAL will display your "old reminders."D An "old reminder" is an appointment entered with SideKick whichL(a) contains the "!" character and (b) is for a date prior to the beginning date of your report.H The purpose of the reminder system is to give you a method to nudgeLyourself until you get a task done. When you no longer need to be reminded,;simply delete the "!" or the entire reminder with SideKick. Examples of Reminders: Ask boss for raise!' !Finish introduction to reportU Alarm System:K In Report Mode, after showing you your present and future appointmentsIfor the period requested with "n", PAL will display your "old reminders."KThen PAL will show you all appointments which can be interpreted as alarms.JIf you have installed PALARM in your system, PAL will then load the alarmsEinto memory, so that your computer will alert you at the proper time.J An "alarm" is an appointment entered with SideKick which (a) containsMthe "@" character and (b) is for a date not earlier than your present systemNdate. If you have used the report function to have PAL commence its report onLother than your system date, then PAL will not change the appointments whichNreside in memory. You may optionally request an alarm to sound prior to Side-MKick's timeslot. To request advance notice, just add a number between 1 and L1440 immediately following the "@" character. You will then have your alarmNpop up at you that number of minutes prior to the appointed time slot. If youMfollow that number with a "D" or an "H", you'll advance the alarm that number of days or hours, respectively. Examples of alarms:# Dinner with the president @ Bus leaves soon @20O The alarms may also be modified with the command "PAL SET". See the addi-Ntional online help provided when you issue that command. Please remember thatNyou must run PAL after entering the alarm in order for PALARM to recognize it.U &Purge Procedure: PAL PURGE or PAL P&Delete Procedure: PAL DELETE or PAL DG If you have deleted appointments from SideKick by backspacing and Jhitting return, then SideKick makes a special notation in your appointmentMfile, but does not physically delete the appointment from the file. Thus, ifHyou frequently use SideKick to delete individual appointments, your fileLmay be swollen with useless entries. The PURGE procedure will remove all of1these useless entries from your appointment file.J If you would like to delete old appointments from your file, then useFPAL's DELETE procedure instead of SideKick's delete feature. PAL willGdelete all old appointments EXCEPT for auto-repeat appointments and old reminders.K With both the PURGE and DELETE procedures, PAL senses whether SideKickNis already loaded in your system. If not, then PAL will automatically produceNthe newly cleansed appointment file. However, if SideKick is loaded, then PALHwill require you to do a bit of copying and erasing manually after SK isMremoved from your system. This is necessary to avoid some problems which mayKcrop up if PAL changes a file to which SK is attached. Please follow PAL'sKdirections on this. The simplest thing to do, however, is to run the PURGE1and DELETE procedures only when SK is not loaded.U (Restore Procedure: PAL RESTORE or PAL R? If you have cloned PAL into a new version and have mislaid?the original distribution copy of PAL.EXE, you may at some time=have a need for a simple method of restoring the assumptions !used in the distribution version.? All you have to do is issue the command "PAL RESTORE", and=PAL will automatically produce a fresh version of PAL.EXE for you. That's all there is to it.U Auto-Repeat Appointments:G With PAL, you can set a recurring appointment once, and then neverJhave to worry about it again. As with the Reminder system, PAL interpretsMthe presence of a particular character to mean that the appointment should be?treated specially. The special characters for auto-repeat are:! Weekly : { Daily : }! Annual : [ Monthly : ]) Special Patterns (See next page) : ~L Auto-Repeat works only in Report Mode, not in Search Mode. AppointmentsLwill be brought forward commencing with the day of entry, so if you want the4memo to show always, enter it for a very early date.% Examples of auto-repeating memos: Mom's birthday [ Make Coffee }@ Department Meeting ~2K The first example will be brought forward annually. The second exampleLwill install a daily alarm. The third example will repeat on the day of theNweek on which the memo was entered, but only on the second week of each month.U ,Auto-Repeat Appointments (Special Patterns):F PAL will recognize the tilde ( ~ ) as a sign that you want the memoMto repeat in a special pattern. Simply place the tilde anywhere in the memo,Nand PAL will interpret your intentions by looking at the characters you insertNimmediately following the ~. The permitted characters and their meanings are:+ 1 -- First week WD -- Weekdays+ 2 -- Second week WE -- Weekends3 3 -- Third week WO -- Every other week4 4 -- Fourth week MO -- Every other month* L -- Last week M -- Monthly, D -- Daily Q -- Quarterly+ W -- Weekly A -- AnnuallyK The meaning of patterns "1" to "4" and "L" requires explanation. AssumeHthat your department meets on the second Wednesday of each month. BringBSideKick's appointment entry display to any Wednesday in any monthNand enter the memo "Department meeting ~2". If you then have PAL run a reportMfor a few months, you'll see the memo thereafter on the second Wednesday eachNmonth. Pattern "L" makes sure that the memo falls on the last occurrence eachJmonth, regardless whether there are 4 or 5 occurrences in the month. WithMthese five patterns you may also further limit them to display only in a par-Nticular month by specifying "1" to "9" for Jan. thru Sept., or "O", "N" or "D"Nfor Oct. thru Dec. For example, "Thanksgiving ~4n" entered in a Thursday slotIwill force "Thanksgiving" to appear on the 4th Thursday of each November.U ,Auto-Repeat Appointments (Special Patterns):I You have probably noticed that daily, weekly, monthly and yearly memosKcan be set either with single characters -- [ ] { } -- or with combina-Ktions using the tilde -- ~A ~M ~W ~D -- thereby giving you a choice.NYou may, if you like, tell PAL not to interpret the single characters as auto-Frepeat memos so that you can use those characters freely in your memo.LThe ability to turn off the interpretation of the single characters is found within the CLONE procedure.L Any memo can be restricted to repeat a limited number of times. This isGdone simply by adding a '#' character immediately following the specialAcharacters, followed by a number between 1 and 255. For example:! Lead Dept. Meeting ~1#3 At the beach ~wd#5 Root canal {#4HThe first example shows that you have to lead the department meeting theNnext three times. The second example shows you'll be on vacation for the nextIfive business days. The third example shows that you have an appointment1for personal torture each of the next four weeks.K The '#' character can be used normally in any other position in the memo.U *Auto-Repeat Appointments (Custom Cloning):L By entering the CLONE procedure and selecting the Appointment Scratchpad,@you can tell PAL always to include in its reports specific memosDthat you determine. These custom repeat appointments will appear inNyour report whether or not they are also included in the appointment file that is created with SideKick.L Just follow the simple instructions contained in the CLONE procedure, and you can enter as many as of your own appointments.I This feature permits persons who do not use SideKick to utilize PAL toJenter all of their appointments. In order to force PAL not to look for anLexternal file, you must instruct PAL to look for "NOFILE". This can be doneGeither by changing PAL's path and filename assumptions within the CLONEFprocedure or by explicitly telling PAL on the DOS command line to look for NOFILE.U $Clone Procedure: PAL CLONE or PAL CK PAL makes assumptions concerning commands, printer controls, video andJfiles. You may change some of those assumptions with the CLONE procedure.K The assumptions which you may change include the following categories: Files and Paths Printer Controls Default Command Line Certain Video Attributes HolidaysK In addition to the foregoing customizations, you may also make changesKto assumptions shared by PAL and PALARM, the resident alarm program. TheseKchanges may be made only by entering the SET alarms procedure from the mainMmenu (or issue the command "PAL SET"), then hit "I" for install. The changesMwhich you may make there include, among other things, the colors of the clockLand date display, the name and location of the alarm data file, the loudnessCof the alarms, and the length of time that alarms sound and snooze.U $Clone Procedure: PAL CLONE or PAL CF Files: You can change the default names that PAL searches for ifKyou do not specify the file on the command line. You can change the direc-Jtories that PAL searches to find the file. You can change the name of the5file to which PAL writes when you use the "F" switch.H Printer Controls: You can change the number of lines per page whenJyou use the "P" switch, and you can specify initialization and reset codes to be sent to the printer.J Command Line Control: You can insert into PAL a default command lineJwhich will be executed if no parameters are specified when you invoke PAL.KFor instance, the distribution version of PAL has a default command line of>"MENU", causing menu operation to start if all you do is writeJ"PAL" at the DOS prompt. This section of the CLONE procedure also permitsJyou to change certain display characteristics for color and mono monitors.M Holidays: On distribution, PAL will automatically show certain holidaysJwhen you run a report. With the CLONE procedure, you may add several more8holidays or silence those in which you have no interest.N You may clone as many versions of PAL as you like. Your only limitations$are your imagination and disk space.U B You may optionally specify a date for PAL to begin in either HSearch Mode or Report Mode. If you do not specify a date, then PAL will'begin the report with your system date.C A date is specified with the syntax "@MM/DD/YYYY" immediately Cfollowing the program name. If you want a shorthand way of using aGrelatively early date, then specifying the "@" character by itself willJforce PAL to assume a starting date of 1/1/85. If your year specificationGis only two digits, then PAL will assume you mean a year in the 1900's..The range of years you may specify is between and . Examples:1 "@06/03/1990" means start report June 3, 1990+ "@6/3/90" is identical to "@06/03/1990"* "@" means start report January 1, 1985U A Immediately following "n" in Report Mode, you may optionally-specify one or more of six optional switches. A - Alarms disabled.) B - Batch mode; i.e., pause on exit.L C - Color toggled. You can set color or no color with CLONE procedure." F - File created from report. H - Holidays suppressed.H P - Printer receives report. PAL assumes that you want a formfeed.+ R - Repeating appointments suppressed.# U - Unattended. Do not pause.U E You may optionally specify a filename for PAL to search. If youKchoose not to specify a filename, then PAL makes the following assumptions:91. If no name is specified, PAL looks for "APPOINT.APP"B2. If a filename is specified without extension, PAL adds ".APP"A3. If no directory is specified, PAL looks first in the presentE directory, then "C:\SK", then the root directory of drive C:, then in your DOS PATH.O You may change some of the foregoing assumptions with the CLONE procedure.L If you specify "NOFILE" as the filename, then PAL will look only at theKinternal appointments which you have cloned into PAL. This will permit PALJto stand alone; that is, persons who do not use SideKick can rely entirelyLon PAL's CLONE procedure to enter appointments. To make PAL always look forO"NOFILE", enter the CLONE procedure and change the assumptions to make "NOFILE" the assumed filename.U G In Search Mode, you must specify a searchterm for PAL to look for.FA searchterm can be any character string. PAL ignores the case of theHcharacters. To specify a searchterm that encompasses more than a singleMword, you must enclose the entire searchterm with quote marks. If you do notLuse quote marks, then PAL will interpret a space between words as signifyingMthe end of the searchterm and the beginning of the file specification. QuoteImarks within the searchterm must themselves be surrounded by quote marks. Examples:> PAL $ as - will find matches for BASEBALL, Asner, bash ...8 PAL $ max planck - will look for 'max' in PLANCK.APPC PAL $ "max planck" - will look for 'max planck' in default file8 PAL $ "Pay Joey """The Hatchet""" !" - will look for7 'Pay Joey "The Hatchet" !' in the default fileU A Immediately following "$" in Search Mode, you may optionally.specify one or more of four optional switches.) B - Batch mode; i.e., pause on exit.L C - Color toggled. You can set color or no color with CLONE procedure." F - File created from report.H P - Printer receives report. PAL assumes that you want a formfeed.4 R - Do not search PAL's appointment scratchpad.U 6Report Mode: PAL [@MM/DD/YYYY] n[ABCFHPRU] [filename]< < Program Optional < Name File < Required Optional Specification+ Optional Integer Switches DateU >Search Mode: PAL [@MM/DD/YYYY] $[BCFPR] SEARCHTERM [filename]: : Program Required Required : Name "$" Searchterm : : Optional Optional Optional : Date Switches File PAL Syntax:J PAL [@MM/DD/YYYY] n[ABCFHPRU] [filename] for Report Mode, orG PAL [@MM/DD/YYYY] $[BCFPR] SEARCHTERM [filename] for Search Mode.) Items in brackets are optional.7 PAL APPOINT or PAL A for Appointment Scratchpad.; PAL CLONE or PAL C to clone new defaults into PAL.7 PAL DELETE or PAL D to delete old appointments./ PAL HELP or PAL H for this help file.2 PAL MENU or PAL M to use menu operation.B PAL PURGE or PAL P to remove dead entries from your file.= PAL RESTORE or PAL R to restore distribution defaults.9 PAL SET or PAL S to set and manipulate alarms.U For more information, press: A. Report Mode B. Search Mode C. Clone D. Restore E. Registration F. Purge and Delete G. Multiple Files H. Auto-Repeat Appointments I. Reminder System J. Alarm System ESC - Quit online help/Additional online help is available in PAL SET.*Please enter your choice (A thru J or ESC)U = In Report Mode, PAL issues a report of your appointmentsBwhich it finds in your appointment file on and after the beginningHdate and within "n" days of the beginning date. The only required entryEfollowing "PAL" on the command line is "n", where "n" is any positive integer less than or equal to . The other items in the Dsyntax diagram refer to parameters which you may specify optionally.@If you do not specify the optional parameters PAL will resort toU Dassumptions which it makes; some of which assumptions may be changed with the CLONE procedure. For more information:" 1. Date Manipulation 2. Switches# 3. File Specification( ESC - Quit to main help menu*Please enter your choice (1 thru 3 or ESC)U L In Search Mode, PAL issues a report of your appointments which it findsOin your appointment file or in the patterns that you clonewhich contain a char-Kacter string matching the "Searchterm" you specify. There are two requiredGentries following "PAL" on the command line: "$" and your "searchterm".GThe other items in the syntax diagram refer to parameters which you mayFspecify optionally. If you do not specify the optional parameters PALHwill resort to assumptions which it makes; some of which assumptions mayU $be changed with the CLONE procedure. For more information:" 1. Date Manipulation 2. Switches# 3. File Specification 4. Searchterm( ESC - Quit to main help menu*Please enter your choice (1 thru 4 or ESC)U !"!7!Reading an image file will overwrite your current assumptions.(Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/N)U readclone Reading clone information from not found$Make sure it is located in your PATH was found,*but it is not recognizable as a PAL image. Do you want to try again? (Y/N)U saveclone already exists!-"O"verwrite, "B"ackup, "C"hange name or "ESC" Saving clone information to doinstallU \ s ! , < L U e t ! !)!8!G!S!\!g!|! "'"0";"P"U" # $9$R$\$j$ &0&5&R&a&f&t& '"(,(6(`(j(o(t( (y*~* +(+-+8+S+^+r+ ,.,K,r, ,".9.R.d.x. /-/H/g/ 0#0L0V0`0 1*1L1[1n1|1 5$545?5U5Z5e5u5 6-6=6H6\6l6{6 7,7<7P7Z7b7}7 818K9V9z9 :!:7:<:G:\:a:l: ;B;O;l; ;SF>P>_>W?\? A]A4BMBUB`BvB C>CkC F=FRGjG G H HBH H^IcI|I K3K>KXKsK L%L*LJLYLiLwL M(M:MIMKNPN`NjNyN O)O2O7OQOeOsO P!P2PCPtP Q Q4QHQ\QtQ~Q R$R8RHRPRfRpRuR Always--------, writecust , in each month odd months even months Ja/Ap/Jy/Oc Fe/My/Au/No Mr/Jn/Se/De /**** N U Displayrepeats Appointment ScratchpadPNo Frequency Restrictions Memo TimeslotU setupcustomrepeat Add, Delete, Edit, Find, Next match, Old, Previous match, Sort, ESC to quit,"or cursor keys to see another page editrecord killrems8Do you want to kill old reminders ("!") as well? (Y/N): Choose "Y" or "N" customrepeatU V to quit without changeEPlease enter your choice (1-6, F1-F6, alpha selection or ESC to quit) T \ m preparegetdate Enter starting date: Enter desired date: GUse cursor keys to manipulate date, or hit return to accept date shown.-To increase date, hit: Home PageUp-To decrease date, hit: End PageDn in prepare case statement-To increase date, hit: PageUp-To decrease date, hit: PageDn-To increase date, hit: Home -To decrease date, hit: End -To increase date, hit: Home PageUp-To decrease date, hit: End PageDn- 4wks 1wk 52wks- month year- year- month day - month day year exiting of preparegetdateU -No open spots left in Appointment Scratchpad. Use Delete to free up space.U showfrombeginning,Do you want to show the memo always? (Y/N): Choose "Y" or "N" limitrepetitions7Do you want to limit the number of repetitions? (Y/N): Choose "Y" or "N" gettheslot!Choose a time slot for the memo: (Use cursor keys to manipulate time slot,"or hit return to accept slot shown clearmatcharrayU existentU modify writing to fileU foundcomfile U findthepalfile=File must be a valid "PAL" EXE file residing in your DOS PATH or in the path that you specify/You need to supply the name of a PAL "EXE" file.Please give the file name (first 8 letters): FILENAME Does ! reside in your DOS PATH? (Y/N): Enter the path name to find $ (hit return for current directory): [D:]\DIRECTORY\DIRECTORY\.....\ is not a valid PAL.EXE file.9Please use a EXE file generated from this version of PAL.U $ D N X f | savefileU enteralarmU trytoinsert EMPTYU duplicateU putalarmU anodesU printalarmsU doalarms 8Palarm is loaded. Your alarms will be placed in memory.8PALARM is not installed. Your alarms will not be loaded!U sufficientmemory You need about # more bytes free memory to run PAL.U \PALTIMES.DATU \PALTIMES.DATU checkfreq@You have used PAL at least 16,000 times! How about registering? You have used PAL times.L "Shareware" is a method of distributing software in a manner that allows Lyou to try-before-you-buy. You are encouraged to share PAL with friends andLassociates so that they too may experience the joy of PAL! Once you have Lused PAL a sufficient number of times to determine that you like it and Lwant to continue using it, you are then obligated to register the program Land pay the registration fee. \PALTIMES.DATU = W u ORDER FORM PAL Software NY 51 Cedar Lane Ossining, NY 10562 BBS: 914-762-8055I Registration entitles you, among other things, to receive a passwordJto eliminate the reminders to register. Registration for the prices belowIdoes not include disks or printed documentation. If you would like disksGor hard copy documentation (loose leaf, with binder) see pricing below.C @ Qty. TotalGSingle User License for PALRUN 2.0 $25 ___ $________GSingle User License for PAL & PALARM 2.1 $35 ___ $________GBoth of the above $45 ___ $________GPALRUN Documentation $20 ___ $________GPAL Documentation $20 ___ $________GBoth of the above $35 ___ $________*Disks including program and documentation: Prices for registered users:GPALRUN $ 5 ___ $________GPAL $ 5 ___ $________GBoth of the above $ 7 ___ $________! Prices for unregistered users:GPALRUN $10 ___ $________GPAL $10 ___ $________GBoth of the above $15 ___ $________G Subtotal $________G NY residents add sales tax $________G Total $________BShipping to the United States and Canada is included in the price.J(Note: Unregistered users who order disks and later register are entitledDto a credit for the difference between the charges to registered and unregistered users) SPECIAL OFFERS: -------------- I Special Offer #1 -- We overbought on our manuals that we printed upFfor PAL version 2.0. This bound manual covers virtually everything inFversion 2.1 other than timed events. While supply lasts, we will shipHPAL 2.0 manual, free of charge, to all persons who register for both PAL and PALRUN.G Special Offer #2 -- This offer is solely for BBS Sysops. You canBbecome a registered user of PAL and PALRUN for free. See the file SYSOP.DOC for details.&MULTI-USER LICENSES AND SITE LICENSES:%-------------------------------------E Please contact PAL Software NY directly if you are interested in9multi-user licenses (more than 5 users) or site licenses.U From:A _________B__________________ | |B | First |B__________________ | Class |B |_________| __________________ To: # 51 Cedar Lane) Ossining, NY 10562 Registration Info:M If you find this program useful, please send $35.00 along with your name and address to: %, 51 Cedar Lane, Ossining, NY 10562.3New York residents please add applicable sales tax.I Registration and full payment will entitle you to receive a passwordFto disable the reminders to register. You will also have complete andIfree access to the PAL Software Bulletin Board System and all information2on PAL updates and other PAL Software NY products.A To register, set up your printer, then print out the mailing envelope and the invoice. (R)% o Association of Shareware" o Professionals% MEMBER5Do you want to print out the mailing envelope (Y/N) ?U registerhelp /Do you want to print out the order form (Y/N) ?U reporttime validdt reportday eraseinstructionsU instructions Error: Purpose: ,To retain displayed information, hit return."Otherwise, insert new information:8 To backspace, use left-arrow, backspace or control-H.; To recall original information, press home or control-X.. When you have finished editing, hit return.U getchangestring Default is as follows:U samedateU Title U arrayempty EMPTYU arrayfull EMPTYU sortit EMPTYU permitescape.Press ESC to quit, any other key to try again. toomanyU No old alarms to purge Can't find in your path. setpointer updateU <1rA<9w= getthemonthrestrict Enter desired month: Choose between "1" and "12" &Please enter a number between 1 and 12U monthlimits;Do you want the memo limited to a particular month? (Y/N): Choose "Y" or "N" in U 2Sorry, there's a problem trying to write the file!8Check your disk for available space, write protect tabs,,open drive doors, etc., before trying again.U % / 4 ? U Z p u No Macros to Delete Delete Edit a New MacroU Edit a Macro Delete a Macro ExitU % Choices to Delete (Hit ESC to exit) U Choices for Editing Macros U Macro Action U 9** No more room for macros. Delete one to make space. ** ** is not unique.U Unable to erase backup file.#Unable to open existing macro file. Unable to open tmp file.U !Error reading original macro fileU (maximum length: characters) U . Press any key...U %Error reading file. Macros unchanged. Invalid macro file format.U >|X2u Macro: &:E uj 0YH(F 2YH(F .$$$U customtime clrectoapprecU debug DebugU PSQRVW _^ZY[X existU foundfileU File not found. Path not found. Too many open files. File access denied. Invalid file handle. Invalid file access code. Invalid drive number. Cannot remove current directory. Cannot rename across drives. Disk read error. Disk write error. File not assigned. File not open. File not open for input. File not open for output. Invalid numeric format. Division by zero. Range check error. Stack overflow error. Heap overflow error. Invalid pointer operation. Floating point overflow. Floating point underflow.!Invalid floating point operation. Unknown error # At address $ , in