Olympic Soccer Press Release CD Minimum System Requirements This CD-ROM will run on any IBM PC & Compatibles: Windows Processor - 486 (Pentium recommemded) Memory - 8mb RAM Operating System - Windows 3.1 (or '95) Digital Video - QuickTime 2.0 (supplied on disc) Display - 640 x 480 in 256 colours (8-bit) CD-ROM Drive - Double-speed (or faster) Audio - SoundBlaster compatible sound card To Run the Olympic Soccer Browser Windows Make sure QuickTime 2.0 is installed. If not, run "QTINSTAL.EXE" on this disc and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version. Then run "BROWSER.EXE" from within WIndows. Notes Windows Images are stored in PCX format in respective directories on the disc. Text files are stored in TXT format Copyright The following full copyright notice needs to appear when U.S. Gold and Atlanta logos are used in print. Official licensed product of the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, Inc. (C) 1992 The Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG), All Rights Reserved. (C) 1995 U.S. Gold Limited, Units 2&3 Holford Way, Holford, Birmingham, B6 7AX. Tel: 0121 625 3366. U.S. Gold is a registered trademark of U.S. Gold Limited. All Rights Reserved. Silicon Dreams is a trademark of U.S. Gold Limited. All Rights Reserved.Browser created using MacroMedia Director by TurnRound Audio-Visual (01242) 224360