CONTACT Entry Screen The Contact entry screen is used to display the contents of a record in the CONTACT database. It is also used to CHANGE, ADD, or DELETE records The status of the screen will be displayed in the upper left area of the screen. These messages will be "Record will be Changed", "Record will be Added", or "Press Enter to Delete". Pressing ENTER on the DELETE screen will delete the record with NO chance of recovery! Individual items in the record can be accessed using the arrow keys. You can use the normal editing keys (Ins, Del, Backspace, and arrows) when entering or changing data. If there are NOTES associated with this record, it can be accessed using the CTRL-N key. Special Keys * Enter - Enter data in field - Quit CTRL-Enter - Save Record CTRL-ESC - Quit (No Save) CTRL-C - Calendar/Time Manager Popup CTRL-N - Notebook Popup Press ESC to Return Appointment Record NOTES The NOTES portion of the Appointment Record is used to store text and other information concerning your conversations, promises, thoughts, and ideas about the current appointment record. When entering a note the current date and time are entered automatically. An 'A' in the upper right hand corner signifies that this note is attached to an appointment record. Standard editng key are in effect: INS toggles INSERT mode. DELETE removes the character at the current cursor position. BACKSPACE deletes one character to the left. ENTER moves the cursor to the next line. ARROW keys move the cursor around the NOTES window. If there is more data then will fit in the window, the text will scroll up and down within the window. Special keys * CTRL-Enter - Save NOTE CTRL-Esc - Quit Press ESC to Return Get Note by Company Get Note by company displays records that have a company entered in fields of the NOTEBOOK records, the letter 'A' in the type field, and match the date. Records are displayed in company sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return 0 4. Get Note by Date Get Note by date displays records that have a date and time in the fields of the NOTEBOOK records and the letter 'A' in the type field, and match the appointment date. Records are displayed in date and time sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return 9 =. Get Note by Description Get Note by description displays records that have an entry in the description field of the NOTEBOOK records, the letter 'A' in the type field, and match the date. Records are displayed in discription sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return ; ?. Get Note by Name Get Note by name displays records that have a name entered in the fields of the NOTEBOOK records, the letter 'A' in the type field, and match the date. Records are displayed in name sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return 0 4. Contact Record NOTES The NOTES portion of the Contact Record is used to store text and other information concerning your conversations, promises, thoughts, and ideas about the current contact record. When entering a note, the current date, time, name and company are entered automatically. A 'C' in the upper right hand corner signifies that this note is attached to a contact record. Standard editng key are in effect: INS toggles INSERT mode. DELETE removes the character at the current cursor position. BACKSPACE deletes one character to the left. ENTER moves the cursor to the next line. ARROW keys move the cursor around the NOTES window. If there is more data then will fit in the window, the text will scroll up and down within the window. Special keys * CTRL-Enter - Save NOTE CTRL-Esc - Quit Press ESC to Return Contact Notebook Menu The Contact Notebook stores textual data about the record it is attached to. You can use the notebook to record information about meetings, projects, mailings, talks, whatever This menu gives you access to your notes in certain orders. By Date Contact notes by date and time By Name Contact notes by name By Company Contact notes by company name By Description Contact notes by a short description Press ESC to Return Time Manager - Appointments The ToDo/Appointments screen displays the activities you have planned or scheduled for this date. To ADD or CHANGE items in either the Task List or Appointment columns use the arrows keys and then type in the information you wish to store. If you have recorded a NOTE for this day, a message indicating that there is a note will be displayed on the screen. See the Special keys section for notes on saving and exiting ToDo/Appointments. Special Keys * CTRL-Enter - Save Appointment record. CTRL-Esc - Quit Appointment. CTRL-N - Appointment NOTEBOOK CTRL-T - ToDo List Popup Press ESC to Return Time Manager - Calendar The Time Manager module of LeadMan is accessed via this Calendar. To access the To Do / Appointment screen use the arrow keys to highlight the date and press Enter. To Change the Calendar or Exit the Time Manager use the Special keys outlined below: Special keys * Enter - Access Appointments for date selected. CTRL-ESC - Exit / Return. - Next Month. - Previous Month. CTRL-PgDn - Next Year. CTRL-PgUp - Previous Year. Press ESC to Return $ (. Get Record by Company Get Record by Company is used to display a table of records in the CONTACT database alphabetically by company. To access records use the arrow keys to highlight the item on the screen, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the company you are tyring to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, or DELETE records from the database by using the special keys noted below: Special Keys * Enter - Display or change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Quit. Press ESC to Return Get Record by Date Get Record by date display records that have a date and time in the 'CALL' field of the CONTACT record. Records are displayed in date and time sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return Get Record by Name Get Record by Name is used to display a table of records in the CONTACT database alphabetically by name. To access a record use the arrow keys to highlight the item on the screen, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the name you are trying to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, or DELETE records from the database by using the special keys noted below: Special Keys * Enter - Display or change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Quit. Press ESC to Return Contact - 'Get Record ' HELP This menu is used to access the CONTACT database indexed and sorted in manner described by the menu item. To access a menu item use the arrow keys and then press Enter. by Date: Displays a table of the records in the CONTACT database that have data in the 'CALL' field. Records are displayed in date and time sequence. by Name: Display a table of records alphabetically by name. by Company: Displays a table of records alpabetically by company. by User1: Display a table of records alphabetically by User Field 1. by User2: Display a table of records alphabetically by User Field 2. Quit: Return to previous menu. Special Keys * ESC - Return Press ESC to Return Get Record by User Field Record by User Field is used to display a table of records in the CONTACT database alphabetically by text. To access a record use the arrow keys to highlight the item on the screen, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the text you are trying to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, or DELETE records from the database by using the special keys noted below: Special Keys * Enter - Display or change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Quit. Press ESC to Return LeadMan HELP System - Main Menu The Main Menu controls access to the LeadMan Personal Contact Organizer. To execute a function use the arrow heys to highlight a menu option and press Enter. You can also initiate a menu item by pressing the first letter of the item followed by the Enter key. Menu Items: Contact - Calls 'Get Record ' menu for !accessing the CONTACT database Time Manager - Calls up Calendar and access to !to-do and appointment database Notebook - Calls Notebook table for entering Notes Reporting Menu - Calls Report Menu Word Processor - Calls your Word Processor Other Options - Calls procedure for changing user !defined fields, re-indexing databases, !and Word Processor options - Return to DOS Special Keys * CTRL-ESC - Quit Press ESC to Return Notebook Menu The Notebook is used to store textual data about anything you want. This means that you can use the notebook to record information about meetings, projects, mailings, whatever This menu gives you access to your notes in certain orders. By Date Orders your NOTES by date and time By Name Orders your NOTES by name By Company Orders your NOTES by company name By Description Orders your NOTES by a short description Press ESC to Return Other Options Menu The Other Options menu is used to set user field definitions, reorganize (pack) your data files, and to set up the shell to your word processing system. Use the arrow keys to select an item, then Enter to start the procedure. * Special Keys: ENTER Starts a procedure Returns to the Main Menu Use to Highlight an item Press Esc to Return LeadMan Printing System The Leadman Printing System produces several reports based on the menu item. The menu item for "One mailing label" produces one mailing label using standard 3.5" X 15/16" 1-across labels. The remaining menu items produce reports on a standard 8.5" X 11" paper. When choosing a "One" print item, you will be prompted to enter the date or company name for that one label or sheet. The Contact, Notebook, and Appointment sheets contain all the data and NOTES for the record selected. When choosing an "Print ALL labels" from the menu, a mailing label will be printed for every record in the CONTACT database. The remaining sheet items will print ALL records in the application on a one record per page basis. If the NOTES portion of a record exceeds 60 lines, additional pages will be printed. NOTE: the Time Manager and NOTEBOOK Popups are not available Special keys * Enter - Perform function or Select item. - Quit/Return. Press ESC to Return Set Word Processor Set Word Processor is used to Create or Change the Users word processor path and program name. The current entry (if any) appears in the window. To change or enter a word processor choice, type in the drive, path, and name of your word processing program. The program name can be any DOS executable file (.EXE, .COM, .BAT). example: c:\word\wp.exe To Cancel the change press the CTRL-ESC key. Special keys * Enter - Change field definition. CTRL-ENTER - Save User field definitions CTRL-ESC - Quit/Reutrn Press ESC to Return Prioritized Daily Task List (TODO's) This screen is used to enter your daily list of things to do and places to go. The priority system is based on ABC's and 123's. To enter or change an item, priority, or completion code, use the arrow keys or the Enter key to move the cursor. You can overtype or insert characters or number in each field. Once you have made your entries, press Ctrl-Enter to save them. You can abandon any changes by pressing Ctrl-Esc. * Special Keys: CTRL-ENTER - Saves your work CTRL-ESC - Quit ENTER - Records data in each field Press Esc to Exit Set User Fields Set User Fields is used to Create or Change the User Field definitions that appear on the Contact screen. They appear in the table in the same order in which they appear on the Contact screen. To Change a definition, use the arrow keys to highlight the field, overtype the information and press the Enter key. To Cancel the change press the CTRL-ESC key. Special keys * Enter - Change field definition. CTRL-ENTER - Save User field definitions CTRL-ESC - Quit/Reutrn Press ESC to Return Appointment Notebook Menu The Appointment Notebook stores textual data about the record it is attached to. You can use the notebook to record information about meetings, projects, mailings, talks, whatever This menu gives you access to your notes in certain orders. By Date Contact notes by date and time By Name Contact notes by name By Company Contact notes by company name By Description Contact notes by a short description Press ESC to Return Get Note by Company Get Note by company displays records that have a company entered in fields of the NOTEBOOK records and the letter 'G' in the type field. Records are displayed in company sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return % ). Get Note by Date Get Note by date displays records that have a date entered in the field of the NOTEBOOK records and the letter 'G' in the type field. Records are displayed in name sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return % ). Get Note by Description Get Note by description displays records that have an entry in the description field of the NOTEBOOK records and the letter 'G' in the type field. Records are displayed in discription sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return ; ?. % ). Get Note by Name Get Note by name displays records that have a name entered in the field of the NOTEBOOK records and the letter 'G' in the type field. Records are displayed in name sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return % ). Get Note by Company Get Note by company displays records that have a company entered in fields of the NOTEBOOK records, the letter 'C' in the type field, and match the contact name. Records are displayed in company sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return 0 4. Get Note by Date Get Note by date displays records that have a date and time in the fields of the NOTEBOOK records and the letter 'C' in the type field, and match the contact name. Records are displayed in date and time sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return 9 =. Get Note by Description Get Note by description displays records that have an entry in the description field of the NOTEBOOK records, the letter 'C' in the type field, and match the contact name. Records are displayed in discription sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return ; ?. Get Note by Name Get Note by name displays records that have a name entered in the fields of the NOTEBOOK records, the letter 'C' in the type field, and match the contact name. Records are displayed in name sequence. To highlight a record use the arrow keys, or use the 'Locate:' field to type in the date to find. You can also Display/Change, ADD, and DELETE records in the database using the special keys noted below. Special Keys * Enter - Display/Change a record. - ADD a new record to the database. - DELETE the highlighted record from the database. - Return to previous menu. Press ESC to Return 0 4. This window allows you to choose what form your output will take from the Reporting System. S will display the report on your screen P will print the report on your printer F will create your report as an ASCII file Both P and F will further prompt ypu for information regarding the type of printer you are using or the file you want to create. Press Esc to Return ADD_RECD APN_ADD APN_COMP+ APN_DATE APN_DESC APN_NAME CNB_ADD CON_NB = HLP_APT HLP_CAL HLP_GETC HLP_GETDa' HLP_GETN HLP_GETR HLP_GETY HLP_MAINI5 HLP_NB HLP_OPT G< HLP_RPT t> HLP_SWP "C HLP_TOD MF HLP_USF NB_APPT xL NB_COMP NB_DATE VR NB_DESC NB_NAME NTE_COMPh\ NTE_DATE NTE_DESCNc NTE_NAME RPT_ASK 7j