STAR COMMAND: The Manual SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: In order to play Star Command, you will need the following: 486/66 PC or higher (Pentium processor recommended) MS-DOS 5.0 or higher 16 MB RAM required 50 MB of free hard drive space 1 MB of VRAM on your video card Double-speed CD-ROM or higher Sound Blaster sound card or 100% compatible sound card (recommended) Mouse Network play requires IPX -compatible network card. Internet play requires TCP/IP compatibility INSTALLATION: To Install Star Command, 1. Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive (typically drive D:). 2. Switch to your CD-ROM drive by typing D: (or the appropriate drive letter designation) and pressing [ENTER] 3. Type INSTALL and press [ENTER] to start the installation program. 4. Follow the on-screen prompts. THE STORY SO FAR: Four cultures met in the deep void. Weary of endless exploration, and eager to peacefully colonize the fertile worlds of the Zeta Galaxy, they formed a non-aggression pact and engaged in limited trade. Thus, the programming Computrons, the disposessed Nomads, the questing Triumverites, and resource-hunting Terrans were able to co-exist quietly and autonomously. Then came the Age of Solinite. Computron mining vehicles chanced upon a method of transforming the warp storms that plagued the Zeta Galaxy into an awesome source of energy. They freely shared this knowledge with their nearest neighbors, the Nomads. Armed with this unprecedented source of energy, the Nomads constructed a fleet of devastating warships known today as Mass Driver Cannons. The Nomads sought to rain fiery death upon the manipulative Terrans. The Terrans suspected that the Nomads harbored animosity against them for their frequent espionage. Terran spies within the Nomad government confirmed this suspicion. These spies not only provided the Terrans with status reports on the Nomad fleet, but also revealed the secret of Solinite. The Terrans incorporated this technology into shield piercing mini-shuttles which could deliver special mechanized operatives deep into enemy ships. The Nomads soon found that their own destructive technology was being used against them. The Triumverites emerged from their cloaked colony worlds to examine the wreckage of the Nomad/Terran war. They soon unlocked the secret power of Solinite. The Triumverites used Solinite to develop weaponry that destroyed all systems of propulsion. Terran and Nomad ships began disappearing from battlezones. Computron scanners determined that the Triumverites were harvesting frozen Terran and Nomad ships for research. The Computrons also detected huge surges of energy emanating from the Triumverite homeworld. They discovered that the Triumverites were using an unidentified technology to structurally enhance Triumverite warships, making them virtually indestructable. All this data led the Computrons to the conclusion that the Triumverites would eventually achieve galaxy-wide domination. To preserve balance, the Computrons initiated a program to develop the Tech Disruptor. The Computrons allied themselves with the Nomads in order to optimally combine their shield repair and Disruptor technology with the Nomad's raw firepower. The Computron/Nomad alliance held back the Triumverite threat until each of the four races' central governments collapsed after a series of mysterious bombings and assassinations staged by the elusive Ahkun Vek Warlord, Narvek. Narvek quickly absorbed the four races' technology. The Ahkun Vek had been secretly fomenting hostilities between the races for so long that Narvek's single dreadnaught was able to defeat the great multitude of divided Terran, Computron, Nomad, and Triumverite forces. Narvek's reign of terror began, and the Zeta Sector trembled in his iron grip. Using the four races' technology combined with Ahkun Vek dreadnaught design, Narvek began constructing four super-dreadnaughts. Some of the Terran survivors banded together to stop the Ahkun Vek nemisis. Together they formed a secret revolutionary military group called Star Command: an interstellar peace-keeping force dedicated to protecting their ideals and destroying the mysterious Ahkun Vek. CAMPAIGN: NOT IN DEMO BATTLES: Your specific goal in sector Battles is to collect asteroids, crystals, plasma, gaseous anomalies, and Solinite to build a military force of highly specialized warships, defensive stations, and droids to protect your colony from leaders who oppose your way of life. Command Mass Driver Battleships, Shield Resonators, Point Laser Towers, Fighter Carriers, and a vast array of alien technology to tactically outmatch your opponents. Victory goes to the survivor. When you click on Battles on the Main Menu, you will first be asked to enter your log-in name. After typing your name, click OK. You will then see the Battle Selection screen. Here you will have the option to Create or Join a Battle. If you click Create, you will enter the Gathering Screen. At this time, all other players on the network will see your name appear under the Battles banner as a valid game to join. Click on the name of the Sector where you wish to do battle. If you wish to add computer controlled commanders, left click on an empty slot under the Commanders banner. If you wish to toggle off a computer, left click on the slot you wish to purge. If an unwanted human player has intruded on your gathering, left click on their name to eject them from the game. If you left-click twice on a slot, that slot will be closed-- no human player may join in that slot. Choose which race you wish to represent in the battle by left-clicking on their insignia, depicted in the lower left quadrant of the screen. If you wish to communicate with the players who occupy the other slots, simply type and they will see your text in real- time as long as your cursor is a yellow arrow. Use this mode to establish which map they want, alliances, and to ask the players if they are ready for you to begin the game. If you hit TAB, your cursor will become a blue sphere and any message you type will be broadcast to the Battle Selection screen. Use the global broadcast mode to invite players on the network to join your game. Hitting TAB will toggle you through the two broadcast modes. Joining a battle is very similar to Creating a battle. To Join a battle, on the Battle Selection screen click the name of the battle you wish to join under the Battles banner. You will then see a screen very similar to the creating player's Gathering screen, except you will not be able to choose the Sector, nor will you be able to eject Commanders from the game. Whether you are joining or creating a game, the most important decision to make before the battle begins is which race you will control. Each race has unique technologies and provides a different strategic approach. The Terrans are a culture of explorers who would rather conquer than kill their enemies. They use an arsenal of guided missles and Infiltrator Tech to capture their enemies' units. The silicon-based Computrons are Experts at healing themselves and transporting themselves out of danger. They possess Tech Disruptor weaponry and the fastest vessels in the Zeta Galaxy. The Nomads have developed the mercilessly destructive Mass Driver technology and long range warp torpedoes. They also use point laser defense and droid transport vessels to aid in their lightning fast onslaught tactics. The Triumverites use stealth weapons to harrass their enemies at long-range and cripple their engines. Through repeated structural realignment, the Triumverites can bring their ships to a near state of invincibility. The Units COMPUTRON TECH: SHIPS 1. "Computron Base"--All Computron ships are created adjacent to the Computron Base. This Base will increase the recharge rate of your production meter. Strength: Building the Computron base is the first step in building Computron technology. This race will allow you to repair shields, deal tech damage, teleport, and fold space. Computron strategies typically employ hit-and-run tactics and quick re-location backed by Shield DOCs. Weakness: Computrons fear control damage and guided weapons. 2. "XPLR"--This unit fires guided shield damage modules. The XPLR can target Pack Solinite. Strength: The XPLR is extremely fast at high levels. Its high speed and turreted weapon make it ideal for attacking units which lack guided weaponry, for it can dodge and attack simultaneously without getting hit. You need this unit to detonate Pack Solinite. Weakness: The XPLR deals very little shield damage. 3. "Shield DOC"--The Shield DOC repairs friendly ship's shields. Strength: This unit is crucial to defense. One Shield Doc in a battle group can extend the life of all of your units tremendously. It is turreted, so it can repair friendly units while fleeing a battle. It is extremely effective in countering enemy units which deal no permanent shield damage, like the Evaser. Weakness: Units which deal heavy permanent damage nullify the effectiveness of the Shield DOC. Also, if the enemy force is huge, the Shield DOC will not have time to make repairs. 4. "Reflex Weapon"--This unit fires one shield damage shot at all enemy ships in range. Strength: The Reflex Weapon is great in large scale battles when it is firing at more than 5 units simultaneously. Weakness: The Reflex Weapon is weak in small-scale battles. 5. "Tech Disruptor"--deals tech damage to enemy ships. Strength: The Tech Disruptor is great against Nomad units. Nomad Bomb Droids will not detonate if fully tech damaged and Mass Drivers are crippled when their rate of fire drops below 50%. Weakness: Terrans can build the Tech Fixer which repairs tech damage very quickly. 6. "EMP Launcher"--The EMP shot detonates radially and deals light shield damage to all units in the pulse radius. The EMP deals bonus heavy tech damage to droids. Strength: A single EMP Launcher can destroy legions of droids. Weakness: Not effective against non-droids. 7. "Penetrator"--A Penetrator load deals heavy permanent shield damage. Strength: The Penetrator is the main attack unit of the Computron fleet. It is very effective in mobile battles. Weakness: Fast droids can dodge the Penetrator's shot. 8. "Disruptor Carrier"--Fighters launch from the Disruptor Carrier to seek out enemies and deal tech damage. Strength: The Disruptor Carrier is useful for delivering tech damage at extremely long range. It's great for wearing down Nomad fortifications. Weakness: Terrans can build the Tech Fixer which repairs tech damage very quickly. STRUCTURES 1. "Programming"--This structure trains adjacent Computron units. When your Mothership is adjacent to Programming, she will learn new Computron tech. Strength: This unit enhances friendly Computrons and is necessary for learning Computron tech. It is the first unit you should build after constructing a Computron Base. Weakness: This unit does not engage in combat. 2. "Techpost"--This station fires twin guided tech damage loads. Strength: The Techpost is an excellent Bomb Droid defense. Weakness: The Techpost is stationary and easily destroyed by long- range units. Also, Terrans can build the Tech Fixer which repairs tech damage very quickly. 3. "Teleportal"--This unit transports one target friendly ship to a location adjacent to the Teleportal (target a friendly ship by right-clicking on it). Strength: The Teleportal can bring friendly units home at infinite range. This is useful for responding to a surprise attack, or when you units are in disarray. The Teleportal is insanely powerful when used in combination with the Terran Switcher ship. Weakness: The Teleportal is not a combat unit and is vulnerable to attack by the Nuker. 4. "Droid Factory"--This unit allows you to build Computron droids. New droids are constructed adjacent to the Droid Factory. Strength: The Droid Factory allows you to build droids. Droids are cheap; the Droid Factory is a great structure to build if you are running low on Gaseous Anomalies and do not intend to build any other race's technology. Weakness: This is not a combat unit. Also, if your enemies know that you are building droids, they can build an EMP launcher or Special Ops to destroy your horde of droids. 5. "ComDroid"--This unit fires a guided shield damage rocket. Strength: The ComDroid is cheap and quick to construct. At higher levels it also deals tech damage. Weakness: Droids are vulnerable to EMP launchers and Special Ops. 6. "Scrambler"--The Scrambler cannot be targetted by structures. It fires a shield damage pellet. Strength: The Scrambler can punish an opponent for relying too heavily upon structures for defense. Weakness: The Scrambler is not as effective in combat as other droids. 7. "Foldspacer"--The Foldspacer fires a radial blast shield damage charge. Strength: The Foldspacer is often used to assassinate enemy Motherships. Weakness: The Foldspacer is vulnerable to Terran Nuker ships. 8. "Foldspace"--Building Foldspace relocates the Foldspacer to a target destination you have previously explored. Strength: Foldspace can surprise an enemy and turn the tide of a battle. Weakness: Building Foldspace steadily drains your Gaseous Anomalies. Also, Foldspace can leave your Foldspacer stranded in the middle of an enemy fleet if the target area is not adequately explored. Weakness: Building Foldspace steadily drains your Gaseous Anomalies. NOMAD: SHIPS 1. "Nomad Base"--newly constructed Nomad ships appear adjacent to the Nomad Base. This base will increase the recharge rate of your production meter. Strength: Building the Nomad base is the first step in building Nomad technology. This race will allow you to build bomb bases, repair engines, transport droids, and launch infinite range torpedos. Nomad strategies involve overwhelming your opponent with superior firepower. Weakness: Nomads are crippled by tech damage and droids can easily dodge the deadly storm of Mass Driver weaponry. 2. "Scout" -- This unit fires guided shield damage masses. It can target Pack Solinite. Strength: The Scout's guided weaponry is a useful addition to a Nomad fleet faced with droids. The Scout is essential for cracking open Pack Solinite. Weakness: The Scout is not as potent in large-scale battles as the Rifleman or Spreadfire. 3. "Engine Repair"--The Engine Repair ship fixes engine damage on nearby friendly units. Strength: The Engine Repair ship is a strong counter to a Triumverite engine damage fleet. Weakness: The Engine Repair ship is only useful if the opponent is Triumverite and decides to build engine damage units or if their high level units start dealing engine damage. 4. "Droid Launcher"--This unit can transport a target friendly droid from any location. The droid teleports to the center of the Droid Launcher. The Droid is now protected by the Droid Launcher's shields, and can still fire its weapon as though it were the Droid Launcher's turret. When the Droid Launcher has a droid loaded, you may target empty space at long range and transport the droid to that location. Strength: You can transport droids over blockades and impassable terrain. Weakness: The Droid Launcher is not a combat unit and relies on a good supply of droids for optimal effect. 5. "Spreadfire Mass-Driver"--This unit unloads heavy shield damage. Strength: This unit is tremendously destructive. Weakness: The Spreadfire often misses enemy droids and hits friendly units in the line of fire. 6. "Rifleman Mass-Driver"-- This unit fires light shield damage masses at long range. Strength: The Rifleman is both long range and turreted which allows it to retreat from an enemy and simultaneouly pelt it with shield damage. Weakness: The Rifleman often misses enemy droids and hits friendly units in the line of fire. 7. "Point-Laser"--The Point Laser shoots down enemy shots and turns enemy fighters back to their carrier. Strength: The Point Laser can nullfiy Carriers, the Nomad Torpedo, and the Terran Controller. Weakness: This unit is not a combat unit. It can nullify only one incoming shot at a time; multi-shot units are not countered by the Point Laser. 8. "NOM Carrier"--The NOM Carrier launches shield damage fighters at long range. Strength: The NOM fighters fire mini-Mass Driver cannons for rapid damage. This unit is ideal for surprise strategic strikes against a lone or stationary target. Weakness: This unit is vulnerable to being rushed and needs support ships for close quarter combat. STRUCTURES 1. "Battle School"-- This structure trains adjacent Nomad units. When your Mothership is adjacent to Battle School, she will learn new Nomad tech. Strength: This unit enhances friendly Nomads and is necessary for learning Nomad tech. It is the first unit you should build after constructing a Nomad Base. Weakness: This unit does not engage in combat. 2. "Mass-Driver"--This station deals heavy shield damage. Strength: The Mass-Driver station unloads a spread of shield damage. It is most effective against large targets. Weakness: Nuker ships and Scrambler droids can wipe out many Mass Driver stations without taking damage. 3. "Bomb"--Left-click on the Bomb station to detonate. The Bomb deals heavy shield damage radially to all adjacent units and to itself. Strength: The Bomb station can be used to elminate enemy units quickly in an emergency or to turn the balance of the battle in your favor. Weakness: Building the Bomb drains your Production fully and is a short-term solution: surviors will have a long period of time to atack before you are ready to construct another Bomb. 4. "Droid Builder"--This unit allows you to build Nomad droids. New droids are constructed adjacent to the Droid Builder. Strength: The Droid Builder allows you to build droids. Droids are cheap; the Droid Builder is a great structure to build if you are running low on Radioactive Asteroids and do not intend to build any other race's technology. Weakness: This is not a combat unit. Also, if your enemies know that you are building droids, they can build an EMP launcher or Special Ops to destroy your horde of droids. 5. "Battlemech"-- This unit fires a guided shield damage rocket. Strength: The Battlemech is cheap and quick to construct. At higher levels it also deals bonus shield damage. Weakness: Droids are vulnerable to EMP launchers and Special Ops. 6. "Bomb Droid"--This unit fires a shield damage shot. If at the time it is destroyed it has any remaining tech, it will explode and deal heavy damage radially. Strength: The Bomb Droid is inexpensive and can deal heavy radial damage against an unprepared opponent. Because it is slow and due to the fact that an opponent can choose to not target the droid, the Droid Launcher is often needed to maximize the Bomb Droid's effectiveness. Weakness: The Bomb Droid is vulnerable to tech damage, EMP launchers, and Special Ops. 7. "Torpedo Base"--This unit allows you to build the Torpedo. Strength: Infinite range capability can wear an opponent down or compel them to attack. Weakness: This station is not a combat unit. It is large and vulnerable to Mass-Drivers and Nuker ships. 8. "Torpedo"--Building a Torpedo requires that you specify a destination. The Torpedo will emerge from the Torpedo Base and travel an infinite range to the destination, where it will explode dealing heavy shield damage. Strength: The Torpedo is ideal for delivering radial shield damage where your units cannot reach. It is useful in battles in combination with the Computron Reflex Weapon. Weakness: The Torpedo is a short-term unit that drains your production significantly. Due to the drain on production and the steady drain on your Radioactive Asteroid supply, missing your intended target is a serious loss. Also, the opponent can build Point Laser ships to counter the effectiveness of the Torpedo. TRIUMVERITE: SHIPS 1. "Trium Base"-- Newly constructed Triumverite ships appear adjacent to the Trium Base. This base will increase the recharge rate of your production meter. Strength: Building the Trium Base is the first step in building Triumverite technology. This race will allow you to repair control damage, deal engine damage, cloak, and upgrade units. Triumverite strategies typically employ deception and long-term augmentation. Weakness: Triumverites fear the Torpedo, Engine Repair, and Special Ops. 2. "Tri-Scout"-- This unit fires guided shield damage plasma. It can target Pack Solinite. Strength: The Tri-Scout is fast and fires guided plasma. This is useful for fighting droids, since the Tri-Scout is the Triumverites only guided weapon. Weakness: This unit is not as potent as the other combat units. It is designed to crack open Pack Solinite. 3. "Re-Master"--The Re-Master repairs control damage to friendly units. Strength: This ship is a strong counter-technology to Terran control damage units. Three Re-Masters can prevent a large group of Infiltrators from taking control of your units. Weakness: This unit is not a combat unit and should only be constructed in response to enemy control damage units. 4. "Harasser"--The Harasser fires a long-range shield damage plasma pellet. Strength: This ship is useful for destroying stationary targets or bombarding an enemy base. This unit is very powerful in combination with the Obliterati. The Harasser's range approaches a Carrier's range at higher levels. Weakness: The Harasser is weak against droids and is not optimized for close combat. 5. "Cloaker"--The Cloaker does not appear on opponent's mini-map. This unit fires a shield damage plasma. Strength: A group of Cloakers can take enemy units by surprise. The Cloaker can be used in combination with the Terran Switcher and the Computron Teleportal to sneak your entire fleet into an enemy base. Weakness: The Cloaker sacrifices weapon power for its inviso-map ability. 6. "Obliterator"--This unit deals heavy engine damage. Strength: Obliterators are useful for slowing down enemy units and work well in combination with the Harasser, the Omni- Fighter, and the Obliterati. Due to the fact that stations typically have very weak engine systems, the Obliterators are a good choice for assaults on enemy bases. Weakness: This unit is not effective if the enemy builds Nomad Engine Repair. 7. "Devastator"--The Devastator fires a radial blast shield damage plasma. Strength: Radial blast weaponry is excellent for fighting hordes of droids or a large compact battle fleet. When a Devastator plasma weapon hits a friendly ship, the Plasma Graft effect will add to the friendly ship's maximum control systems. The Devastator can be used in combination with the Re- Master and the Terran Target station to upgrade all of your unit's control systems to maximum capacity. Weakness: The Devastator is not as effective when locked in single combat. The Rifleman can use its turret advantage and long range Mass-Driver to destroy lone Devastators. 8. "Obliterati"-- The Obliterati Carrier launches engine damage fighters at long range. Strength: The Obliterati fighters can immobilize enemy units and destroy them--this prevents the enemy from viewing your base and discovering the nature of your fleet. The Obliterati are effective in combination with the Harasser or Terran Infiltrators. Weakness: This unit is vulnerable to being rushed and needs support ships for close quarter combat. STRUCTURES 1. "Eduplex"-- This structure trains adjacent Triumverite units. When your Mothership is adjacent to the Eduplex, she will learn new Triumverite tech. Strength: This unit enhances friendly Triumverites and is necessary for learning Triumverite tech. It is the first unit you should build after constructing a Triumverite Base. Weakness: This unit does not engage in combat. 2. "Obliteroid"--This station fires three engine damage plasmas at enemy units. Strength: The Obliteroid is great for preventing enemy units from seeing your base. This station is also effective against other stations. Weakness: This unit countered by Nomad Engine Repair. 3. "Omni-Fighter"--The Omni-Fighter cannot be targetted by the Point Laser. It targets enemy units at extreme range and showers them with engine damage plasma. Strength: The Omni-Fighter is useful for defending your base from enemy recon. It is excellent in combination with other engine damage units. Also, the Terran Switcher can be used to launch a series of Omni-Fighters from one location. Weakness: The Omni-Fighter does not deal damage quickly and is weak at close range. 4. "Droidium"-- This unit allows you to build Triumverite droids. New droids are constructed adjacent to the Droidium. Strength: The Droidium allows you to build droids. Droids are cheap; the Droidium is a great structure to build if you are running low on Plasma and do not intend to build any other race's technology. Weakness: This is not a combat unit. Also, if your enemies know that you are building droids, they can build an EMP launcher or Special Ops to destroy your horde of droids. 5. "Oculoid"- This unit fires a guided shield damage rocket. The Oculoid has a higher scanning range than other droids. Strength: The Oculoid is cheap and quick to construct. At higher levels it also deals engine damage. Weakness: Droids are vulnerable to EMP launchers and Special Ops. 6. "Evaser"-The Evaser cannot be targeted by ships; only carriers, stations, and other droids can target the Evaser. The Evaser fires a weak shield damage plasma. Strength: The Evaser can punish opponents for building only ship technology. It is very useful for blocking an entrance to your home base. Weakness: The Evaser is weak against non-ships and Shield DOCs. 7. "Repair Matrix"--The Repair Matrix allows you to build the Omni Repair. Strength: Infinite range augmentation can keep your units alive in the middle of battle. Weakness: This station is not a combat unit. It is large and vulnerable to Mass-Drivers and Nuker ships. 8. "Omni-Repair"--Building an Omni-Repair plasma requires that you specify a destination. The Omni-Repair plasma will emerge from the Repair Matrix and travel an infinite range to the destination, where it will radially increase the Shield, Engine, Tech, and Control systems all units in the area of effect. Strength: Omni-Repair can make your units extremely strong. Weakness: The Omni-Repair is not effective without other units to benefit from its upgrade effect. TERRAN SHIPS 1. "Terran Base"-- newly constructed Terran ships appear adjacent to the Terran Base. This base will increase the recharge rate of your production meter. Strength: Building the Terran base is the first step in building Terran technology. This race will allow you to repair tech, deal control damage, rapidly increase your unit's experience level, and switch the locations of friendly ships and stations. Terran strategies typically employ rapid relocation of their Mothership for rapid resource growth in order to build up a massive fleet of Infiltrators. Weakness: Triumverite control repair can nullify a control damage strategy. Also, the Nomad fleet can out-class a Terran fleet in large scale battles. 2. "Explorer" -- This unit fires guided shield damage missiles. It can target Pack Solinite. Strength: The Explorer is fast and fires guided missiles. This is useful for chasing down evasive enemy units. Weakness: This unit is not as potent as the other combat units. It is designed to crack open Pack Solinite. 3. "Tech Fixer"-- The Tech Fixer repairs tech damage to friendly units. Strength: This ship is a strong counter-technology to Computron tech damage units. Weakness: This ship is not a combat unit and should only be constructed in response to enemy tech damage units. 4. "Switcher"--This ship allows you to swap locations with target friendly ship or station. Select the Switcher and right-click on target friendly unit to switch. Strength: The Switcher allows you to relocate your stations into battle areas. Also, you may use the Switcher in combination with a Computron Teleportal to transport your entire fleet to wherever any one of your ships is located. Weakness: This is not a combat unit. It can only switch with friendly units of equal size. 5. "Nuker"--The Nuker fires a radial blast shield damage missile. This ship deals massive damage to stations. Strength: The Nuker is the best unit for destroying stations. It is an excellent counter to enemy Foldspacer attacks. Weakness: The Nuker is not effective in combat against non-stations. 6. "ROC4"-- The ROC4 fires guided shield damage rockets at enemy units. Strength: The ROC4 is good at dealing with enemy units which attempt to dodge or use teleportation. At seventh level, the ROC4 gains the ability to fire four rockets simultaneously. Weakness: The ROC4 is relatively weaker than most attack units at lower levels. 7. "Infiltrator"--The Infiltrator fires a control damage rocket at enemy units. Strength: This unit is the core of the control strategy. When used in combination with the Infiltrator Carrier and the Controller, you can acquire many of your opponent's units. The Computron Teleportal can be used in combination with a control strategy to bring your newly acquired unit out of danger. the Infiltrator Carrier and the Controller, you can acquire many of your opponent's units. Weakness: Droids and fast ships can dodge the Infiltrator control damage missile. 8. "Infiltrator Carrier"--The Infiltrator Carrier launches control damage fighters at long range. Strength: The Infiltrator Carrier is excellent for defending your home base and swelling the ranks of your fleet with the ships of your enemy. Weakness: This unit is vulnerable to being rushed and needs support ships for close quarter combat. STRUCTURES 1. "Academy"-- This structure trains adjacent Terran units. When your Mothership is adjacent to the Academy, she will learn new Terran tech. Strength: This unit enhances friendly Terrans and is necessary for learning Terran tech. It is the first unit you should build after constructing a Terran Base. Weakness: This unit does not engage in combat. 2. "Missile Base" --The Missile Base fires twin guided shield damage rockets. Strength: This station can use its long range advantage to take out other stations without taking damage. It is excellent in combination with the Switcher ship. Weakness: This station is vulnerable to Nuker ships and Carriers. 3. "Target"--Friendly attack ships may attack this station. Strength: This station can help you raise the experience level of all your units outside of combat. The Computron Shield DOC can help you get the maximum benefit from the Target by prolonging its life. Weakness: This station is a costly method of enhancement. 4. "Droid HQ"-- This unit allows you to build Terran droids. New droids are constructed adjacent to the Droid HQ. Strength: The Droid HQ allows you to build droids. Droids are cheap; the Droid Factory is a great structure to build if you are running low on Crystals and do not intend to build any other race's technology. Weakness: This is not a combat unit. Also, if your enemies know that you are building droids, they can build an EMP launcher or Special Ops to destroy your horde of droids. 5. "M-160"-This unit fires a guided shield damage rocket. The M-160 gains a range advantage over other droids at higher levels. Strength: The M-160 is cheap and quick to construct. Weakness: Droids are vulnerable to EMP launchers and Special Ops. 6. "Special Ops"-Special Ops is designed to destroy droids. It fires a long range shield damage pellet which deals heavy damage to droids but harms all other units only slightly. Strength: Special Ops is ideal for fighting an opponent who builds mostly droids. Weakness: Special Ops is weak against non-droids. 7. "StatCon"-This unit allows you to build the Controller. Strength: Infinite range capability can wear an opponent down or compel them to attack. Weakness: This station is not a combat unit. It is large and vulnerable to Mass-Drivers and Nuker ships. 8. "Controller"--Building a Controller requires that you specify a destination. The Controller will emerge from StatCon and travel an infinite range to the destination, where it will explode dealing heavy control damage. Strength: The Controller is ideal for delivering radial control damage where your units cannot reach. It is most useful in battles in combination with the Infiltrator and Infiltrator Carrier. Weakness: The Controller is a short-term unit that drains your production significantly. Due to the drain on production and the steady drain on your Crystal supply, missing your intended target is a serious loss. Also, the opponent can build Point Laser ships to counter the effectiveness of the Controller. FUNCTION KEYS Space Bar centers main view screen on currently selected unit Enter centers main view screen on Mothership ALT Display total number of resources and active players ALT+(1-4) Instruct all your units to not attack a specific player CTRL+(left click) destroy target friendly station TAB toggle between broadcast modes in Battle Gathering Arrow Keys scroll main view screen F1-F4 load saved unit selections F5 toggle game speed F9 toggle sound effects F10 toggle music SHIFT+(click on friendly unit) add/subtract a unit from a group select SHIFT+(move order) friendly units will wait for eachother rather than passing SHIFT+(target enemy) friendly units will charge in close to the target enemy H halt selected units L select last unit built S send mode P toggle public/private send mode CREDITS MDI CREW GAME DESIGN Roger Fang Mark Jordan PROGRAMMING Roger Fang Herbert Ong ART Mike Withem Mark Jordan Steve Preeg MUSIC/SOUND Jeff Hofmann at J.D. AUDIO POST CINEMATICS Steve Preeg Mike Withem Jessi Chan Rick Sevy Dan Casey Stephanie Mulqueen BUSINESS Stephen C.H. Lin GT CREW FOR GT INTERACTIVE PRODUCER Kurt Busch ASSOCIATE PRODUCER Robert Wong MARKETING Ken Gold COMMUNICATIONS Allen Lewis MANUAL Alex Hendler QUALITY ASSURANCE Arvee Garde SPECIAL THANKS VOICE TALENT Effie Alexandrou Ken DeGrande Jeff Hofmann Staci Takiguchi PRIMARY TESTERS Steve Preeg Kurt Busch Robert Wong John Byrne Robert Dorsett Chris Garske